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How to Ask a Girl Out and (Almost) Always Get a “Yes!

By: Chase Amante (/users/chase-amante)

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Every guy's beaten himself up over how to ask out a girl he likes.
She's there, she looks great, you want to ask her out... so bad... but you just can't form the words.
Or maybe even approach her in the first place.
Making the ask, as hard as it seems now, is, in fact, remarkably easy to do once you have a few
simple tools to do it...
However, you can spend endless amounts of me stressed out over it when you don't.
So let's give you some AWESOME ps to making asking girls out SIMPLE.
Before we get to ps, a quick story.
When I was 14 years old, I asked a girl out for the first me.
I walked up to her in front of the whole school (her name was Sarah), and flat out asked her to go to the school dance at the
end of the year with me.
She was the pre est, most popular girl in school (not to men on head cheerleader), and she'd flirted with me and chased me
hard for a year.
In fact, she'd asked me out about 6 months earlier (but I was too scared to say "yes")!
Yet by the me I finally asked her out, she'd given up on me -- the window had passed, and so had my shot with Sarah.
At the me I didn't know you only had a certain window of me to ask a girl out in... though I guessed something like that
might be the case.
I soon found out it definitely was.
You only have a certain window of me to ask out a girl you like. Miss that window, and your chance with her drops to almost zero.
As you could've guess, Sarah said "no" to me, albeit in a very gracious way.
She told me she wanted "to be friends first", which I knew meant we weren't going to the dance together.
I never got a date with Sarah.
However, in the many years a er, I eventually asked hundreds of girls out on dates. Some said no... but many more said yes.
And along the way, I've learned a thing or two about how to ask a girl out and get that "yes."
I've planned to write on how to ask girls out for a while now. However, a reader just wrote in asking about asking girls out
specifically -- so, it's me to cover it. Our reader says:

“ “Man chase I really have been in a funk lately. I'm back in school and I feel like a social retard now lol! I need some
advice, I really need help with asking girls out on dates and what that actually looks like you know? I'm reading your
articles and a lot of it is making sense but closing the deal and getting dates is weird for me. I guess I really haven't
actually asked a girl out on a proper date before my last GF I got with because I was able to escalate things with her

To answer our reader's ques on, I've put together this guide to asking women out.
This guide will teach you -- empha cally, unequivocally, and without fluff, huff, or pomp of any kind -- how to ask a girl out...
and always (or almost always, anyway!) get a "yes."

I have eight (8) ps for you today that, used together, will make you an 'Ask Out Superman'.
Use all eight of these, and you can ask out a girl (any girl) and almost without fail get the date with her.

The three (3) ps in this sec on are my most crucial ps. To be any good at asking girls out, you must mind these three ps!

The five in the sec on a er this are op onal (though strongly recommended). However, the ps in this sec on you must do!
Once you have these three ps down, you'll find asking girls out gets much, much simpler.

How to Ask a Girl Out: Strike While the Iron's Hot

This one ought to be obvious enough just from that story of mine I shared at the start of this post -- wait too long and the
window closes.
But yet, no ma er how many mes this happens to a guy, many guys keep making this same mistake. I know it sure plagued
me for a long me.
That mistake, of course, is the mistake of wai ng to ask a girl out un l it's too late.

In other words, don't be the guy who's si ng around, biding his me, wai ng for the "perfect moment".
You will wait too long, ll it's way too late... because the "perfect moment" never arrives.
How o en have you had a girl you really liked, that you were wai ng for the "perfect moment" to ask out?
Probably pre y o en, right?
If you're like I was in my school days, you probably have 1 or 2 girls at all mes that you're just wai ng for the right moment
for... and you might well end up wai ng on that moment forever.
Well, women don't wait forever. If a girl is cute, she has mul ple guys interested in her.
The guy who makes the move first is usually going to be the one who gets her.
If you wait around, you don't get the girl.
If you move fast, you very well may get her.
Keep in mind: a rac on has an expira on date (// rac on-has-expira on-date). The longer
you postpone making something happen, the more her a rac on for slips.
Wait too long, and (just like happened to me with that girl Sarah) she'll move on.
That means, you ought to ask girls out soon. Like, as soon as you realize you like them, just about, you ask them out. Not a
week a er you decide you like a girl; not a month later.
Ask her out within a few days of realizing you'd like to ask her out -- preferably, you ask her out within a few minutes of
realizing you'd like to ask her out!
The less me elapses between the moment you realize you'd like to ask a girl out, and the moment you start your feet moving to go over to talk to her and ask her out, the higher the
likelihood is that both A) you ask her out at all, ever, and B) she says "yes."
I know, that's a li le in mida ng -- especially if she's really cute and you like her a lot. "Because," you might ask yourself,
"what if she says 'no'?"
But that's not where your mind should be.
It should not be on "what if she says 'no'?"
It should be on "what if I don't ask her out fast enough, and she loses interest or some other guy gets her?"
Because I'll tell you what -- that is the far, far more likely outcome for most guys.
If you follow the ps in this ar cle, more likely than not when you ask her out she'll say yes.
The BIG RISK for you is that you don't ask her out, fast enough (or at all), and you lose your chance with her.
One neat fact: in a survey Girls Chase conducted of 1517 American women ages 18-34, asking about the last guy they'd gone
on a date with:
One neat fact: surveyed 1517 single U.S. women, aged 18-34, to ask them "The last guy you went out with,
how soon a er you met him did you know you wanted a date with him?"
Their answers might surprise you:
9.7% of girls said they knew before their future date even walked up
12.4% of girls said they knew the moment he said "hello"
Almost fully two-thirds knew by the end of 10 minutes with a guy
Most of the me, if she's going to go out with you, she knows it right away.
All you have to do is ask!
Here's what asking right away does for you:
It greatly increases the odds you get her while she's s ll recep ve to you
It gets you an answer, now, defini vely, so you aren't le wondering forever
It allows you to start actually spending me with her, if she says "yes," instead of spending me thinking about her --
much less fun
It starts ge ng you experience and starts training you to have an easier and easier me talking to girls and asking them
out (this is super vital for inexperienced guys -- so you don't get hung up thinking about a girl you can't get
If she says "no", you'll discover it's not the end of the world.
In fact, it's a load off, to not have to worry about it anymore.
And she might not say "no."
She might say "yes."
And now, you're in a pre y good place, aren't you?
See why asking ASAP (and not pu ng it off) is a good, important, vital thing?
Assignment: is there a girl you'd like to ask out? Ask her out the next me you see her a er reading this ar cle. Don't worry if it's not the perfect moment (it never is), just figure out a way

to do it, and do it. Follow the ps in this ar cle as best you can. But ask.
Don't Make the Asking Out a Big Deal
Remember Sarah, the girl I asked out in eighth grade?
Want to know how I asked her out?
Here's how:
"Miss Lastname," I said, in front of pre y much the en re school, "would you do me the honor of accompanying me
to our gradua on dance?"
I wasn't going the humorous route... I said that dead serious. Can you feel the cringe...!

So -- don't do that. If you can pull it off in a clever, funny way, it could work.
Not how I did it though.
The reason that doesn't work: because who wants to be invited on some big, formal, high-pressure date?
Today, da ng is casual.
People don't like formal da ng nowadays. It's too high pressure.
Your job as the guy is to make things low pressure for your date, so she will want to come out with you.
It needs to feel natural.
For an excellent breakdown of what a 'natural' date invite feels like to a girl, watch this Girls Chase video on asking girls out
naturally by the very talented Hector Cas llo (he has a great body language p in there you should absolutely use when you
ask her out):
How to Ask a Girl Out Nat…

The only women who want to be asked out on formal dates are women in their 30s who've had their fill of naughty bad boys
and now are finally ready for a Serious Gentleman to come court them and whisk them off to a sunset marriage with a happily
ever a er.
If you're asking out anyone other than a woman in that category, your asks need to be relaxed.
Women don't like formal dates. They don't respond to them. They might think it's a classy, roman c idea, but formal date invites rarely get "yes"es from women... and even if you get a girl
to show up to a formal date, it probably won't end up with anything more exci ng than her telling you she "wants to take it slow" and "start out as friends."
Women don't like high pressure situa ons. They look for ways to get out of such scenarios.
Formal dates don't work (usually).
So then what do you do? You make your date ideas simple -- more on this later -- and you ask women out in a super chill,
casual way.
(quick aside: if you want the absolute simplest, and best, date you can ask a girl out on, that makes it easy-as-pie to get the
date with her, you need to pick up a copy of my One Date System. You can >>> watch my video on it here <<<
(// to learn more -- you're going to love One Date. It makes da ng so much simpler)
Here's how you ask (a er a minute or two of small talk):

“ Let's grab a bite or drink sometime!

That's it. Done. All you need to say.

If she says yes, take her contact info and tell her you'll message her.

Not so hard once the formality's gone. Don't try to figure out the perfect thing to say -- all you need to do is ask her out in a
simple, casual way.

Ask a Girl Out on a High Note

Another key lesson: don't just ask her out at any old point of the conversa on (also, you know, don't interrupt her when she's
talking with friends, and ask her out in front of 200 people... like 14 y/o me did).
When SHOULD you ask her out?
Ask her out on a high note.

If you want to know how to ask a girl out and get a "yes" almost every single me, this p is the key to the whole thing:
If you ask her out when she's enjoying talking to you, she's GOING to say "yes"!
You know when most inexperienced guys ask a girl out? It's either:
Out of the blue, like 14 years old me,
While she's in the midst of conversa on with other people, also like 14 years old me, or
As the conversa on with her is circling the drain and it starts to feel to the guy like it's now or never if he's ever going to
ask her out (no pressure! ... remember how we said to avoid high pressure ask-outs?).
Rephrased, most guys ask girls out when:
It feels random and awkward, or
It feels like there's no connec on between them and, again, it's awkward.
There's pressure.
No wonder asking girls out is so terrifying to so many guys... and no wonder so many guys struggle to ask girls out well. They
ask at the wrong moments!
(we just spent all that me talking about "no perfect moments" -- well, while we're not exactly looking for perfect moments,
the moment itself is s ll rather important. But don't worry, I'm going to tell you how to construct that moment)
Here's another way to think about it:
If some random guy started talking to you, and then you guys talked and talked, and the conversa on began to die down, and
then it started feeling like "Well, now it's me to go", and then suddenly he was like, "Hey man, by the way we ought to grab a
pizza some me," how much do you want to say yes?
Now compare that to the same guy talking to you, and you're in the middle of laughing at some quick funny story he just told
you, and he says, "Hey man, we ought to grab a pizza this week."
On that second one, you're probably a lot more likely to say, "Sure, sounds fun."

Sign me up, brah!

Why are you more likely to say yes? Because he made his proposal on a high note.
In the one of the newsle ers I send to subscribers when you sign up for my newsle er (you can take our free Girls Skills
Diagnos c (// to find out how good you are with girls, get a free report on what you should focus
on first, and sign up to the newsle er) I discuss the most important difference between men and women.
And that difference is how acutely women listen to their emo ons.
Women don't decide things because they logically make sense; women decide things because they emo onally do.

Even for us guys, who don't rely on feeling as much as women do, when someone asks you to spend more me with him when you're already enjoying spending me with him, in the

midst of that enjoyment, like in that second example above, you're certainly going to agree, almost always.

The emo onal ming of the ask is key.

So what high notes do you look for?
1. She's
2. She's
telling you a lot about herself
3. Nonverbal signs... such as, she's grinning at you like she wants to grab you and kiss you
Don't make her wait.
You can create laughter yourself with teasing (// and flirta on
And you can get her to start telling you about herself with deep diving (// ng-girls-
If she's smiling and talking with you and laughing, that's a pre y good indica on she's enjoying herself with you -- and that
she's open to spending more me with you.
So, ask her out.

S ll not ready to start asking women out like crazy?

Well, you're in luck.
We've got 5 more AWESOME date-ge ng ps on how to ask a girl out
Put these ps in play to help you step up your game -- and get way more yeses from the girls you want.

Pick a Simple Date Idea

... and avoid complica on at all costs.
No ice-ska ng, hot air balloon rides, laser tag death matches, or trips to Paris. It's a date... it's for you to get to know a girl
(// and for her to get to know you.
The problem with complicated, fantas c date ideas is they usually become both logis cal nightmares (how do you get from Point A to Point B to Point C without losing momentum with her

on the date. Also: when you're so worried about 'following the plan', how are you going to focus on her?). Big dates can even in midate a girl into not saying "yes"!
Picture a girl who really likes you, and wants to go on a date where she talks to you and gets to know you, but instead you ask
her to go play laser tag.
"I'm not really the laser tag type..." she says, hoping you'll just ask her to go somewhere more relaxed instead.
But what might happen instead?
"Oh," you say, "all right." And then you walk away.
You're disappointed. She's disappointed.
Nobody wins.
Has that ever happened to you?

When she wants to go out with you but your date invite is just way too intense.
Overac ve dates that try to be too "fun" can o en mes end up being too much for girls and they'll say "no"... even when
they like you.
I've frequently turned down girls I liked for dates when they asked me to par es or off on some crazy adventure. Why?
Because I didn't want to do those things, and I figured nothing would happen.
Nothing's going to happen at a party date (// where you're surrounded by
her friends. You won't get to know her more there, and you can't get together with her in front of a crowd.
And nothing's going to happen with the two of you rappelling down a cliff face. You'll be too red a erward for anything to
happen there either.
Besides... maybe she just doesn't have the energy for what you're proposing.
Maybe she doesn't like doing it.
Wild/fun date ideas are great things to do with friends, and ac vity partners. But they're not great ideas for someone
you're a racted to and want to be with.
Women will some mes refuse these dates because they don't want the guy to kill their a rac on for him by accidentally plopping himself into the friend zone
(// with these unroman c dates.
Also -- and you may not realize this:
1. Many of the girls who say "no" to fun dates would rather just get to know you than do off-the-wall ac vi es...
2. Many of the girls who say "yes" to fun dates really just want to have fun -- and could care less who they're going

with! They're there for the ac vity, not for you, and your odds of doing anything other than having a nice friendly ou ng
are not great.

Generally the way it is.

This isn't always true... but it is a lot more o en than you might think.
But guys o en take women's refusal to go on these sorts of high-energy crazy "fun" dates as a universal refusal, when it
might just be the ac vity a girl was rejec ng -- not them.
To get around this, stay away from invi ng girls on crazy wild fun dates, keep your dates simple
(//, and just invite them on relaxed ones where you can talk.
A few ideas:
Take her on a picnic
Take her to the beach
Meet her at a café close to your home
Meet her at a chill lounge or quiet bar nearby for a drink
Have her come over to your place to cook or watch a movie

Pick a date template (// -- something

simple -- s ck to it, and you should be fine.
It's only when you try to be crazy and overly clever that it blows up on you.
All you really need is something laid back where the two of you can talk and get to know each other and build connec ons...
keep your date simple and straigh orward and, when you ask her, she'll usually say "yes."

Let a Girl Tell You When Works Best for Her

One really common mistake I see guys make is trying to shoehorn women into their schedules with no considera on for the
girl's schedule.
So like, the guys who are over-focused on being an alpha male will do things like tell a woman:

“ Let's do Thursday at 8 o'clock.

... only to have that woman reply with

“ Oh, sorry, I'm busy on Thursday.

Which builds up a lot of nega ve compliance.

You want to avoid having women tell you "no" as much as possible. The more a woman tells you "no", the more likely she becomes to tell you "no" again in the future. This is true no

at the beginning. Nos lead to more nos. You want to build yeses.
ma er how much she liked you

What I started doing a while back and works great is the innova ve (get ready for it) process of... just plain asking a girl
when works best for her.
There is even research on this (h p:// (which I discovered long a er I figured
this out myself) that finds you're more likely to get a date if you ask a girl's schedule first.
All you're doing is simple stuff that gets it done.
So, instead of floa ng her a me there's no way to know she'll be free for, or one convenient for her (so she doesn't flake on
you), just let her tell you the day(s) and me(s) she's free.
Then pick from the op ons she gives you.

Like so:
“ You: We should grab a drink or a bite some time this week.

Her: Yeah, definitely!

You: When's good for you... what's your schedule look like?

Her: Umm, let's see. I'm really packed most of the week... oh, but I could do, Friday night, or maybe Sunday afternoon?

You: Okay, great. Sunday afternoon would be perfect. Let's say 1 o'clock maybe?

Her: 1 o'clock works fine.

You: Perfect. Let's say 1 o'clock then; meet me at my subway station maybe? And we'll grab some food? That sound

Her: Okay, that's perfect! I'll see you on Sunday then!

You: Cool beans. See you Sunday, Christie.

No rejec on from her on date or me. No wondering what to do when girls flake (//
when-girls-flake) -- because flakes largely disappear.
You're seeing her on a date at a me that works fine for her -- that makes it easy for her to say yes, and easy for her to not
miss it.
Make it as easy for her to say "yes" in the moment and show up on the day of your date as you can without overextending
That said -- if you'd like a way to ask a girl out to get her out that very night, then give this Girls Chase video a watch. Hector
will show you exactly how to pull this off:

After Date and Time, You Handle Everything Else

Have you ever set up a date with a girl, then proceeded to ask her, "So, what do you want to do? Do you want to see a movie,
get some food, check out the shopping mall...?"
I was guilty of that too, when young and inexperienced.
You'll never catch me doing that ever again, however.
There's an excellent reason why you never want to do the 'indecisive guy thing': most girls don't like having to make the
Your average female dater wants to be able to just relax and let you lead.

It takes work to make decisions, and frankly, most women are like most people -- the more decisions you take off their plates, the happier they'll be... so long as they agree with or
enjoy your decisions, of course.
So, a er we've found a me that works for her schedule and I can fit into my schedule, I stop asking for her to figure things
out. I just make proposals and ask her if those proposals work for her.
Also, on the same note, you really don't want to let girls plan the date for logis cal reasons, either. If she has an idea, it's
usually be er that you can't make it -- unless that idea is conducive to seduc on.
Just a few such terrible date ideas for the record:
Let's go hiking
Let's go to a party
Let's go to a nightclub
Let's all hang out with my friends
Let's go shopping
Let's go to a movie
Let's go to some kind of group ac vity
Let's go to a networking event

These all fall under the category of "bad first date (//" Or bad
second, third, or fourth date too, for that ma er.
Why do they make for bad dates?
Because they violate those 5 Cs of Da ng I men oned in the ar cle just linked to. For a refresher, those 5 Cs are:
1. Cheap (nothing too expensive)
2. Convenient (something easy)
3. Conversa on (to get to know her)
4. Covert (not involving anyone other than the two of you)
5. Control (you plan and handle everything)
A good first date is:
At a café where you can sit and talk
At a park or the beach, preferably with some food
Having an ice cream or a coffee
At your place -- cooking dinner, having drinks, "hanging out," watching a movie, studying, etc.
How's that going to help you asking a girl out?
Simple. A big part of the reason why guys get nervous asking girls out is because they don't know exactly what they're doing.
If you choose a good first date idea, you know exactly what you're doing: you're taking her on a date she'll like, where the
two of you can get to know each other... one that'll be conducive to the both of you quite possibly ge ng together.

If She Says "No"... Don't Give Up!

I remember when I used to get this surge of fear and adrenaline before asking a girl out. Like I was going to get stabbed in the
hip or something if she didn't want to go out with me.
The funny thing is, it's just a "no." The stock market doesn't explode, the polar ice caps don't melt, and nobody posts a
video of you ge ng rejected online for the world to see (or at least, hopefully not).
The worst possible thing that could happen is she says "no," and you go on with your life.
But you shouldn't just take a "no" at face value.

She won't always, but some mes if you try again you'll find she's flipped from "no" to "yeah, okay."
If she says "no," unless it's incredibly harsh and you just want to hightail it out of there (and unless you're doing something way
wrong, you will rarely get a harsh "no"), play it off.
If it's a casual no, make it as forge able as possible (so you don't cement any strong rejec on or bad emo on feelings in her
“ You: We should grab a drink sometime.

Her: I've been pretty busy lately.

You: Oh yeah, well that blows. No good when there's no time for fun.

Her: Yeah, it's definitely pretty stressful.

You: You'll get through it. Well, maybe I'll connect with you when you're not so jammed. I'll see you around! [smile &

Her: See you!

At this point you've set yourself up to very easily ping her again in a few weeks and see if she wants to do something then. No
muss, fuss.
If it's a firmer rejec on, and especially if there's an audience, you can play it off in a quasi-drama c way to save face:

“ You: We should grab a drink sometime.

Her: I don't really think I'm interested. Sorry.

You: [put your hand over your heart, gasp, and look away] Jennifer! How can this be! We're meant to be together!

Her: Sorry. Just not interested.

You: [half joking voice] How will I cope... [give her a wink] Well, I'll see you around.

Her: Okay.

Or, if there's not an audience you need to save face in front of, and you want to set her up for a possible re-ask:

“ You: We should grab a drink sometime.

Her: I don't really think I'm interested. Sorry.

You: [put your hand over your heart, gasp, and look away] Jennifer! How can this be! We're meant to be together!

Her: Sorry. Just not interested.

You: [half joking, half firm voice, with a half smile and playful eye contact] All right, well I want you to reconsider this
over the next couple of days, okay? Because you're going to be sitting there, thinking back to this day, and you're going
ot say to yourself, "Damn it, when John asked me out, I should've said yes!" Just keep that in mind! I'll talk to you later.
Let me know when your mind's changed!

Her: [laughs] Okay.

If she laughs, you are o en going to be in. Maybe not that me. But ask her out a week later, and she's may now say "yes."
And if she doesn't, well, rinse and repeat.
It might sound silly, but you being unfazed when she says "no" is one of the most crazy a rac ve things you can do around a woman. Persistence is a rac ve to women
(// like few other things are.
Don't believe it? Try it out. Then come back and let me know how it worked out in the comments. You may be quite surprised.
Even guys women thought they'd never go out with get dates with them this way... I've heard plenty of stories of men who've
done exactly this. And I've pulled off a few of these myself, too. I've had mul ple women tell me they'd turned a guy down
eight or nine different mes, then finally agreed to go out with him... and now they're married.
Persistence pays off. Don't take "no" so seriously.
Some mes it pays to try again.

Be Cool When She Says "Yes"

It's awesome when she says she'll go out with you.
That doesn't mean cartwheels and victory chants are in order in (well, not in earshot, anyway).
A lot of less experienced guys, when a girl says "yes" to them, get really excited... or really weird and awkward.
You don't want to go either of those routes, so be prepared for that and prime yourself to be normal a er you ask her.

How do you stay cool a er the ask? You make a personal note -- internally, before you ever go talk to her -- that no ma er what she says, you're going to be cool.
A er you ask her out and she gives you her answer, just con nue the conversa on as if nothing else had happened.
Here's what not to do:
Get really excited
Get really nervous
Start talking to her about the date
Start telling her you're really glad she said yes
Start trying to plan out logis cs or ming or scheduling
Do or discuss anything overly factual or logical

Here's what to do:

Talk to her exactly the same as you were before
Pick up on a topic you were on before you asked her out if you need one
Or, if it seems natural to at that point, end the conversa on ("Cool, I'll message you!")
Stay calm, stay cool, and you'll secure the date.
And if your mind goes blank? Ask her what she's got planned for the rest of the day -- that's an easy one. Just make it
smooth, natural, and make sure she doesn't have any cause for concern about her decision to say "yes!"

S ck with these 8 ps to use when you ask a girl out, and I'm confident you'll start ge ng just about every girl you ask on a
date eager to come with you.
Next though, you're going to need to know what to text her to make sure she shows up on that date! So, the very next
thing I want you to do is to read my ar cle on how to text a girl out onto a date:
Check this ar cle out: “How to Text Girls: 20 More Tips and Techniques (//
more- ps-and-techniques)”
Don't for get to share this ar cle with your buddies if they could use help asking out the girls they want to ask out too. Every
guy can use a li le help!
Now get out there and ask a girl or two out.
You've got the tools.
It's me now to go -- she's wai ng for you.
Time for you to get a date (or two).
Your Friend,
Chase Amante

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Chase Amante

Chase woke up one day in 2004 red of being alone. So, he set to work and read every book he could find, studied every teacher he could meet, and
talked to every girl he could talk to to figure out da ng. A er four years, scads of lays, and many great girlfriends (plus plenty of failures along the way),
he launched this website. He will teach you everything he knows about girls in one single program in his One Date System

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Classic (/how-to-ask-a-girl-out?qt-classic_how_to=0#qt-classic_how_to) How To (/how-to-ask-a-girl-out?qt





Art of the Deep Dive (// ng-girls-art-deep-dive)

A rac on Expires (// rac on-has-expira on-date)

Breaking Circle (//

Can't Get a Girl (//

Chase Framing (// ng-girls-chase-framing)

Don't Chase Women (//

Eye Contact Flir ng (// ng)

Facial Hair Styles (//

Get to Know a Girl (//

Ge ng Past Small Talk (// ng-past-small-talk)

Girl Has a Boyfriend (//

Hook Up with Friends (//

How Girls Show Interest (//

Just Friends (//

Just Friends (// friends mans worst nightmare)

Keep Thinking of Her ()

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Pickup Tactics and the 'Click Moment' (/content/pickup-tactics-and-click-moment)

(/content/pickup-tac cs-and-click-moment)

December 28, 2020 Chase Amante (/users/chase-amante)

Intrigue Her on the Opener (with "Meta Pacing") (/content/intrigue-her-opener-meta-pacing)


December 24, 2020 Daniel Adebayo (/user/18260)

Tactics Tuesdays: Tease-Tease Game for Girls Who Are Teases (/content/tactics-tuesdays-tease-tease-

(/content/tac cs-tuesdays-tease-tease-game-girls-

December 22, 2020 Chase Amante (/users/chase-amante)

Indirect Seduction: 3 Common Misconceptions (/content/indirect-seduction-3-common-


(/content/indirect-seduc on-3-common-
misconcep ons)

December 21, 2020 Alek Rolstad (/users/alek-rolstad)

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Or just need a refresher? Take the Girl Skills Diagnostic Quiz, and I'll show you what areas to focus on with girls:



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(/content/pickup-tac cs-and-click-moment)

By: Chase Amante (/users/chase-amante)

Pickup Tactics and the 'Click Moment' (/content/pickup-tactics-and-click-moment)


By: Daniel Adebayo (/user/18260)

Intrigue Her on the Opener (with "Meta Pacing") (/content/intrigue-her-opener-meta-pacing)

(/content/tac cs-tuesdays-tease-tease-game-girls-who-are-teases)

By: Chase Amante (/users/chase-amante)

Tactics Tuesdays: Tease-Tease Game for Girls Who Are Teases (/content/tactics-tuesdays-tease-tease-game-girls-who-are-teases)
(/content/indirect-seduc on-3-common-misconcep ons)

By: Alek Rolstad (/users/alek-rolstad)

Indirect Seduction: 3 Common Misconceptions (/content/indirect-seduction-3-common-misconceptions)

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