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12 Step Program to Slaughter the Simp Within

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Cairo Copeland is the author of multiple books for the red pill consortium.
If you are a male that is not getting the results he wants out of life, you may
wish to consider reading the following:

Never Ghosted Again: The Art of Being Irresistible

A tactical guide on becoming irresistible to women. How to be the guy they
would never dream of flaking, ghosting, cheating on or friendzoning, but
rather adore and can’t stop thinking about.

The perfect 10s are only 250 pages away from being a permanent fixture in
your life.

The Financial Red Pill: An Awakened Man’s Guide to Money

The Bible when it comes to money for men, this book will give you the
sage guidance for every financial decision that can arise in a male's life.
From career choices, wage negotiation, rent vs buying a home, investing in
stocks to pursuing financial freedom.

This is no mere personal finance “feel good” book. The explicit mission of
each chapter is to bring you one step closer to financial freedom after
reading it. This book will give you the straight, no BS advice on what to do
during life's most complicated and important decisions.

Reinvent Ideal: What to do When You’re Depressed and No One Cares

Because You’re not a Chick
Do you believe that if you stopped putting an effort to socialize, date and
stay connected, no one would notice? If you died, no one would know? You
may have noticed that women seem to have happy, fun lives with lots of
friends and it comes so easily to them. Can you say the same?
How do you find happiness again after becoming red pill aware?

The guide to showing and proving to the world that your existence matters.
A Free Gift For You
As a way of saying thank you for reading this book, I want to give you not
one, but two free gifts.
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The cultural conditioning of males hinders them from being successful with
money, women and in life. This video course will fully deprogram those
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Thank you so much for reading!

Intro – What is a simp? This intro clearly defines it and examines the sad
life of a simp

How Simping Will Ruin Your Life (Even if you don't do it) – How simping
makes the world a worse place for men. If you are a simp or have a friend
that’s a simp, this chapter will show you why it is an absolute moral calling
to get the habit dropped.

Why You Can't Blame Women for Encouraging Simp-hood – Ever feel like
women get a kick out of using guys and exploiting them? Many guys do
and go full MGTOW or worse, the dark path of the black pill. This chapter
will give you a new perspective on the matter.

One Powerful Skill that All Males Must Learn – A skill that will propel you
far in life. Having it puts you in good company with the 25,000 most
successful men in history.

Why Women Don't Like Giver Guys – The science behind why simping
doesn’t work. Perhaps that’s all that’s needed to get some to drop the habit
and reminding yourself of what you read here when you feel the urge to
simp can save you a lot of regret later.

Resisting the Urge to Foot the Bill – Practical ways of thinking that will
prevent you from allowing yourself to get used and walked all over. Also,
how to avoid the behavior that not only alienates you from women, but
from having guy friends as well.

Avoiding Being Seen as Willing to be Used – Some women have come to

expect that guys are eagerly willing to be used. This chapter will show you
how to send the message to her that you are not one of those guys.

A Shocking Truth that will Change Your Interactions with Women Forever
– What does the cool guy who’s good with women know that you don’t?
It’s something that is 100% reliable and never fails. This chapter will
explain it in great detail.
The Not-So-Obvious Way to Make Her Chase You – Are you tired of
chasing women? Are you tired of doing things for her to get her to like you?
If not, does it even work? If enough is enough, then this chapter is for you.

How to not Feel so Powerless Around Your Crush – Do you feel in over
your head when you’re interacting with a beautiful woman? Do you want to
put a stop to that for good? This chapter will outline what to do step-by-

The 12 Step Program to Slaughter the Simp within – Are you ready to never
have to chase women again? The most comprehensive treatment plan for
eradicating the temptation to simp is spelled out here with detailed action
steps easy to follow.

Step One
Step Two
Step Three
Step Four
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12

Becoming Seduction-Proof – For those guys that want to go the extra mile
and become completely unaffected to her beauty, not in the sense that you
no longer appreciate it, but are no longer manipulated by it, this chapter
contains exercises for developing a stronger sexual intelligence

Additional Tips for Preventing Simpdom – A few extra goodies to make the
book more worth the read.
Conclusion: A Powerful Realization that Flips the Script – Instead of you
simping for her, how about her simping for you? Does that sound too good
to be true? Well it’s not.
Intro: The Sad Life of a Simp
The 11th client I took on in my coaching practice is one I’ll never forget. He
was my first simp.
I like to refer to him as Pursey. Not Percy, like the name, but like if you
combine the words purse and pussy. I am not trying to make fun of him
with this name. Rather, I’m giving it to him to protect him from great
He was a guy that was friends with a very beautiful woman and of course
wanted to be much more than friends with her. The stories he’d tell me
about his interactions with her truly made me cringe and I had to do my best
to hide that cringe in our sessions. It’s not all because he sounds so awful in
these stories. But because I’ve been this guy before and still carry shame
from those days.
Perhaps you’ve been there before as well. This book is so you will not go
back there.
My coaching practice helps guys get better with women by helping them
get better with all aspects of their life. Physical fitness, diet, financial
planning, minimalism, developing emotional intelligence, conversation
skills and becoming one of the cool kids. Something that my practice does
to make it real is in field training to become confident at talking to strangers
and get better on dates. During these in field trainings, unbeknownst to my
clients, some of the women they talk to and go on dates with are women
that are employed by me.
One such woman that interacted with Pursey as part of his coaching was
Angie. On a scale of 1 to 10, she’d be at least a 9 on even her worst days.
Angie and I have a good relationship outside of working together. One day,
we were going to the gym, since staying in shape is required in her contract
with my company, and she handed me her purse to have her hands free to
grab her keys and shaker cup. She was about to head to the car, but I
stopped her to hand her back her purse.
“But Pursey would have carried that for me,” she said. “He says I should
always expect that kind of treatment from a man.”
“We’re trying to correct that behavior, now. Aren’t we?” I replied.
She laughed, took her purse back and we got on our way. On the car ride to
the gym, she told me all about his demeanor on their set-up “date”. It was
hard hear.
While she pretends to be interested in him, because I pay her to do that, I
also tell her not to be easy on the date. To push back and be like a modern,
bitchy, disinterested girl that thinks she always deserves better than what
she’s currently getting. So Angie did. On their staged date with Pursey, she
turned on her dominant side and immediately started bossing him around.
And he took it.
She dictated where the date would be, which was clothes shopping at her
favorite store. This is how I knew Pursey needed a lot more help because no
man in his right mind is interested in going clothes shopping with a woman.
Throughout the date, she often interrupted and talked over him, she
reported. And made him wait almost 2 hours while she was in the dressing
room, holding her purse for her the whole time. This poor fellow had no
boundaries and made that apparent to her.
Some other guys have blown up at Angie when she does this on their staged
dates, or they just walk out on the date. But not Pursey. He remained their
like the loyal, thirsty simp he was.
Now, of course Angie is not an evil bitch that uses guys for her own
enjoyment. I pay her to do that. But many women in the real world have
tons of orbiters that seem to bow at their beckon call to do whatever their
queen commands.
Those women are not evil either. They are rather conditioned to expect this
kind of treatment from males by contemporary culture. And when guys try
to win a woman over by first being her friend, they do such a good job of
being her friend that the naïve, culturally conditioned woman falls for their
deceit that they have completely pure intentions of just friendship. As a
result, they dismiss any kind of sexual consideration for that man.
They legitimately believe that these guys are their friends.
Pursey had a host of other problems besides supplication and submission to
women. He also had a “One-it is”, or unhealthy obsession for one girl he
was orbiting. She could do no wrong in his eyes and he absolutely had to
have her. There was just one problem: she had already rejected him a year
To make matters worse, Pursey was heavily addicted to pornography. Not
just the kind you can scoop up easily for free from the tube sites. But the
porn available on OnlyFans and webcam websites. These habits were
costing him a good $300 a month.
While this fellow put his money where his mouth is, he made his mouth
well known to the world with his other habit of “white-knighting”. I could
see this from scrolling through his social media feeds, often finding him
standing up for the women that were involved in comment wars. This one
may not have cost him money, but certainly time and energy were flushed
down the drain during this.
Pursey was a simp in desperate need of help.
Many in the red pill consortium like to make fun of simps. Many are glad
for their existence because it makes them look better by comparison. But
few see simps as a problem.
They are an enormous problem.
Their behavior is not just hurting themselves, but it also hurts you as well.
If a guy friend of yours gave you this book, do not be offended. Sure, he did
so because he saw your behavior as something detrimental to him, but also
because it first is detrimental to your life.
What is a simp?
Some might say it is an acronym for “Sucker Idolizing Mediocre Pussy”. In
some cases, that’s true. But a simp will allow themselves to get walked on
by mediocre and first-rate women.
Urban Dictionary defines it as “a man that puts hoes before bros”. Which is
also true, but it’s not the whole truth. He even puts women before himself
as simping is a very expensive characteristic to continue exerting.
The term can be defined much deeper than mere “thinking with the wrong
It can be a guy that is overly desperate for women, even if she is a bad
person, or has expressed her disinterest in him, yet he continues to obsess
over. Simps are often virgins that will accept sex from anyone regardless of
who they are. They could be considered extremely thirsty incels that have
not taken the black pill.
It is when a male is overly submissive to a female and gains nothing from
it. So overly submissive that other guys cringe and feel ashamed when
seeing them. This applies to males in relationships when they are so
submissive that they say literally anything to be in favor with the female. It
also applies to males not in relationships but seeking to attain one by being
overly-accommodating to a female.
This male is very “thirsty” when it comes not only to sex, but female
attention in general, to the point where they accept being confined to the
“friend-zone” easily, because being an emotional tampon for a woman is
better than having no contact with her at all, as they see it. These guys are
referred to as “orbiters.”
The simp also tries to appeal to women through “White-Knight” behavior.
This is when a guy will “stand up” on behalf of a woman in an attempt to
display “Captain America”-like qualities which he hopes will impress her
enough to win her favor. Other names for these guys are “Captain Save-a-
hoe” and “Messiah Complex” males.
Simps are the types that will foot a large bill for a first date. They’ll take the
woman to an expensive restaurant and flaunt their disposable income with
endless pouring of pricy wines and getting the most expensive entrees on
the menu. Maybe they’ll even leave a fat tip in cash on the table. All of this
is done to impress the woman.
Use their financial resources is not always their original idea. Sometimes,
the female understands she has a simp at her beckon call and uses it to her
advantage. What she seeks from him is not just his attention and getting
easy validation, but also gifts and material things. A simp will gladly buy
her dresses, shoes, handbags and countless other possessions all in a vain
attempt to build up “sex credits”.
Some females do grant their simps official long-term relationships and
during these relationships, the simp is walked all over as he bends over
backwards for the happiness of his partner. Even at the expense of his own.
She regularly makes demands of him that he do certain things for her, from
gestures like dates to chores and big projects around the home.
He, however, is given no right nor leeway to make any demands of her. She
can let herself go as far as her appearance is concerned. She can do as she
pleases in the home, even if that’s nothing at all, while he does all the
household labor and pays all the bills. In some cases, she can even sleep
with other males. Sometimes, it’s not even cheating, as the simp may give
his blessing on the extra-marital affair. He does this because he’d rather be
in a relationship where he is not respected than to not be in one.
Another name for this male is cuck. Many of them don’t even know that’s
what they are.
Other simps in relationships know very well what they are getting into.
They even welcome and facilitate the arrangement for themselves. These
males are referred to as “Sugar Daddies”, who pay females merely for their
existence and to gather their attention from time to time. Many of these
“Sugar Daddies” are well-to-do males with vast resources. Perhaps the
money was made from labor or more likely investments. But these males
get very little return on this investment. In many cases, the “Sugar Daddy”
never even has sex with his “Sugar Baby”. He pays merely for the privilege
of her company.
Simps are often addicted to pornography, as they can’t go a single day
without looking at it. Some days, they even go on porn binges that last for
hours. They rub themselves raw and damage their ability to perform well in
real sex with the long masturbatory sessions. Yet this false imitation of sex
only increases their thirst for real sex, because no matter how satisfying an
ejaculation during a porn binge is, it is never satisfying enough.
Far too much time in the shortness of life is wasted by these binges.
Seemingly less harmful than full pornography is the soft porn of E-thots on
social media, which are a new line of work made available to women
thanks to simps. An E-thot, or regularly called just a thot, is a female that
uses her social media platforms to sell her body to simps for attention and
even money. It is an acronym for “That Hoe Over There.” She will plaster
provocative photos, videos and streams all over Instagram, SnapChat, and
Twitch. But then use those platforms to bring the simps to other platforms.
Namely, OnlyFans, Patreon and ManyVids.
These platforms are like a social network strip club. They facilitate the sale
of revealing or even out right nude photos and videos, referred to as
content. Which is ironic, because the subscriber of such media is anything
but content. For a monthly fee, a simp gets to see sexy media of a famous
thot or maybe even a woman he knows in real life, like a girl he went to
high school with.
The promise of getting to exclusively see a side to a woman he’s fantasized
about for so long is what stirs them to spend hundreds to thousands of
dollars per year on these small slivers of sexually arousing material. Like a
dog waiting by the master’s table for crumbs to fall, they take whatever they
can get and await so eagerly with enthusiasm. At no moment does it ever
enter their mind that they are being exploited.
So in short, a simp is a male that puts himself in a subservient position to a
female for the hope of winning her approval.
None of this book is meant to pick on the simps or assign them lower value
as humans. The world itself is one large simp factory, as it is a slave to the
Fempowerment Mandate. Being a simp does not make you a second-class
citizen. Only realizing that you are one and continuing to act as one does,
because simping is the willful engagement in slave-like behavior by males
for females.
However, every heterosexual male on earth has a little bit of simp-hood
conditioned into him, thanks to the Blue Pill. The simp within is the voice
in your head that says you can’t live without her when you’re in a
relationship. It is the reflex to do anything to win a woman’s heart when
you are seeking a relationship. It is the belief that women’s attention,
affection, company and closeness are incredibly precious things that are not
easy to come by.
Are you yourself a simp? Let’s find out.
Do you believe that this one girl you’re currently pursuing is your soulmate
and you must have her?

Are you still pursuing a girl that has already rejected you?

Do you believe that the best way to win a woman’s heart is through sweet
and romantic gestures?

Have you ever taken a woman on an expensive first date just to impress

Do you compliment women’s appearances frequently?

Do you believe you were the lucky one in finding your girlfriend and not
vice versa?

Have you hung on to an unhealthy relationship because you believe a

girlfriend was not easy to get?

Do you leave flattering comments on social media posts by women you

don’t even know?

Have you ever subscribed to an OnlyFans, Patreon or Premium Snap?

Do you send “Good morning” and “Good night” texts to your girlfriend
reliably everyday without prompt?

Have you ever paid a bill for a girlfriend?

Have you ever defended a girl in an argument on social media?

Do you tell others how much you “respect” women and were raised to do
just that?

Do you have an enormous porn stash hidden on a hard drive?

Have you ever laughed at an unfunny joke because an attractive woman

told it?

Have you begged a girlfriend not to break up with you?

These are the characteristics of a simp.
Every male is conditioned by the blue pill to be a simp to some degree. The
amount of this behavior they exhibit varies from male to male. Some will
shed themselves of this behavior after taking the red pill. Others will remain
simps for the rest of their lives.
When you have One-itis, an unhealthy emotional attachment, for just one
woman, you are exhibiting simpish behavior. This is perhaps the most
detrimental of all behaviors because One-itis is a threat to man in every
aspect of his life (physical, financially, emotionally, etc.).
When you have a horrendous absence of frame control, or when you are in
a woman’s frame, you are being a simp.
When you cat-call a woman out of an intense sexual thirst, you are being a
When you buy a woman a drink at the bar, you are being a simp.
When you throw money at women, not just on dates and in relationships,
but also at women you don’t even know, such as strippers, pornstars and e-
Thots, you are being a simp. You’re simply paying these women just
because they exist.
When you are a sugar daddy for a woman, you are a simp. Again, all you’re
doing is paying a woman as a reward for existing.
When you’re extra nice to a woman just because she’s pretty, you’re being a
simp. You’re not even being legitimately nice. If the woman was ugly,
you’d be a lot less nice. But you’re nice to the pretty lady because you’re
hoping to get something back from being nice to her. The only person who
sees niceness as a currency is someone who isn’t really nice.
The definition Reinvent Ideal uses for a simp is “a male with a terrible lack
of sexual intelligence.” Therefore, the course correction for simpish males
is to develop sexual intelligence, which is what this book is all about.
How Simping Will Ruin Your Life
(Even if You Don't Do It)
Many simps don’t believe they even have a problem. They even write
articles that say “Simp is just a word that misogynists use to describe men
who respect women.” Son, not only do you have a problem, but you are
making it my problem. What the simps are doing is they are over-inflating a
woman’s perception of her sexual market value. As a result, the women of
today’s world are behaving horribly when it comes to how they treat men.
Simps were once isolated to a small minority. They were often guys that
were the product of a divorce where the mother won full custody or were
just raised by a single mother. But now because of blue pill conditioning on
an international scale, the majority of males are simps by default due to
how they were raised.
It should be highlighted that women themselves do not like simps. They
don’t respect them, value their opinions, form romantic relations with them
and they definitely do not have sex with simps. They either are completely
disgusted by them, feel sorry for them or outright exploit them. But they
have no desire to be with a simp.
Yet despite the overwhelming evidence that simping does not work, many
males continue to do it and justify why they do it.
As a result, women have all the power in today’s dating environment but
they exercise it without responsibility. This power was given to them by a
growing population of simps that so easily throw themselves at women’s
feet for the hope of romance and sex. It’s safe to say that a woman with a
Facebook, Instagram, Tinder and Bumble profile is offered sex by men
1000 times per month.
This is how and why the simping problem has become a problem for non-
Because of their repulsive behavior, more males are living sexless lives. In
2008, the number of sexually inactive males 18 to 30 was just 10% of the
demographic. In 2018, it is 28%.
Females only find 20% of men above average. 80% are rated below average
in attraction. Much of that is not a matter of beauty standards or fitness, but
rather behavior. A male’s behaviors are primarily what a female’s attraction
and arousal triggers evaluate. Since the behavior of most males is simpish,
the women find few men they like and respect.
And because the simps worship women so eagerly and effortlessly, these
women have grown accustomed to the privilege of being worshipped. It has
never been easier for even a moderately cute girl to make money in today’s
world with OnlyFans, ManyVids, Patreon and Premium Snap. The lesson
that these women are learning is that they should expect to be paid just for
existing, and any man wanting anything more meaningful with them than a
sexy photo better bring a lot more to the table than just the monthly
subscription fee.
A woman is just not interested in the majority of the men who offer her
romance and sex, and that’s her prerogative. It used to be a 50-50 chance
she’d like you or not like you. But now because 80% of those offers are
from simps, rejection has become a natural reflex for her and otherwise
quality males lost in the shuffle suffer rejection because of it.
Imagine the effect this has on the present day woman’s mentality.
Reverse the roles. Suppose you were offered sex from 1,000 women a
month. What would that do to your personality and the way you treat them?
You’d probably have an over-inflated ego and false perception of your sex
appeal. You’d believe you deserve the submissive respect of all women just
because you exist. You might even flake on several dates, cancelling them
at the last minute, because you’re uncertain that you’re getting the “best”
woman you could possibly have.
Because you have so many options at your disposal, if one of them didn’t
behave exactly as you pleased, you’d get douchy with them. Instead of
communicating with them precisely what you want, you’d expect them to
read your mind and treat you precisely how you wish. If they didn’t, you’d
have no hesitation about dropping them because there were plenty of other
options for you. You might even ghost on them without a trace.
You might be extra moody and emotionally dependent on maintaining the
level of attention. If you got less female attention one weekend than the last,
you might throw a hissy fit and demand the universe fix this injustice.
To be even more difficult, because you’ve been on so many dates, you get
bored really fast with the usual pleasantries and initial conversations. This
would turn you into a rude jerk that got bored with a woman that wouldn’t
perform tricks like a dancing monkey to entertain you, didn’t have
interesting stories from an interesting life to share with you or didn’t make
you laugh to alleviate the mundane.
You’d become addicted to experiencing something new and fresh, rather
than something stable and reliable. You’d chase excitement while stomping
on the hearts of human beings, not even realizing you were doing it because
you attention span and depth of thought were no greater than that of a
This is what today’s sexual and dating marketplace is like. The only
difference is that women have the power just described and the men suffer
from their lack of power and understanding of how to successfully navigate
this market.
This is the dating environment that every single male, simp or not, must
face thanks to the behavior of the simps.
24% of women admit to ghosting.
49 percent of women said they occasionally cancel at the last minute.
The behavior of single women in the dating market has become so bad that
even bisexual women complain about it.
There’s been a 68% increase in male virginity from 2002 to 2015.
Most of those male virgins are simps that are sealing their own doom when
it comes to their sex life. But their simping has a larger effect on the
male/female relationship as a whole. At first, it was just their problem. But
now they are making it every other male’s problem.
Why simps must be stopped
It’s becoming a problem for all men now, not just the simps, because the
simps have given women the idea that they can walk all over us. Because
the simps have grown out of control into an astronomical numbers, many
women have come to believe that all men are like that. A simp treats all
women like queens, therefore a woman treats a simp like a slave. Women in
general believing all men are like this now believe that all men can be
treated like slaves.
If a pretty good-looking guy is not taught the correct way to interact with
women (which most guys are not in this day and age), and if instead he
simps for them, the women he interacts with will assume that all good-
looking guys should treat them like goddesses from heaven and bow to their
will. The problem here is that one guy that does not “get it” is making it
difficult now for the guys that do “get it”.
Women want a man that just “gets it”. Meaning they do not want a guy that
has to be told how to get the girl. He already knows how to do that
instinctually. When Pickup Artistry first became publicized, what really
disgusted women was not the manipulation tactics, but rather the idea that
some guys had to be taught how to interact with them instead of just
“getting it”.
Simps clearly do not get it and that is why they simp. But with so many of
them showing their lack of “getting it” worldwide, it sends a message to all
women that most men are pathetic and will do anything to please them.
Here’s how I know it’s really bad: a while back, I was on Instagram. I no
longer use social media anymore, and hopefully after reading this book,
you’ll understand why. But back then, if you saw my profile, you’d see
pictures of me with several beautiful women out doing fun things. It sent a
message that I was a man with a high sexual market value that other women
wanted to get with. But even with all these pictures and social proof, one
woman expected me to simp.
One of my female followers sent me a message asking me if I would
subscribe to her OnlyFans account. I had never talked to this woman before.
She was bold enough to send this as a first message to me, probably
because she had sent it as a first message to other guys on Instagram and
was met with positive reactions to it. Even with all the social proof on my
profile that I have no need nor time for looking at OnlyFans trash, she still
thought I would subscribe.
Women now think that even high sexual market value men are willing to
foot the bill for their lives and pay them just for existing. That is the attitude
that women worldwide will have as a result of the simps: they think they
should be paid just to exist and you are the privileged one to ever be graced
with their presence.
Because they all believe themselves to be so high value, despite doing
nothing but posting provocative pictures to make themselves appear
valuable, they live under the presumption that they are the masters all males
must bend the knee for and do their bidding.
This woman that messaged me was probably a 6 out 10 at best. But because
so many simps had showered her with free validation, attention and
OnlyFans subscriptions, she thought she was higher value than me and that
I should pay for her existence. Imagine what a guy would have to do in
order to actually get a date with said woman.
A synonymous occurrence of what happened to me that happens to many
other guys is getting messaged on a dating app, a social network or Kik by a
“Femdom” or a self-proclaimed “Mistress”. She demands you call her
Mistress and she refers to you as slave. She also demands you send her
money just because she’s your master and you’re her slave.
The only reason something like this exists is because there are guys that are
pathetic enough and so thirsty for female attention and connection to go
along with it. This has to be stopped.
If you think the dating scene is difficult now, it’s about to get a lot more
difficult for all single men when all women think they are this valuable.
I’ve probably said it a thousand times before in my practice: men are the
prize in any romantic pursuit, not women. The reason I say this is because
men bring more to the table and what they bring can actually be measured.
What men provide:
-A home
-A vehicle
-Financial security
-Retirement plans
-Education and expense-coverage for children.
All these things are 100% measurable.
What she provides:
None of these things are measurable. Thus, she will often say she’s giving
her best effort in all these things, and there’s no way for you to argue that
she’s not, because they can’t be quantified. But perhaps the greatest sin in
all of this is if you start to come up deficient in the things you bring to the
relationship, you’ll hear about it.
And this isn’t just some “Boys rule, girls drool” bullshit that we all should
have grown out of after the 5th grade. But do you know who’s really treating
it that way? Women. Despite this clear comparison that proves men are the
prize, women still believe they are the more valuable ones and can push
men around like their personal slaves.
That’s not an attack on women. It’s an attack on the simps that are giving
women this much power. I do not begrudge the queen of fools, rather the
fools that made her queen.
What the world needs now is a sexual market correction.
And that is where Reinvent Ideal, my company, comes in.
Reinvent Ideal means changing the ideal standard for what an enjoyable life
as a male actually is, and in doing so, changing the life conditions for men
set by the world, making it more favorable for the male experience in the
sexual marketplace where women reign supreme. Reinventing ourselves as
men is our best hope for reclaiming our previously held dominance of the
dating environment.
The world paints a picture of the ideal male life as a man who’s a model
citizen, committed careerist moving up the corporate ladder through loyalty
and conformity, actively involved in his community by coaching little
league or serving others in some way, goes to church on Sundays or some
other religious service, marries a woman and stays married to her for the
rest of his life and raises on average 2.5 kids together. The only other thing
they need is a house with a white picket fence.
Social imperatives tell us that if we pursue this kind of life, we will be
happy once we’ve reached it.
But the truth is that there is no man more miserable than this one described.
He’s very jaded from his job upon finding out that corporate America is
loaded with nepotism and political correctness that views him unfavorably
just for being male. They dangle myths of opportunity in front of him to
keep him as a loyal worker-bee, but have no intention of investing in his
His once attractive wife has now cut her hair, packed on extra pounds and
blames it on the kids. She nags him about everything, forces him to do the
household labor while she does none of her own, while constantly telling
him that he’s useless. This woman is no longer pleasant to look at nor to be
And the kids are nothing but costly idlers, indoctrinated by the media to
believe their father is a moron unworthy of respect, crippled by the
education industry to become failures in life having to rebound to their
parents for financial support well into adulthood.
This man never realizes his dreams, never gets to retire, never travels the
world, never makes out with a foreign beauty, and has nothing to show for
his life of work. He continues on at a job he hates to pay for his wife’s
demands and his kids’ failures. The only happiness in his life comes from a
bottle, a cigarette, a TV show or a porn site.
That is the kind of life that simping will create for you.
But a reinvented man’s life is different.
Instead of getting married early and supplementing to a woman’s needs, he
decides to temporarily check out of the sexual marketplace, forgetting that
women even exist, so he is no longer distracted by them as he works on
bettering his own life. He chases success instead of women.
Instead of a job, this man owns his own business where he’s the boss. His
work is location-independent and the schedule is set only by him. The work
is meaningful to him and the only limit on his earning potential is the limit
he chooses to acknowledge.
Instead of serving his community in full of people he doesn’t relate to at all
and doesn’t even like, he builds his own community and social circle of
other men he admires and benefit him by being part of his life.
Rather than pissing away thousands of dollars on engagement rings and
wedding expenses, he puts his money to work for him for his future
financial freedom, to the point where the remainder of his life is already
paid for, and can be lived without consequence.
While most men his age wish they still had the body they had in their 20s
and reminisce about it like a long distant memory, this man has an even
better physique and hits the gym hard every day to maintain it.
Then by age 36, the age he typically reaches his peak sexual appeal to
women, he may decide to re-enter the sexual marketplace, and now he
dominates it. Women now are the ones chasing him. They fight each other
over him. Some may even choose to share him as they’d rather share a
quality man than have a dedicated simp.
Instead of nagging him and holding him emotionally hostage, they behave
pleasantly around him.
This man is the life of the party wherever he goes. The one that always gets
the invite. The one that can even get a party going on a short notice. The
one you want planning your bachelor party or birthday.
If every man could do this, to just temporarily check out of the dating scene
to spend that time working on and reinventing themselves, upon their
return, the sexual market will be corrected. He becomes the Chad that
women love. The Kevin in sales they fall for. Instead of the simp they make
rules for, he’s the pimp they break rules for.
It is imperative that all men do this. Not just the simps, but especially the
simps. If we continue to live in a world where women believe they can walk
all over us and demand anything they want, then even the males that have
the balls to stand up to them are in for a world of pain. You will see an
increase in the #MeToo cries and claims, as women will be so used to male
submission that they’ll come to expect it and anything different will be
viewed as harassment.
Further, a world with a greater sensitive reflex to blurt out harassment
claims will lead to more God-awful, unbearable sexual harassment seminars
all working men will be forced to sit through. If not for yourself, do better
for your fellow man.
But what if a sexual market correction never occurs?
A legitimate question, my friend. Deserving a legitimate answer.
It is quite possible that this ideal utopia that plays out in my head where
most men check out of the dating scene to work on themselves, then return
to desperate and thirsty women who beg them for attention may never play
out. Because, let’s face it, some guys will refuse all the way to the grave to
give up their simping ways.
But who cares?
In the end, when you’ve reinvented yourself, you’ve built a far more
enjoyable life for yourself that is independent of women. What do you need
them for? The answer is you don’t. You are not reinventing yourself for
women. You are doing it for you. You are not chasing excellence and
success instead of women to one day get with women. You are doing it for
you. Because like I said before, you are the prize. Even unto yourself.
Okay… okay… for those of you that really, really want a woman, there’s
good news for you in all this as well.
Women’s innate mating strategy and their own biological nature is in your
favor. The way they make their decisions about which man to pursue and be
with is based in a little concept known as “hypergamy”. It is the desire to be
with the best possible man they can attain. The deep yearning to have the
most high quality and high value man there is. They love to one-up their
girl friends more than they love just being with that guy.
So when you work on improving and reinventing yourself, you are using a
woman’s hypergamy to your advantage. The things that make you more
appealing to women are things that will make you a better human overall.
But before you can use women’s hypergamy against them, you must master
the skill of keeping them from using your biology against you. That skill is
“Sexual Intelligence” and that is the subject of this book. When you simp,
you are showing a lack of sexual intelligence and broadcasting to the world
that you are a slave to your biological impulses. It shows incompetency.
If you’ve read my first book, Never Ghosted Again, one of the big concepts
in that book is that you must never let a woman know you’re in emotional
pain. You must not be vulnerable with her and show her a sad, grieving,
frustrated or hurt side of you. That means do not cry in front of her. Do not
get angry and lose your shit. Being emotionally vulnerable with her is
interpreted by her as you being incompetent.
The same is also the case when you are simping. When you allow a woman
to manipulate you with the possibility of sex with her, when you shower her
with free validation and attention, and when you pay her just for existing,
she views you as incompetent. This character defect is only corrected by
sexual intelligence.
Continue reading to make this skill your second nature.
Perhaps you are familiar with the terms “alpha” and “beta” when it comes
to categorizing and classifying different males. Those terms are very
widely-used in the red pill consortium. They are also one of a few subjects
where I part ways with my red pill brothers. The alpha/beta male dichotomy
is utter bullshit.
While the dichotomy is true of wild animals, we humans are far more
complex. Yet there are many podcasts, blogs, channels and books that
promote the idea of “becoming more alpha” as the correct path for all males
to have a more pleasant life. It’s bro science. Nothing more than astrology
for men.
But there is a replacement for it that is quite similar to the alpha/beta
dichotomy: in today’s world, there are simps and there are pimps. The
simps are the guys that just don’t “get it. The pimps do. The simps have no
sexual intelligence. The pimps do. The simps chase women. The pimps
However, one is not condemned for the rest of their lives to the designation
they were born into or conditioned to adopt. A simp can become a pimp
through proper behavior modifications that are outlined in the 12 Step
Program of this book.
Why You Can't Blame Women for
Encouraging Simp-hood
When a politician you really don’t like is elected president, who do you
blame when they start enacting policies you despise? The politician? You
should not. If his policies really are legitimately bad and will harm the
nation, then those who voted for him are absolute fools who have voted for
self-harm. That’s who you should be angry at.
When I was working in financial services, particularly with high net-worth
clients, I was yelled at, called names and given a piss-bucket to hold by
these clients. They legitimately thought everyone should bow to their will
and do as they please just because they were rich. Should I be mad at them?
Who’s more responsible for their behavior? The asshole clients or the
company I worked for that excused their asshole behavior and encouraged
them to do it more often?
When you catch your wife red-handedly having an affair, who are you mad
at and want to beat up? The man she slept with or she who chose to sleep
with him? Which of the two definitely had full knowledge of precisely what
they were doing? Many guys in this scenario will say, “I’d kill that man!”
That is the simp within saying that. Because the man was just doing what
men do: taking every opportunity possible to get laid. But the woman was
knowingly stabbing you in the back.
In the same way, we cannot blame or direct our rage toward women when it
comes to the prevalence of simps. Sure, it’s agitating to watch E-thots make
a fortune from selling pictures of themselves online while you work your
ass off at a real job. But if you had the opportunity to make easy money in a
similar way, wouldn’t you?
Imagine we had the supposed perfect society where everyone behaved
themselves, or so we thought. As a result, no one locked their doors nor
secured their prized possessions. No one took more than they needed nor
took advantage of anyone else. It was a completely free market ruling the
economy and every libertarian’s wet dream.
It only takes one person to fuck it up.
While you may continue to act morally, if you learned that there was one
other actor in the marketplace that cheated people, lied, stole and got away
with it, laughing all the way to the bank, you’d at least be curious at how
they were making such an easy living. And that first look to peer into what
the wicked do is often all that’s needed to inspire the seeds of sin.
In the movie Officespace, a jaded corporate America worker-bee found a
way to steal from the company he worked for in a manner that no one
would notice. He created a computer bug that would steal from customer
accounts one small fraction of a cent at a time. The theft was so small, an
auditor wouldn’t see it even if they were looking for it. Because there were
so many customer accounts, the fractions of the pennies added up to
millions of dollars fast.
It was the perfect crime with an easy getaway.
If you had the chance to do this, wouldn’t you?
No matter how righteous or pure of heart you push yourself to be, your
mind will do an incredible job of coming up with rationalizations as to why
you deserve the reward of that crime. In those rationalizations, you are most
honest with yourself. Righteousness itself is a contrivance. But sin is always
Back in 2010, I remember a news story about a gas station that experienced
a glitch that caused the price of gasoline at the pump to fall from charging
$3.00 a gallon to 30 cents a gallon. There were lines around the block at this
gas station filling up. The owner/operator of it was scrambling to fix the
error, but not before he had lost $275,000 that day.
Even while hearing his side of the story and sympathizing with him, I know
for a fact I would have been one of the jerks that took advantage of his
misfortune. Because I had been paying $3 a gallon for so long, such an
outrageous, irrational price set by criminal cartels in the oil business, I felt
justified in taking the relief.
Your mind plays an evil trick on you in these scenarios. When others are
stealing and getting away with it, you feel you must follow suit, because
you’re a sucker if you don’t.
You fall behind in the competition that we perceive life to be. The never-
ending pissing contest between you and the Jones’. You must take
advantage of every shortcut you find along the way is what you’re led to
That is how it works in the minds of the women that take advantage of these
simps, when they put up their sexy pictures and videos on OnlyFans,
ManyVids, Patreon and Premium Snap, raking in thousands of dollars each
month. The same can be said when they charge $5 a minute on Chaturbate,
where the patrons are often poor. You may wonder how these women could
sleep at night knowing their exploiting such mentally and emotionally
undisciplined males.
In my coaching practice, I’ve seen some simps drop deplete 90% of their
entire net-worth, one as high as 7 figures, with their simping behavior.
While the exploitation is horrible, the question is not “Who would treat
someone else this way?” The right question is “Who would allow
themselves to be treated this way?”
Women will only treat men in the manner that we allow them to. That is
why simping must be stopped.
We cannot blame the Queen of fools for thinking herself to be a Queen.
Rather, we must seek to cure the fools that made her Queen.
Similarly, many girls have no malicious nor manipulative intent. They
legitimately think that some guys are just plain nice guys that truly want to
be nothing more than friends. If these nice guys wanted anything more,
they’d go for it or be vocal about it, the girls think.
But when someone spends so much time attempting to be your best friend,
then months or years later they drop the bombshell that they love you
romantically, what would you be? You’d be shocked and gasp at the fact
they had a hidden agenda the whole time.
My own girlfriend at the time of this writing had such a revelation while on
a beach day with me. Her phone kept buzzing. One of her guy friends
(really though, male girlfriends, we should say) kept texting her. I said
something like, “You sure are popular today.”
She responded by saying, “It’s my friend, Clint, from acro-yoga. We’re
looking for a new jam.”
“You know he wants to be more than friends, right?” I said.
“No, he doesn’t! We’ve been friends for years. He’s not like that.”
“He is and I’ll prove it. Text him right now saying you really need to get
laid. It’s been a while.”
She took my instruction and within two seconds he texted back, “Where are
you right now?”
I could tell from her gasp and expressions how deep in shock she was.
Women really are as naïve and ditzy as they’re portrayed. This guy had a
crush on her all those years they were friends and she never knew it. That’s
because he kept it under a tight lid all these years.
That was the problem with Pursey. He concealed his true interest. And that
is what’s wrong with simping altogether. Simping is wrong and immoral
because it’s dishonest at its core. Someone tell this to the asswipe that wrote
the article saying, “Stop calling men who respect women simps!”
Pursey thought if he were gentlemanly and respectful to Bri enough, she’d
one day open her eyes to how wonderful he is and magically fall in love
with him. But women are not logical in their decisions of mate selection.
And even when they are deeply aroused and in love with a man, it is rare
they’d ever make a move. That’s your job.
Many guys don’t know that. Instead, they keep holding out, patiently
waiting, and establishing a real estate empire in the friendzone. The hold
the purse and foot the bills to get nothing in return. The women will pick
from this low-hanging fruit for as long as the tree produces it.
Don’t be this guy.
Read on and we shall correct this behavior.
One Powerful Skill that All Males
Must Learn
Sexual intelligence is your ability to harness and govern your urges to
prevent yourself from doing really stupid shit because of them. The lack of
sexual intelligence will have you addicted to porn, wasting money on
strippers and prostitutes, creeping women out and buying a sex doll. Worse,
it will cause your death by the dreaded condition of “One-itis”. And yes, I
really do mean death, because “One-itis” has driven many men to kill
“One-itis” is the unhealthy attachment to a particular person. For guys, it is
often a woman they have a crush on. They yearn for her attention, approval,
and receptivity to their advances. Their entire world is threatened if she
does not fall in line. “One-itis” is most pronounced by thought patterns such
as “I can’t live without her!” “She’s my soulmate!” “I’ll do anything to
make her love me!”
The lack of sexual intelligence can lead a guy down two possible pathways.
The first is that they develop a “One-itis” for a particular woman, but much
to their initial desire, that woman grants them their wishes and starts a
relationship with them that may even lead to marriage. Because he obsessed
over this woman and spent so much time fantasizing about what this
relationship could be, he clings to it even when it’s clearly not a beneficial
relationship for him. For example, she berates him often, dresses him down
in front of others, costs him all his money and never has sex with him.
But this man is trapped in his unhappy relationship with her. Either because
he’s married and breaking up is far too expensive, or because he’s been
emotionally blackmailed by her. Maybe his lack of sexual intelligence
caused him to get her pregnant and the resulting child has him chained to
her permanently. Sometimes, he stays in the relationship only because he
cannot handle being single again. He believes that a new one will be too
hard to attain, let alone a better one. As a result, he remains miserable for
the rest of his life, maybe even ends his life early.
The second path that a lack of sexual intelligence can take a guy down is
one where he is so enslaved by his sexual urges that they bring upon him
consequences as terrible and irreversible as the first path. This is when a
guy becomes so addicted to pornography, he can no longer get aroused just
from straight sex scenes. He now needs more twisted and bizarre scenes to
get going. In some cases, these guys have seen so much that only child porn
will give them the high they once had from regular porn.
This path could also take a guy down the lonely road of lifelong singlehood
because he creeps out every woman he interacts with. The women around
him sense something very off-putting about him. Like a very bad vibe. His
lack of self-control leaks out through his posture, mannerisms, speech and
behaviors, which makes him seem like a creep. Whenever a woman finally
does give him attention, he hardly knows how to handle it because it’s such
a rare occurrence and he blows it right away without intention or effort. A
walking failure waiting to happen.
You may have seen these guys that have walked this path. The creepy old
guy that can only stare at beauty from a distance. He’s probably the guy that
many years ago would have asked for the dirty magazines behind the
counter that you had to ask for. He’s the guy that wears sweat pants and a
tank top when he goes out in public to get his living supplies during the rare
break he takes from his regular porn binges. He is both an incel and a simp.
Perhaps the worst combination of all.
He may pay for escorts to attain some form of female intimacy. Quite often
though, the laws of his state don’t allow it, so he goes to online escorts in
the form of webcam girls and OnlyFans thots. With those exploiters, he will
burn through hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars, for an digital
imitation of female intimacy.
Don’t believe this guy exists? Look at this:
But the path of developing sexual intelligence is paved with benefits that
are vast and residual. The man that possesses it does not get locked down in
a relationship with the wrong woman. Instead, he patiently moves through
life dating many women, sometimes even at once, to see all his options and
assure himself that he will end up with the best one.
He makes it to the peak age of his sexual market value, which is about 36,
and remains single and unchained. During these peak years, the women
chase him and he gets to have his choice among them. They chase. He
chooses. And better yet, he doesn’t have to choose just one. Because
women would rather share a quality man like this than have their own
dedicated simp.
Societal stupidity around sex
Sexual intelligence almost sounds like an oxymoron in today’s world. Not
so much in the sense that people get stupid when they’re sexual. But society
itself acts incredibly stupid when it comes to the subject. We all like it. We
all want to have it. But we are supposed to pretend we do not. And God
forbid you talk about it.
The world has become thoroughly accepting of more novelty types of
sexuality, no matter how unnatural they are, while at the same time is has
purged itself of all understanding and acceptance of male sexuality, despite
how natural it is. We are pushed to even be ashamed of it. Do so much as
flirt with a woman through social media DMs, all she has to do is
screenshot it and publicly post it. Soon after, your DMs will get blown up
by strangers telling you what a horrible person you are.
If your wife or girlfriend, whom you’ve been faithful to and thoroughly
provide for, ever turns down one of your sexual advances, you need to just
accept it. If not, you’re immature and need to “evolve” as a human. In the
eyes of social imperatives, your sexuality as a male makes you less than
Finally, you’re made to feel as though it’s sinful to express your desire of a
woman’s body to said woman. Even if she led you to believe that it was all
right to do so, you’re still viewed as some kind of predator. She could have
gotten completely nude and started fingering herself right in front of you,
but if you so much as say, “Hey, you’re pretty, I’d like to get with you,” the
sisterhood indignation inquisition and the white knight army appear out of
thin air to make your life a living hell.
I do not agree with the world for doing any of these things. But it is the
world we have, and it will not change. The only thing we can change is
ourselves. It is easier to live a peaceful and enjoyable life by adapting to a
world of idiocy than it to stand up to it with intellect. Just ask Galileo.
You will do best to harness your sexual energy and drive than to let it go
unchecked and be at the mercy of the world so unforgiving to males.
To better harness the powerful forces behind your sex drive, it is beneficial
to get a thorough understanding of where these sexual energies and urges
come from, as well as why they arise. As a biological function, it serves
three potential purposes:
1. Continuation of the human race
2. Stress relief and therapy in leisure form
3. Transforming a mediocre male into an exceptional one
Wait… what’s that last one?
This is another reason why women are so deeply attracted to men with
sexual intelligence and another reason you so desperately need to have it.
With this skillset, you will be able to switch the thoughts of sex brought on
by your urges from a yearning for the physical act into thoughts of a
different nature. And this permutation of thought is the closest thing to a
super-power in the real world. It is what separates the average male from
the exceptional one that starts a successful business, retires at age 35 and
moves to Thailand with 5 different girlfriends.
Permutation of Lust
The desire for sex, better known as lust, is the most powerful of human
desires. When driven by it, inspiration can spark in the mind of the man to
develop a greater imagination, bravery, perseverance, creativity and will-
power. While lust is the inspirational seed of our greatest weakness, it is
simultaneously the source of our greatest strength.
When lust is harnessed and redirected to another ambition, this motivator
maintains all its power like the surge of adrenaline it is capable of being.
The energy it produces can be directed to creative efforts in arts and
entrepreneurship or any other work. In taking on difficult endeavors for the
accumulation of wealth, this energy is the only fuel necessary.
To transform sexual energy for the greater good of yourself, it requires a
great deal of will-power and far more than you have ever expended on
anything else. You may exercise tremendous will-power sticking to a diet,
but during that diet, you are still satisfying the bodily need of nutrition.
However, in transforming sex energy, you are not satisfying a bodily urge in
the manner it wants. Lust is natural. The desire cannot be 100% eliminated.
It needs an outlet in some way, shape or form. Lust isn’t just the desire to
have sex. More specifically, it is the desire to make sexual desires known
and expressed. These sexual desires when expressed badly make you come
across to women as perverted or creepy. Repressing sexual expression
entirely will make you simp for women. Both need to be avoided. So the
correct course of action to find another outlet for this energy that craves
sexual expression.
This outlet should be a form of expression that enriches your body and
mind. If the energy is not given this outlet, it still has to go somewhere and
it will, by default, choose one that’s purely physical, like jerking off to porn,
pissing away money at a strip club, or just plain creeping women out.
If you’ve ever put a sealed container in the microwave, you’ve seen what
happens once it heats up. The air in the container gets hotter, causing the
molecules within it to expand. When that air gets bigger but has no place to
go, it will burst through whatever its contained in. So the container
explodes. The same can be said of your sexual energy and lust. When it has
nowhere to go, it will explode from within you.
It may be contained for a time, but by its very nature it is constantly seeking
a place to go, an opportunity to express itself. If not given a creative
alternative for that expression, it will find a less worthy outlet.
Notice, many of the guys that were called out and publicly scourged by
#MeToo were super-rich guys working poshy jobs (Matt Lauer, Harvey
Weinstein, Bill O’Reilly, etc). These guys also worked very restricted jobs
because they were constantly in the public eye. With so many restrictions
on them, their creative ideas and energies were forcefully bottled up. The
same can also be said of politicians caught in sex scandals. These are the
examples of males that found less worthy outlets for their desire to express
themselves sexually.
Conversely, the men that have found other outlets for their sexual energies
and lust have become some of the greatest achievers in history. When you
look at the most successful males in the world of business, art, science,
industry and all professions, they all had one thing in common with you: an
unrelenting desire for sexual expression and perpetual horniness. And that
is an encouraging thought because what one man can do, so too can another.
It is par for the course when it comes to being male. We’re born with 18x
the amount of sex hormones that women have. They have no clue what it’s
like to have a sex drive so strong. I once worked with a female bodybuilder
who was taking testosterone supplements and almost got herself up to male
levels. And she told me, “I don’t how you guys handle being so horny all
the time.”
Sex is an Emotion
All human behavior is driven by emotions. And sex is the most powerful of
them all. We know this because it is what has allowed the perpetuation of
the human race.
In caveman times, the males had to go out in the wild to hunt for food and
slaughter the sabertooths for the provision of his mate and offspring. If this
was something he had to do before mating, that’s quite a jeopardy he put his
life in just for the 15 minutes or so of pleasure before the orgasm. If this
was something done after mating, then that’s quite a post-activity price tag
to pay for the same 15 minutes. Either way, sex is one strong emotion to
make it happen.
The emotion of sex is such an unstoppable force that men will set logic and
reason aside to satisfy its calling. While the desire’s origins in the mind are
biological, its calling is chemical. I can make you feel a certain emotion just
by shooting you up with the right chemicals. Because the brain is a mix of
chemicals. Serotonine, Dopamine, Glutamate and Norepinephrine are all
chemicals in the brain that influence our mood.
But as you probably know, because it is highly advocated by Reinvent Ideal
in all my books, there is a highly beneficial discipline for life known as
emotional intelligence. To define what exactly it is, one could say it’s the
ability to regulate and refine emotions by calling their intensity into
question, understanding their origins and effects, and harnessing their
power to something more constructive. Since sex is an emotion, we can do
the same thing with it through sexual intelligence.
If the sex organs on a man were removed, you would have also removed
much of what motivates him in life. We see this often with animals that are
neutered. A bull becomes as calm as a cow after it has been castrated. The
bulls must be castrated if they’re being grouped with other bulls, because
otherwise they’d kill each other. It takes all the fight out of them.
It’s even been seen in human males as some states do castrate pedophiles
upon conviction. The same effect is even observed to take place in females,
as some countries with barbaric cultures still practice female genital
mutilation. I bring this up not to make you cringe, but to show just how
strong of an emotion sex is and that you as a human need to fulfill this
biological imperative. But in a refined way.
If we were to look at everything that serves as a stimulant, catalyst for
action or inspiration for creativity in the mind, we could list off at least 10
1. Lust
2. Love
3. Greed
4. Recognition hunger
5. Music (after all, muse is in the word)
6. Platonic relationships
7. Empathy to suffering
8. Reflexive thoughts
9. Fear
10. Drugs and alcohol
These 10 things can spark pizazz, creativity, enthusiasm, or intense
perseverance through difficulty. People are motivated by at least one of
them at all times. They light a fire under your ass to get the wheels in your
head turning. Most of these are part of your nature as a human and can be
used constructively. The last one is alien to the body and destructive. Sex
can be both.
I present this list to show you that sex is the most powerful of all these
forces, therefore the permutation of it toward more constructive ambitions
will be far more beneficial than the others. How do you know sex is more
powerful than all the others on the list? Just keep digging deeper into the
why behind each of the others.
Why do you want someone to love you? To get sex.
Why are you greedy for money? To get sex.
Why are you hungry for recognition and fame? To get sex.
Why do men learn how to play music? To get sex.
The list can go on and on.
In his world-famous book, Think & Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill had studied
25,000 people in search of what separated the successful among them from
the rest. During this study, he made an incredible discovery.
The Power to Create and Destroy
In Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, a group of deep space scientists created
the “Genesis device” which was a dualistic-type of warhead. If it were
dropped some place where no life existed, like say a moon or asteroid, it
would transform it into a living, breathing planet. But if it were dropped
some place where life already existed, it would destroy such life.
The sexual emotions have that exact same duality of power over men. They
may inspire a man to become his best self. But it can also provoke him to
ruin his life.
In Napoleon Hill’s study, he discovered that most men did not reach success
in their careers, lives, or entrepreneurial endeavors before age 40. Guys like
Mark Zuckerberg are the exception, not the rule, which is why they stand
out so easily. As far as the reason why, Hill hypothesized that it was
because many males before age 40 would disperse their energies in the
pursuit of sexual expression.
These males never learned that the urge for sex has other possibilities and
can produce things more meaningful than just the physical expression of
sexuality. And what’s tragic is that they piss away this energy when it is at
its height, in the years prior to age 40.
These are the males that become addicted to pornography. These are the
guys that look at the life of a reinvented man, specifically his woman life,
and think to themselves, “I could never have that.” They see the beautiful
girlfriend he has, wish that he could have that too, but deep down feel they
cannot. They see him with two beautiful girlfriends and do the same.
The fact that their sexual energies are wasted by jerking off to porn is what
creates this defeatist mindset within them. Because they’ve become so used
to having their most intimate sexual interactions with a screen, it seems far
too unattainable to live a life that resembles a pornographic fantasy. Believe
yourself to be unworthy of the life you want, and that’s precisely what
you’ll be.
When these guys believe that they could never have better, they are in fact
correct. Because their addiction to expressing their sexual energy through
porn binge watching is not just wasting their sexual energy, but also
everything in them that is masculine. Their misdirected expression of sexual
urges is actually feminizes them and makes them an immense turn off to
However that does not stop them from chasing women and simping for
them. Meanwhile, the other man, the reinvented man, doesn't even have to
chase. He redirected his sexual urges and energies to chase excellence
instead of women, found and attained it, resulting in the women chasing
him as of today.
So as you see, sex is an emotion and the emotion that will require the most
regulation on your part to master, the most emotional intelligence to
develop and devout to its maturity. If not for the fact that doing so will save
you from wasting thousands of dollars on porn, prostitutes, OnlyFans
subscriptions and sex toys, or the way it will help you save face from
embarrassing yourself by creeping a woman out, being asked to leave
somewhere for creeping a woman out or by being publicly shamed for
doing it, there’s also a positive side to this coin. It’s not just about
preventing negative things but also about creating positive futures.
The permutation of sexual energy can inspire man to reach his full
financial, genetic, intellectual and interpersonal potential. The regulation
and redirection of the sexual urge offers more rewards than it negativities
that it wards away.
That is because in addition to being an emotion, it is also a muse or a
stimulant to the mind. It is an influential element that can increase the
vibrations of thought as well as the depth of thought.
As a former salesman, I can tell you that the most successful men in the
field were the men that got laid the most. You’ve heard the jokes about the
“Kevin in sales” that the women at the office can’t resist. He says things
that if “Steve in accounting” said, he’d be sent to HR. But somehow Kevin
gets away with it, because he’s good-looking and also because he has a
personal enthusiasm that is contagious. That’s often what is meant when
they say some guys just “have it” when it comes to women. “He just has it.”
The biology behind the success is that Kevin in sales is bursting with sexual
energy, but there are many outlets for him to funnel that energy to. He gets
laid enough to pass it along to the women he’s banging, and he has a job
challenging enough to channel that enthusiasm and energy toward. This can
be done with almost any profession, not just sales. Lacking energy, sexual
or not, will render any male unable to influence others.
But what else does “Kevin from sales” have that “Steve from accounting”
does not? Besides getting laid a lot, Kevin also seems to really love his job.
After all, he makes a killing at it. If something you did gave back to you
like that, you’d come to love it too. That’s the winning combination: sexual
energy combined with love.
Notice how sex with a woman feels so much more fulfilling when there’s
also love mixed in with it? When you sleep with a woman you genuinely
feel connected to, you find yourself enjoying the process of pleasing her
because she expresses through her moans and orgasms that she approves of
you as well. This is far more satisfying than any one night stand or hours
long jerk session with porn. Those things are only satisfying the urge of
lust, which is no different than doing a job just for a paycheck.
To be in a job you hate just to make money would be just as unfulfilling as
sex with a woman you find unattractive just because you need a climax. Or
like being in a marriage with a woman you don’t love. Even if she’s still
having sex with you, it’s the un-enjoyable starfish sex with no passion or
pleasure beyond mere sensations.
Sex without love easily becomes destructive. Lust was a deadly sin for a
reason. Love itself though is like fire. It's both beneficial and dangerous. If
Shakespeare was trying to tell us something with the play Romeo & Juliet,
it was to warn us about the danger that can come about from the emotion of
love. It causes people to do some really stupid shit.
Like the Architect told Neo at the end of The Matrix Reloaded, love mirrors
sex in the way that it can be the source of your greatest strength and your
greatest weakness. As with anything with this duality, the powerful
emotions of love and sex need to be managed. That's entirely the purpose of
having emotions. To manage them.
Humans are born with a need for adversity. Gravity itself is an adversity
that every living thing on earth must face. Both good and bad as it keep you
from floating off into a cold death in space, it can also bring about death
from a trip off a canyon. But without gravity even in a controlled
environment, like many astronauts experience, muscles begin to atrophy
and make them weak.
Without the adversity of our emotions, our minds would become weak and
pathetic. If you thought simping was bad now, see how much worse it
would become without regular exercise in regulating emotions. Like
chemicals, they can be combined for good or bad.
Love and jealousy or sex and anger are deadly combinations. They may
cause you to do something as stupid as Romeo does in his grief and rage
over losing Juliet. Or on the less extreme end, they may cause you to waste
thousands of dollars and hours binging on porn, simping for women on
social media, white-knighting for train wrecks and scaring away the very
women you wish to win over.
Worst of all, the lack of sexual intelligence with one of these deadly
emotional combinations can lead you down a ruined and wretched life
exemplified by some of the males presented on the show 90 Day Fiance.
This reality show follows Americans with low sexual market value who
turn to the third world looking for love. Some of the males on the show are
so pathetic that they can’t even see what’s obvious to the rest of us: the
women are only using them for a green card.
Some of these guys are obese, still living with their mothers, and have
financial disarray in their lives. Which is very common because when a guy
that has trouble with women, that’s often a sign that he has trouble in many
aspects of his life. Just as we say money is only the byproduct of talent and
hard work, women are the byproduct of a man having his shit together.
But Kevin from sales has a beneficial combination in his love life and work
life. He combines both his sexual energy with his love for his job to be the
successful salesman everyone admires. When he’s with women, it isn’t a
mere “Wham! Bam! Thank you, ma’am!” fuck. He combines his sex energy
with love for the woman as well. While it may not be monogamous love,
that kind of love isn’t the requisite kind for enjoying sex. Love and sex
however is a winning combo.
Marriages and LTRs without sex are damned. In those relationships, you
will see both participants are clearly unhappy. The same can also be said
about relationships where there is sex but no love. Those are the one night
stands you are embarrassed about and hope no one finds out about it. Or the
porn you hide because it is so novelty and highly fetishized, it may make
many people hurl at you if they only knew.
Without women, all men's work and innovation dies from lack of
motivation. Why do you go to work? To make money. Why do you want
money? To go on dates with women. Why go on dates? To get sex. Without
the women existing, much of what motivates a man to become the best man
he can be disappears. Sure, we’ll still have some very basic motivators like
hunger and survival. But beyond that, nothing more than the bare minimum
will be done.
A world with only male inhabitants is a world in caves. By letting your
sexual urges run wild, you frighten women away, and create for yourself a
world similar to one that has only male inhabitants.
Why Women Don't Like Giver Guys
Imagine the following scenario. You and this woman you admire are in the
kitchen. She’s standing by the refrigerator and asks, "Can I have some
Your response is not only "Of course, darling! As you wish!" but you also
get up and pour it for her, despite the fact that she’s right there and perfectly
capable of doing it herself.
This woman will have never been more repulsed in her entire life by a guy.
The problem here is not your good-hearted nature of wanting others to be
happy and like you. The problem is subservience.
Built into our DNA through thousands of years of human history is the
natural tendency to treat the subservient as less than human. The Egyptian
princess had no care nor concern for her Hebrew slaves.
This lack of concern certainly extends to a lack of attraction as well. And all
throughout history this has been the case. From the earliest of slave/master
arrangements, to the day that French princess said, “Let them eat cake.”
Being helpful is one-sided and it is a fatal error to think that you are also
helping yourself. Perhaps we stumble onto this twisted logic by observing
that the most helpful waiter probably gets the best tips. But the arrangement
was made for that. The tipper knows that the waiter is being most helpful to
get the best tip. There is not a hidden agenda. So his subservience is
rewarded because it was solicited and bought.
Subservience is the same reason why male strippers aren’t as popular with
women as female strippers are with men. A male stripper is legitimately
there for the express pleasure of the women he entertains. They may tip this
guy, but it is very unlikely they’d want to go home with him.
Pursey clearly didn’t get this concept when he held the bag for Angie.
Another client had a similar problem, Jake. He was an otherwise very
appealing fellow with a good job and well-educated. So much was going for
him. But despite all the things that he had to be prideful about, he threw all
that pride away when he met Erin.
Erin is a unique case, which is probably what caused this high-sexual-
market-value guy to lower himself to simping for her. She was a Bikini
Barista. She owned a little food truck where she served coffee in a skimpy
little bikini that showed off her enormous assets. Because she was not only
super-model sexy, but also seemingly receptive to his advances, he fell hard
for her.
Their story so far had gone like this: He saw her advertising her food truck
on the side of the road in her little bikini, thought she was extremely hot
and pulled over to meet her. He did the usual flirting techniques and acted
boldly. They chatted for a good bit even after he finished the coffee he
bought from her. He even got her number.
Later, I would come to the conclusion that she only gave out her number
because she had just started this new business venture and was afraid of
being badmouthed by her first customer. However, they did text back and
forth regularly, which is something I was surprised to learn when I reviewed
the text messages for Jake.
But things took a turn for the worse when he visited her every single day to
buy a coffee, which was pretty pricy for just 12 oz. And he talked a lot to
her about helping her with her business, unsolicited. What really sent him
into the simp lane was when he, without being asked, made a website for
her business and showed it to her.
I guess alarm bells probably went off in her head at this point. “This isn’t
the cool, together guy I might have come to believe he was,” she may have
thought. “This guy is just another subservient simp trying to build up sex
Later, she’d move her food truck’s location and ghost on him.
There are so many things wrong with this story but the big one is that he
was trying to be helpful. Which was probably what made him so confused
at the time of our coaching sessions. “Do people not want help and things
that can benefit them?” he’d say with a hint of sadness.
I don’t believe that women approach a situation like this logically. It’s more
likely that their reactions are emotional instincts, going back to the historic
slave days. But this instinct does serve them the same way a cost-benefit
analysis would.
Suppose you are someone that is very beneficial for her to have in her
network. Suppose she is even a bit interested in you before the two of you
get to know each other. Then she finds out that you could help her with
something that she really wants or needs. At that moment, you become
disqualified from ever being a sex partner.
The rational explanation behind that is that if you really are that useful, she
doesn’t want to fuck things up by introducing sex into the arrangement. But
as you know, women are more emotional and they understand that sex can
make things unpredictable and jeopardize the relationship. It adds new risks
that otherwise would exist.
Even if you’re a very attractive guy, you must recognize this point. Women
have 1/18 the amount of sex hormones you have, so it doesn’t always take
top priority for them when it comes to getting needs met. But if you’re one
of those guys that they call “meal tickets” (a guy that a woman dates just to
get free meals from), you’re serving a more useful purpose: feeding her.
She doesn’t always need sex but she always needs to eat.
In short, they don't put their meal tickets on the line for a chance at a little
bit of dick.
The more useful you are to her, the less likely you are to get sexual with
Once she sees you as someone beneficial to her, you're no longer seen as
someone sexually desirable. Just like if Lisa Ann was your landlord, you
wouldn't risk fucking it up by trying to fuck her. If she turns out to be
unreceptive to your advances, that would lead to so much awkward tension
whenever you see each other. Or worse, she throws you out. Your need for
housing is more important in that scenario.
Similarly, women have needs that are more top of mind than sex. While
your sex drive is always on, hers has to be turned on. But you will not be
able to do that with a woman that sees you as helpful.
Trying to fix this condition with a woman who already sees you as useful is
a waste of time. There's no cure, only prevention. An ounce of prevention is
worth 10 tons of cure.
To prevent this, avoid talking about:
-Your job. It may just bore her. Or it may be seen as an attempt to impress
her. Or it may signal to her that you could be of benefit to her. Even if you
have a fancy-pants job, let her discover it for herself. If she ever asks, you
can even joke by saying, “I work at McDonald’s.” You may fear she’ll have
no interest in you after, but if that were the case, she was probably just
looking for a meal ticket. But in many cases, they’re more intrigued by you
for having the balls to admit something like that.
-Your skills. Whatever you're good at, keep quiet about it. If it's something
that benefits them, they will not see it as something they need to give you
sex for in order to get you to do it for them. They'll just ask you for it and
give you a hollow thanks in return. Even if you're a great cook or guitar
player, let her discover that on her own. There’s nothing wrong with
demonstrating these great skills, so long as they’re demonstrated in the
natural course of events. But boasting about them early on is a fatal error.
-Your Accomplishments. They stink of bragging and reek of thirst. The
stench of thirst is what dries up a woman’s happy place faster than the
Saharan sun. But they also lead you right back to talking about your skills.
That leads to her saying, "Maybe you can help me with..." When you hear a
sentence start out that way, an alarm bell should be going off.
A sentence that starts this way is a shit-test in disguise. She's testing to see
if you're man enough to say no. To not supplicate and become subservient.
You never want to hear these words and if you do, it means she thinks you
were trying to impress her. The best course of action is to just say, “Maybe,
maybe not,” and then change the subject immediately.
The next best thing to solidify the fact that you are not a subservient simp
that will do as she commands is to create a story. Later in the conversation,
talk about how you’ve experienced many people in your past make attempts
to use you for your different skills and how it is so annoying. This sends the
message you want her to get, that you will not be used.
Except for one thing. The only thing you want to be useful to a woman for:
sex. Burn it into your mind right now that the only problem you can help a
woman with is her reproductive problem.
When the elements of exchange and business matters are added to any
relationship, that pushes things further away from being sexual. The
possibility of sex leaves her mind the moment it does. We all know it’s a
terrible idea to pursue sex with women at work. The primary purpose there
is to conduct business.
A woman’s workplace isn’t just at her job. She has multiple workplaces
throughout her life and you want no part of them.
A few exceptions may come to be acceptable when she’s your committed
girlfriend. Obviously, you don’t leave her stranded if her car breaks down in
the ghetto. But if there is a lack of sex in your relationship, you must put a
premium on your non-sexual attention. This means you do not go to friend
gatherings and family events with her. You do not go shopping with her
(you hear me, Pursey?). Your non-sexual attention will be given again when
she gives her sexual attention to you again.
No fixing. No Mr. Reliable.
Going back to the example at the start of this chapter, when she asks, "Can I
have some wine? I want some wine." You say, "Then go get it."
This isn't douchey. It's refusing to be subservient. How the dictionary
defines subservient is:
1. serving or acting in a subordinate capacity; subordinate.
2. servile; excessively submissive; obsequious:
Does any of this sound like James Bond? Or any guy you’d want to be like?
The media may show subservient males to be successful, like on TV and
movies. Phil Dunphy from Modern Family is a great example. But this is
the blue pill and the Fempowerment Mandate at work again. Males are
servants by nature but it used to be about serving community, country,
company, God or the church. Then the Fempowerment Mandate found out
how useful this was. So with their media allies, they went to work creating
the perception that serving women would lead to reward.
Recognize when you can provide value without being subservient. There
are two extreme ends to this spectrum:
(1) Provide value at all times at all costs or
(2) avoid providing all together to avoid looking thirsty.
One end is a simp. The other is an asshole. The medium in the middle is the
correct course of action, but we as males are less prone to find middle-
The pushover gets these reactions:
-What a sweetheart!
-He does whatever I say hoping to impress me. Gross!
The asshole gets an auto-rejection reaction:
-Fuck that asshole.
-What a douche.
The reactions you want are:
-There's something different about him
-Why isn't he paying attention to me?
-Does he even like me? I hope he does!
When requests are made starting with words like, "Hey since you're up", it's
okay to fulfill them. But requests that require you to get up are not okay. It's
not risky to tell someone to go get what they want.
A woman wants a man, not a servant boy.
They may complain that you're not heeding their will. They may even throw
shaming language at you like "A gentleman would!" or "A real man
would!" This faux indignation they hurl is only a reflex and by no means
genuine. You are safe to ignore it. Tell them if they need a butler, they
should hire one.
If you wouldn't do it for a guy friend, don't do it for them.
Resisting the Urge to Foot the Bill
Women are incredibly suspicious of a guy that seeks to protect them and
makes it very clear that is what he wants to do. Because what exactly is he
going to protect her from? Other men. So to say that she needs protection is
to admit that men are a danger to her. What makes this guy the exception?
In The Dark Knight, Harvey Dent is referred to as Gotham’s white knight
for how he is so pure of heart and eager to do the right thing. But after
losing the woman he loves along with half his face, he goes insane,
becoming the deranged murderer Two-face. Similarly, white knights
themselves are very two-faced.
You’ve seen these guys many times and perhaps have been one yourself at
one point. He’s the guy that “stands up” for the woman against other men.
He takes her side in an argument whether in real life or on social media. He
cockblocks for the hope that he gets to fill the void created by his
cockblocking. He’s always ready to rise to the occasion when there’s a
damsel in distress.
This fellow views women as if they are resources. “She belongs with me,”
he may think to himself. And that’s entirely the point of his actions. He has
no genuine desire to be Captain America for the sake of righteous and
justice. He does it only to make that woman his. It’s all about his own
personal gain.
It is psuedo-heroism and dishonesty masquerading as nobility all for the
hope of getting laid. Quite dishonorable when you think about it.
Males have come to believe that this is a legitimate strategy for getting
women all because of blue pill conditioning. The Fempowerment Mandate
again, wanting to take advantage of male’s nature to serve, pushed
messages across the media that you can only get the girl when you save her.
The warrior must slay the dragon to get the princess. It’s the subplot of
every tale since Sleeping Beauty.
I remember during a nationwide abortion debate, I forget exactly what
sparked it, but a meme went around social media. Only women shared it,
and it said something along the lines of, "Men standing up for women's
rights, we see you. -Women". Apparently the idea was to get guys to think
they would only get laid if they agreed with political opinions that served
women. I even remember OKCupid making it a badge you could put on
your profile to show that you support Planned Parenthood.
The Fempowerment Mandate knows very well how badly males want to get
laid and uses that to incite your servitude for its benefit. And sadly, many
guys are falling for it.
The guy who wrote the article: "Stop calling men who respect women
simps!" is a white knight.
An example from my own life was when I was dating this stripper named
Sydney. She was a fun person to be dating, for sure, but not exactly long-
term relationship material. However, having little time to spare for an all-
out relationship at the time, I kept dating her because she liked sex and
going out dancing as much as I did.
However, we did reach an impasse. She started to want a deeper
relationship with me, but I was not looking for that. And I was honest with
her about it. Further, I went on to tell her that I had no desire to get married
nor start a family. She didn’t like hearing this news, but she still wanted to
be with me. That didn’t stop her from wanting more and often pushed this
subject into our conversations.
But to no avail.
As this frustrated her for a while, she vented about it to some of her friends.
One of those friends was an orbiter, a fellow named Marcus. He saw this as
an opportunity to try to steal her from me. He would listen to her
complaints and tell her that she deserved better than me. “He’s a jerk and
you’re too good for him,” he’d say. “You belong with a man that will give
you what you’re looking for.”
He was being a white knight.
This type of simp grows from within a male when he thinks to himself,
“Why is she with such a jerk?! I would be so much better for her and would
treat her well! Why doesn’t she realize there are better men for her? I need
to save her!”
To rescue her from her asshole boyfriend, show her more appealing
adoration like she’s never known and give her the treatment you fantasize
about would seem like something noble.
But there is nothing noble about the white knight. Deep down, he just wants
the woman all for himself. Driven by thirst and destined for failure due to
his lack of sexual intelligence, he makes a fool of himself.
Their lack of sexual intelligence is apparent because they don't see the true
intention of their own actions. A big part of sexual intelligence is self-
awareness of not just the urges, but also the actions taken to satisfy those
urges. These poor fools think they are doing the girl a service. But the only
person they’re trying to serve is themselves.
You're not impressing her or appealing to her reason by trying to save her.
She doesn't use that in her mate selection decision. She is however grossed
out by how hard you're trying. You're no hero. You're just a guy using a
covert strategy to take a woman from another guy and make her yours. Like
sexual theft, where the thief is out to steal because he’s too lazy to work and
earn. This strategy however masquerades itself as earning, which is why so
many poor guys fall into doing it.
Suppose this ever does work and your savior behavior results in you getting
a woman. The type of woman you'll end up with is the type that always
needs saving. Certainly not the “quality” woman you romanticize about in
your head.
I say this not to brag, but to make a point. My current girlfriend is a model.
You don't get a woman like that through white knighting. What you do get
is a train wreck drama queen.
Case in point: a client of mine had a very creative strategy for his own
white knighting. He was a true-to-name Captain-Save-A-Hoe. What this
fellow did was call up the women with ads on Backpage, back when they
had prostitutes’ ads. His idea was to call these women and ask them if
someone could take them off the market, away from their lives of
prostitution by giving them a good life and providing for them as a loving
Sounds so well-intentioned and if logic ruled the day, one of these
prostitutes would think that it’s better to belong to one guy that takes care of
you than to be a whore on the streets. But my client forgot that these women
had sex for money for a good reason. Something about their personality and
behaviors made this line of work their only option.
These women were often drug-addicts, emotionally unstable, or violent
types. Not only did they take advantage of him at every turn, asking for
money from him every day (probably to go buy drugs), but any time he
spent with them where he wasn’t giving them money was marred by drama.
This poor fellow spent more money on these prostitutes than the prostitutes’
clients did, and he didn’t even get to have sex with them. He told them that
he’d “wait until” they were ready to do that with him. I imagine their
panties being as dry as the desert upon hearing that. He said he’d wait
because he “respected” women.
The women you get by saving are needy and dependent on your resources.
Quite often they are always depressed and can't care for themselves. They
are the weak-willed type, largely disloyal, and easily stolen by other guys.
To call them “Project girlfriends” would be an understatement.
These women are not just low in sexual market value. They are dangerous.
You met them while they were in distress, and this encounter was not by
chance. Rather because their life is a constant state of distress. When you
allow them into your life, they bring their problems into your life with them
and make them your problems.
Fighting Off the Urge to White Knight
Notice how Spiderman and Batman, despite being superheroes, were never
really happy nor had their lives together. There was always stress and things
were constantly going wrong. Spiderman 2 and The Dark Knight depict this
perfectly. When you hold yourself out as the problem-solving savior, the
endless supply of problems in the world come looking for you.
Therefore, you must not hold yourself out to be a hero. Surround yourself
only with high value people, equal or greater than yourself. Anyone that has
issues to dump on you should be immediately dropped and avoided. What
you are seeking when looking for people to associate with is stress-free
When you’re conversing with someone that constantly complains or has a
victimhood-mentality, interactions with them are very stressful. There’s
about nothing you can do to make the conversation positive again. Their
defeatist mindset brings you down fast. I, myself, even turned into a real
downer whenever I had a black pill client.
The people you want to spend time with are the people who play to win at
life. Maybe they have a successful business or an enviable career. All that
really matters is that they have something in life that really excites them and
lights them up when they talk about it. Even if it’s just a garage band.
Further, successful people are often very eager and willing to send the
elevator back down for others looking to mimic their success. Best of all,
they are actually in a position to do that. A successful person did not
become successful by putting others down. Rather by lifting others up.
They don't need help putting out fires they started because they take
personal responsibility and ownership of their lives. Even the shitty parts of
it. No pessimism or defeatist mindsets.
No Reward for White Knights
Loyalty is not the result of salvation. For the best evidence of this, can you
guess what group is the demographic most heavily addicted to
pornography? Christian men.
This is quite ironic because these guys know and have it regularly preached
to them that watching porn is sinful, yet they still do it. They also believe
that Jesus Christ has paid for their sins, as that is the central doctrine of
their religion. They continue to sin despite their belief that Jesus suffered a
horrid death because they watched porn. But why do they proceed to offend
their Savior with their sins?
A similar occurrence exists with people that use government handouts for
their welfare. I witnessed this first-hand with my own family. My sister was
a moocher and abuser of the food stamp program. She got to eat for free
courtesy of the government because she was poor. But often complained
about the government not giving her enough money or not letting her buy
rich foods and snacks with that money.
Here she was getting an important aspect of her existence paid for by
someone else, yet ungrateful for it.
No one is grateful for things given to them freely. Like a child that gets
everything they ever ask for from their parents, they just become spoiled
If you save a woman, she will not reward you with love and loyalty. A
woman is not attracted by how much you've done for her. To hammer in this
point, consider yourself and your own attraction decisions. Not that you
really make a decision to be attracted to someone. But review the way you
think when you discover you’re attracted to someone.
Let’s use the porn star Ava Addams. When you view a picture or video of
her, you don’t sit there and think to yourself, “Hmmm… let me think… Am
I attracted to her? Well, let me consider X, Y and Z…” The decision to be
attracted to her is made for you by your biology. You find her sexually
appealing because the shape of her curves speak to you on a neurological
level. It bypasses thought and reason, and goes straight for emotion by
causing the brain chemicals associated with arousal to arise on their own.
Remember how a mix of chemicals in the brain is all it takes to make you
feel a certain emotion? The female form has this immediate effect on you
before you can even realize it. Because biologically, when you see a
woman’s body, you see a tool that can be put to use for a purpose, this
purpose being solving your reproductive problem. Something that makes all
males happy is seeing things come together. That’s why we like to work on
cars and do construction projects. It’s why we like to build things.
When you see Miss Addams’ body, you see an outlet that can take a plug.
Your plug. After all, there’s a reason they call the electrical receptacle
“female” and the plug “male”. Your attraction to Ava Addams exists despite
the fact she's done nothing for you but waste time.
Solve one problem for this woman you win by white knighting, and 5 more
problems will pop up. She will also blame you for her future issues as they
arise. Her misfortune, in her mind, is never her fault. This is a person that
takes zero responsibility and ownership and has a victimhood mentality.
Victims need a villain. That title will soon find its way to you.
This is no path to love, harmony and bliss. Only to agony, stress and endless
drama. Also, rage when you watch the woman you've spent so much on run
off with the next sucker.
Avoiding Being Seen as Willing to be
If you ever want a good dose of red pill truth, just watch a TV show made
by women for women. Particularly a talk show that features just women. A
great example of this is “The Real”. Like all daytime talk shows, it’s
worthless. But not entirely. One episode featured an interesting topic: A
survey found that many women have a backup guy in case their current
relationship doesn’t work out.
Suppose you were the guy that was in the current relationship being backed
up. If you found out about this backup guy, you’d be pretty mad for sure.
But what if you found out you were the backup guy? How would that make
you feel?
At first thought, one would assume the backup guy would feel just as
offended upon finding out that was his designation. The woman considers
him only second best and not entirely desirable on his own. But here’s the
sad thing: many guys this day and age (simps) fight tooth and nail to
become that backup guy.
There are undeclared competitions in the arena of being a “great potential
boyfriend” for a woman. Instead of trying to present themselves to the
woman as an irresistible hot fling she better get onboard with right now,
because a chance may not come later, they present themselves as always
reliably there to serve her in any way she wishes.
The truth though is that women would rather be objectified than idealized
or idolized. It’s better to give her the idea that you’re going to be a once in a
lifetime lay that she only gets one shot with and that shot is right now than
to be ever-present at her beckon call. Don’t let her think you’ll always be
there for her. Don’t let her get the idea that you’re “waiting” for her.
Women categorize males into two classes: the guy she’ll introduce to her
parents and the guy she’ll introduce to her pussy. Rarely is this the same
guy. There’s the guy she uses for a meal ticket. But then there’s the guy that
she stumbles upon at the pool party in Cancun on spring break. That’s the
guy you want to be.
The backup guy is not her first pick. It is only one she may choose to settle
for later. So if the backup guy ever does have his wish come true, it is in the
context of her viewing him as a settlement and thus not one she genuinely
desires. Genuine desire after all is something that cannot be earned, bought,
bargained or stolen. Like your attraction to Ava Addams, it is either there or
it is not.
Women habitually collect men and shelf them until needed. Sounds very
shady, but this is more of an evolutionary reflex on their part rather than
malice or Machiavellianism. In the Caveman days, many males that went
out to hunt for food did not return. So the cavewomen had to find a
replacement for her lost mate. This characteristic has stuck with them
throughout the ages.
Trying to prove yourself to her as a “good potential boyfriend” will put you
in the backup zone, which is just as bad as the friendzone. Another favorite
haunt of the simps. Pursey was the classic backup guy, but last in the line of
Often, these backup guys earn the spot by making themselves available and
useful to the women they orbit. Imagine doing this exact thing for someone
other than a woman you admire. Imagine doing it for a stranger. The most
you’re likely to get from that is a simple “Thank you” and that’s all. They
just say those words and nothing more. No matter what you did for them,
expression of their gratitude goes no further. Because of this, few people do
random acts of kindness for total strangers.
But the hope of the simp is that if they continue showing up and showing
off their good deeds and qualities, the woman will at some point see them.
And that should inspire her sexual desire for him. But this never happens,
except on The Big Bang Theory.
Often, guys do it just because they don't know any other way nor better way
to bag the girl. The only thing they were ever taught when it comes to
women is from their blue pill conditioning. The lesson was “prove
yourself” to a woman first and if you are the best among her choices, she
may choose you. And also the time spent proving yourself is well worth it
no matter how much time you waste and how little you receive in return for
But time is entirely the issue. You don't have it. Or at least not enough of it
to piss tons of it away on a low percentage likelihood of getting a girl that
doesn't even see you the same way. It's a Hail Mary toss at best.
But women are not lotto tickets. The guys that do this believe they have no
other options with women. Like lotto players, they dare to dream.
It's also born out of laziness. Learning the craft of allurement is hard work
and many guys don't want to do it. They’re petrified at the idea of cold
approaching one woman that’s a stranger, let alone one hundred.
When these fears arise to paralyze you from doing what you need to do,
when the rationalizations begin to build up that support simping, think
about the opportunity cost of wasting time. The time you spend waiting for
her as a backup guy is time you’re wasting that you could have otherwise
used to find a woman that was legitimately into you.
Beware, even after you drop this behavioral tendency, these habits creep
back up on you. The blue pill conditioning has taught you value-exchange
rules, the myth of sex credits, and a false sense of obligation to women. For
many guys attempting to become recovered simps, they fall right back into
it at the first sign of resistance.
There’s also conditioning that occurs in a woman’s life regarding the blue
pill. Early on, women learn on their own about the existence of blue pill
simps, and how they must not give too much attention to them. Because if
they do, the simp may express bitter resentment at her for the lack of dates,
sex and intimacy he feels he’s earned.
The younger women are even shocked when they find out from a bitter
outburst by an orbiting simp that he was hoping for more. He bites her head
off about doing so much for her to get nothing back, and she legitimately
thought he was trying to be just her friend.
They are disgusted at the idea of sex credits. They are also turned off that
the guy didn't have the balls to state what he wanted up front. Had he even
headlined the process, she'd appreciate it. She’d have more respect for a guy
that explicitly announces to her, “Hi, I'm going to invest large amounts of
time doing things I don't really want to do for you, but much later on, I
expect sex from you,” than she would for the guy that attempts to pull the
same thing off covertly. With the former, she could at least say no and not
feel obligated.
No one likes obligations. We’re obligated to go to work. We’re obligated to
go to school. We’re obligated to be nice to idiots. We’re obligated to get
along with family members we can’t stand. The happy face itself is an
obligation. Making a woman feel obligated will make her just as resentful
to you as you would be if you were obligated to work a shift on your
scheduled day off.
When you feel manipulated by the possibility of sex, it's because you're
attempting to manipulate with the obligation of sex.
However, guys don't do this out of malice and Machiavellianism. It's
because they don't know any better. It's because they've been rejected too
many times. You can't be rejected if you don't directly say what you want,
so they consider this tactic a safe path.
Sadly for them, women rarely give attention, initiative or start things up
with these guys. Whenever they do, it's because it's her last resort. She
needs help with something. And he falls for the trap because even guys with
a red pill awareness and know the craft of allurement still like the feeling of
helping a pretty lady.
But her mentality doesn't change. She still thinks, "Such a good friend. Here
whenever I need him."
Women will sleep with a guy that's not useful or helpful to her and adds no
value to her life outside of sex. So long as he's hot and the opportunity feels
like it's fleeting. They are however selective with boyfriends due to their
hypergamous nature. When it comes to selecting friends, they are even
more discretionary. They seek out useful, valuable friends, and won't risk
losing them by complicating the relationship with sex.
It is appropriate to communicate to her, subtly, that you won't be there for
her. You are not her white knight. Being this way means you don't fit the
mold for a backup guy, thus they won't use you as such. You're rare now.
Rare in the sense that most guys don't do what you do nor act how you act.
And rare in the sense of scarcity. The opportunity with you is dwindling.
Inspire anxiety in her with ticking time.
Another tactic you could employ is to make fun of her orbiters. This is easy
and she probably has a few of them. When you do this, it tells her you're not
one of them. But you must do this in a subtle way. A good way to do this is
to people watch with her, point out to her an orbiter you see simping for
another woman and have a laugh.
However, don't go deep into the matter. Don't recite what you've learned
from this book. It will sound like you've studied this subject, which won’t
make you sound sexy. All you need to do is drop a snarky comment.
Refuse requests. Imagine this scenario: you have a date planned with her
and it’s just the two of you. But at the last minute, she decides to change the
nature of the date. Instead of an intimate time, she wants to go to a party.
You're in no mood for parties and the people that go to them. What do you
do? Would you go along with it just because you want your time with her?
The correct course of action is to say no. If she wants to go do that, then she
can go do that. But you’re not interested and can easily find better things to
do. At least, that’s the idea you want to portray.
Like many kinds of advice, guys go overboard with it. Remember that
advice is like cologne. The right amount of it helps, but overdoing it has the
opposite of the intended effect. It’s okay to turn a light switch off for her.
Only deny really big asks that she makes. When something feels like a
compliance test rather than a reasonable request, recognize it for that.
The good news is that you’ll only have to do this a few times before she
gets the idea that you’re not a simp and one to request big things from.
She’ll respect your boundaries from then on.
Don't return text messages right away. Sure, I understand you get a high
from a woman giving you attention and there’s excitement at getting to
know someone new that you like. But the excitement is soon killed off and
put out like a candle that could have burned on for days.
When responding to her, take your time. After you send a response, go do
something else and leave your phone behind. Don't answer all questions and
keep the replies short.
Pull compliance tests on her. I love sushi. All kinds. Even the sad, sorry,
cheap sushi from Sam’s Club. So a compliance test I came up with on my
own was this: whenever my girlfriend was on her way to see me, I’d ask her
if she’d be a dear and pick up some sushi for me. If she’d say no to that,
then she obviously wasn’t that into me.
This also has additional benefit. It inspired her investment in me. We don’t
do things for people we don’t like. And if we’re doing a favor for someone
we barely know, we decide to like them as we’re doing that favor because
our minds must rationalize our actions. Asking her for favors will either
prove to you that she’s a waste of time or it will inspire her to start liking
Ask her questions that carry the qualification subtext. And if she ever gives
the wrong answer, playfully tell her, “Oh, I’m sorry to say, that’s a
dealbreaker for me.”
Be skeptical of future plans. There’s a trap far too many guys fall for.
Imagine a guy that is really hitting it off on a first date with a woman. As
she talks about the things she likes to do and the places she likes to go, she
says something like, “We should go there together sometime.” The guy falls
for this trap by immediately jumping onboard with her. “Definitely! I’d love
to!” It sounds like you were hoping for the invite.
If she says, "We should go to this bar sometime," don't jump on the idea
with agreement right away. Act like you require convincing first. You'd do
better to say something like, "Why there?" or "A bar is not my idea of fun."
Quality and value are not proven by being proclaimed. It must be
demonstrated. Subtextually convey, "I don't do things so easily for women
I'm not sleeping with." Just don't say it aloud. When you do, she'll never
believe it. Behavior is how you tell her something in a manner that she’ll
And always, always, ALWAYS act like you have limited time. You are not
so overloaded with free time that you can drop whatever it is your doing to
be by her side in a flash. Foster urgency. Make her believe that the little
time she does get with you is time she’s lucky to have. Precious time.
Command respect for it and start by respecting it yourself. Start by not
wasting it “waiting” for a woman that you hope to have some day.
A Shocking Truth that will Change
Your Interactions with Women
Robert Greene in The 48 Laws of Power wrote that the person who has the
least interest in the relationship is the one that has all the power in said
relationship. The person who needs the other the least will own and control
the frame. We find this to be true and even self-evident when examining
past relationships throughout our lives. Particularly the ones that didn’t end
so well.
When a guy feels like his girlfriend doesn’t respect him or walks all over
him, she only gets away with doing that because he has more interest in the
relationship than she does. When a guy is not in a relationship but on the
prowl and gets rejected by the woman he really wanted the most, it only
affects him so harshly because he had much more interest in starting the
relationship than she did.
A sister to this law is another that states the person who appears to put the
least amount of effort into a social interaction is the one that appears most
socially valuable. When you think of the real “cool” guys, everywhere from
the cool kids in high school to James Bond to Kevin from sales, they all
seem to make their coolness appear effortless.
These guys get the invites to the best parties without having to ask. These
guys get chosen and chased by the girls without them having to do anything
except exist.
Never would anyone accuse these guys of being try-hard. Nor thirsty. And
definitely not simps.
When viewing a social interaction, you may judge the person making the
least amount of effort to keep it going as the one that has the greater social
value. You certainly come to that conclusion when you see a guy try to chat
up a woman, and it’s clear he’s pushing himself harder and harder to keep
the conversation from dying out. Even to the point of making it a little
When these two laws come together, the law of least interest and the law of
least effort, they form a new one: the law of least investment. The person
that makes the least investment in the other person will garner the greater
investment out of the other.
This seems so counter-intuitive and is certainly easy to misinterpret, so read
this very carefully.
First, you must expend all your investment capital on yourself so there is
none of it left to invest in others, particularly a woman you want to have sex
with. This sounds douchey and self-serving, but it is not narcissism at play.
The best thing you can do for your fellow humans is to have your life so
well-together that you are not a burden on them.
Warren Buffet obviously has his shit together. Therefore, in every social
interaction, you see the other person trying to win his favor more so than
he. That doesn’t mean you have to be a billionaire to be respected by others.
You just need to be one level higher. Particularly with women, because their
hypergamous nature commands it.
Or perhaps better stated, you just need to appear one level higher.
That means you dress nice. You practice good grooming and hygiene. You
are in good health. Your demeanor is not neurotic or desperate. You keep
your head up, back straight and shoulders back. Even if you’re just a
McDonald’s worker, doing this will at least make you appear like you’re
more than that.
When it comes to the amount of effort you put out and interest you show, do
not take showing the least amount to it’s very extreme. Obviously, you have
to show some of both because showing none means you won’t even leave
the house and you’ll never even meet a woman.
It doesn’t mean you never do anything. James Bond doesn’t sit in a pub
doing nothing and all this adventure just finds its way to him. He is actively
seeking adventure. He signed up for it. But notice how he accomplishes so
much while it appears he hardly lifts a finger. He saves the world, gets the
girl and without a hair falling out of place.
The idea is to be doing things while minimizing the appearance of
intentional effort on your part. Social leverage in that sense is much like
financial leverage: the ability to do more with less. To multiply your output
without multiplying your input. In the world of finance, this is
accomplished by using “margin buying power” or borrowing money to buy
stocks. There is risk in doing it, but riches are made when risks are taken
intelligently and the investor keeps a cool head about it.
Similarly, women are won over when risks are taken by you but you remain
cool about it. It’s quite risky this day and age to go up to a female stranger
and attempt to flirt with her. In the era of #MeToo, every guy is fearful that
women will call him out as some pervert or predator on the prowl.
But the female stranger you’re attempting to flirt with recognizes you’re
taking this risk and admires you for it, so long as you do it without a hint of
nervousness, self-doubt or uneasiness. Your comfort with yourself inspires
her comfort around you.
However, if you look like shit (fat and out of shape, unruly beard and poor
grooming, smell like an ass, dressed like trash and have bad beath), it
doesn’t matter how confident you act. At best, she’ll think you’re a
homeless bum. At worst, she’ll think you’re a total creep. You first must
show that you’ve invested in yourself before the law of least investment can
even apply.
What really determines whether she perceives you as creepy is who’s at risk
in the interaction. If she feels at risk, because you look like shit or act weird
and questionable, you’re a creep. But if she senses that you’re the one at
risk, facing the possibility of rejection and ridicule, you’re not a creep.
Maximize positive attention you receive without provocative action.
Maximize your level of visible comfort. Minimize your level of investment.
The most important thing is outcome indifference. They must not suspect
you have a hidden agenda or any agenda at all, other than the one you tell
them. You think she’s attractive and wanted to come talk to her for no
reason other than that. This takes balls to do.
But saying such a thing without acting like you expect it to go bad, without
nervousness or giving her an out, says something more to her. It says you’re
used to meeting women this way and having it go favorable for you. She
then starts thinking to herself that maybe she’s the outlier and weirdo if she
doesn’t go along with it.
You show that you’ve invested heavily in yourself. You put little investment
in her. She then feels the need to fill the void by investing in you.
The Not-So-Obvious Way to Make
Her Chase You
Simps, sugar daddies, white knights, and male girlfriends believe "do for
others and they will do for you." The golden rule is good for many things.
But getting laid is not one of them. The opposite way to think is the correct
course of action.
I know it sounds selfish and counter-intuitive, but I promise you and will
prove to you it works.
When you do something nice for someone, they never think, "Wow, what a
great guy! I owe him for this. I better make a mental note to remind myself
to reciprocate someday." Instead, their thought is, "Oh, that's nice. Looks
like there still are a few nice people left in this world. Here's one of them. I
got lucky today. Thanks, nice guy."
But even non-simp men fall for this trap. They believe they can make an
investment in a woman for future sex. Call it a 401-lay. But more
investment in a woman does not spawn more interest from her. In fact, quite
the opposite occurs.
But the greater she invests in you, the more interested she becomes in you.
If you asked her to do something for you and she does it, despite knowing
very little about you, she will come up with her own rationalizations in her
head for why she’s doing it. She will find reasons on her own why she likes
you enough to do it.
The correct course of action is to minimize your investment while
maximizing theirs. That means leading them into asking you about things
you want to talk about, sowing the seeds of intrigue, and prompting
physical progression with kinosthetics.
This also means presenting yourself as a "now or never" commodity. Make
yourself appear to be an opportunity that seems scarce.
When she invites you to spend time with her and her friends, politely
decline. This is an attempt by her to see if you'll put on a show for her to
impress her friends and make her look good. It’s a shit-test in disguise. You
can call it a compliance test.
Most guys fail this test because a false belief is programmed into their
heads by the blue pill. It's the idea that if you don't invest in her, you'll lose
her. If you don't heavily invest in her, another guy will and steal her from
you. He'll take her on fancy dates, buy her nice things, listen to her whining
without shutting her up. Why would she put up with your neglect when she
can get what she wants elsewhere?
Respect works much differently in reality. The same goes for arousal.
Think of a man you admire. A hero, or role model for you. For me, that
would be Richard Cooper. He’s an entrepreneur and mentor for guys that’s
like the father we never had but desperately needed.
If you had a day with your hero, would you ever bitch to him? Ask him to
buy you stuff? Take you somewhere? Of course not. You know his value
and how high it is above yours. I certainly wouldn’t pull anything like that
around Mr. Cooper because I know he wouldn’t put up with it.
Now consider a guy that’s just your friend. He’s not richer or better off than
you. Nor is he better with women. He’s on your level. Your guy friend
who's not more valuable than you is someone you can pull stunts like that
on, but not a hero you admire. You're down with your bro, but he's no
authority to you.
Also consider an unattractive female friend if you have one. You may ask
her to do things for you and she may do them. But her doing them for you
does not inspire you to become attracted to her, now does it? Of course not.
You just think, “Wow, what a great friend.”
If your hero turned out to be lame, or constantly bitching about life doing
them wrong, or just all-around negativity, you’d probably lose respect and
admiration for them. If Mr. Cooper started doing that, then I’d probably find
a new mentor because what drew me to him from the beginning was his
preaching against doing things like that. His philosophy is to always own
your shit and I like that.
Similarly, in mate selection, women look for powerful men they can
admire. Hypergamy never seeks its own level. They want to feel even
somewhat intimidated. As Andrew Tate says, women do not have sex with
men they like. They have sex with men they respect. They only love men
they respect.
This is how older men in their 50s can have 20-year-old girlfriends. I’ve
seen this happen. And they weren’t rich guys either, so it wasn’t about gold-
digging. There was a recognition of their power and inspiration of respect.
These are men like Morgan Freeman, George Clooney, and Harrison Ford.
They command respect.
Same goes for politicians, teachers and college professors. Any man that
has some sort of authority or power over the woman admiring him has this
extra intrigue from her. I saw this once with my best friend, who was a
dancing teacher. I brought a woman with me to one of his classes, and I
could tell from the stars in her eyes when she danced with him, she was
attracted. You may have seen this with college girls that have crushes on
their professors.
It's all about respect. To women, attraction and respect are interchangeable.
This is a different kind of respect from the basic. To contrast:
-The basic respect for the individual, this is what the nice guy gets, respect
for being pleasant, polite, kind and considerate. They find sex with this man
disgusting, because they view him like a grandfather. A cute teddy bear of
an old man, but not someone they’d want to sleep with.
-The deeper respect for the masculine male, who's powerful, mighty,
intimidating and inspires anxiety. They respect him because they have no
choice. They fear him.
A great example of this occurs in the old Hammer Film One Million Years
BC. Notice how the women in the rock tribe behave around the chief of the
tribe. They probably don’t really like him, but they certainly respect him
and do what pleases him. Because he’s the most dominant male in their
Her grandfather gives her good feelings and support. There’s appreciation
for that, of course. But the dark knight, she sees far differently. Look at the
way Vicki Vale fears Batman in the first Batman movie. She fears him, but
respects him and is attracted to him.
The guy who makes less investment in women often does better with them,
but this makes no logical sense to logical males. As such, they write that off
as some bizarre anomaly. Since they can't figure out how he does it, they go
for the only alternative that makes sense to them: show her what a great guy
they are.
This leads them into a war they'll never win, competing with other guys
over how invested in her they are. It seems like unfair randomness ruling
life, but really it is quite proportionate and fair, just by a different kind of
logic. You reap what you sow. The more you invest in a company that gives
no return on capital, the more you'll lose.
Whose gift is more valued? A simp that buys her $1,000 of luxuries, or a
Rockstar that gives her an autographed picture? The latter of course,
because she knows how unlikely it was to get something like that every day.
The Rockstar’s value is also easily recognizable.
Further, the rules they make only exist for simps. They're broken for the
men she has genuine desire for. If the Rock showed up and asked her for
sex, would she tell him "Can you wait until I'm more comfortable?"
Absolutely not. Her own rules would be broken in those circumstances and
gleefully so by her.
There are dating coaches on YouTube for women that teach women how to
get with famous actors, rappers and rockstars. One of the first lessons
taught by these coaches is that they need to be DTF when they meet these
famous men. Because if they don’t, they’ll be swiftly replaced. Groupies
understand that if they don't put out, they'll be kicked out.
Sex with these men is something that is validating to her. Being able to say
she slept with the Rock will certainly create jealousy among her girlfriends.
Those are the kinds of sex they enjoy the most. That’s the sex they have
with the hot guy they bumped into at the pool party in Cancun on Spring
This is in contrast to the transactional sex they may have with a cucked
husband or a guy that does things for her in hopes of getting something in
return. Like a husband that does the dishes and takes out the garbage
because his wife told him that she’d reward him with sex if he did. They
call that chore-play.
You want to avoid that kind of sex at all costs. The moment you sense that’s
all you can get from your woman, drop her right away. The right kind of sex
to seek is one she gives enthusiastic consent for, not negotiated consent.
The former means she really wants to fuck your brains out just because
you’re you, and can’t help herself around you. You didn’t have to invest at
This doesn’t mean that you’ll never have to invest. It’s just that you hardly
have to because what little investment you do give is so valuable to her
from the start.
If you give up money so easily for women, that signals to them that you
have nothing else exciting you in your life to be doing with that money. The
same goes for time. It suggests you have no vision nor purpose in life. You
live an otherwise boring life.
The reinvented man invests just enough to make her feel safe to invest in
him. Her investment in him is what causes her to fall in love with him
because she must justify in her mind why she does it. But if you invest
more in her, you'll justify more to yourself why do it, your attraction and
one-itis to her will be greater.
Then because of the “sunken cost fallacy”, you’ll keep doubling-down on it.
Sunken cost fallacy is when you continue to put effort into something
purely because you’ve put a lot of effort into it already. It’s like continuing
to pay for car repairs on an old clunker instead of buying a new car, because
you say, “I’ve poured so much money into this thing, I need to get more use
out of it.”
In short, it’s trying not to lose money you’ve already lost.
Many guys do this with women as well. They continue to simp and pursue
women that have already rejected them because they’ve simped and
pursued them for so long.
The correct course of action is to get her to invest by giving her just a little.
Think back to the man you’d consider a hero. What was it that made you
admire him and want to be like him? And if you got to spend time with him,
like one day, what is it about this man that would make you want his
It’s certainly not because he wiped your ass or made life easy for you in any
way. What he did was inspire you by his example and encouraged you to do
the work for yourself. That’s Richard Cooper’s motto: do the work. You
want to do the same thing with her.
So run your own compliance tests. Ask for favors. If she does them, she
will rationalize why she does them. What made pickup artistry work back in
the day was that it elicited investment. Their tactics were things like
displaying higher value and asking questions to make her qualify herself.
This was the bait and hook of investment. And it worked.
Similarly, when I do my little sushi test, the girl who goes along with it
starts to make her own investment in me. She figures she’d only be doing it
if she likes me, even if she’s not fully sure that she does yet. But as she’s
doing the deed, she comes up with her own rationalizations as she does it.
She's bored when you do all the work. Make her work too.
Halfway Mark Check-in
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How to Not Feel So Powerless
Around Your Crush
The simp gives out free attention, validation and even money to negotiate
from a position of weakness. The very act of doing this is all that’s
necessary to confirm that weakness.
That means that yes, sugar daddies are simps too. Some of these guys will
justify their simphood by saying something like, “Oh no! I’m not a simp
just because I’m a sugar daddy! I’m obviously an alpha male when it comes
to money and business and that’s how I can afford to be a sugar daddy. I
only do it because it saves me time.”
To that I say, “Um, buster, you’re greatly mistaken and quite dishonest with
yourself about it. There are plenty of males out there with greater and lesser
wealth than you that have no trouble getting laid. Nor do they need to pay
for it. They understood the wisdom of the red pill and refined their skills in
allurement that they don’t have to.
“Rockstars are very busy men with very little time, but do you think they’re
paying their groupies? Pickup artists are often financially illiterate and
irresponsible guys yet they can close a lay faster than you.
“You do not shower your sugar babies to save time. You do it for one of two
(1) is possibly to save effort, you’re not actually too busy, you’re just lazy.
Sugar babies are basically the fast-food of women. A thoroughly debunked
lie about nutrition is that healthy food is expensive, yet people still believe
it. But they spend more money on fast food even when they’re poor. It’s not
because healthy food is expensive, it’s because they’re too lazy to cook it
“(2) is you’re negotiating from a position of weakness. You assign more
value to the beauty and attention of the woman that you’re a sugar daddy
for than you do to your money and the time you spent earning it. That’s a
It’s Not a Negotiation, It’s a Subjugation
Everyone who’s been to college has probably been encouraged to take part
in a world-wide scam where they trade their time and labor for absolutely
nothing in return. I’m not talking about the actual coursework done for a
useless degree. I’m talking about unpaid internships. If you’re a college
student or soon-to-be, avoid this scam like the plague.
The premise of an unpaid internship is you bust your ass off for a company
doing the menial tasks and “bitch-work” no one else wants to do. You
receive nothing for it, other than "experience" which no one cares about.
The work they give you is the work they don’t want to pay their employees
to do. So obviously they don’t want to pay anyone for that work. If your
resume has nothing but work they wouldn’t pay to do, they have no
compelling reason to hire you. I don’t see how no one makes this logical
The college intern doesn’t have much choice though. They come in from a
position of weakness. Their resume is practically blank except for their
name and contact information.
A better use of that college kid’s time is to get a part-time job that will give
them legitimate work experience and actual money. Anything is good, even
if it’s McDonald’s. Having a longer work history is more valuable than
having more education and unpaid internships. Because after all, you get
actual pay for that work.
Similarly, getting experience with women through cold approach, flirting
and just attempting to talk to strangers, even if unsuccessful, is more useful
for you than orbiting. Even if you’re just flirting up cougars and women 15
years your senior, that’s better than simping for girls on dating sites/social
media and orbiting around in the friendzone. Because in the former, you’re
getting real world experience with real world females.
A lack of real-world experience with real world women is what puts guys in
a position of weakness. If you’ve been intimate with a woman before, think
back to the first time it happened in your life. The first time ever you were
alone with one. Remember how difficult it was to push yourself to make a
move like touch her or say something flirtatious? It felt so horrifically risky
and like trying to deadlift a solid ton.
We’ve all been there. My first experience with a woman was when I was
18. We were on a couch at her house and I was scared shitless to reach out
and touch her. I had never done it before so I had zero experience. Getting
the necessary experience in its entire necessary supply and as early as
possible is crucial. Because not having it will turn you into a simp.
The Lucky One
Have you ever had some guy tell you how lucky you were to have a
girlfriend? Have you ever been the guy that tells other men that? Ever seen
another man with a girlfriend that was so beautiful, you think to yourself,
“Wow, that’s so amazing. I wish I could have a woman like that. I could
never have that.”
That’s precisely why you won’t. You don’t think you’re worthy so you
won’t be.
But have you ever seen a man with a beautiful girlfriend, but he was a bad
boyfriend to her and you felt you’d be so much better for her? Why would
you be? You say it's because you'd give her everything she wants and move
mountains for her. If you could get her.
But that's why you don't have her.
Consider it a negotiation and you're negotiating from a position of
weakness. Much like going to a boss to ask for a raise when you don't have
other employment options, nor have been a great employee. The weaker
party in a negotiation is often well-aware of their weakness, like Germany
in the Treaty of Versailles. They had to bend to every demand thrust upon
them. The weaker party must make more concessions as their power to
make demands is practically non-existent.
This is not limited to business and geo-politics. This applies to all areas of
life. The Sexual Marketplace is no different. But the simp is not entirely
aware of this. They may feel unworthy of the woman and thereby less
valuable. But the things they think would make their position stronger are
all wrong. They think flaunting money, flexing muscles and flattering with
compliments is what will make them more valuable to the woman.
They couldn’t be more wrong.
What wins a woman over and causes her negotiate from a position of
weakness is allurement. When a man can make a mundane moment
memorable and magical, when he can turn an ordinary date into an
experience she’ll never forget, or take the lead in a dance that sweeps her of
her feet, he’s a man that she’d make concessions for.
That’s the man she breaks rules for as opposed to the simp that she made
the rules for.
But the simp is not aware that’s what skill he needs. He wonders why some
guys with less money and lesser looks can get better women than him. But
writes them off as freaks of nature. So he pushes harder in the continuously
failing methods of money, looks and flattery.
The sugar daddy simp is particularly awful at this. Imagine going to buy a
piece of real estate and believing the seller wants the most money possible,
but what the seller is truly concerned about is selling to someone who will
maintain the beauty of the property. Instead of convincing them that you
can do that, you just keep throwing more money at them.
It goes in the sugar daddy simp’s one ear and out the other that the money is
not what's most important to the woman. The ability to make her life feel
sprinkled with magical moments is what does matter. Only a red pill aware,
reinvented man picks up on that. A simp does not.
Making the wrong sort of offer, from a position of weakness, and having no
limit for how far they'll go, these simps go down the rabbit hole to hell.
Pursey had this problem for sure.
Seeds of Resentment
The problem is born from more than just them looking desperate. The
problem is also that people are naturally repelled by the weak-ass negotiator
because they know there will be future resentment toward them from this
person. What the simp gives to the girl now, the girl knows that later the
simp will resent her because the simp feels he's given disproportionately
more to her than she ever intends to give to him.
So women want nothing to do with these guys from the start.
There's also an instinct within women to be cautious of the guy that will
give too much too soon. She believes it's something he's only doing to
"win" her or bag her, and once she's in the bag, he will start to scale down
these efforts. Then she will become bored or feel unappreciated for no
longer getting the supply of goodies she had come to expect. Many women
have experienced this in life first-hand.
What typically happens is the guy runs out of money or energy to keep
showering her with goodies, so he quits. Or gets bored with them and stops
trying. He treated women like a new possession, such as a new car, because
he spent so much money on them. Like the new car, he gets bored with it
when its newness wears off.
Women are afraid of being shelved and becoming dusty. And they're
particularly sensitive to this with sugar daddies because plenty of sugar
daddies have done just this to them and their friends.
So they have learned not to invest in such a guy. What they’re really into is
a man that will grow more into her as time goes on, not one who’s interest
in her will diminish as time goes on. That is often the formula in every
romance novel and chick flick. The guy isn’t all that into the woman at first,
but with her feminine intuition and “girl power”, she gets him to start
falling for her slowly over time.
There are two possible ways that women will handle a guy that gives out
too much too soon. Either they will ignore him and not deal with him at all.
Or worse, they will take what value he can offer while giving him none of
their own. They will however give him the hope that there’s a possibility of
sex in his future or reciprocation of some sort. We call that friend zone. All
you get for all you give is just a shot, but the shot is already taken in their
eyes and is a failure. They’ve already rejected you before you even ask.
This is precisely the same bullshit corporate America pulls with their
unpaid internship scam. I don't blame the companies for it. They're getting
labor for free because the college kids are dumb enough to do it. On that
note, I don't blame the women for their exploitation of simps. I blame the
Since they have no shot either way, they feel that being the nice, friendly,
sweet, blue pill simp is their only option to be in her life and have a shot.
Even though it's not a good shot. The truth is that it's an expended shot.
This strategy keeps you trapped in the position of weakness. The guy that
has the best shot is the one that took it as early as possible by making his
intentions and desires clear from the start.
There are 5 things from my coaching program that I pass along to all clients
that I sense have this flawed thinking. They are:
1. Establish your values first and always act from them. Never act
from your emotions. Let your emotions be nothing more than an
alarm bell to remind yourself of your values.
2. Always remember that walking away is an option, and often the
best one. It is a character-building exercise, because it overrides
your conditioned desire to chase and simp for her. When you
walk away from what you don't want, you strengthen your
commitment to what you do want. You shorten the distance
between you and it as well.
3. Develop social intelligence. This means knowing what to say and
more importantly what not to say. Knowing when to bite your
tongue so you are not talking a woman right out of bed with you.
Not figuring out for her why she won't sleep with you. Never
self-deprecating to excuse yourself of a behavior or comment of
yours she doesn’t like.
Every social interaction has a leader in it. Even if you are not succeeding at
leading an interaction, the socially intelligent person avoids reacting in a
manner that indicates they are noticeably bothered. Avoid yielding to their
4. Have clearly defined objectives from the start. Do not go into a
date thinking, "I hope she likes me,” or “I hope I get something."
These are vague hopes. But to go in thinking, "I am there to get a
second date,” or “I am there to get a kiss." These are clear
objectives and will have your mind open up to what you need to
do to accomplish them.
If you are not dating yet, when you go out to meet women with cold
approaching, don’t focus on trying to get one particular woman. Focus on
getting better with women in general.
5. Know the success you're seeking. The unpaid intern has no idea
what an interview and offer letter is like for the guy that got a
paid position. Nor does he have any idea if the job’s pay is even
worth the work. It would suit him well to know these things
before wasting his time volunteering for the same company he
hopes to one day work for.
Similarly, you should find out what dating a particular woman is like before
you attempt to chase her, because you may find her not worth the chase.
Talk to her exes if you have the opportunity. Talk to her roommates. You
can’t ever be sure that what they tell you is true, but more information is
better than less.
Find out what she’s like before accepting unpaid wastes of your time. You
don’t want to have invested so heavily in a woman to later find out she’s a
raging psycho the week after you’ve married her and are stuck with her.
And if you’re not looking at a specific woman, learn the nature of women in
general. You cease all simping for women that moment you’ve acquired an
understanding of them.
Do not enter blindly into a negotiation. That will keep you in a position of
weakness. The simp starts out being hopeful about women, later to become
defeatist with them.
The 12 Step Program to Slaughter the
Simp Within
Despite all the resources out there, not just this book, but every resource on
the subject of allure, there seems to be more guys desperate for female
approval than ever before.
Is there any existence more tragic than that of a guy who swallows his pride
and bows at the female throne, while flinging trash at his fellow man in a
vain attempt to win favor with women? It's made all the more tragic for the
simple fact that it doesn't work.
Whether this describes you or not, it will benefit you greatly to continue
reading to secure yourself against the horrid progressive cancer of blue pill
This represents a massive failure in exercise of male logic. As males, we
would not keep a woman around we are not interested in, and use deductive
logic to come to the belief that women will not keep a man around she's not
interested in. But this is far from true. Women keep all kinds of guys around
that they have zero interest in.
The program focuses on restoring testosterone levels to what they should
be, reclaiming male dominance behaviors to overpower an inner effeminate
submission inclination, and focus on attaining a woman's respect more so
than her favor.
Within 30 days of adopting these behaviors, you will be cured.
Step 1: Take a Look Into Your Future
if You Continue
The first exercise recommended to my suspected-simp coaching clients was
to see what the future holds if their behavior were to continue. Contrary to
expectation, I did not seek to show them what they would be not if simping
went on to ruin their life, which is the worse-case scenario that we have
documented examples of. You’ve seen the forum posts of guys that have
spent the rent money on OnlyFans subscriptions and tips.
Instead, the idea was to show these guys what would be their fate if simping
ever brought them success.
Suppose a simp orbited a woman for many years, showing her what a nice,
thoughtful, considerate guy he was and how well he would treat her if he
was her boyfriend. Suppose his years-long, boyfriend-audition got him the
girl. What would his relationship and the rest of his life be like?
We don’t have to imagine, because there are plenty of guys that have gone
down this path. For the simp in this example, let’s call him Mr. Simpson.
This woman he admires finally grants him his wish and begins a romantic
relationship with Mr. Simpson. He marries her as soon as he can, because
the social imperatives tell him he’s supposed to, his parents pressure him,
but deep down it’s because he feels so lucky to have her that he’s not even
sure how he got her.
With his constant showering of gifts, compliments, and all-around
supplication, the woman soon gets the idea that he is her lesser. Something
that’s certain about a woman is that when you treat her like a queen, she
will treat you like a slave. She starts issuing small compliance tests and
requests for little things. And he falls in compliance with each one of them.
They evolve into bigger things as time goes on.
Because he’s stored up so much sexual thirst that she is so naturally turned
off by, they only have sex when she’s ovulating, which results in
pregnancies and children. Knowing that her husband feels lucky to have her
and is her lesser, she lets herself go. She cuts her hair, packs on extra
pounds and blames it on the kids.
She’s extra bitchy now because her friends and frenemies all look better
than her. Whether by diet and exercise or by getting lipo-suction and plastic
surgery to correct their ugliness, paid for their husbands, Mrs. Simpson is
mad. Because her pathetic husband can’t pay for that lifestyle. So she nags
him and bitches him up about doing more work around the house. She
constantly tells him that he’s useless, despite all he does.
His wife is no longer pleasant to look at nor be around. Mr. Simpson
wonders why he even married her. He wakes up one morning in a noisy,
messy house, with kids running around causing chaos, and a hideous wife
to look at, wondering how the hell it all happened. “I was just looking to get
laid,” he thinks.
But now he’s trapped in this horrid situation. He must stay with Mrs.
Simpson for the sake of the children, appearances and honor. Also, it’s very
expensive to breakup. But it’s likely just as expensive to stay together. The
kids are life-long expenses, requiring financial support at least up until age
18 and not to mention all the shit they’ll probably break and ruin. Further,
ask any parent with adult children and they’ll tell you that kids don’t stop
coming to you for financial support after 18. It continues even up into their
Let’s not forget, Mrs. Simpson is constantly nagging him to take her on
expensive dates, vacations and give her anniversary, Valentine’s day and
birthday gifts that carry a hefty price tag because her friends’ husbands do
Poor Mr. Simpson never gets ahead in life. He’ll never realize his dreams.
Never gets to retire. Never travels and sees the world. Never gets to make
out with foreign hottie. The remainder of his existence is nothing more than
being a pure plow-horse to pay for his wife’s wishes and his children’s
You see this poor fellow sometimes. When you go to the grocery store and
see a poor, tired fellow pushing a cart, hunched over and crossing off items
on his “Honey-do-list”.
And this is the best-case scenario that can happen as a result of simping.
The worst is that simp behavior becomes your nature, despite it being a red
flag and turn off to all women. So you never manage to get anywhere with
them. This results in you becoming an incel now, having to spend your
money on porn, strippers and prostitutes to satisfy your sexual thirst. But
your thirst isn’t quenched by these outlets. It’s exacerbated.
Pornography itself is never satisfying. No matter how good a binge is and
how hard you climax, it’s only good in the moment and never good enough.
The content that satisfied you yesterday will not satisfy you today, so you
must continually seek out more and more, burning up several hours of your
limited time. Not to mention money.
Even if you’re just using the free porn sites, time is money.
After enough jacking off, your dopamine receptors are damaged as well as
your nerve endings. Now you can’t get hard and have robbed yourself of the
only thing in life that you lived for. This is where many incels take their
own lives.
This doesn’t have to be you.
Step 2: Unfollow All Thots & Girls
You Simp For
A great deal of simp behavior occurs on social media. The main culprits are
Facebook and Instagram. But Twitch is also another one that has a large
population of thots and their admiring simps. The progression of everyday
events on these platforms is a thot posts some sexy and scantily clad
pictures of herself, or streams videos of her in her underwear, dancing or
lip-syncing to rap songs. Then their admiring simps shower her with
compliments in the comments section and her DMs.
Some even send money through DMs in the platforms that allow for that.
But really, in today’s world, all a hot girl has to do is put her CashApp,
Venmo or Paypal handle on her profile to make money. She doesn’t have to
do anything more than that because there are enough simps out there that
will randomly pay her money for nothing in the hopes of getting her
The simp thinks that once he gets her attention, he can show her what a
great, nice, sweet guy he is and she’ll be so touched that she’ll start a
relationship with him.
And this very stupidity has caused one of the largest transfers of wealth in
this millennium.
Of course, the simp never gets the response he hopes. He never gets to meet
the girl. Probably the best-case scenario is that he gets a custom picture or
video, but certainly not for free. The lack of reciprocity is accepted at first.
“She just doesn’t know yet what a great guy I am,” the simp thinks. But
after this goes on for months, the simp becomes enraged.
They’ll send a nasty message to the thot soon after they wake up to the fact
that she doesn’t care about them at all. It may even be threatening. But the
thot has thorough protection against this guy. She’ll screenshot his message
and post it publicly. Then her other simp fans will blast his DMs as well as
spread it around.
They’ll share the screenshot with a post that says, “Look at what a douche
this guy is!” The subtext behind this post is, “Hey, any hot ladies seeing
this, know that I’m not like this and I’m the good guy your mother told you
But the sharing of the screenshotted message spreads virally. Maybe the
original simp’s employer sees it and fires him. Maybe it even ruins his life.
In all honesty, no one cares.
You must never let this happen to you.
The best course of action is to unfollow all thoughts and women you simp
for on all platforms. You’ll never be tempted to simp when you don’t see
anything to tempt you. The good-hearted nature within you and inherent
appreciation for beauty that’s burned into your DNA makes it too easy for
you to fall for this trap. But it's hard to simp for any woman if you can't
communicate with them online.
Do not worry about the fear of missing out, or FOMO. You're not missing
If you ever were going to bang her, you would have already. Continuing to
follow her on social media platforms will not help your chances of making
that happen. You're one of 2 million anonymous fools in this e-thots world.
Not only is she not attracted nor interested in you, she doesn’t even care
about you. If you dropped dead while on a paid-for Skype call with her
(yes, that’s actually a thing), she wouldn’t bat an eyelash nor let anyone else
Why is OnlyFans so popular and making so much money? It’s not because
of the porn because you can get that stuff for free anytime you want
elsewhere. It’s because it makes you believe you have a real connection
with the thot. It simulates being in a relationship with her.
But there is no relationship. Look at how many subscribers and fans she
has. All those guys think the exact same thing. I’ve dated plenty of women
that sell on OnlyFans. They do not care about their fans. There are plenty of
other desperate guys out there to replace you.
That also brings up a particular scam that many simps fall for: FAF, or
“Fuck a Fan”. This is when the thot starts a raffle, charging $100 a ticket,
and whoever wins the raffle gets to have sex with her in her next video she
releases. Don’t fall for this scam. She doesn’t even do the raffle or pick a
fan. She has sex with her boyfriend, records and releases it, saying he is the
fan that one. I know because the women have told me.
Further, by simping for women on social media, especially regular everyday
women that are not professional e-thots, you are making the world are far
worse place. What you are doing is hurting the men you want to be like as
well as yourself. This is because you're giving normal everyday women the
idea that they should be paid just to exist.
You treat them like queens, they’ll treat us all like slaves. They’ll expect all
men to treat them like queens and thus expect all men to act like slaves for
them all because enough random guys from the internet paid them just for
being alive.
Step 3: Delete All Simp & One-itis
The songs in today's popular culture are very One-itis oriented. I can name
one from almost every genre and every decade right off the top of my head:
KC and JoJo, All My Life
Blessid Union of Souls, Girl I’ve Been Telling You About Leanne Rimes,
How Do I Breath Without You
Air Supply, Can’t Live Without You
Alan Jackson, I’m in Love With You & Don’t Know Your Name Queen, I
Can’t Live Without You
Linkin Park, With You
Shawn Mendes, If I Can’t Have You
Van Morrison, Brown-Eyed Girl
Elvis Pressley, Can’t Help Falling In Love With You
Even Eminem’s music is simp music. It expresses the exact same rage that a
simp feels when he finds out his wife has been cheating on him.

Hey, even bands I like and listened to have simp songs in their discography
(Nine Inch Nails, The Perfect Drug and Marilyn Manson, I Put A Spell On

Music is meant to evoke emotions. If a song can make you feel a certain
way, the musician and song writers have done their job well. You don’t
even have to know what a song means lyrically. You, the listener, just need
to know what a song makes you feel. And the feelings associated with One-
itis and soul mate mythology are the easiest ones to relate to and make a
person feel.

Hence, most songwriters take the lazy way out and make their work evoke
that feeling.
I am so against censorship and thought it was absolutely ridiculous for
morons in the media to blame music lyrics for school shootings like
Columbine. But music does in fact have the power to incite emotions.
That’s why movies have a musical score to them, to get you the viewer to
feel a certain emotion.

Which may explain why emotional intelligence in today's world is so rare.

The science of the matter is that your amygdala lobe in your brain is
involved in the processing of basic socio-affective information, which
includes music. The part of the brain is also used for processing emotions. It
is involved in making you start, continue and cease to feel them.

Because music is a form of communication and a trigger for the mind’s

social functioning machinery, the combination of the emotions felt from
hearing the melodies along with the mental focus on the lyrics can be a
powerful one. If I make you feel weak while singing about One-itis, soul
mate mythology and simp behavior, you internalize those things. Even
normalize them.

There’s just no escape from it. The world itself is one giant simp factory. If
you’re a country music fan, there’s hardly any artist you can listen to that
doesn’t sing about love like simp. However, there is a subgenre of country
music referred to as “Dark Country” (and that is the search query you’d
plug into Spotify to find this music) that does not have simp lyrics.

Rap music in general is very player-oriented instead of soul mate-oriented,

so you may be safe there for the most part. And heavy metal may also be a
safe bet as well. Just make sure the theme and inspiration of the song isn’t,
“I hate the world because my girlfriend left me!”

Pop music though is entirely trash. No adult male should be listening to any
pop music. It’s not even real music.
Step 4: Overpower Your Porn
The reason that quitting porn is the fourth step in the recovery program for
simps is not for puritanical or moral reasons. I am not a religious theocrat
and I certainly am not advocate for legislating it out of existence. The
reason it is the fourth step is because porn is the most explicit and addictive
form of simp behavior. Of all the drugs one can be rehabbed off from,
heroine is probably the most difficult. Porn is the heroine of simp behavior.
If this one can be conquered, the remaining steps are a walk in the park.
When you watch pornography, you are being a simp. It doesn’t matter if
you are paying for it or watching it for free. The porn industry does nothing
more than transfer money from those with shame to those without. Males
who watch it often do so in private and keep it a secret because they are
ashamed of it. The performers in the porn business have no sexual shame,
which I know because I’ve dated women in the business. But even if you
don’t pay for porn, you are still rewarding and enriching a woman just for
the fact that she exists.
If it is a free site, like those tube sites, just visiting the site enriches her,
because the sites make their money by showing advertisers what kind of
traffic they can gather. The sites use that money from the advertisers to
either license the content for display or to pay off the DMCA lawsuits and
settlements from copyrighted content posted on the site without permission.
The porn creators are making money either way.
Why is it even free? So you can get addicted to it.
You are also simping because you are setting everything aside to focus
solely on a woman’s sexuality, express deep appreciation for her beauty by
jerking off, while she does nothing in return for you. She’s not there in the
room with you giving you a handjob while you’re watching her. You’re
doing all the work for yourself. It’s the digital equivalent of being in a
marriage where you do all the household labor to earn enough sex credits to
get your 5 minutes of monthly starfish sex. Porn just takes up more of your
This brings up another point. Being a simp isn’t just giving up money for
women who do nothing to earn it, but you also expend lots of time on the
activity. If all porn were deleted from the internet and any memories of it
erased from your mind, you’d find yourself with an extra 20 hours a week
on average. It also costs you your sexual energy. Because you give it all
away during a jerk session with porn, you have none of it left to give to a
real woman.
Most importantly, sexual intelligence that can benefit you in the real world
can never be developed if you are addicted to porn. It’s giving your power
away. It’s admitting defeat and embracing the slavery to your urges. Sexual
intelligence is about harnessing them. Jerking off to porn is yielding to
them. These two things cannot co-exist.
Much of it is first introduced during childhood, before age 10. As a child,
you have a natural desire to want to see the opposite sex naked, but you
don't know why. There’s nothing wrong with this desire. But porn takes this
natural desire and mutates it to an extreme thirst for things that would
nauseate you as a child.
If you are unable to abstain from watching porn for one week, you are
addicted. That may seem like a very extreme standard, because all it takes
to trigger a craving is slight arousal, sheer boredom, or some uncomfortable
emotion you wish not to deal with.
It's become widely accepted and even celebrated. We often hear the excuse
"Everyone watches porn" and that's true. Which is why you'll stand out
when you don't. You'll be a man that women notice something different
about but can’t quite put their finger on what it is.
If you are a simp or an incel, you are like everyone else. Keep watching
porn and you'll stay that way. I don't know about you, but when I was
addicted to it, I wished I was having the sex I was watching. I wasn't
enjoying just being a spectator. So I gave it up to learn the craft of
Porn is Male Kryptonite
What makes porn bad? “It’s just me by myself not hurting anyone,” some
guys will tell me. “Is that really so bad?”
Yes, and here’s why. There’s more to it than just that.
A guy jacking off to porn is training himself to watch other men do what he
wants to do. He trains himself to become a spectator for a genuine desire of
his. Even if it is girl-on-girl porn, it is similar because that is also
voyeurism. Further, the act of porn viewing associates your pleasure with
being alone, isolated, and watching other people have fun. The effects this
has on you over the long term are quite tragic.
In terms of brain chemistry, it’s a lot like drugs. You become bound to it and
being bound to something prevents you from doing other things that need to
get done.
The character of a man is developed by resisting temptation. The world is
going to be filled with temptations. Giving in to porn will allow the rest of
the world to have its way with you. In setting aside the time to sit down,
glue your eyes to the computer screen and jack off, you are giving your
power away. Thus, you become a slave to your urges. Every time you unzip
your pants, it’s an admission of weakness.
Forget what they say about it giving you false expectations of women. What
it really does is it gives you false expectations of life. It trains you to have
an easy existence or at least believe you can have one. This is because porn
gives you mental rewards and lights up the reward pathways of the brain
despite no effort or work being done on your part. You may notice that
many guys addicted to porn are not particularly energetic nor excited about
life. They’re often lethargic.
Masquerading Convenience
This drug is seemingly convenient and safe. I’ve heard some very young
guys tell me that they prefer porn over sex with real women. Because porn
will never manipulate them, use them for their money, cheat on them nor
break their hearts like a real woman could. Porn cannot hurt them like a
rejection or a breakup might.
That’s a big part of what makes it so easy to give into. It’s a shield against
rejection. Just like dating apps, single mothers, sugar babies and orbiting, it
provides some safeguards or buffers against rejection. That’s how you know
it’s simp behavior. Something done to shield yourself from rejection is often
something a simp would do.
The fear of rejection, adversity and pain will cripple you throughout life. If
you create for yourself a life without those things where you can exist while
not worrying about them being around the corner, it negates the need to
learn social intelligence and allurement. Not to mention sexual intelligence.
Further, once you enter into an existence that rewards you without work,
you condition yourself to not work for the things you really do want. Like a
beautiful woman to sleep with.
This convenience, however, is really adversity in disguise. It only pretends
to soften the blows and shield you from the pains of adversity. Because
when you associate your pleasure with being alone and being a spectator,
you give yourself social anxiety. That’s also the creepy vibe that causes
women to feel uncomfortable around you.
Allurement is the cure to such a condition, but porn kills your motivation to
learn it. Why bother when something so convenient can easily reward you
and never hurt you, while giving you a similar satisfaction? Is it not a better
alternative life to have your brain set to seek real women while other guys
are stuck on computer screen women?
But the adversity this addiction will cause isn’t limited to just the pursuit of
real women. It also makes you weak and lazy. The pleasure feeling from the
dopamine rush eventually caves to desensitization from the over-
indulgence. You get a dopamine high from a raise, but you had to bust your
ass off to get it. Now you can get a dopamine rush just from watching a
video, doing nothing for it.
Realization and knowledge of this fact alone will not help you avoid its
negative effects. The mind cannot tell reality from imagination. It's why
horror movies are scary when they can't hurt you. Your body's autonomic
nervous system thinks you're having all this sex with all these hot girls on
the screen and that your life is awesome. But it turns back to shitty when
the screen is turned off.
The great risk factor here is that there is no other naturally-occurring
dopamine rush that can compete with the ones generated by porn. This will
sabotage you as once pleasurable things will no longer be able to please you
anywhere as much as they once did.
Orgasms from porn release larger than natural dopamine rushes. Orgasms
without it have a hard time competing. That's why the brain always wants
more. You become dependent on the porn for this large of a release. This is
the reason why porn withdrawal symptoms are so heavy. Such as:
-Body Aches
-Brain fog
All of these will keep a man from doing his best work. Porn holds males
back from greatness as much as One-itis and a bad breakup.
Even the porn you once enjoyed the most will soon no longer be as
pleasurable as it once was. When you first see it, you give yourself the
greatest dopamine burst your mind can possibly produce. It is only able to
do this for you the first time. Each subsequent viewing has a diminishing
More extreme things are needed over time to get aroused. At first, you
would get a rock-hard boner just from seeing a woman in a bikini. Then it
required you to just see a woman topless. Next, fully nude was needed.
Then seeing her play with herself. Next, play with another girl. After that,
you had to watch her have full-blown, hardcore sex with a guy to get
aroused. As your addiction goes on, even this isn’t good enough anymore.
You now need to see extreme, novelty fetishes to get turned on.
Some people who have recovered from porn addiction find themselves
deeply repulsed by the things they used to revel in watching.
But for some guys, the downward spiral into extreme porn gets more tragic.
They find themselves having to watch gay porn to get aroused. This is
because they’ve burned out their mind’s natural reaction to a nude woman
and need to recruit mirror neurons for arousal. Mirror neurons are what
cause you to smile back when someone smiles at you. During gay porn,
when these guys see another man with an erection, the mirror neurons go to
work for him to create his own.
But the worst of the worst is when guys are so heavily addicted and down
the extreme rabbit hole, they now need child porn to get aroused.
Literally Less of a Man
You may have heard some social shaming language like, “Real men don’t
watch porn.” I am not going to hurl the same shit at you. But what I will say
is that continual viewing of porn will make you less masculine. It reverses
the polarity of gender.
When you are jerking off, you are serving yourself in the manner that you
wish a woman would, or giving yourself the sensations you wish a woman
would. As a side effect, you become more feminine, because you are
serving a feminine role for yourself by letting your hand substitute for a
woman’s vagina.
Married men are the most at-risk, because in marriage, women get more
dominant and men get more submissive just through the natural course of
male domestication, which is the death of a male’s personal power by 1,000
concessions. The result of this is he loses her attraction, thus she often turns
down his sexual advances, telling him she’s “not in the mood tonight.” So
he has to go somewhere to satisfy his urges.
Where does he go? Pornhub.
Further, when you consider the very act of viewing it, this addiction really
seems like the weakest thing a man can do: to turn to porn rather than stand
up to his wife.
Masculine energy is a lot like "The Force" in Star Wars. It’s invisible but
incredibly powerful. While it cannot be seen, it’s presence can be known
and felt. Women can feel it too and it turns them more feminine as it gives
them the freedom to be more feminine. As they become more feminine,
they become more submissive and are less likely to say no to sex.
Porn, however, is like the dark side of the force. It drains your ability to use
the force constructively. You could consider your semen to be like the
medichloreans that create the force.
The masculinity you waste in ejaculating to porn could have been used as a
source of creativity and genius. That's why you feel less motivated and
more lethargic after watching too much porn.
Sex Life Ruined
The more you have real sex, the better you get at it and the more easily you
can get started in the act. Among the men with active sex lives and reliable
partners that are eagerly DTF for them, there is no sexual anxiety nor
performance-related issues. Having sex actually boosts your testosterone
which further boosts your sex drive and capability. It’s a compounding
But porn will do the opposite for your capability to have sex.
For the addicted porn viewer, their brain becomes so accustomed to the
unnatural levels of dopamine that they cannot get an erection without it. As
a result, they feel crappy. This doesn’t help them appear appealing in their
interactions with women either.
I don’t know if jacking off reduces your testosterone like many anti-porn
coaches say it does. I’ve heard both sides of the argument from credible
sources. Both were convincing. But what I do know is that porn makes it
difficult to have real life sex and be good at it when your most sexual
relationship has been with screens.
Porn-induced erectile dysfunction is also real thing. It’s not just because
you’re rubbing yourself raw by jacking off so much. Sure, the death grip
can numb the nerve endings in your privates. But the male talent in porn is
what really messes you up. They often have huge qualifications, if you
know what I mean. The side-effect is that it makes you feel less confident,
sexually inadequate and less masculine.
Even being aware of the fact that many male porn stars are freaks of nature
or have undergone surgical procedures to get the packages they have
doesn’t help you. When you’re watching porn, your brain doesn’t have the
ability to think and process information rationally. Which is why the
business is so profitable and males easily piss away so much money on it.
No normal guy on earth will compare to Johnny Nine Incher. But normal
guys watching will get the idea that Johnny is the norm and they are the
abnormal ones.
Further, seeing a more well-endowed guy while you assume the feminine
role of pleasuring yourself will make you feel less masculine. This doesn’t
help with the production of testosterone. It probably halts it if not hinders it.
But being able to pleasure a real woman makes a man feel more masculine
for sure.
You find yourself developing self-esteem issues with continual porn
viewing. The biological function of sex is to reproduce. While we have
birth control now, sex has been separated from reproduction physically. And
since jacking off and sending semen into the air doesn’t cause reproduction,
the act is separated from it’s evolutionary purpose as well. But our minds
have not evolved in hardwiring to account for this. As a result, we see our
bodies as just tools for pleasure. But a porn star’s tool will always seem far
superior to yours.
Women often bemoan porn for setting an unrealistic standards for women.
But let’s not forget that it does the same for men. You will never win when
held in comparison to a male porn star.
Men who get laid regularly don't watch porn and I’d argue it's because they
What Life is Like After Quitting
If someone told you right now, "If you do this, you'll have a better life and
here's the proof," wouldn't you do it? Well here’s what your life will be like
after you quit:
You'll have more energy to do your best work.
The desire for self-improvement will be stronger. Porn never
rejects you no matter what, so why bother going to the gym?
You'll be less insecure. You won't have 9 inchers to compare
yourself to.
You'll get better at sex. Your erections will be so much more
powerful. No performance anxiety.
Your scarcity mindset will dissipate. Being one of the few guys
that doesn't watch makes you one of the few guys that women
want to date.
You will be better with women. You will find it easier to talk to
them. A lot of the sexual anxiety disappears.
Sex will be more satisfying. You will experience intimacy on a
level you've not experienced before. It will be about more than a
mere orgasm. The numbness porn causes will be gone.
To get there, I suggest doing the following:
Stop lying to yourself. No, you can't quit any day if you wanted
Remind yourself what is more meaningful to you: a quick
orgasm from porn or being looked up to by your peers for dating
a model.
When you feel the pain of struggle, re-read this chapter. Keep re-
reading it until you've fully internalized it and can almost recite
Stay busy. Boredom is enough to spark a craving. If you're going
out dancing, working out at the gym or being social, you have
less time for boredom.
Find a healthy distraction. Often guys take up the habit from
having no meaning, purpose, passion or excitement. Or
frustration from not getting laid easily. Working a thankless job.
Being unappreciated. Think really hard, what was it that made
you happy easily before you first discovered porn?
And the last most important move to make is to reconnect with
your emotions. Males are less likely to talk about emotions in
part because porn has done a good job of suppressing them. In
detoxing from the drug, your emotions want to break free with
greater intensity.
Porn is a great coping mechanism for trauma and everyone, including you
and me, has faced trauma in their lives. It can be as simple as one of your
parents shouting at you as a child. Something like that would create a block
on your energetic expressions which causes an inner tension in your body.
Even biting your tongue at work creates this tension. Porn helps release it.
Too often, we repress our emotions. The world is very unforgiving to the
emotional male. They call him a bitch. They call him gay. They say he’s
“butt-hurt”. They tell him to grow a pair. What happens with most males is
they bite back on their emotions so forcefully that they damage their ability
to process them.
Just like if you were to bite down on your tongue so hard and so often that
you damage your tastebuds. When you were younger, you had to repress
emotions you weren't comfortable with feeling because they were so strong
and negative.
Porn gives you the opportunity to nuke those negative emotions with
unnatural dopamine rushes. The alternative though is processing them
naturally. Letting the emotion loose and allowing it to be open to scrutiny
by rationalism is enough to rob it of it's power.
Emotions are energy and energy wants to flow. Only addictions and
muscular tension prevent that flow from spilling out. The addiction doesn't
really solve the problem. It only postpones resolution of it and compounds
What males must realize, despite the heavy cultural conditioning and strong
social imperatives that they must never be emotional is that there is no such
thing as a bad emotion. They are part of a feedback system to guide you
when something is right or wrong, aligned or out of step with your true
Suppressing these emotions is like breaking the navigation system in your
car. You’ll have a harder time reaching your destination if you do.
Look at the heroin addict that lives in a shit-hole. He doesn't even notice
how shitty his life is. Or at least he doesn’t seem to mind it. That’s because
his navigation system is broken. All he cares about is his next fix of heroin.
Similarly, a male can sabotage himself like that sacrificing his career,
relationships, health and future without even seeing that it's all going to
hell, when he's addicted to porn.
Further, suppression of your emotions turns you into a magnet that keeps
attracting the situations that cause them. It keeps you stuck in the same
place with them and continues to inspire more similar emotions to the ones
you've suppressed.
Think of the act of suppressing emotions to be like carrying the One Ring
from The Lord of the Rings. It only attracts bad things to you. Carry the one
ring and the Nazgul, Orcs and the Uruk-hai come after you. Wear these
suppressed emotions, and more ugly ones like them will come to you.
Without resolution to these suppressed emotions, no self-improvement will
matter. The problem is not the addiction, but the suppressed emotions that
have caused the addiction. The need to drink alcohol and use it as a social
lubricant would not exist if you were comfortable socializing naturally. But
your unprocessed emotions, such as the fear of what other people think of
you, causes the awkward tension and anxiety you feel when the idea of
socializing is presented.
To process the emotions, you must remove the addictions you use to cover
them up. Take long walks, meditate, and remind yourself of the great things
you missed because of porn. When you release the suppressed emotions,
take as long as you need to fully feel them and let them die out naturally.
No one has to see you do this. Every man, even the toughest among us, has
cried behind closed doors.
The alternative path is to continue down the road of porn addiction. Where
that road leads to is a diminishing return from the highs. The highs will
reduce over time and you'll be seeking more extreme things to get them.
Even gay porn. Even child porn.
Your Future Self
There is only one person in this world you need to simp for. This is the one
person you absolutely must marry. This is the one person you need to love
the most: your future self.
Ask yourself this, what would your future self be more grateful for? An
intense orgasm you experienced after 3 hours of binge-watching porn, or
doing something beneficial, productive and enriching during those 3 hours?
Wouldn’t you be more grateful to your past self if you looked back to see
that you spent those three hours in the gym? Those three hours looking
through your budget to find areas you could save money? Those three hours
working to earn more money? Those three hours analyzing stocks to buy?
Three hours talking to real, live women, gathering more experience with
them and thereby getting better socializing with them?
Whenever you’re about to do anything, not just when you’re about to give
into the temptation to watch porn, a good habit is to ask yourself, “Will my
future self be grateful for me doing this or will my future self be angry at
me for it? How will I judge myself looking back on this moment?”
If you do that with everything in life, you’ll find that there are better days
ahead of you. And just the thought of a better day coming tomorrow makes
today a little better as well.
Step 5: Exercise to Failure
When you’re in recovery, the urge to simp is not going to go away for a
long time. It will creep back up and try to take hold of you again, undoing
all the hard work you’ve already done. What if you could use that urge
toward something productive?
The good news is you can. Whenever you feel the urge to simp, use that as
a queue to do pushups to failure. Or pullups to failure. Or air squats. Really,
any kind of muscle building exercise, do it to failure when you feel the
temptation to do something simpy.
Doing an exercise to failure means doing it until you can’t do it anymore. If
you’re doing pushups, you do them until you fall flat on your face in the
middle of an attempt to do just one more. With pullups, it’s when you can
no longer grip the bar. With squats, it’s when you just have to sit down.
I guarantee you that when you do this, you will rid yourself of the desire to
do anything you’d later regret. No longer will you feel the need to look at
porn. Gone is the appetite to send DMs to women you’d be embarrassed by
if they were screenshotted and shared. And forgotten about will be the
idealized fantasies of women you orbit. Maybe even the orbiting itself will
There’s a scientific reason for this. The stress of exercise has tremendously
beneficial effects on the brain. It clears out the fog that clouds your better
judgment. When someone is trying to kick the habit of smoking cigarettes,
they use the same tactic whenever they feel a craving. After they’ve
exhausted themselves from exercise and are out of breath, they really don’t
have the desire to smoke.
The same thing happens with your pent-up sexual energy and frustration.
The impulses and dissatisfaction with life not catering to your sexual
desires are encompassed in the form of energy.
Exercising until you’re spent will completely expend that energy and get it
out of your system. Yes, so would jerking off, but this alternative is actually
beneficial for you.
When you jerk off, you don’t really quench the thirst, you only kick the can
down the road. The thirst doesn’t die with the orgasm. It grows. But when
you exercise to build muscle, all that sexual energy is going into the tearing
and repair of your muscle. And because the body has more pressing matters
to take care in this moment, like the repair of muscle tissues, the thirst dies.
Your body and mind have bigger fish to fry.
Further, simps act like simps in part because they don’t feel man enough to
deserve the women they simp for. Something that will definitely make you
feel more like a man is testosterone, and exercise will naturally boost that.
Specifically, heavy lifting.
Testosterone is crucial to success in life. It is your fuel. The medichloreans
that make up the force that is masculine energy. Seriously, this isn’t some
voodoo, fiddle-faddle bullshit. Your sexual energy talked about in the
chapter on sexual intelligence is the masculine energy created by
testosterone. Addiction to porn and simp behavior squanders it, causing
lethargy. Exercise stockpiles it.
Squats are exceptionally good at boosting testosterone and are a strong
safeguard against depression, as studies show.

To have greater modulation and regulation of your emotions, one needs to

practice more mindfulness. This means paying more attention to the
present, examination and scrutiny of your thoughts and feelings, as well as
the sensations of the current moment. Mindfulness is also recognition of
thoughts and feelings as being transient. Meaning they come and go. So it’s
entirely up to you whether to act on them or not.
All this is 100% replicated when you’re performing a squat with heavy
weights. Imagine the pressure of heavy weight on your shoulders and the
only way to get it off your back is to rise up, no matter how difficult it is.
You have no option but to pay attention to the present. To perform this
exercise with the proper form, which is the only way you’ll actually do it
without getting hurt, requires an intense amount of focus and concentration.
Let’s not forget the work of endorphins. You may have heard of these
before, but has anyone ever told you what they actually are? The word itself
is derived from the words “Endogenous morphine”. They are internally
created pain killers. The effect that releasing endorphins has is like taking
the opiate. They alter the body’s perception of pain. Physical and mental.
Because the brain so heavily approves of exercise, it rewards you with
dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. A cocktail of these three is a
powerful fighter against depression. People that suffer from it are often
lacking in these three brain chemicals. While exercise may only increase
them for about a 1-hour window following, regular intense exercise
improves the over-all ability to produce them.
You feel more like a winner and thus pursue more competitive-natured
things. This is nothing but good for you. Women want winners, not losers.
They hang out at the finish line, waiting for the winner. And when that
winner arrives, every simp is soon forgotten.
Whenever you catch yourself feeling the urge to simp, do pushups until you
can't do them anymore. Or pullups. Or squats. Especially squats. If you’re
like most beginners and have never squatted before, you’re probably going
to have a hard time doing it with weight. Air squats are perfectly all right.
A great way to get conditioned for heavy lifting is to first set a deck of card
on the floor, and squat down to pick up a card one at a time. Do this until
you go through the entire deck. The great thing about this is that you can
carry the deck in your pocket anywhere you go.
This is not just a way to slaughter the simp within. This is a competitive
victory you can attain all by yourself. You don’t even need a fancy gym
membership. Ideally, every guy should have a barbell and plates at home.
Every guy should definitely have a pullup bar that fits in a door frame. And
anyone can have a deck of cards in their pocket or drop to the floor to do
pushups to failure. There’s literally no excuse not to do this.
The more you do this, the more you legitimately progress in transforming
yourself into the prize.
Step 6: Delete the Dating Apps
Many coaching clients of mine were using a dating site or app to find true
love and a long-term relationship. Their intentions were genuine, for sure.
But their execution was absolutely awful. They had very long profile
summaries. Practically a novelization of their lives and why they’d be such
great boyfriends. These poor guys knew that their competition was fierce as
they were just one in a sea of thousands, all fighting over a few hundred
available women. Well, supposedly available.
To be competitive, they thought it was advantageous to put a sentence in
their profile to the tune of how much they “respect women”. This was
usually followed by some paragraph about how they were “looking for the
right woman”, “willing to take things slowly”, talk about how they’re “one
of the rare good guys with a big heart, an endangered species”, and of
course a “good listener.”
He certainly is a good listener, because it’s likely he heard from other
women that these things are shit a woman wants from a man. But as
covered earlier, what women say they want and what they actually respond
to are two totally different things. In typing these things out, you embed
into your subconscious that you are a servant for women.
These poor guys would also incessantly check the dating apps for new
messages. Whenever they did match with a woman on them, they’d
immediately try to look her up on other social networks to get more
glimpses of her. What this says to an outsider looking in is that you place
way too much value on attention from women.
Some other coaches and content creators in the red pill consortium say that
dating apps are your best bet to find women. Some of them are guys I
respect, so I’m not going to call them out by name and start a food fight.
But I must protest and say they are just so darn wrong on this matter.
Firstly, because there’s a grave danger on these sites and apps. They are
loaded with scammers.
Con-artists and scammers know very well how far a guy will go when he’s
desperate to get laid, or just get a date. One I experienced first-hand was
when you match with a woman and she even gives you her username on
Kik or Discord. You two chat up for a good 30 minutes or so. Then she
spills the beans and tells you she’s a webcam girl.
But she’s only doing it because her grandma is in the hospital or it’s to pay
for her schooling to become a doctor. She’s still local and interested in
meeting you. It’s just that she’s got a big, hefty bill that has to get paid first.
So if you’d be so kind to join her cam show, which has a cover fee just to
get in, she’ll appreciate it and afterwards, she’ll arrange a time to meet up
with you in person.
Don’t fall for this bullshit. Once the cam show is over, you’ll never hear
from her again. She’s probably not even in your city. But she told every
other guy in the chat room that same story. It’s genius marketing really. If
the cam site charges $1 a minute, spending 30 minutes for free talking a guy
to get into that chat room is worth the effort.
A more egregious scam one of my clients experienced, and major kudos to
the poor fellow for admitting it to me, was when the scammer wasn’t even
female. It was another guy pretending to be. The scammer put up cute,
young girl pictures on a profile and pretended to be her. Chatted my client
up. Exchanged numbers. Then exchanged nude pictures.
The next day, the scammer calls up my client, pretending to be the girl’s
father and shouts at him that she’s just 17 years old. If he doesn’t Western
Union him a few thousand dollars, he’ll be hearing from the family
You and I might be able to see through this as a scam (I mean come on, who
uses Western Union for settling something like this?), but in the heat of the
moment, when his life and future were threatened, he wasn’t thinking
clearly and just wanted this to go away.
There is also another scam on dating sites that probably every guy has
experienced. When you get a message from a kinky woman that says she’s
a financial femdom and demands you send her money. I don’t believe this
one is a very successful scam, because most guys are happy to tell her to
fuck off. But the real desperate, frustrated guys might fall for this just
because it’s a woman that’s finally paying attention them and responding to
their messages.
Further, there must be money to be made in this scam for it to be as
widespread and common as it is.
The news covers dating site scams when they happen to women. Because
that serves the Fempowerment Mandate and makes males look evil, pushing
the victim narrative. But the scams happen just as much if not more so to
guys. You only don’t hear about them because guys are often too
embarrassed to talk about it.
Not Available
The second reason you should delete the dating apps from your phone and
block them in your browser is because many women on these sites aren’t
even available.
Have you ever matched with a woman on Tinder or Bumble and after you
start talking to her, she tells you that she’s not looking to go on dates? She’s
just looking for friends or just to “talk to people”? It’s happened to many
guys and it’s incredibly frustrating when you’ve been on the hunt for a long
time with no matches, then this happens when you get one.
There are a few reasons why these women are on the apps. One is that
they’re there just for an ego-boost. Sometimes women are feeling low and
finding out they can get several guys to simp for them gives them a little
more self-esteem. Other times, it’s to show off to her friends, “Looky here!
I can get this many guys to simp for me!”
Or sometimes she’s just going through a rough patch in her current
relationship and her hypergamous nature is driving her to see what else is
out there. But she isn’t really ready to dump her current boyfriend. It’s more
like just browsing.
Yet another reason why dating apps are a waste of your time.
The Prize Sucks
Even if you win the fierce competition and get a woman’s attention or even
a date, your prize isn’t a great one. Many women on these sites are single
mothers, mentally damaged or horribly unattractive. We’ve all met that one
woman that had very strategically-taken photos on her profile but then met
her in person only to discover she hid a lot of herself in those photos. A lot.
They call this “Fat-phishing”.
Single mothers are their own case and volumes could be written about the
dangers of dating them. Put aside the concerns over baby-daddy drama,
poor decision-making skills, childcare expenses and the fact that her kids
will probably work against you. The number one argument against dating
single mothers in short is when you choose to date a single mother, you sign
a contract to remain a simp. You’re signing up for your own cuckholdry.
The guys that usually settle for single mothers are guys that realize they do
not have what it takes to get the 9s and 10s they really want, the ones that
don’t have parental obligations and burdens. So they figure that by offering
fatherhood services in addition to their courtship, they are putting up a
sustainable competitive advantage.
This is an admission of weakness and inadequacy. When you date a single
mother, you must realize you will never be her first priority. Many of these
guys that settle for such a woman already don’t make themselves their own
first priority, or original point of concern. So their self-sabotaging thoughts
are reinforced in this relationship. The single mother also notices this, that
you are okay with not being her first priority. Thus she never treats you like
You’re much better off spending the time pursuing someone who has the
capacity and availability to meet your needs in a relationship. You are not
responsible for raising another man’s kids. Leave the single mother’s to
their children and seek out a woman without children so she can
legitimately be yours.
Lastly, the women on dating sites and apps are on there for a reason. Even
the ones that are hot are there because there’s something about them that
hinders them from getting scooped up in their local dating market. They
often have mental problems. You may not see this right away on the first
few dates. But as time goes by, you see more red flags than you would at a
communist party parade.
Even if she were a perfectly normal, mentally healthy woman, the dating
apps will soon damage her. You can thank all the other simps on the
platforms for that. They help turn otherwise sane and nice women into
bitches that use males for meal tickets and free validation.
Scarcity Reinforcement
The final reason to avoid dating apps like the plague is that they reinforce a
scarcity mindset that solidifies simp-hood. Once you’ve messaged every
woman in your vicinity and are all out, you really need one of them to
respond to you or else you’re all done. And if none do, you come to the
conclusion that you’re just unlikable.
The real problem though is that you are assigning too much value to beauty
because you think it's scarce. Maybe the idea of pretty girls giving you
attention is scarce. But pretty girls are not scarce. That's why you get upset
when you find out a woman you orbit has a boyfriend or see she's in a
relationship on Facebook. Scarcity mindset. This is an existential threat to
you as a male.
Because you believe there is not enough to go around, the success of others
is also your failure. Therefore, many guys with this mindset won’t seek
advice from other men successful with women because they resent those
men. They dig themselves further down the hole.
I always advocate to my clients that they meet women through cold
approach then by expanding their social circles. Many of them are heavily
resistant to this idea. They worry that they’ll be “bothering her” or come
across as creepy. But the reason they think this is because they don’t view
themselves as a quality, high-value man. No woman would ever object to a
quality, high-value man talking to them at random.
So the first step is to become that kind of man so you have the confidence
to make these cold approaches. The guys are also fearful that the women
they go talk to at random will be unavailable and she’ll shut them down
with the line, “I have a boyfriend.” That’s why these guys liked using dating
apps. All the women on them are supposed to be single. And I put air
quotes around “supposed to be”. In other words, they’re playing it
somewhat safe on these dating apps.
But you need to take risks. When you shed yourself of the fear of risks and
rejection, you open up far more possibilities to yourself. More importantly
though, cold approach isn't something you’re doing to meet your future
wife. Very few relationships started with a cold approach. The purpose of
doing it is to train your mind to play to win. Simping and dating apps train
it to play not to lose.
The point is never to get the girl. The point is to get better with girls.
If you're still too scared to talk to strangers, I tell my clients start with
cougars. Start by talking to older women who will appreciate the flattery
you’re used to giving. Then gradually make yourself less of a simp and take
risks with them. They are a lot kinder than you’re used to from women your
age and younger.
The purpose of this is to develop social intelligence, and even sexual
intelligence, by having real, live interactions with another living, breathing
human. That does far more for your development than any interactions done
through screens.
Step 7: Stop Watching Simp Media
One scene in The Good Doctor was just so pathetic to me, I couldn’t even
watch it, where Shaun Murphy tells a woman, “I love you! I want to be
your boyfriend” in the most pathetic unconfident manner possible. And she
agrees. I’m sitting there watching it and thinking to myself, “Wait, what?!”
The media will have you believe that simp behavior is normal and
appreciated by women. The movies and shows of today are overloaded with
simps. Jonah from Superstore, is extremely pathetic. He uses dating apps,
gets into a relationship with a single mother while she’s pregnant for the
second time, and even agreed to move across the country for her. This guy
is the epitome of Simp-Pathetic.
Leonard from The Big Bang Theory spreads the lie that most simps believe:
if you orbit the pretty girl long enough and are nice to her throughout, she’ll
come to realize what a great guy you are. She’ll dump the jerk boyfriends
and dive into deep romance with you. She’ll even start to take up the same
nerdy interests as you. The lies get bolder.
Phil from Modern Family spreads the lie that if you supplicate and submit
to your wife, you will be rewarded. She’ll recognize how wonderful you are
when you’re sweet. She’ll store up the sex credits you’ve earned. Phil’s not
only a simp for his wife, but to every other attractive woman he comes
across in the show. Especially his hot, Columbian Mother-in-law. Worst of
all, he considers himself so lucky to have his wife Claire and has no idea
how he ever managed to get her.
To be honest, I'd cancel cable and subscriptions to Netflix and Hulu. The
shows that many people binge-watch on them aren’t just written by
screenwriters. They’re also written by neurological engineers whose
purpose is to find ways to get you hooked on the show so you can’t stop
watching. You end up staying up into the late hours of the night continuing
to watch. You piss away full days watching. And when you reach the series
finale, you desperately look for something else to fill the void.
This is not living. This is waiting to die.
Further, the media content creators are all doing the propagandist work of
the Fempowerment Mandate. It’s not a conspiracy where they all met in a
dark room, plotting to turn the world’s male population into pitiful, pathetic
simps. It’s strictly business.
The credit card companies have the data to show that women spend all the
money. Thus, all the advertisers with things to sell want to appeal to
women. As a result, the creators of media to be sponsored create shows that
appeal to women to garner those female viewers and attract advertiser
It's all financial. But also a result of the Fempowerment Mandate. That is
why all women in movies and TV are portrayed as superior beings. All
males are portrayed as either incompetent stooges, sweet subservient slaves
or outright evil bastards that have no control over their urges.
If you want to see how badly the media has influenced the culture, travel to
another country and see how much different the male/female relation is
there. You’ll notice how well women treat the men and wonder what time
machine you stepped into. The bitchiness and solipsism is practically non-
existent. And their hypergamous nature is kept in check. Opportunities for
them to act on it are minimized.
The goal of the Fempowerment Mandate is to create a world where every
woman is able to fully exercise their hypergamous nature. This means that
psychotic, solipsistic, single mothers can get with Kevin from sales because
he’s shamed into thinking he’s not a “real man” if he doesn’t have the balls
to “step up”, forgive her youthful indiscretions and supplicate for her to
have the better life that she was promised. To have it all, like the feminists
Thus, the messages portrayed in media today are designed to produce that
effect: -Women are superior, invincible, morally perfect and far more
intelligent (Captain Marvel, Rey from Star Wars, Charlie's Angels, etc.) -
Men are foolish, weak, pathetic, cowardly and incomplete without a woman
(Phil Dunphy from Modern Family, Homer Simpson from The Simpsons,
Bernard from Westworld) -The purpose of a male's life is to support his
woman to achieve women's goals and have full capability to exercise
hypergamy (Jonah from Superstore, Teddy from Westworld) -Males must
become less so females can become more (Rod Calloway from Commander
in Chief, William Hanson from The Contender) In the end, the nice guy gets
the girl (The Big Bang Theory, Captain America, Spiderman) In the end, the
badass has to become a nice guy to get the girl (every romantic comedy).
When men have multiple sex partners, he's a filthy pig (Quagmire from
Family Guy), when women do it, it's empowering (Sex in the City,
Desperate Housewives) Consuming this media is like slowly injecting 2 cc's
of diarrhea into your bloodstream each day.
This doesn't mean never watch anything with a strong female character. I
love the Underworld series. Wonderwoman with Gal Gadot is incredible.
The Alien series heroine Ripley is widely celebrated and deserves to be.
What I mean by this is do not watch something that has a theme, subtle or
explicit, that states your purpose as a male is subservience to women.
The same also goes for your consumption of the news media. I really don’t
understand why anyone even watches the news. Unless you work in the
business, there really is no need to ever watch it. Never have I met a person
that said a news story changed their life or dramatically benefitted them.
But there is one way it will change your life: it will turn you more into a
simp by making you think there’s something fundamentally wrong with you
just because you’re male.
The news media will cover every story of males doing evil, but never will it
cover one that puts women in a bad light. The only ones I can think of are
Jodi Arias and Casey Anthony, and I think they only got coverage because
they weren't hideous. Elizabeth Holmes sure got some negative press, but
not until after she got positive ovations from the media across the board.
But every male athlete that takes steroids, every male politician that has an
affair, and every actor that commits sexual assault, will be held up as the
spokesman and representative for all men. The media will remind you of
the “toxic masculinity” bullshit and the push the myth of male privilege.
Don’t give them a second of ratings viewership.
You must understand that this portrayal by the media of men being stupid
and evil is a lie. Do I really need to debunk this for you? Let’s just take a
trip down to the patent office and look for something amazing that was
invented by a female (the office where Einstein and his testicles worked).
And when it comes to evil, I bet you didn't even know that mothers are
more likely to abuse their children than fathers. I know from personal
This also means stop watching female dating coaches on YouTube. They
will outright encourage you to simp. If you’ve not seen the documentary
The Blue Pill (a free gift to you for reading this book), go see it now. You’ll
see exactly what I’m talking about.
They don’t do this out of some secret, evil conspiracy. They do it just out of
nature. When you ask a woman what she wants in a man, her response is
going to be something that benefits her as a woman. Which is different from
what they actually respond to. It’s the narration effect; by narrating the
process, you change the process.
Every screenwriter and TV producer has an agenda. I know because I went
to school with them. And quite often, their agenda is not friendly toward
Step 8: Talk to More Women.
Especially Strangers
Earlier, it was written that beautiful women are not scarce. I dare you to
prove me wrong. Get out of the house and look. And when you see them,
go talk to them.
You can cut yourself off from women entirely to slaughter your inner simp,
but the lonely MGTOW way is a painful path. What's better is to realize
that there is no shortage of them. If you mess it up with one, who cares?
There are plenty of them. If you take a risk acting too bold and it goes
badly, who cares? Each woman is totally replaceable. I say this not to
dehumanize them. But to get you to realize that a loss is not fatal.
A winner is just a loser that tried one more time.
Again, the reason to go talk to more women, especially random ones you
don’t know, isn’t because that’s how you’ll meet your next girlfriend or
your future wife. It’s so you’ll get more experience with them and develop
an understanding of them. And I promise you that the moment you
understand women, you’ll never again put the on pedestal.
When you understand women and see how easily they respond to
allurement, you'll never worship them again.
Society has failed males across the board in preparing them for life, which
is why my business even exists. But the first thing that should have been
taught to us was that women are not scarce. The rest of our institutions
would have us think that they are. When you were in school, you really
thought that the girls in your class were the only ones available to you, so
you better be good to them and treat them like queens.
Organized religions are particularly bad at creating the scarcity mindset.
Their prescription for a male’s ideal life is to get married as early as
possible and have kids early and often. They almost make you feel like it’s
your calling. But remember the poor sap, Mr. Simpson, from step one.
That’s precisely what you’re signing up for when you marry the first
woman you can get to agree to it.
Talking to new women is the solution to almost any problem. Are you to
outcome-dependent? Get rejected a shit-ton more until you stop caring. Just
got rejected? You'll only find one that won't when you continue talking to
more. Anxiously waiting for one woman to reply to you? She'll be the last
thing on your mind when you have another live one right in front of you. I
could go on and on.
Go to the beach, the dance clubs, yoga classes, pole classes, etc. You'll see
women everywhere. These places are honeypots.
Take risks when talking to them too. Make jokes at their expense. Err on the
side of more boldness. Too much is better than none at all. This works for
the same reason that women do not like simps. Because the simps bore her.
They offer no challenge. It's like playing a video game that's far too easy.
Or watching a show that's far too predictable.
This doesn't mean insult her. It means don't treat her like some sacred
goddess whom it is sinful to joke with. James Bond never cared about
offending a woman. Nor ever needed to.
Step 9: Cut Off Simp Friends
Do not hang out with blue pill boys. None at all.
Much like in The Matrix, anyone that hasn’t been unplugged is potentially
an agent of the system. They will fight you hard to bring you back to the
blue pill. These are the guys that will shit on you behind your back to
women, attempting to harm your chances in hopes of propelling their own.
They are so thirsty, they'd suck off a hermaphrodite if it gave them a chance
to feel up some boobs.
As much as you want to "Red Pill" your friends, it never goes exactly how
you hope it will. Many of them have such great ego-investments in their
blue pill conditioning that they argue with you before even hearing your
ideas out.
They are like crabs in a bucket. They fight off other men to lay claim to the
drug that's killing them: women they have One-itis for.
The teachers wait for when the student is ready. Once they’ve suffered
enough from the results of their blue pill beliefs, they will seek out and find
the red pill on their own. It’s best they discover it on their own. You trying
to convert them is much like trying to force-feed a religion to someone.
Don’t be that guy.
It's no different than trying to get your friends to stop watching porn when
they don't even want to admit they have a problem with it.
They will not only reject the red pill, but worse they will try to reconvert
you to simp-hood. They will tell you bullshit from the Fempowerment
They'll say women are evolved in this day and age, so that rugged, tough
guy shit doesn't work today.
They'll say you need to be her egalitarian equal.
They’ll tell you that you’re a jerk who treats women like shit just because
you don’t supplicate to them.
Meanwhile, they bow down at the throne of a 32-year-old single mother.
Step 10: Delete Social Media
Don’t just unfollow the thots on them. Take it a step further and delete your
profiles all together!
Everyone of my books instructs the reader to stay off social media. There’s
a good reason for that. But I still get so much resistance on this subject.
"But I need it to stay in touch with friends!" many guys will say. Last I
heard, texting was invented. If you do not talk to someone you want to keep
in touch with over the phone or by text, how much do you really want to
stay in touch with them? Seriously ask yourself about the people you “keep
in touch with” over social media. If they are that important to you, why
don’t you have their phone numbers?
Jon from Modern Life Dating and Myron Gaines from “Fresh & Fit” say
Instagram is how you pickup women these days. They're not wrong, but a
woman that chooses to be with you based on what she sees of you on social
media will be soon stolen by another. The women that look for guys on
Instagram are always looking even after you’ve picked them up. Let’s not
forget, there’s always a guy that’s got more going for him than you. Rappers
and Rockstars use Instagram to pick up women. Can you really compete
with them?
Some simps say "Women will think you're weird if you're not on social
media! Only rapists and pedophiles aren't on it!"
That's bullshit. You know what shows a woman how valuable you are more
than an Instagram loaded with pictures of you surrounded by gorgeous
babes? Having no social media at all. Because they assume that a man is not
on social media because he can't keep his groupies and fangirls from
fighting with each other over him on his profile, causing drama and
comment wars.
I had an Instagram loaded with pictures of me with gorgeous women, and I
still got a message from a thot asking me to subscribe to her OnlyFans. No
matter how awesome your Instagram is, you’re still considered a potential
simp for their use as they see it.
But more importantly, social media is for women. It's all about gossiping,
spreading rumors, shaming, indignation and backstabbing. This is high
school girl shit. Let’s let them have this arena all to themselves, fellows.
A guy on social media is like a woman going into a mancave occupied by
some rowdy rough boys that want to drink beer and crack dirty jokes. In the
same way, on social media, women will do nothing but police your
To prove my point, post something red pill on social media. Post something
unflattering to the Fempowerment Mandate. You'll be slammed with
messages and comments from women and simps that say they are
"surprised to learn" you "thought that way." They’ll shame you and blast
you, making you go viral. Because the outrage mob already decided your
evil, God help you if a major media outlet picks up the story and your
current or potential future employers find out about it.
That’s another reason to stay off it. Remember the human resources
department is nothing more than a sham department created to give
uneducated, unskilled women a place to work. Don’t think they don’t look
you up on social media to screen you out. Even if your profile is private,
there are services for hire that can break the privacy walls and big
corporations can pay for those services.
Social media is the number one tool of the blue pill and a mass production
factory for simps.
It’s just like the situation with colleges and universities, which are nothing
more than shithole, cess-pools for groupthink on retarded ideas. You’ve
heard their ideas I’m sure, such as speech codes, trigger-warnings, micro-
aggressions, the idea that “race and gender are just constructs”, gender
studies degrees and countless other garbage. These universities not only
teach nothing but useless bullshit while charging a fortune for it, but they
teach it in a manner that only women are accustomed to learning.
Richard Cooper says don’t let school get in the way of your education.
These institutions of higher learning are of no benefit to you as a male.
You’re better served getting your education somewhere else that doesn’t
produce nothing but imbeciles who will fail in life. Let the women keep
those universities. Similarly, social media is another shithole we males
should concede to females and let them have.
You’ve probably seen the anti-male memes made from propagandists worse
than what you see in the old media. Buzzfeed and are some of
the worst offenders. And their garbage is some of the most shared articles
on social media. These outlets outright hate you just because you’re male.
Why give money and attention to an empire that hates you?
You should not be engaged in any platform where your thoughts and
opinions are subject to instant criticism, scolding, and redirection from
women and simps. Women and simps should not be the arbiters of your
opinions or morality.
I know it’s difficult to quit. When you’re on the toilet, Facebook is usually
the first thing people pull up. And they feel lost the first time they sit down
to shit without it. I suggest replacing it with the Kindle app for your phone
and read the books that will better your life instead of a Facebook feed.
And for the love of God, do not use social media DMs as a way to chat up
women. There is not a single successful, happy relationship in the real
world that started this way. The women are laughing at you when you do
this. They screenshot what you send them, show it to their friends and laugh
at how pathetic you are.
The reason simps flirt through DMs on social media is because of their
discomfort expressing sexuality. Simps are comfortable expressing
emotions but uncomfortable expressing sexuality. The reinvented man is the
opposite. Strangely though, simps seem to have no problem sending out
dick pics. If you want to ensure your dick never gets action from a real
woman, send dick pics to them. All women are universally repulsed by the
guy that would do this.
And don’t even think about doing it by text message. I’ve heard horror
stories of those pictures and phone numbers being posted on a gay hookup
site. Think with the right head, for the love of God.
Even if you’re in a happy relationship with a seemingly quality woman,
stay off. There have been many instances of women creating what are
called “sock-puppet accounts” and use it as a means of trapping you so they
can justify bitchiness and indignation toward you, a means to reclaim the
frame and power dynamic of the relationship.
What happens is they find pictures online of some random pretty woman,
then create a fake social media account for her. Next they log into the fake
account and message their boyfriend, saying something like, “Hey, you’re
cute,” to initiate a conversation.
The conversation goes on for a bit, maybe even a few days. But eventually
it ends with her asking, “Do you want to meet up for a coffee?” Even if he
says no, the fact that he entertained the conversation for this long is enough
for his girlfriend to be indignant toward him. No matter what you say in
response, if your answer isn’t “Fuck you, ya cunt!” it’s the wrong answer.
Stay off social media, OnlyFans and Twitch. Do not shit out money on
these apps. Put your money into stocks and other investments that will
actually provide a return. Focus on victories you can actually attain.
The men that do this will separate themselves from the guys that don't, and
that difference will be financial. The pimps will be rich and the simps will
be poor. Then, the women that exploit and live off the simps will become
the new public enemies for exploiting the poor, worse than the banks that
Bernie Sanders vilifies.
Step 11: Control What You Consume
The simp lacks self-control. Thus self-control is a crucial skill you must
develop. Here’s something you can easily control: what you consume.
What are you eating? Processed food? Junk food?
Just as what media you consume has a tremendous effect on your mind, the
food you eat has an effect on your body. Eat like shit and you'll look like
shit. And the more you look like shit, the less likely you'll be confident
enough to talk to more women without simping, to be strong enough to lift
heavy weights, or to be energized enough to get out the house.
When you take conscious control over what you eat and become more
discriminating with it, you are beginning to develop self-control. You’re
training your brain to create supportive thoughts that will allow you to do
difficult things.
It’s very difficult to resist the urge to eat another scoop of ice cream. It’s
tough to turn down a Kit Kat bar (my personal favorite). But it’s a victory
you can attain every day when you overpower the urge. Sexual intelligence
is all about overpowering sexual urges. To do this, you need to first get
better at just over-powering urges in general.
The best diet to adopt is the one with the least amount of ingredients in each
food item. That means opting for fresh produce and fresh meats instead of
packaged shit. A potato has only one ingredient in it: the potato. A chicken
breast has only one ingredient in it: the chicken. When you eat these, the
digestive system has an easier time processing it and ripping out the
nutrients it needs from it, directing them to where they are most beneficial.
When you eat something like a frozen meal, a piece of bread or a pop tart,
you’re eating something with at least 10 different ingredients the body has
to sort through. The worst offenders are sugars and grains. Removing these
from your consumption will have you looking and feeling better fast.
Control what you consume not just with food, but also your soaps,
toothpaste, sunscreens and shaving cream. The majority of the
manufacturers of such items load these things up with estrogenics.
The soaps and self-care products often contain xenoestrogens, which bind
themselves to your estrogen receptor sites and that disrupts the function of
your endocrine system. While the xenoestrogens are entering your body,
your body is still creating its own endogenous estrogen. Now you have too
many estrogens in circulation. Much of this excess estrogen is being stored
in fat cells, turning you into a fat ass. It further confuses your body’s natural
systems because it is not able to metabolize and excrete the excess estrogen
quick enough to the keep up with the amount its exposed to.
It turns out that the hippies lecturing you to take natural and organic
alternatives were right. You want to only use things that say on the label
that they are at least 95% organic.
You want to find healthier alternatives in all things you consume. Instead of
consuming the shitty anti-male entertainment media, try taking up a course
for self-improvement in some subject you're weak in. Or some skill that will
benefit you in life to learn.
Every guy should learn about finance, how to be a handyman, how to play
an instrument and how to cook. These skills will get you very far in life.
I once took the home inspector course. Not so much to become a home
inspector, but to be a more handy homeowner. I’ve saved myself a ton of
money and future headaches just by learning the mechanics and engineering
of houses.
Nothing makes you look and feel more masculine than working under the
hood of a car. Learning how to fix cars is more rewarding than watching
Nascar. And I say that as a Nascar fan.
Step 12: Learn to Dance
Nothing will get you in front of more women and have you racking up
experience with them than being one of the few males on earth that knows
how to dance.
The dance floor is a honeypot of women. So few guys even know how to do
it and the ones that do have no shortage of women in their lives. And
because they have more exposure to them, they understand women better,
thus are less likely to be simps for them.
Further, learning this skill gets you more comfortable in your own in skin
around them in a number of ways. You will be comfortable talking to them,
even random strangers, because that’s who you’ll be asking to dance when
you go out. You’ll be more comfortable touching them, because you have to
in order to dance with them.
Imagine being good at something she’s actually interested in. While every
endeavor has it’s groupies (except video games), this one has the most.
Because currently, interest in it is disproportionately female and it will
likely stay that way for a long time. Many guys just don’t have the
aspiration to do it because they don’t believe it’s manly. Even though Bruce
Lee did it.
Sure, we’d all wish they’d pick something more in tune with our pre-
existing interests like fishing or motorcycling. But that’s just not the world
we live in. They chose to obsess over dancing for a reason. It comes from
their evolutionary instincts and desires to solve the reproductive problem.
The way a person dances can be very telling. It shows how comfortable a
person is in social situations as well as physical fitness. It gives her a
chance to size you up. How well can you think on the spot, how at ease you
are being in a vulnerable position in front of people, how polite you are
when you ask her to dance and how strong or passive is your lead. These
are the things women look for while dancing with you.
Many guys feel that if they were given the opportunity with a woman, they
would shine and impress her. Here is your chance to do just that. Show her
your strength, stamina, mental coordination, social ease, etiquette and
ability to let go and have fun. You’re already a turn on to her just because
you’re more confident than the man who remains hanging out by the bar or
in the corner. It tells her you’re ready to have fun and don’t care what others
Of course, it will take time to get good at this. And it will likely cost you.
But it’s better to get your practice in on a dance instructor or classmate and
make your mistakes there rather than in a club. The women are however
very forgiving because they recognize how difficult it is to lead. After all,
they don’t want to do it.
You get the practice in the security of the studio and that way by the time
you go out in the real world with your arsenal of moves, you feel much
more confident.
I don’t know any simp that could dance.
Becoming Seduction-Proof
The stench of thirst is what makes men reviled by the world. Little boys and
old grandpas don't have it. Thus they are accepted by the world. But when
the grandpas were younger and when the little boys grow up, when at the
age to notice women are sexually attractive, expression of that attraction
without refinement and regulation is what causes these males to be
The stench of thirst is why the presumption of bad intentions hangs over
your head. Wherever you go, people are always looking at you like you’re
up to no good. A woman can easily get away with talking to random
children on the playground that are not hers, be let into a stranger’s home
on a cold stormy night when seeking shelter, and generally over-all garner
more social sympathy and interaction easily if she’s alone.
You as a male do not have that luxury of instant social acceptance.
Everyone assumes you’re either a creep, a criminal or a sex offender. The
only other exception is married men. They are exempt from this perception
and accepted by the world because for them to act on their thirst extra-
maritally would be a very costly mistake for them. Perhaps that is why
males so easily jump into marriage despite it being a bad deal for them.
Conquering the thirst and ridding yourself of the stench of thirst will open
up new worlds for you.
Sexual intelligence is about fighting the inner caveman. When you feel the
intense urge to simp, that is your inner caveman speaking. When you want
to beat up the guy that has the woman you covet, that is your inner
caveman. It exists not just when it comes to perversion, but also jealousy,
one-itis, and a general lack of discipline.
As a male, when you see a female you find attractive, everything within
your biology from your blood to your bones is screaming at you, “You must
have this! You must touch her everywhere! You must see the rest of her
undressed! You must fuck her to your heart’s content!” The body says we
must have her. And when we cannot, the ensuing reaction is like taking
drugs away from an addict.
This isn’t to say all males are nothing but sex pigs that are on the verge of
committing sexual assault any time they see a woman they find appealing.
Her beauty is not likely to inspire you to commit horrid acts, because it
takes a very twisted, damaged human to commit such acts. The more likely
horror that will happen is that her beauty will drive you mad within and
cause you to unwittingly harm yourself.
You harm yourself by building up resentment toward such women because
you feel you can’t have them. You feel unworthy. It causes you to also build
up resentment toward your fellow man that can have her. Thus, your social
skills and relationship-building skills suffer, and you become isolated.
In your isolation, you’ll turn to more things that will put you further at risk,
such as porn, OnlyFans subscriptions, webcams, or even prostitutes. While
paying for sex prevents you from becoming an incel, it still makes you a
simp. That’s because you are telling yourself you can buy your way out of
work. You are telling yourself that you accept that you're not good enough
on your own to have what you want. You must pay for it.
Some guys will justify it by saying, “Hey, we’re always paying for a
woman’s affection. The prostitute is the only one honestly disclosing her
price.” To that, I say only a simp is always paying for a woman’s affection.
I’ve dated women who paid for the dates, did the driving and even initiated
the sex. This isn’t to brag or to say I’m someone exceptional. It’s to hammer
in how powerfully the craft of allurement works. That’s all I did. And I’ve
seen it happen with other men as well.
The most necessary step is to develop an immunity to her beauty. As males,
we’re deeply sentimental in the sense that our brains give us so many
rewarding vibes when looking upon a beautiful woman. It’s biology doing
what it does. When we recognize something that’s a tool to solve the
reproductive problem, a burden we carry constantly. And the sight of her
comes as a tremendous relief.
Forget all the bullshit you’ve heard about male-privilege or any other kind
of privilege the media wants you to believe. There is only one privilege
that’s universally true: beauty privilege. I’ve seen complete imbeciles and
fucking idiots get opportunities and jobs they don’t deserve just because
they’re pretty. While the privilege works in favor of them, it also works
against you.
It causes you to allow and excuse violation of your boundaries by them. It
will have you go far beyond your preset limit to serve and give all for the
hopes of their approval. That is why you must become immune to it. It’s not
that you’ll lose control and grope her without consent. It’s that you’ll lose
your dignity and give up your self-respect.
To be immune to beauty is not to stop appreciating it. In fact, quite the
contrary. The more you turn away from indulgence, the greater the feelings
and satisfaction resulting from it will be when you finally do indulge. Just
like abstaining from ice cream or Kit Kat bars for a few months. By the
time you finally do have one, they taste so much better and you’ll feel better
about them because you know didn’t overdo it with them.
When you finally get the sex you’re fantasizing about, it’s that much better.
And the woman is just as into it as you because the whole time leading up
to sex, she felt comfortable around you for the fact that you weren’t reeking
with the stench of thirst. She will be more comfortable being sexual around
you as well.
When the thirst arises, you must question it with a cross-examination.
Suppose you were sitting in a waiting room and a gorgeous woman with the
perfect body walked in. She sat right across from you so the only way you
wouldn’t see her was to close your eyes. She’s also very scantily clad
showing off a ton of cleavage and legs.
You can already imagine what you’ll be thinking. Your biology will start
screaming at you: “Good gawd!!! Look at this perfect 10!!! How I’d love to
do some bad, bad things with her!!!”
In this moment, think to yourself, “Yeah, I know but there’s still more
information necessary to gather to determine whether I really would enjoy
having sex with her. Like what if she’s a psycho, or a manipulative gold
digger, or really a guy that paid a fortune to get some operations done?”
In your thoughts, do not use flattering words to describe them. Never tell
yourself that “She’s so beautiful”. Instead, think to yourself, “What’s behind
that mask? I should get to know her to find out.”
Start this exercise first by imagining these scenarios in your head. Practice
it there before you run into them in real life. Imagine other scenarios, like
asking a similarly attractive woman to dance. This one will be tougher
because you actually have to get close and touch her. Or the ultimate
difficulty, a woman in a skimpy bikini on the beach asking you to rub
sunscreen on her. Don’t expect this one to ever happen in real life, but still
imagine it. Instead of turning into a slobbering simp in that moment,
imagine yourself acting the way you’d expect James Bond to act. He’s
happy to do it, but this is very familiar territory to him so he doesn’t
That is another great way to think: what would James Bond do.
After doing this exercise entirely in your head, next try it with porn. Yes,
one of the earlier steps was to break your addiction to porn. So this should
not be attempted until you’ve completed that. And it should not be done if
you fear you may sink right back into a 3-hour porn binge.
Instead, only do this when you know you can. This time, watch the scene in
it’s entirety. Most porn viewers do not do this. They often skip around
within the scene to the parts they want to see the most. But you’re not going
to do that. You’re going to watch it from start to finish. Experience what the
directors intended.
You must hold your ground in this exercise. As the scene plays out, getting
sexier and sexier by the second, call into question your thoughts and
feelings. Cross-examine them. When you can make it through an entire
scene without giving into to pleasuring yourself, you are ready for the final
and most difficult step.
Learning from the Experts: Nudists!
The greatest demonstrators of sexual intelligence are nudists. Your final
assignment to slaughter the simp within is to visit a nudist place, like a nude
beach or resort. They’re everywhere so you’re sure to find one close by
unless you live in Alaska.
When you arrive, first just take a look around. Remember to cross-examine
your thoughts and feelings as you do. Particularly when you see attractive
women. The good news is that there will be plenty in these environments to
help you disassociate automatic sexual urge with women’s nudity.
Attractive women will be there, but they will not be the majority. And quite
often, they’re not there by themselves.
What is more likely to be in abundance are older, wrinkly people that want
to pretend their 20 again. The prevalence of older, nasty naked people will
ensure you don’t get involuntary boners. This is good, because the stench of
thirst will be kept at bay.
When you’re ready, start talking to strangers. Start off with someone
unattractive, like an old man, just to warm up and get ready to socialize
with strangers. Then move on to the good-looking women. You’ll be
surprised at how easy it is to do this without lust taking over your mind. But
on that note, it’s important to go over the acceptable etiquette:
-In general, don’t comment on someone’s body or look, even if it’s in a
complimenting way. Naked women in a nonsexual environment are not
there to be drooled at.
-Don’t physically touch someone you just met. If you wouldn’t touch
someone in the office that way, don’t do it here. Ask first, even to shake
their hand.
-Keep a respectful distance. Even if your intent is good, invading personal
space is always perceived as creepy and predatory.
-Flirt only when you feel from them that they’re into you. This isn’t really
the place to look for dates and hookups (really, there is no place on earth to
look for hookups). Be aware that nudists are especially keen on sensing
your intentions, because they’ve seen it all before. They’ve seen plenty of
perverts come there for that purpose and can smell one from a mile away.
-Keep the conversation non-sexual. Don’t talk about it unless they start
talking about it. You as a guy there by yourself talking about sex is a sure-
fire way to seem creepy.
-Look but don’t stare. It’s all right to look at them from head to toe, but
keep wandering eyes to a minimum. Maintain eye contact. You want to be
good at maintaining it for all situations, dressed and undressed.
-Be friendly, but not clingy. Most people, especially women, don’t want to
be followed around by someone they just met. Start up a conversation, yes.
But don’t drag it on and don’t follow them around.
-Don’t be the only one wearing clothes. The single male that wears shorts
while everyone else is naked is immediately thought of as a creep.
-Don’t even think about taking pictures.
Once you’re able to go through a whole day of talking to naked strangers
without a single problem, you have achieved the skill of sexual intelligence.
Additional Tips for Preventing Simp-
I always have extra tips at the end of each book. I want to be sure the reader
gets exactly what they paid for if not more. So here are few extra ways to
prevent yourself from embarrassing and hating yourself.
Never Begin A Relationship Without an End
If you get into a relationship without any game plan for where it will go, it
will feel chaotic and continuously aimless. You’ll be fed more drama and
shit-tests than you have the appetite for. Because in the end, you just want
harmony, like every other male.
But knowing what it is you plan to get out of a relationship and having an
end plan in sight allows you to control and maintain the frame. Believing
that you will be together forever like in the fairy tale blinds you to real-
world possibilities and likelihoods that things can go wrong. You’ll see each
impasse as a minor setback instead of the unnecessary interruption it is that
you shouldn’t tolerate.
That doesn't mean adopt a nihilist mindset. It doesn’t mean expect each
relationship to end badly and view all difficulties within it as a sign of
incompatibility. It means don't adopt an idealist mindset that your
relationship will be the perfect one just because you're in it. That's how
guys get cleaned out by family courts.
In a Tug-of-War, Let Go
Whenever it feels like in you’re in a tug-of-war to keep a woman’s attention
and interest, just let go. Stop showing both to her. When it feels like you’re
the only one that’s getting out to push, stop pushing.
Test this out. If you're doing a lot to show the woman you're dating that
they're special to you, stop doing these things and see what happens. Do
they ask where your attentions and affections went? Do they respond to
your texts or even initiate any on their own?
Ask yourself: What happens when they don't respond to your messages?
What happens when they don't contact you for a few days? Do you really
feel as though you're stuck on a hamster wheel running your ass off just to
maintain their attention? If so, you need to stop.
Do not think, "I'm playing the long game." That's not how people work.
They've never worked that way. Either they have genuine desire for you or
they don’t.
Have Hard Standards Outside of Appearance
& Keep to Them.
A simp has competition anxiety because they know they can’t compete.
They’re more comfortable playing not to lose than they are at playing to
win. You need to be comfortable with competition and you need to play to
win. That means you’ll go after the 9s and 10s more so than the others.
But this cannot be your only standard. If you make beauty the only thing
you care about, you’ll be a slave to it.
Come up with a list of things you want her to be besides hot. Or perhaps a
more easy list to make is things you don’t want her to have nor to be like. A
list of red flags and disqualifiers. When we make up a list of women to
avoid, it disqualifies a huge amount of them. A lot of really hot ones too.
Here’s an example of the standards I used for myself and encouraged my
clients as well as all guys to use: -No single mothers.
-No feminists.
-No women with severely modified bodies.
-No divorced women.
-No lazy bums that just watch netflix all day.
-No women that don’t prioritize health and fitness.
-No women with septum piercings (not only does this look stupid, but I’ve
never met a sane woman that had one).
-No women on OnlyFans (this woman is under the impression that she
should be paid just to exist).
Remember the sad sorry married man you saw in the grocery store serving
his bitchy wife's every demand? He got there by having no standards.
The girl that DM'd me on Instagram asking me to subscribe to her OnlyFans
got told to fuck off and got blocked. Maybe she's a real nice girl. I don't
care. That was a boundary.
You need some too. Like if a woman is late to a date, more than 10 minutes
and isn’t communicating with you as to why she’s late in some way, you
need to get up leave. Don’t even notify her. Just go. If she messages you
later, tell her that you can’t date someone that has no respect for your time.
If you show up to a date and she turns out to not be as good as she looked in
her pictures, turn around and leave. If she asks why you’re leaving, tell her
you don’t appreciate being lied to.
If you feel disrespected or swiped at on a date, politely ask them not to do it
again. And if they do, get up and leave. You will not tolerate being treated
as less than your worth. You certainly won’t let her get away with that just
because she’s pretty.
In my practice, coaching clients are encouraged to have what I call the “No
Bull Barrier”. This means when they sense something is BS, call it out for
what it is. This is a skill I picked up from my grandfather who'd walk out of
the room if you couldn't make your point in 30 seconds. Set up for yourself
a “No Bull Barrier”.
When you feel something is not right, when your spider-sense is tingling,
that is when you revert to your “No Bull Barrier” and scrutinize it with
sheer common sense. Things that seem too easy and good to be true get
ripped apart. Remember those scams discussed in the chapter on dating
apps? Someone with a “No Bull Barrier” would be able to spot them.
Boundaries exist to protect your time, energy, attention and money. Your
TEAM. You must protect them at all costs. The simp will easily expend
them. But the reinvented man knows that these things are his most precious
currencies and others will value them first by seeing how much he himself
values them.
Do Not Keep Track of Good Deeds
This behavior is very common among simps because every nice thing they
do for someone else is either done to be seen doing or done to get
something back from it. These good deeds they do, especially for women,
are often the bricks that are used to pave their pathway to the black pill.
Their anger and resentment arises from seeing their nice behavior go
unrewarded or unreciprocated.
Keeping track of these interactions with others in general, like everything is
to be measured by a balancing scale is a sure-fire way to disappointment.
This is because every human has the bias of over-valuing what they
contribute while discounting the contributions of others.
The thoughts are not intentional, to believe what you do for others is better
than they ever do for you. Your mind just thinks that way because it was
you who did your deeds. Your mind was there to watch every ounce of time
and effort investment for your own actions.
The correct course of action is to just do your good deed and immediately
move on. The less you make a big deal out of it, the more the recipient will
think it was a big help.
Conclusion: A Powerful Realization
that Flips the Script
I have a hope for a better world. One where the sexual marketplace is
corrected. Where open-hypergamy is put back in check like it used to be.
There once were constraints on it such as religious convictions and
communal stigmas. I’m not saying that those things were good. But what’s
definitely not good is when 100% of all women think they are entitled to
the top 1% of men. Worse yet is when they think they should be paid just to
Instead, in this new, better world, the women chase the men because the
men have spent the early part of their lives developing into the best versions
of themselves. They legitimately made themselves the prize.
Whether this happens on a world-wide scale is beyond my control. But
whether it happens within your life is well within your control. Imagine
what your life will be like once you’ve slaughtered the simp within. Once
you’ve reinvented yourself. Once you’ve become the man that women
respect and have genuine desire for. As well as enthusiastic consent.
Imagine yourself a few years from now, if you stay on this path of self-
respect and self-discipline. What do you think your life will look like then?
When you go out, you say just a few things to the women you're interested
in, and they start talking your ear off trying to qualify themselves to you
and impress you. They chase you. They put their numbers into your phone
and vulnerably say, "Call me? Please."
Your dates are a piece of cake. They hang on every word you say. They
stare and get lost in their staring into your eyes. And these dates always
seem to end by going back to your place, where she pulls the one thing she
can use to win your favor that you'll never turn down. She fears never
getting another shot with you if she doesn't.
The next morning, she's already in love with you and spends the rest of the
day telling all her friends about you.
You didn't get to this place by DMing thots, white knighting, chasing your
One-itis, jerking off to porn, subscribing to OnlyFans, paying the sugar
daddy dowry, or settling for a single mother.
How will you know you're ready to be this guy? When I describe this
future, do you currently think to yourself, even the tiniest thought, that
maybe you're not good enough for the women if this was you right now? If
so, you’re not ready to be this man. If you think to yourself while reading
that, “I could never have that,” you are right. But if you think to yourself, “I
must become that,” there’s a good chance you will. You’ll stick with this
pursuit long enough and talk to enough random women to get the amount of
experience necessary to finally just “get it”.
In the Matrix, the Oracle tells Neo, "being the one is just like being in love.
No one can tell you are. You just know it."
Similarly, a man that just "Gets it" isn't asking how to get it, especially from
women, because he just “gets it”. He just knows how to get the girl. He
doesn't recite affirmation after affirmation that he's the prize. He knows he
is the prize.
But how do you know it? From past experience. You must work enough
volume of cold approaches and conversations with women to develop the
amount of past experience necessary to be able to know you are the prize.
Who is the prize? Have you attempted to answer this question with logic
and comparisons?
The overwhelming majority of males world-wide will not make a logical
comparison of what they bring to the table versus what women bring to the
table. Our cultural conditioning has told us that this is a rude thing to do or
you are a bad person if you think this way. They say that love is something
that can’t be measured nor should it be.
This is nothing more than the Fempowerment Mandate hard at work to
excuse the privileged laziness that many women enjoy, from sugar babies to
housewives. Analyze this for real.
You wouldn’t work a job where you busted your ass off doing the most
undesirable work of 5 people all at once for minimum wage. The exchange
between you and your employer is far too unfair. Why would you accept the
same from a relationship? Sure, social imperatives tell you that romantic
relationships are different from business relationships, but really, are they?
You go to work because it serves a functional purpose in your life:
providing you a means to eat. You get into a relationship because it serves a
functional purpose in your life, otherwise we wouldn’t get into them. That
purpose is your reproductive problem.
What you provide:
-A home
-A vehicle
-Financial security
-Retirement plans
-Education and expense-coverage for children.
All these things are 100% measurable.
What she provides:
-Good Sex
-A pretty face and hot body to look at.
None of these things are objectively measurable. Thus, she will often say
she’s giving her best effort in all these things, and there’s no way for you to
argue that she’s not, because they can’t be quantified. But perhaps the
greatest sin in all of this is if you start to come up deficient in the things you
bring to the relationship, you’ll hear about it. If you were to say that she has
a deficit in any of the things she brings, you must have a death wish by
bringing that to her attention.
What this little exercise proves is that you are in fact the prize. You're just
not acting like it.
The prize doesn't do the chasing, flattering, simping or supplicating.
The source of our failure to grasp this concept is that the prize trophy at a
race doesn't do any work. It sits there waiting to be won. We as males
cannot do this. That would mean we would never leave the house, never
approach a woman, never ask one to dance, thus get nowhere with them.
This is quite a disconnect here between the analogy and reality.
Many guys hit a wall at this point. They put so much hard work into
themselves, intensive self-improvement, chat up a random woman they've
approached, spark a connection and still get rejected. How can they feel like
the prize when they bust their asses off so much yet still come up short?
Dr. Robert Glover says choose women that choose you. The idea is to get in
front of as many women as possible, display things that spark their interest,
and let them chase you. This strategy is incomplete though, because first a
guy must understand what to demonstrate to appear attractive to the women
and elicit their interest, and both of those things are large concepts in the
craft of allurement.
What all males must understand is that being the prize is a mindset only, not
a tactic.
You cannot just keep reaffirming to yourself, “I am the prize. I am the prize.
I AM THE PRIZE!” over and over again and expect anything different to
happen. You must legitimately become the prize by the measure that
women use, which is their hypergamous nature.
Those things listed off in the comparison earlier, do you have them? If not,
then you are not the prize. Your first objective should be to make yourself
into one then. Before you go chasing women, chase the goal of making
yourself that prize. That will do much more for you than just repeating the
affirmation "I am the prize". Like Richard Cooper says, do the work.
You will never lose women chasing money. But as the simp proves, you
will easily lose money chasing women.
The correct course of action is to chase success instead of women. Because
once you’ve reached it, they will chase you.
A big part of what keeps guys from doing anything other than simping is a
deep-rooted belief and feeling of unworthiness. But the thing about
worthiness is that there's plenty you can do to make yourself worthy.
After a certain amount of volume worked, plates spun, and dates
experienced, you'll have women chasing you. You will understand them so
well that the next one you interact with will be so relieved the moment she
can tell you understand her. "Finally, a guy who gets it," she’ll think
"But what good is this prize mindset if I can't use it until I am the prize?"
you say.
In order to know what to do next, what is the next step to take, you have to
know where you're going.
You'll then know what self-improvement move to make next. What skill
needs refinement. What neediness indicator needs to be dropped.
The last thing you’ll be is Simp-Pathetic.
I’ll make you a deal.
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Have you ever gotten into a relationship and found it to slowly become no
longer enjoyable?
Do you find her to slowly become less loving, more judgmental, nagging
and bitchy?
Do you feel like every sweet gesture and kind thing you do for her becomes
less appreciated and later becomes a mere expectation?
Does the sex start to decline in frequency?
Are you tired of seeing the woman that once admired you start to belittle
Those days will be over after you read this book. It shows you how to keep
her in love and loyal to you. More importantly, how to keep her respecting
you and feeling lucky to have you. Best of all, without having to spend
money on her, supplicating to her or doing girly things you’re not interested
This book is for when you’ve found the woman you want to be your
girlfriend and are in a relationship with her but want to keep that
relationship one that you enjoy.
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About The Author
Cairo Copeland is the founder of Reinventing Ideal, LLC; a coaching
company that teaches frustrated men who are not getting the results they
want with women or with life. He provides mental and emotional
counseling, personal training, wardrobe consultations, lifestyle design, and
dance lessons through this company, operating out of Miami, FL.
His red pill journey began after learning about the suicide of his childhood
best friend, Geoff. Cairo noticed that their lives were very different as his
own life was filled with fun, friendship and female attention while Geoff’s
was filled with isolation and incel-dom. Cairo believes that he could have
prevented this tragedy if he had taken time away from being a party animal
and shown Geoff a few things about having a social life and especially
interacting with women. So now he creates contributions to the red pill
consortium out of hope that he can prevent other men from suffering the
same fate.
Cairo’s belief is that men should focus more on creating a lifestyle like
Kevin Hart’s character in the movie, The Wedding Ringer, as opposed to
chasing women and climbing corporate ladders. The ideal male lifestyle is
no longer about having a loving wife and kids, going to church on Sundays
and being the little league coach. Rather, he sees it as owning your own
business, extending bachelorhood, having a solid social circle of loyal
friends and endless adventurous exploration.
His prescription: chase success, not ass. Spend your 20s pursuing financial
independence and loyal friends. Forget that women even exist as you focus
on becoming the most powerful version of yourself. Then by the time
you’re in your 30s, women will do everything short of killing each other to
have you.
Cairo’s work can be found on

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