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Tactics Tuesdays: Tease-Tease Game for Girls Who Are Teases

By: Chase Amante (/users/chase-amante)

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How do you handle a girl who's a tease? Well, simple… you tease her back (and get her to chase).
How do you handle the girl who's a genuine tease?
If you do nightlife, you'll meet those girls who are hot but also extraordinarily flirta ous teases
(// They come up to you, act flirta ous, seem interested, then turn cold and
walk off.
15 minutes later they're back flir ng with you again. Then a li le while a er they're off being cold again. You see them flir ng
with another guy. Then they're back flir ng with you. Then off flir ng with him again.
These girls thrive on the drama of feeling desired and feeling the power of being able to confuse and mesmerize.
They live in the nightlife scene and have figured out that pi ng mul ple men against each other for their affec ons even if
indirectly is extremely powerful. They understand once a guy is sucked in he'll watch them, and he will see them flirt with
another guy.
They know that there's nothing he can do at that point but watch, helpless, as she flits back and forth between him and the
other guy (or guys).
Or... perhaps there's something he can?
Today I'll show you how to run a sort of game I call 'tease-tease game' -- which is, basically, way to tease the teases to the
point they zeroed in on you.
First though, let's take a look at how guys usually respond to girls who are 'cockteases'.

Endurance Game: Most Guys' Solution

Most guys respond to this behavior by running endurance game, where they try to outlast the other guy by making fewer
mistakes and hanging around the scene longest. The hope is that they'll be the guy she's flir ng with when the music stops
and the night ends. That way they're the one she ends up with.
Endurance game can work some mes (I used to run it before I knew be er, and had it work at mes).
The problem with it is how li le control you have over the situa on:
There's no guarantee the other guy doesn't close the deal and leave with her at some point while she's off flir ng with
You'll usually not be able to flirt effec vely with other girls because you'll be too busy watching her like a hawk for
You're dependent on whether her friends drag her off at the end of the night, she gets too drunk to go home with
anybody, or she really doesn't have a preference whom she ends up with and another guy gets her first
A bunch of the me these girls throw the ul mate blue-baller, where a er flir ng heavily with two or three guys all night,
they meet some new guy at the end of the night and immediately run off with him, leaving all the guys who dumped me
into them all night in the lurch
Endurance game is thus highly inefficient, o en very aggrava ng, and more o en than not squanders an evening out you
could've be er spent mee ng other women or going somewhere else.
Once a guy's had enough experience with teases, he may start to tune teases out.
So, for instance, a er she's flirted with him, then le , flirted with someone else, then looped back to him, and she's done that
3+ mes and he can't get her to stay, he'll just turn her out and auto-reject her (//
rejec ng-girls-who-you) as not really interested in him, then turn his a en on to someone else.
What happens when you do this? Well, it doesn't usually inspire chasing.
Instead, what usually happens is the tease either:
A. Finds another guy to incorporate into her 'flirt loop' or
B. Becomes disappointed/bored and leaves the venue
Here's the thing: teases thrive off suitably a rac ve men being the objects of their teasing. They can't just use anyone.
He doesn't have to be the ho est guy... but he does need to be reasonably a rac ve at least.
She wants guys like this ac ng like they're just about to get together... right before she flits off to talk to someone else.
If a guy has poor fundamentals, or he is too needy or aggressive, teases can't use him.
A girl who's a tease enjoys the feeling of mul ple eligible bachelors compe ng for her.
Thus, she pits them against themselves -- if not directly, then indirectly (by fli ng back and forth between them, in eyeshot of
one another).
If one of them opts out, and she cannot find another, it doesn't usually lead to her pairing up with the other guy. Instead, it
leads to her becoming disappointed, and other finding another guy to take the first guy's place, or leaving.
The tease is looking for a head-to-head matchup between her 'suitors'.
She wants to experience the thrill of one of them winning... or at least a long courtship where at the end of the night she gets
to choose one of them (or leave them both aghast as she runs off with some dark horse candidate who popped up to scoop
her at the last minute).

Tease-Tease Game
Once I fully understood this 'cocktease game', I got kind of bored with it and started to simply call girls out who engaged in it,
ribbing them on it gently and having a chuckle over it.
I would, in other words, tease the tease.
So I'd be at a bar, and a girl'd be ac ng flirta ous with me, then she'd run off and flirt with another guy, then run back and flirt
with me, then run off and flirt with him. Then she'd come back to me again, and we'd have a conversa on like this:
“ Me: That guy seems pretty hot. You falling in love yet?

Her: Yeah, he's really cute! He does sports casting.

Me: That's awesome. Well maybe he could be a great boyfriend.

Her: I don't know about that. Sports casters don't make much money! [laughs]

Me: Ah that's too bad. Well maybe he's fun in bed.

Her: He could be! [laughs]

Me: You should probably be over there talking to him right now. Isn't it a waste of time to be here talking to me?

Her: I can talk to who I want.

Me: It is a bar. Every moment you're not with him is a moment he might leave with someone else.

Her: Let him leave!

Me: [shrug]

My tone throughout all this is half-flirta ous, half-bored. I'm teasing her... but also I'm not much interested in this game.
Most guys will not do this because they fear pain ng the picture in the girl's head of her ge ng together with the other guy.
"I'd be er not say that; maybe it'll push her over the edge into his arms!" they think.
When I started doing this, it was out of a sort of annoyance at this behavior of women's, and I was actually genuinely
encouraging them to run off with the other guy and stop bugging me.
I was already not worried about pain ng things in her head.
So I'd just gently push push push to see if they'd go away.
Not rude. Nothing final. You are not ac ng disinterested in the girl or genuinely pushing her off.
Instead, you are just calling out what she is doing and gently nudging her, in a teasing-but-clearly-a-li le-pushy way,
to get on with it.
But look at the way you're nudging her:
1. First, you frame him as a poten al boyfriend. Usually in my experience most teases will reject this frame or
give it a lukewarm response. The objec ve of a girl who's a cocktease is to pit men in sexual compe on against one
another. Le ng one guy think the other guy is a boyfriend candidate destroys her frame, and thus her sexual power (i.e.,
if the compe on is between you, a sexual threat, and him, a milquetoast, she doesn't really have any power at all and it's
not a real compe on). The girl knows you're taking aim at her frame & game when you do this, and will either shoot it
down or deflect.
This tac c has a second benefit that even if she rejects the frame it is s ll out there and she will start to view him as
more boyfriend-y (since that was your first impression of him) and less sexual because of it.
2. Next, you frame him as a poten al lay. This is the crux of the girl's game -- the threat of sexual compe on. Who
gets to put his hot dog between her buns? When you call it out, you tell her, "I see what you are doing, yet it does not
affect me," which changes the tone of the game. Some girls will excitedly agree that he might be fun to lay (to put more
pressure on you), while others will demur (because they don't want you to auto-reject). But their response here doesn't
much ma er. The point is simply calling it out and teasing them on it.
3. Then you encourage her to talk to him. Your next move is to urge her to make her choice -- but you don't urge

her to choose you. Instead you urge her to choose him. You're using reverse psychology
(// cs-tuesdays-fun-ways-use-reverse-psychology) here; people in general grate against
being told which op on to choose, and cockteases in par cular are generally contrarian girls who like to rebel against
what they're pushed to do and do the opposite. In other words, as you push her to go for him, she will feel an emo on of
wan ng to cling harder to you.
4. At last you suggest that every moment she's not with him is a moment he might leave with
another girl. This is the real trick -- because at this point she isn't thinking about him. You've urged her to talk to him,
and gently pushed her away, and that's got her thinking about you. Why aren't you chasing? Why are you pushing her
away? You don't seem bi er or cold or disinterested. Why are you doing this?
When you men on that every moment that man's le alone in the bar is a moment he might leave with someone else,
she hears the message, but she doesn't a ach it to him -- because he's not the guy she's thinking about, and you've
already slightly de-sexualized him by a aching a boyfriend frame to him. She a aches it to you. You're the cool, suave guy
who knows what her game is and is unaffected. You're the guy who's obviously the more meta, more a rac ve guy. You're
the high value guy who's gently pushing her away. And you're the guy whose mental model is "a man le alone will find
another woman to shag" --> which likely means that is your reality.
Suddenly, you have become much, much scarcer in this girl's eyes.
The effect?
The first me I ran tease-tease game the girl I used it on all but quit talking to the other guy, and the couple mes she did
circulate to him she circulated back to me very quickly (apparently not wan ng to leave me on my own too long). The other
guy gave up and le and the girl, rather than get bored by that, stayed stuck fast to me and I pulled her not long a er.
That half-surprised me: did I just get this girl by playfully, halfway nudging her away?
I have since used it numerous mes with teases to get them to stop running around and commit to interac ons with me
It earned its place as my go-to tac c for dealing with a girl who's a cocktease... as soon as I realized I was dealing with a tease,
that is.

Tease Game Tries to Inspire Unconscious Chasing

The aim of a girl who's running tease game is to get you (and the other guy) to start chasing unconsciously.
It works by making you feel like you've almost got the girl (a er all, she keeps fli ng over to you, and is so flirta ous), then
making you feel like you're close to losing the girl (a er she runs off to the other guy and starts to flirt with him). Then back
and forth as she cycles between you and him.
The men don't fully consciously know what is going on and start to chase. The woman also doesn't fully consciously know
what she is doing; she just knows it feels good to talk to two men she finds a rac ve, and that she'll feel disappointed if the
game ends too early and she's stuck with just one of them.
There's another thing that happens with cockteases too: they are willing to accept as their dual suitors men whom they might
not be super a racted to in their own rights (at least not right off the bat).
If you approached her one-on-one, she might be lukewarm to you. But when she can pit you against another guy who's about
in your range of a rac veness, suddenly it's much more fun for her.
However, during this whole unconscious process, you have an opportunity:
The opportunity to get her a lot more sucked into you, and change the nature of the game.
If you can create a value differen al between yourself and the other guy, where she starts to view you as much more valuable,
she will stop wan ng to play the back-and-forth game, and increasingly want to s ck herself to you.
Some mes you can do this with preselec on (// on-can-get-you-girls).
The cocktease girl will see you with other girls, and become jealous and start to compete.
However, in my experience, many girls who are cockteases do not like compe on, and tend to auto-reject a lot when
they experience it.
Many mes I've had a girl who was a cocktease, so I started opening more women, at which point the cocktease girl quit
coming over to me, and rotated a new guy into my place, so she was bouncing between the original other guy plus this new
guy who replaced me.
You might even suggest that being the tease is something women do out of a certain degree of insecurity -- so they o en can't
naturally deal with a lot of female compe on. They rather prefer the men be the ones to compete over them.
The solu on is my tease-tease tac c.
You simply tease the tease, and hint that if she leaves you alone too long, she might lose you.
Rather than go get preselec on now, you let it be known that if she abandons you too long, you will.
The result? Urgency, scarcity (//, and girls who wanted you to
chase who soon begin chasing themselves.
There's only one hitch: you must be aware you're in a cocktease situa on.
Because it's an unconscious process, you may not always realize you're in a situa on where the girl is fli ng off to flirt with
another man then fli ng back to you, and that you've been unconsciously pi ed against this guy.
As soon as you realize it though, you can begin using tease-tease game to change the terms of the engagement.

Don't Overdo It
The thing to keep in mind with cockteases is that insecurity they have.
You should have fun teasing them. But don't overdo it.
Early on when I was teaching myself this, I'd get merciless with girls, and every me they fli ed back to me, even though they
were spending less and less me with the other guy, I'd stay on them about how they needed to run over to that guy.
They'd deflect, and seem annoyed, and I'd start feeling like a one-trick pony (and I wouldn't get the girl).
Eventually I learned you only really need to use this tac c once on her.
Then a er that when she flits back to you, just treat her almost like she's your girlfriend at that point. Welcome her back, be
super warm and close with her, get a lot of touch going on.
Typically cockteases are a li le standoffish. However, once you've nudged them away with tease-tease game, it puts them in a
needy state, and they start to seek approval.
At this point, you can o en wrap them in with more touch and closeness and treat them almost as if you and them are already
together. (best way: touchy while s ll remaining somewhat aloof: e.g., arm wrapped around her while you're talking to one of
your buddies and focused on him, as if she is your long- me girlfriend and there's no need to ac vely court her. Then once
she's warmed up to that, isolate her (// cs-tuesdays-how-isolate-girl-away-her-friends))
Teases will flit back to the other guy, who is not (and cannot start) trea ng them like that, and the value differen al between
you and him grows more and more.
The girl feels it (and starts to ask herself, "What am I doing talking to this guy? Why aren't I with that guy I like?"). The guy also
feels it (and starts to realize he is out of the game. She is much more affec onate with you -- he can see that every me she
flits over to you).
At some point the guy may leave. If he does, and you have successfully roped this girl in, she will not go off seeking another
guy again unless you do something to make her auto-reject (// ng-girls-staying-out-
auto-rejec on). You can now run things as a normal seduc on.
If the guy does not leave, usually she will largely quit talking to him at some point. Toward the end of the night when you are
leaving together, if he is s ll there, she may want to say goodbye to him, which is not typically ever a problem (he is
neutralized as a threat by this point). S ll, of course, maintain good pull procedure, and don't leave her by herself, and don't let
her dawdle for too long.
Tease-tease game is a nice and fairly straigh orward way to deal with cocktease girls, without auto-rejec ng yourself or
causing auto-rejec on in them (if, say, you start cha ng up other girls).

You get the tease by making her feel like she can get you... but she might not get you.
The only trick: you must be aware you're in a cocktease situa on... and you must have the steel to be able to playfully and
gently nudge the girl toward the compe on.

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Chase Amante

Chase woke up one day in 2004 red of being alone. So, he set to work and read every book he could find, studied every teacher he could meet, and
talked to every girl he could talk to to figure out da ng. A er four years, scads of lays, and many great girlfriends (plus plenty of failures along the way),
he launched this website. He will teach you everything he knows about girls in one single program in his One Date System

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