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Indirect Game, Pt 3.

: Escalating the Vibe

By Alek Rolstad

Now that you've gone in indirect, and increased her compliance, it's time to make a move and escalate the

Now that you've gone in indirect, and increased her compliance, it's time to make a move and escalate the vibe.

Hey guys. And welcome back.

Today we will continue and bring to a close our series on indirect game.

Previously we discussed how to show interest the right way

when using indirect game — When? How much? How? — while
keeping your interest levels in her unknown or ambiguous I. The Importance Of Escalating The Vibe
(depending on your style) to make her curious, compliant, and A. But What About Indirect Game?
eventually get her to start chasing you.
B. So How Does This Work?
Then we discussed how to reinforce this method by using a
II. Indirect Game And Resistance
reward and punish mechanism. Women are attention-craving,
and whenever a woman acts compliant to you (for instance, by A. Reward And Punish

B. Fixing Your Flaws

showing interest), you reward her with attention (for example, III. Recap
through escalation). If not, you punish her by cutting her IV. Conclusion
source of validation (like ignoring her for a while).

Indirect game is a fantastic way of meeting and seducing women. It allows you to build compliance
unbeknownst to the girl because of your ambiguous indirect stance. If being indirect fails to get her
compliance, it can at least buy you time — since you do not force early rejections — to use other
compliance-building techniques, like sex talk, to turn a less favorable situation around.

It is easy to overfocus hiding your interest in a girl to avoid feeding her attention-craving needs and
keeping her compliance levels up. What usually happens is guys risk being too passive. Things don’t
escalate, and nothing happens. This is a trap I fell into when I started out, and I know many fall into it.

Good indirect game is not the equivalent of being passive. At some point, you have to make a move, or it
will all go to waste.

Today we will discuss the importance of escalating the vibe vibe and clarify what may seem like a
contradiction: keeping your interest levels ambiguous (being “indirect”) while escalating the vibe (making a
move, seemingly being “direct”).

We will also cover how indirect game helps you lay the groundwork for escalating the vibe and how indirect
game can help you whenever she resists.


Building compliance is only one side of the equation. When she’s super compliant to you, it’s obviously
great, but it won’t get you far in most cases.

At some point, you will have to make a move!

Sometimes when a girl is compliant, she may make things happen. However, this is more the exception
than the rule. Typically, women will not be making it happen. It’s partly due to women having a more
passive nature in the mating game due to biology. It could also be that the social conditioning of “men
making a move” has reinforced this biological factor.

The bottom line is this:

It is your role as a man to make things happen.

If you do not make a move to make it happen, all the good hooks and compliance you may have with a girl
go to waste.

You will go home knowing this girl was super compliant to you (in other words, she was attracted to you)
and convince yourself that you would have easily gotten her if only you had “felt like making a move.”

This is an empty rationalization.

A compliant girl that you have not at least attempted to escalate the vibe with is a waste. It’s worth
nothing. It is all in your head. As my old friend with 60 years of challenge used to say: it is all sexual
tension mental masturbation.
Feel that brain up. Might as well, since you won't be feeling her up... if you don't make a move...

So what is escalating the vibe?

It is:

A. Eye contact
B. Cutting spaces between you and her
C. Creating an "it's on" moment
D. Physical escalation
E. Sexual verbal game (sex talk)
F. Isolation
G. Extraction ("pulling")

Anything that leads the process forward. And to get the girl you need to make a move.

But What About Indirect?

So, is it simply a case of going direct? After all, when I go direct, I will NOT fail to make a move. There are
MANY cons to this strategy. I’ve covered these in my series on why direct is a weak and limited form of

The Problem With Direct Game, Pt. 1: Does Direct Game Work?

The Problem With Direct Game, Pt. 2: Killing All The Intrigue
In a nutshell, direct game:

A. Triggers resistance

B. Gives away too much attention too early

C. Kills sexual tension

Most importantly, it forces earlier rejections that could be avoided if you take the time to go indirect and
create the necessary compliance before “making a move.”

You create compliance FIRST — THEN you make a move.

If the girl was into you from the get-go, escalate. If not, keep things ambiguous and build more compliance.

The problem with direct is that people escalate the vibe without being sure the compliance is there.
Phrased differently, they escalate the vibe without knowing that the iron is hot. Result: female state control,
premature rejections, and resistance.

However, indirect game dodges these issues. Yet, as we have already pinpointed, indirect game tends to
lead men into passivity, as they become obsessed with completely hiding their interest from the girl.

After all, escalating the vibe entails some physical escalation, which entails displaying interest in her.

The exception is when using sex talk. I explain how this works here.

However, note that even when you use sex talk, you will still show interest when you try to isolate her or
extract her and eventually escalate physically all the way to sex.

Escalating the vibe equals showing interest.

How does this fit into the concept of indirect game?

You keep your level of interest hidden/ambiguous UNTIL she displays signs of compliance to you. And
when she does, you start showing interest by escalating the vibe.

Now how much interest (or how much you escalate the vibe) you display when she shows compliance is a
matter of style. I favor showing a bit less than most (in the past, I was the opposite), whereas others show
a bit more:

Showing less interest in her than she shows in you can be deadly powerful. It gives you the most
compliance; however, it can backfire hard as you risk auto-rejections and missing key escalation
windows, which can ruin your interaction. Consequently, this strategy is harder to pull off

Showing more interest than her avoids all these problems and speeds up the process. However,
you’re prone to get more resistance, less compliance, and you’ll have a slightly weaker frame to work

It’s ideal for beginners to mirror the amount of interest she shows in you. Once you have that down, you
can play around with trickier variations that offer different benefits.
Once you've taken a few girls home by mirroring their interest levels, you can start practicing seducing them by showing less interest
than they show you.

So How Does This Work?

Indirect game is not an excuse for you to:

Be passive

Not show any interest

Both are terrible strategies. Indirect game involves escalating the vibe, hence showing interest. However,
you need to CALIBRATE according to her level of interest.

Here is a play-by-play of how indirect game works:

1. You open by displaying little to no interest (ambiguous intent/mixed signals)

2. Either use this to generate compliance or, if she doesn’t begin showing interest/compliance, use
other compliance-generating techniques (see the suggested list in my previous article)

3. If she shows some interest, reward her by showing some interest back, like escalating the vibe with a
bit of eye contact and gentle social touch (some casual touching to get her used to your touch,
which is very important)

4. If she doesn’t show interest/compliance, keep things ambiguous, and do not escalate the vibe while
building compliance
5. If she eventually starts showing interest (compliance), then show interest back (for example, through

. You never really stop performing your game, and you keep upping your compliance. Even if you have
shown some interest, you have not revealed all your cards yet (as is the case with direct game)

7. At some point, she will show some serious compliance (a “spike” or a “high note,” see my articles on
calibration). Then you isolate (isolation is, after all, part of escalating the vibe)

. Once you have her isolated, keep delivering your game, and eventually things go smoothly, and you
keep escalating the vibe since she seems compliant to you. This time you amp it up for more serious
escalation. Ultimately, ask her to leave with you, using plausible deniability


While some interactions will look like my above play-by-play, resistance is prone to occur in others. Or she
may not be that compliant. She may only be compliant up to a certain point before she slips into a non-
compliant mode. These and other complications are part of the reality of seduction.

Keep in mind that resistance is less prone to happen with indirect game because:

You generate more compliance before making a move

It is smoother and more calibrated to her level of compliance, so you avoid triggering resistance
(which may still happen, regardless)

You haven’t displayed all your interest yet, giving you a stronger frame to work from (with direct
game, you are obviously chasing her, while with indirect, it isn’t that clear, and usually it will be her
chasing you)

So, what do you do if resistance occurs?

Reward And Punish

I won’t repeat last week’s post, but if she shows good compliance, keep rewarding her by showing signs of
interest. In other words, keep escalating the vibe.

On the other hand, if she starts showing less compliance by resisting, or becoming annoying and talking to
other guys, and ignoring you, then you need to “punish” her.

And how is this done? Well, as we discussed in last week’s post: you take away her validation. You de-
escalate the vibe.

Again, escalating the vibe equals showing interest, and you showing interest equals validating her.

And if women are validation junkies, this means she really wants to be validated (ESPECIALLY NOW that
you have conveyed attractive traits through compliance-building).

So taking away her source of validation will create more compliance since she will now be chasing. You
have just taken away something she initially had but now lost, which she now craves. Chances are, she will
start complying to get the goodies back.
After validating her with your attention, taking away her source of validation will make her invest and so increase her compliance.

Now how much you eventually de-escalate (also known as breaking rapport) depends on how uncompliant
she is and how “badly” she behaves. My recommendation is not to push it too far, as you risk simply
pushing her away. Start light, and if that does not work, amp it up.

For example, a light punishment would be to stop touching her. A strong punishment would be doing the
same while looking around the crowd occasionally. An even stronger punishment would be acting a bit
aloof. And the strictest punishment would be talking to other girls (you will get social proof working for you
as well, which is a compliance-building technique).

Now once she starts showing compliance again, start escalating the vibe. If she shows tons of
compliance, escalate a bit quicker, using bolder moves.

Another positive effect of using such a strategy is comfort. You are not pushing her. Whenever things are
going too fast for her, and she reacts, you punish her, but you also give her space to breathe, and you do
not force yourself upon her.

This has multiple positive effects:

It creates comfort

You don’t appear needy

It is smooth and calibrated

If you do all the above, you have the best way of handling resistance and persisting with women without
appearing needy (the model above has already been shared in my posts on persistence).

What I discuss next is more advanced and is therefore optional for intermediates. (Master the above first!
It is key!)

Fixing Your Flaws

You cannot read her mind, which means you can’t always fully calibrate 100% to her.

Sometimes girls will resist for other reasons than lack of compliance:

Female state control – caused by a flaw in your social frame or escalating too fast. If she suddenly
goes a bit cold after intense escalation, it means you’re escalating too soon, or your social frame is
weak. You will need to match the social environment, create better rapport (comfort), befriend her
friends, display higher social value, and make her invest more, generating a stronger social frame.
Remember: a strong social frame translates into compliance (it is a compliance generator)

Anti-slut defense – when she seems all over you but pushes your hands away and follows up with “I
am not that kind of girl” or similar comments. Chances are it is anti-slut defense, and using anti-slut
defense busters is the way to go. What if it is not anti-slut defense? It doesn’t matter: displaying
nonjudgmental views about sex and being low-key is sexy and sets the right frames to up her level of

Serious lack of compliance (such as a state drop). Take a huge step back, rebuild compliance with
compliance enhancers, and resume the escalation. (This is often caused by a weak frame that needs
to be re-established)

Other causes, like boyfriends, irritating friends, the jealous friend who wants you, and more. These
can also be dealt with. Awareness is key in seduction and especially when dealing with resistance

Note: Never respond directly to resistance. Say she displays signs of anti-slut defense when she resists; do
not move straight into anti-slut defense busters. Instead, follow the model above: de-escalate, take a step
back, and then make your adjustments.

If you fail to do so, you may seem a bit too reactive, which is never good (it communicates that she is in
full control of the interaction, which is bad).

In this post, we emphasized the importance of escalating the vibe. If you don’t escalate the vibe and make
things happen, you will not get the girl.

Escalating the vibe does not contradict the idea of indirect game. Going indirect isn’t synonymous with
being passive. Though that strategy can sporadically work, it is not consistent. Normally you will have to
escalate the vibe.

To do this with indirect game, start gradually and proportionally to the level of compliance she expresses
toward you. And calibrate accordingly.
If she displays more compliance toward you, reward her by escalating the vibe further.

If things stay the same, stay where you are by trying to up her compliance with compliance-enhancing
techniques (see the list in my first post of this series).

If she is non-compliant, punish her by taking steps back and de-escalating.

That is how it is done. It is smooth, it gives you more control, and it will drastically increase your meet-to-
lay ratio (up your chances of getting THAT girl you desire instead of relying on luck and approaching in high
volumes as with direct game).

Proper indirect game will give you more consistent success with higher quality women. Give it a try.

It is a bit harder to pull off, but at the end of the day, it is more than worth it.

This concludes my series on indirect game. I will spend a few more posts explaining some key concepts
that I haven’t had the chance to cover in this three-part series.

I wanted to give you an overall framework in this series on how indirect game works, or how I do it (I know
that many other great seducers use similar frameworks with minor deviations).

To recap, you should:

Come in with ambiguous levels of interest toward her

Build compliance
Show interest whenever she shows you interest

Calibrate accordingly (reward and punish, fix your flaws)

I hope this gives you a more balanced view of indirect game and debunked some misconceptions. I also
hope these posts inspired you to try it out and enjoy the great results. It is a bit trickier to pull off than
direct game, but the results are FAR superior.

And if you are a seasoned seducer already, I hope you learned a thing or two.



About the Author: Alek Rolstad

Alek Rolstad launched his pickup career at age 14, an early starter and seduction
savant. His unique style of game focuses on “sex talk”: a way to make sex the
primary topic of conversation. Sex talk lets the user excite girls rapidly, and filter for
girls open to fast, raunchy, kinky one-night stands and sex. You can learn from Alek,
the master and originator of sex talk himself, by booking a 1-hour phone consultation with him.


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