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1. What is the name of the main healing item in Dark Souls?

a. Health Potion
b. Orange Juice
c. Ashen Flask
d. !Estus Flask

2. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain runs on the Fox Engine.
a. False
b. !True

3. In Touhou: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, what song plays during Flandre

Scarlet039;s boss fight?
a. Flowering Night
b. Septette for the Dead Princess
c. !U.N. Owen Was Her
d. Pierrot of the StarSpangled Banner

4. In Animal Crossing: New Leaf, which of these paintings from Redd039;s Art
Gallery is always genuine?
a. Wistful Painting
b. Neutral Painting
c. !Warm Painting
d. Jolly Painting

5. According to Overwatch039;s lore, who was once a member of the Deadlock Gang?
a. Roadhog
b. Soldier 76
c. Junkrat
d. !McCree

6. How many voice channels does the Nintendo Entertainment System support natively?
a. 6
b. !5
c. 3
d. 4

7. In the quot;Call Of Duty: Zombiesquot; map quot;Moonquot;, there is a secondary

called the QED. What does QED stand for?
a. !Quantum Entanglement Device
b. Quad Ectoplasmic Driver
c. Quality Edward Device
d. Question Every Dog

8. In the Kingdom Hearts series, which is not an optional boss you can fight?
a. Kurt Zisa
b. !Master Yen Sid
c. Julius
d. Sephiroth

9. Each piece in Tetris is called a tetris.

a. !False
b. True

1. Linus Torvalds created Linux and Git.

a. !True
b. False

2. Which of these is the name for the failed key escrow device introduced by the
National Security Agency in 1993?
a. Skipjack
b. Nautilus
c. !Clipper Chip
d. Enigma Machine

3. RAM stands for Random Access Memory.

a. False
b. !True

4. How many cores does the Intel i76950X have?

a. 8
b. !10
c. 12
d. 4

5. The first dualcore CPU was the Intel Pentium D.

a. !False
b. True

6. .at is the toplevel domain for what country?

a. Australia
b. Argentina
c. Angola
d. !Austria

7. The numbering system with a radix of 16 is more commonly referred to as

a. !Hexidecimal
b. Octal
c. Duodecimal
d. Binary

8. Which programming language shares its name with an island in Indonesia?

a. Jakarta
b. Python
c. C
d. !Java

1. Who was the only god from Greece who did not get a name change in Rome?
a. !Apollo
b. Zeus
c. Demeter
d. Athena

2. Hera is god of...

a. Sea
b. Agriculture
c. War
d. !Marriage

3. According to Greek Mythology, Zeus can control lightning.

a. False
b. !True

4. Which Greek amp; Roman god was known as the god of music, truth and prophecy,
healing, the sun and light, plague, poetry, and more?
a. Athena
b. !Apollo
c. Aphrodite
d. Artemis

5. The greek god Poseidon was the god of what?

a. !The Sea
b. Fire
c. Sun
d. War

6. A minotaur is half human half what?

a. Cow
b. !Bull
c. Horse
d. Eagle

7. The Roman god quot;Jupiterquot; was first known as quot;Zeusquot; to the Greeks.
a. !True
b. False

8. What mytological creatures have women039;s faces and vultures039; bodies?

a. Mermaids
b. Lilith
c. !Harpies
d. Nymph

9. Who is the god of war in Polynesian mythology?

a. Kohara
b. Hina
c. Mui
d. !039;Oro

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