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Module 2: Guarantee She's Right For You

Hi there and welcome to Guarantee She's Right for You. This is Eric
Edgemont, and I want to get right into the content of this course
since if you are listening to this, you have been exposed to my
material before. This is an advanced training where I am going to
be giving you my most powerful stuff.

So let's talk about this subject of guaranteeing she's right for you,
knowing she's right for you. This is a question I get from a lot of
guys where they're starting to date a woman or they're dating a
woman and they want to know, is she really the right woman for
them? Is she really a good fit? Is she the one is that going to be a
good person to commit to further or get into a further relationship

But they don't really know what to look for. They have a
relationship, but they don't really know is this it? Is this a good
one? Should they re- roll the dice? Is this how it is supposed to be?
Am I doing it right? That sort of stuff.

So let's talk about it. I'm going to give you really rock-solid,
concrete stuff and a lot of involves asking yourself important
questions because you will get the answer. It will be very clear
once the right questions to ask yourself, but really only you are
going to know what feels good to you. Only you are going to know
what's a good fit for you and stuff like that.

I'm just showing you how to see that and how to handle it yourself.
It's one thing if I give you instructions like a robot and tell you to
do things. That's going to help you to a point. If I know what I'm
doing and a guy doesn't, and I tell him here's what you got to do
and he just follows it blindly.

That's better than nothing, but what's really good is when I give
you the keys and you can unlock everything yourself and then you
own the power. You don't need me anymore at that point.

So from a business perspective maybe that's a bad thing, but

honestly I want to help you do this. I want to help you get the
answers, unlock the doors, have the keys to what it is truly attract
the woman you want and keep her, and know that it's taken care
of, know that it really is handled. Then it's never something you are
going to have to worry about again.

That's what's most important to me. Not money, not stringing you
along as a client or something like that.

My feeling about business first of selling dating information or

relationship advice or information about how to attract women or
turn women on, I enjoy teaching it. I enjoy helping guys with it, but
as far as the money it makes me, it's a tiny fraction of the amount
of money I make it in my life. Not to say that I'm lighting hundred
dollar bills on fire or anything, but just in terms of the money that I
make from it I wouldn't miss if it was gone. So for me teaching this
stuff isn't about money.

But my business philosophy has always been treat people how you
would want to be treated if you were their customer. How would
you the want experience to be?

My feeling is if I give you the answers chance, if I change your life,

if I really give you what's going to help you the most, if you come
back as a customer it's because you're so delighted with what I
gave you because it made so much a difference and you know that
anything else you've tried so far hasn't had this level of impact or
maybe other things you've done have had a great impact and this
among the very best, which is fine too.

I've exposed to all sorts of different teachers. I've learned from

mentors in my personal life and I've learned from brilliant guys who
know psychology things like that who have products out there
which I occasionally share on my newsletter so nothing wrong with
that you. It's all good.

I just want to make clear that my intent is to help you and some of
the best way to help yourself is when you are able to ask yourself
the right questions and know the warning signs when you are doing
it wrong or when you're in the wrong kind of situation. And know
the signs that show that you're on the right track, show you that
you're doing it well, showing that you are headed towards good

I'm going to show you that stuff so that you finally get peace of
mind. Because if you've got to come back to me to get the
answers, that's not the end of the world because I'm here and I've
got material to share with you, to give you those answers. But if I
show you how to get those answers internally, then you can have
peace of mind, you know it's taken care of.

So let's dive into this. When it comes to choosing a woman in your

life or knowing that you have the right woman, knowing the one
that you are going to have a great relationship with versus once
that is going to break your heart or make your life hell or any of
this kind of stuff.

There are actually some really super-simple rules and all you have
to do is ask yourself four questions. These four questions are really
just show you do you have a good one or do you have a bad egg
that you need to toss out immediately?

So first question is do you feel like you have to put in a noticeable

amount of energy to keep her or is your relationship effortless?
Does it feel effortless? Does it feel like having her around is almost
like an extension of yourself? Because you're just comfortable and
it's easy to have her around and it's easy for to be happy. You don't
have to dump a bunch of energy into. If you feel like keeping the
relationship going is a huge energy drain that's the red flag that we
are trying to avoid here. So we are going to develop this, but I'm
just giving you the questions out.

Next question is do you feel like she likes you as a person on a core
level? As if in if you weren't in a relationship with her, would she
still want to have anything to do with you? Would she still want to
be a part of your life?

Next question, do you have the gut feeling she would cheat on you
or is cheating on you? Again if you do that's a big, red flag.

Can you be your full self around her? Not just the acceptable,
socially acceptable version of you but the version of you that loves
video games, Star Trek, World of Warcraft or whatever else makes
you happy but maybe isn't considered cool or something that a guy
would readily advertise about himself like maybe he loves collecting
stamps or something like that. Like these kinds of things, all of us
have things like that that make us happy.

I love playing video games; I love playing my guitar and singing

along obnoxiously with it and just being really weird and dorky. I
have fun doing that. I have fun being myself and not feeling like I
have to water myself down. Frankly I'm kind of a weird-kind of-
frankly I am a weird person. I embrace that weirdness. I enjoy that
weirdness. It's fun for me.

It's been fun for me ever since I was a little kid and the only time it
wasn't fun for me was when I cared what other people thought of
me. Now it's not to say that you're shoving that stuff in people's
faces, but what I'm getting down to is maybe you are one of those
normal people. Any person I've ever come to know closely has
never been normal.

I don't think there's such thing as a normal person, but let's say
that you're a very normal person you know. Let's just say that
you're pretty vanilla, matter of fact, this is who I am and there's
not a lot of weird things about you but can you be your full self
around her? Can you do the things that make you happy and still
feel comfortable around her? Does she enjoy the full you including
the stuff that might be considered dorky or weird or whatever?
Does she enjoy the full you?

So those are the four questions to ask yourself and to kind of build
on this, I want to give you some reasons that a lot of guys run into
trouble in having a good relationship or struggling to find the right
woman or the right kind of relationship that really works for them
and exactly how to shift things so that it's no longer a problem for

So one of the major pitfalls that screws up guys with woman is they
think that being with a woman or a relationship with a woman or
getting to know a woman or introducing themselves to a woman,
like their first conversation with a woman. They feel like on some
level it's about impressing her or impressing the woman and being
what she wants. Maybe they think she wants a jerk kind of guy or a
cool kind of a guy or a sports kind of a guy or a musician kind of a
guy or they feel like she's going to be impressed by a stock broker
kind of guy.

Whatever you happen to think it is. It's not about impressing a

woman or being what she wants. Not about that.

This is something a lot of guys believe and therefore they struggle

because they are aiming at the wrong thing. They put a lot of effort
into building lead pipes leading to Rome. There's the metaphor, the
analogy that I made in How to Truly Understand Woman where I
talk about in ancient Rome they built lead pipes to get water to the
city. They thought that it was a huge advancement and that it was
making their life better. They didn't realize that those lead pipes
that they were putting so much energy and effort into building and
putting in everywhere were actually poisoning the population and
destroying the civilization from the inside out.

They didn't know. As a coach I have to make you aware of the
beliefs and the behaviors on your part that you think are serving
you that are actually lead pipes poisoning your mind and poisoning
your attractiveness with woman.

Here's another way that guys screw up. They think that their mood
doesn't matter. Their feelings, their emotional state doesn't matter
as long as you're the right type of guy. So well if I'm a rich guy
then it doesn't matter if I feel like shit all day and hate myself and
hate my life as long as the right type of guy, as long as I'm the big
muscle guy, it doesn't matter that I'm a hateful, bitter, hostile

They see no connection between their mood, how they feel just
going through the world day to day moment to moment and then to
attracting to women. They think it's about being a type of guy.

Another way that guys screw themselves up is that they think that
they are lacking something that she wants. Or they don't have the
thing that makes woman attracted. "Yeah I know this could work
for other guys but I don't have X, Y, Z or I'm not X, Y, Z kind of
guy. I don't have that thing that makes women attracted."

Yeah you do. Your DNA has been passed down from a guy that got
laid, his from a guy that got laid, the guy before from a guy got
that laid. Every single person you are related to got laid. You have
thousands of ancestors who got laid. You have it in your DNA. You
have the thing in your DNA to get women attracted. You do. I'm
going to show you how to unlock it throughout this course and the
other courses that I have but you've got that thing.

Some guys think they don't have that thing because their life
doesn't resemble a music video or a TV commercial or a movie
character. All of these images that are meaningless but our society
doesn't teach you what women really want. They teach you how to
feel insecure so that you buy products to feel better about yourself
or feel that you are addressing it, you know, as if a car is going to
get you laid. I know tons of people with excellent cars who haven't
gotten laid in years.

But I digress, next major pitfall that screws guys up. You're going
after woman looking for the right reaction from her when really it's
about being happy yourself and enjoying what flows your way as it
presents itself without scanning for signs or trying to create a
specific reaction with her. Her reactions are her business.

All you need to do is pay attention to your own mood. Pay attention
to your emotional state, the feelings in your body, stay on that
level where your just relaxed, happy, inspired, feeling good,
enjoying yourself in that moment. Not trying to get somewhere, get
something. The only question ever worth asking is, "Am I thinking
and acting in a way that feels fully good, inspiring, and comfortable
to me right now in this moment?" If not, drop it immediately and
take on a different line of thinking or acting that does feel good,
inspiring, and comfortable.

Again, the reason we have these emotional states programmed into

us is nature's way of showing us, "Hey this is the right path. Take
this path." Nature has programmed us to make the right path for us
feel good, happy, and inspiring. To take the wrong path for us, feel
bad and draining of energy and crappy and just not good. Nature
designed us in a very simple way.

You always hear people talking about the subconscious mind and
this idea like I think in a lot of ways in our society the subconscious
mind is kind of communicated like it's dirty, dingy basement with
monsters in it where, "Well you got to be careful, you don't want to
stir up any of that stuff that's in your subconscious mind because
that's where all of the bad stuff is."

The truth of the matter is let me give you a better way of to think
of your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is aware of
everything. It's watching everything, it's tapped into everything.

It's extremely aware and it sees and it knows what's best for you if
you work with it and the way that it signals what's best for you is
what's best for you feels happy, comfortable, and inspiring to you.
It lights you up. It makes you feel good. It communicates what's
bad for you by making you feel bad every time you think about it or
participate in it. It's really simple but everybody misses this and
they spend their life chasing after things and feeling shitty the
whole time and your mind is screaming how to get off that rat race,
how to get out of that rat race and off that treadmill. So it can be
really simple for you

When you actually start working with your subconscious mind you
will be shocked at how good your mind is getting you women and
making women attracted to you. It's automatic. You are designed
to turn women in. You are designed to attract women but you got
to work with your mind, you got to be on that track that's aligned
with them.

So I want to leave off this section with a realization I want you to

have. Here's the realization. Your mood is what unlocks your
attractiveness with women. When you think or act in a way that
feels bad for you it kills your mood and thus kills your
attractiveness to women.

Read it one more time and then we are going to move on to the
next section where we are going to talk about what reveals who
would be the perfect girlfriend for you. Who would be the right
person to be with? The right type of women to actually put your
time and energy into.

Your mood is what unlocks your attractiveness to women and when

you think or act in a way that feels bad for you it kills your mood
and thus kills your attractiveness to women. Your mood is
determined by what kinds of thoughts and actions you are
participating in.

Are you picking up the thoughts and actions that feel shitty to you
and participating in them or do you drop those immediately and
only pick up and engage with the thoughts and actions that feel
good right in the moment? They are not in service in trying to get
you somewhere or get you something. You are just enjoying
yourself in the moment, in the flow of things. You are right there.
That is mojo.

Let's talk about how you can tell which women you want in your life
and which ones you want to avoid like the plaque because not only
does your subconscious mind know how to get you what you want
really quickly, really efficiently, really smoothly in a way that works
for you specifically for you. Not only does your mind know that, it
also knows whose good to have in your life and who's bad to have
in your life, who you need to get away from.

Ask yourself does being with her feel good or not? Do I feel better,
happier, more relaxed, more inspired, more comfortable, more at
ease with life with her around? Or do I feel worse, less happy, less
relaxed, less inspired, less comfortable, and less at ease with life?

There's no such thing as having a relationship or possessing a

person. All you have in a relationship is how it feels to be with that
person in that way you can never lose the person either since all
you ever have is feeling when you are around them. There's
nothing more despite what countless depictions and movies and
music and TV shows and books, etc. tell you.

Relationships are supposed to be easy and effortless. Love is

supposed to be easy and effortless. Attraction is supposed to be
easy and effortless, and it is as long as you work with your mind in
the way that I'm telling you. You work with your subconscious mind
by actually working with the feeling signals, the emotions that your
mind is giving you to show you the right path to follow.

That's not to say that you never have to put work into your
relationship, but it's the type of work that you enjoy and want to be
a part of like sometimes for my business there's thing I have to do.
I have to set up a web page, I might have to write something or
whatever but I enjoy doing it. It's fun for me, it's exciting to think
about what it is that I'm creating you know, it's fun to kind of like
solve the puzzles that I need to solve to create it and think about
how I am going to put it together. I enjoy the creative process.

So that's like an example of work that is easy and effortless

because yeah stuff has to be done, it has to be work but the kind of
work I enjoy doing. It's just what I do; it's just what's fun for me.
So that kind of gives you a view into my life as well as a view into
what is on track for a great relationship.

Now let's talk about specific characteristics that you want to be

looking for in a woman that you are considering dating. If you don't
have these, you don't want to date this woman. It's going to be
toxic. You're going to hate it. It's going to leave you a shell of a
man. You are going to hate your life. So let's you ignore these
things so pay close attention to these things.

Here's what you want to be asking yourself. Your mind knows the
answer. It's going to tell you. It will bubble up from your
subconscious instantly and you will feel it in your gut. You will
know. Does she get you as a person? Does she get you as a
person? Does she get you as a person?

Do you feel good, happy, and comfortable around her being exactly
as you would like to be, as you enjoy being? Like if you were by
yourself and just doing what's fun for you, are you able to be that
comfortable and that at ease with yourself and have her around?

Do you feel like she understands, admires, and supports your

mission in life, what you want out of life? Do you feel like she
understands, admires, and supports your mission in life and what
you want out of life?

And you know what some guys jump to the conclusion of like oh
well I lay just kind of chilling out and playing video games. I like to
be the party guy. I just like to have fun and that's fine. That's what
you want out of life.

What I'm saying is whatever is you want out of life I don't care
what it is but whatever it is you want out of life does she
understand how you love that in your life? Does she admire the
way that you engage with your life and engage with that? Does she
support you on your mission towards getting what you want out of
life? Is she that way with you?

Because that's a question to ask yourself. Do you feel you have to

sell yourself out in order to have her?

In other words, you know the way you would really like to be but
maybe you don't feel like it would be okay to be that way around
her or else she would reject you, lose respect for you, lose
attraction for you.

So I've dated women where I've sold myself out sometimes to a

small degree and sometimes to a huge degree. I really wanted to
have a business where I helped men with women, and I was with a
girlfriend that hated the idea, she hated the idea of me helping
men. She mocked it on kind of like a subtle level like she was kind
of making fun of the idea to try and dissuade me from doing it.

That's a toxic thing to be around when you know in your gut what
you really want to be doing with your life and what lights you up
and inspires you and then you have someone who supposedly you
corner kind undermining you that's pretty toxic to be around. So
that's an example of like if I were to given up on my dreams and
sold myself out in order to have her not only would it have lowered
my attractiveness because I would be cutting off the source of my
attractiveness which is my inspiration.

I would be cutting it off the source in an effort to try and keep her,
so it would actually make me less attractive in that right, but also
like I resent her for it. She would feel that resentment for where I
would feel like I gave something up. So there's that aspect of it.

There're also situations where a guy might feel like he can't really
be himself like he has to pretend to be another type of guy then he
really is. So he's putting energy into projecting a certain image of
himself that isn't really how he would like to be or how he naturally
is or what feels natural and good to him.

So those are examples of selling yourself out where you change the
way that you would like to be or you try to project a certain type of
image that isn't really how you naturally feel most good, most
comfortable, most happy. Or you give up something you love doing
because you feel if you don't give it up you won't be able to keep
the woman in your life. So those are examples of selling out.

Now there is a caveat to this some things that we do because their

habits, and they don't really serve us and they are not really us
being at our highest level. They are not even really things that we

They could be addictions of some form that we don't really want in

our life. We've just been participating in them and we haven't cut
that cycle yet. They may be things that we don't really care about
one way or another and so she might want something a certain way
and we really don't care if it's one way or another.

I'm not saying never change for a woman or if she asks for
something never give it to her. That's just stupid. If you don't care
one way or another, tomato, tomato, it's fine. If she asks for
something and you can readily give it to her and doesn't bump
against one of those core terms that you have about what will truly
be fulfilling to you and make you happy. That's fine. You can give it
to her because you aren't giving anything up.

But if it's one of those areas of life where it just naturally feels like
it lights you up, it makes you happy, it fulfills you and that's an
area where you feel you would have to give up to keep her in your
life. That's a major red flag. That's pretty much one of the major
causes of what eventually erodes and destroys a relationship.

A guy gets into a relationship with a woman and she just starts
picking apart the parts of his life that he loves and kind of subtly
shaming him about it and making him feel bad about it and hinting
that he needs to get rid of those parts of himself or of his life. And
he ends up marrying this woman and ten years later going out to
his garage to watch porn and listen to the music he loves and do all
of the hobbies that she hates.

He's just this man living in a box and he resents her and she just
feels negative energy pouring off him all the time. And neither one
of them really knows how to get to the relationship back to a good
place but ultimately as we will talk about in other material and later
in here it comes down to both people in the relationship really living
in alignment with what feels happy and good and inspiring for them
and keeping each other on track.

That's the real value of relationships and that's what really makes a
relationship good and grow and keeps that attraction and passion
and fire alive. not only does it run smoothly but everybody's happy,
you get the sex you want, you get the attraction you want, and you
help each other get to place in a life that's better than where you
would have either gotten on your own. In that way your life
partners to one another.

Final question ask yourself is do you feel sexually fulfill her? Do you
feel that she naturally sexually fulfills you? That's a pretty
straightforward question. Do you feel you can sexually fulfill her?
Do you feel that she naturally sexually fulfills you?

I heard once comedian Jim Norton said it very simply. He said

couples just get along better when they are fucking. And it's true.
When a couple doesn't have a good sex life together a lot of things
start falling off the rails so a big thing to be looking at is do you feel
you can sexually fulfill her? Do you feel that she naturally sexually
fulfills you?

And if you remember my newsletter I'll occasionally share my

favorite sexual resources that kind of take you through how to be
outstanding in bed with a woman. It's not an area that I really
enjoy teaching.

I like talking about the psychology sides of things, but there are
other people that just love talking about how to really please a
woman in bed and make her orgasm 20 different ways and blow
her mind with sex and get her sexually addicted to you. So make
sure you are on my newsletter because I do share those resources
and they are incredibly good. It's just it's not the area that I love
teaching, so I share other people's resources so that you have

So if it's an area where you feel like the rest of your relationship is
awesome and that's lacking, I can help you there. Just make sure
that you pay attention to the newsletters, so that you don't miss
those resources. Because I've got some of the very best stuff out
there for you to check out.

And now let's talk about some of the biggest, run for your life type
of traits in a woman that you should avoid at all costs if a woman
has these so that you never wind up in a bad relationship. Now the
men who ignore these signals and they usually are present fairly
early in a relationship maybe a few months in. If they stick in the
relationship and they just ignore it, they end up in these toxic,
horrible relationships because of it.

So one of these traits in a woman is she has this trait of shame,

shaming you. Usually it's not just isolated to you. She has a trait of
shaming people in general. She tries to make you feel bad in an
effort to control your behavior. So when someone has that trait of
shaming that is trying to make you feel bed in an effort to control
your behavior.

Oh, you want to get away from that because let me tell you the
longer she knows you and the more she's in a relationship with you
the better she's going to know how to turn your screws. If she's the
type of person that uses making you feel bad as a way to control
your behavior that is a recipe for toxic horrible, gut wrenching,
resentment filled relationship. So shaming is a huge trait that you
want to make sure is a red flag that you dump, dump on command
when you're with a woman who has shaming has a trait.

Now obviously if you are married or something like that or you

have some sort of life arrangement with a woman where dumping
her would mean you would have to spend tons of money on
alimony and child support and stuff like that, obviously, you should
consult your attorney. When it comes up to the top of dumping a
woman or breaking up a relationship, I am not a legal adviser.

You should think of me as for entertainment purposes only. If you

know anything that you do is on you, it's your responsibility so I do
want to make that clear because in this day and age breaking up
with a woman can have economic and legal implications that are
your responsibility. They are not mine. So I will mention that but
shaming huge red flag so I got to cover the legal stuff in the
disclaimer but I'm just trying to make it clear that's a big one.

Related blaming. Blaming is another one. This is another run for

your life sign. Blaming. People who blame lack emotional
responsibility so in module about understanding woman I was
talking about how some people have this idea that other people are
making them feel bad.

A woman's eating ice cream and then a runner with a tight, fit, tan
body runs by. She says some hateful comment about that woman
because that woman is making her feel bad about herself. No, that

woman is just running. She's making herself feel bad about it or
something goes wrong and she blames everybody but herself.

Blaming is another run for your life sign. Because what ends up
happening is because these women don't take emotional
responsibility for themselves when the relationship isn't the fairy
tale romance that she envisioned it to be.

Because a lot of the time women who blame others also have
unrealistic fantasies they expect to happen for them. She will blame
you for it. It will be your fault and she will create this vibe within
the relationship, this energy within the relationship that you owe
her something because you failed her.

So watch out for women who blame other things and don't take
emotional responsibility for themselves for their choices or for what
happens in their life. Blaming is another run for your life sign.

Now a final run for your life sign is what I call a means to an end
dating. So what it means is she's unhappy right now in her life, but
she has the delusion that having a relationship will make her
happy. In this way, she's fixated on making some kind of
relationship or some kind of relationship milestone happen. And
she's willing to do anything to get there.

At first this can seem like a good thing because this type of woman
will do anything to win you over. Problem is once she gets what she
wants she will realize that she's no happier than she was before,
and she will either blame you for it when she blames you for it she
will treat you as if you owe her, as if you wronged her, as if you
need to make up for wronging her, right? Or she will leave because
again her fairy tale didn't come true. It's never going to but she will
blame it on you or she will leave.

Or she will try to force things even forward. She'll try and power
through. "Oh well, I'm his girlfriend now but I guess that's not
enough because I'm not happy yet so maybe if we got married then
I'd finally be happy. "And then when you get married, "Oh I'm still
not happy so maybe when I have a kid with him then I'll be happy,"
or unfortunately I've had this experience or you will have a woman
who thinks, "Well my sister had a baby and now she's happy so I'm
going to get a baby one way or another."

And I had a woman who she believed the baby would make her
happy so she did everything in her power to try and get me to
knock her up. And now she was a dummy. I mean she thought
that, she thought I didn't know what was going on but I will say
that we had a lot of sex and she was really hot, but I'll also say that
she was trying to get me to knock her up.

It kind of dawned on me over time where things were going to, the
things that she would say and stuff. I started to add it up after
about a month of it and it was constant sex and it was great but
what I realized she was trying to pull that over I realized that I was
dodging a huge bullet by getting her out of my life like immediately
because it could have happened where I got her pregnant and then
I never would have been able to get rid of this girl. She would have
been the mother of my child and she would have blamed me when
having this kid didn't inevitably give her the fairy tale life.

I would like to think in that scenario that she would be happier and
that it would be a good thing. Obviously, I would be a good person.
I wouldn't skip out or anything like that. What I'm saying is that
whatever it was that she thought was going to happen with some
sort of unrealistic fantasy and I was just a means to an end for her.
So all the sex, all the sweet talking, everything she was doing was
a means to an end to try and get this thing that she thought was
going to make her happy.

You might worry about this kind of thing like a woman trying to get
knocked up by you or trying to go after your money or any of these
kinds of things. The fact of the matter is your instincts will pick up
on it and if you know you have choices and options and understand
how attraction works and that you don't need any one particular ,
your instincts are going to pick up on it. You are going to be okay
and you are going to be able to make the clean break.

You don't have to be an asshole about it. You don't need to be cruel
about it. You do need to do what's best for you because the
alternative can be a long road of pain and heartache and heart

Now I'm going to tell you about something that I call the
compatibility matrix, the matrix of relationships. The thing that
shows you how to see exactly how a relationship works so that you
can see if you are destined for joy and peace and happiness or
tension, drama, and disaster.

How do you do that? How can you tell? Well a good relationship is
about compatibility. Once you are in the habit of thinking and
acting in a way that feels good to you, you will notice there are
some people that just naturally feel better to be around than

I mean that's the truth about people in general in life. There are
some people that you can feel good and comfortable around and
there are some that you just can't.

That's blindingly plain and obvious in our normal life when we just
think of people, but suddenly when it comes to relationship for
some reason people will throw that simple logic out the window
like, "Yeah you know with people if they don't feel good I just dump
out of my life, I don't even give them the time of day but with a
relationship I need to force it work because relationships take work
or relationships aren't easy blah, blah, blah."

No, actually they are blindingly obvious. Your mind and nature are
designed to show you exactly what's a good match and what's not.
What's going to head in a good direction and what's not? This is
nature's way of showing you you're with a good match. Nature

wants you to pick a good match. It's programmed in your DNA to
choose a good match for you.

When you're with a compatible person the relationship feels

effortless, easy, and uplifting without either of you really needing to
do anything to create those feelings. Nature has programmed good
matches to feel good to us and bad matches to feel like a struggle
or to feel bad for us.

That programming that knowledge is already in your subconscious

mind and in your DNA. All you have to do is pay attention to it and
not fight it. You know best. You really do. Your subconscious mind
knows best. TV shows don't know best, movies don't know best,
songwriters don't know best. Even some of the so-called experts
that talk about relationship don' know best.

You know best. You know on inside. You got to listen to yourself.
You got to work with yourself. Nature has programmed you to feel
good when you are on the right track.

Now one thing that guys bring to me a lot is they want to know how
to have a relationship without any drama. They hate drama. They
don't want drama in their life. Why do women bring drama into
relationship? Do women want drama?

Well, let's talk about it. The one question that women question are
constantly asking themselves in a relationship is, is there love
here? Is there love in this moment? Women feel your love through
your concern of wanting to guide her towards being an alignment
with what makes her happy, happy thinking, happy actions, feeling
inspired, okay?

So just to make this crystal clear and concrete, the way that a
woman can tell you love her is that you do what you can do to
bring her in alignment with her own happiness, with the actions
that make her happy, with the thoughts that make her happy, with
what makes her feel inspired. You can do this gently and you don't
need to force into her this and you don't look at her as wrong if
she's off that track but the fact that you are concerned about that.

The fact that it's something that you do your best to continually to
bring her in alignment with it that's how she sees you love her.
That's how she sees that you care.

It's not something you stress out over, it's just it's an orientation
you have. It's a way of engaging with the relationship.

If you ignore her or you aren't concerned about her happiness, she
will create drama. She doesn't know why, but it's part of a woman's
nature to go to dramatic measures if she feels like her man won't
pay attention to her otherwise.

She won't create drama, and she won't go to this dramatic place if
you just realize that she's scanning to see that you want her to be
happy. She's scanning to see that you love her. She's scanning to
see that you care about her and want her to feel good and feel
happy and feel inspired.

That's what a woman psychology is designed to do. Work with that

by just orienting yourself in such a way where you continually make
sure that she's on the path of being happy and comfortable and
inspired and feeling good about life.

Now a final question that I get a lot is from guys who are worried
about getting into a relationship and committing to one girl that
what if the sex dries up? What if the sexual attraction and the
passion dry up out of the relationship? So there are some traits that
you can look for in a woman where it's really going to show you this
is a good match, and this is a woman who sex is going to be great
with and it's going to continue to be great with and that this is
someone that you can keep that passion going with. So what are
these things? What can you look for?

Well, one of the things is that she's comfortable talking about sex
whether it's talking about it or joking about it, whatever form it
takes. She's comfortable with it.

Another thing is she enjoys herself in life in general. So she enjoys

life. She's not unhappy. She's not mopey. She's not whiny. She's
not complaining constantly. She's not sad. She enjoys herself and
life in general.

Another trait is she's good at entertaining herself. Just the way she
engages with life, she's happy. She's having fun. She's enjoying her

And a final trait is she really doesn't care what others think about
her. That's a huge road block for women in sex and it is good for
you to understand as a man who would be in a relationship with a
woman is she really, when a woman cares what others think about
her and she thinks that doing something sexual with you or being a
certain way sexually with you is going to reflect poorly on her or
that she's the worst kind of person or that others will think poorly
of her, that can stop the flow of what makes sex feel good to a

Because in the same way that I talk about being happy and
comfortable and inspired in life is the way that unlocks all of your
attraction, what unlocks good sex for a woman is that she's able to
be comfortable and at ease and feel safe and feel okay and feel
inspired to do things. You can't control all of that as a man but you
can create a good environment for that.

This is why I say to guys never ever not even joking never ever
condemned for sexual behavior. Never judge or say judgmental
things about woman doing things sexually. Don't ever use the word
whore or slut or suggest that a woman is lower class because she
did some kind of a sexual thing or that something is classless or
whore-ish if it's sexualized.

Never, never ever do that because even if she laughs and agrees,
you've just seeded the thought in her mind that she can't be totally
sexually expressive and free with you. And you are creating a
sexual block within her which is stupid because not only is sex a
nice thing. It's good. I love sex, I don't want to put a road block in
front of that but you are gaining nothing when you are doing that.

It's just plain mindless and stupid, but also it's creating problems
for you down the line that could easily be avoided if you just don't
do it. The only reason why guys say this stuff and do this stuff is
because they are mindlessly just repeating what other people have
said and have done. And it's just stupid. It serves nothing. It
doesn't help you so drop it. It's fine.

It's fine to drop it. Your sex life will be better if you approach sex in
a way where you have an environment where she can feel
comfortable and that everything is okay, and that she's not judged.
Just anything she does sexually is a good thing and that you
encourage it and that you like it, and that it turns you on, and it
makes you feel closer to her. It makes you feel more in love with

That's a big hint there that the more sexually opening she is, the
more close you feel with her because that's one of the things that
women are scanning for constantly. So if they feel that being more
comfortable in sex and opening themselves more to you sexually
makes you feel closer to her because she's going to be much more
inclined to do that.

I just rattled off a bunch of things that you can be looking for in the
woman and also questions you can be asking yourself. Now these
are simple. They are concrete. They are down to earth.

The thing is you really got to listen to your body and listen to your
mind when you have the response. If you hear the questions and
you're like, that's not my problem and that's the kind of response
then it isn't your problem.
If you feel like a tightening up in your chest and you're like I don't
know, I hope that's not the problem, that's the problem. It's there.
You got to man up and acknowledge that because that is what's
going on. You wouldn't have had that reaction if there was nothing
there you wouldn't have tightened up. So those are the areas to

In a lot of cases if you can, dumping something whether it's your

own kind of thinking or dumping the woman herself, a lot of the
times that's the way to go. Only you are going to know what's the
best situation is but that's the way you see it. It's no more
complicated or complex than that.

Sometimes the emotions involved here can be intense and I would

highly encourage you if any of these questions brought up feelings
and thoughts that you feel you need to work through. I highly
encourage that you journal about it. I mean journaling for 30
minutes a day to contemplate these issues is going to massively
get you to a better place.

Somebody once said, and this is a great quote, "If it's important to
think about it then it's too important to think about in your head".
Any kind of important thinking in the world that's ever been done
has been done on paper not in somebody's head. If you are going
to build a building, you use a blueprint, you create a blueprint. If
you are going to give a speech, you write the speech.

So if you are going to make important life decisions why in the hell
would you not write it out on paper and work out your thoughts on
paper? All very important thinking should happen on paper.

All the important contemplation of figuring out what you need to do

in your life should happen on paper, in a journal. You can password
protect the files so no one else can read it. I would encourage you
to do that but definitely journal if any of these kinds of questions
brought up, thoughts that you need to work through and figure out
the answers to.
Also, like all of my programs I highly encourage that you listen to
this several times. Five or six times at least so that you really let it
sink in. Hope that helps.


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