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Why You Should Always Be Approaching Women

You need to understand that women LOVE to be approached by a man who

knows what he’s doing. It makes them feel noticed, appreciate, and just
makes their day.

There’s a reason why women spend so much time and money on beauty
products, hairstylists, make-up, gym memberships, etc. Even if the woman is
in a relationship and not actively looking to meet someone, she’ll still
appreciate that kind of attention.

When women are single, they always have the fantasy in the back of their
mind of the prince charming who’s going to rescue her and sweep her off
her feet.

Realize that a woman’s dream is to meet a masculine and charming man in

an ordinary, everyday place.

Having the entire situation “just happen” is their dream. As we men have
been conditioned to idealize women as princesses, they too have been
conditioned with the story of the prince charming. They've been bombarded
with prince charming stories all their life, these stories always go something
like this:

A knight in shining armor, risking his life, rides to the castle, defeats the
dangerous creature, and saves the princess from her misery.

The story of Prince Charming is the model for women’s ideal man.

Women WANT to be approached.

The thing is that most men are not stepping up and making it happen, either
they don’t know how or they don’t have the balls to do it.

If you approach random beautiful women in the street, you’re part of the rare
category of men who actually go for what they want, and that alone is
extremely attractive to women.

Every approach you make is always 10/10 because you actually went for it.

You can’t control the outcome of the approach, only the action of doing it,
so give yourself credit for just going for it, unlike 99% of the other men in
the world.

If there's one thing I want to get through this sheet is that you HAVE to be
out there approaching women.

Not only will you score lots of dates by standing out from the 99% of other
guys who don't have a clue, but you'll also build tremendous levels of
confidence that will serve you in all areas of life.

When you can approach pretty girls on a regular basis without feeling
anxious, and you’re able to date them and sleep with them, you will feel
unstoppable and everything else in your life will be that much easier.

So firstly, before you approach the girl, the thoughts going on in your head
have to be on point. Some might be conscious, and others unconscious.

If you’re thinking negative thoughts, it will kill the whole vibe of the
interaction. Thoughts like: "She's too hot, I'm scared”; "I'm stuck in my head";
"She must have a boyfriend"; "She probably won't like me, she’s out of my

Most guys are thinking some of the above thought patterns before
approaching attractive women and that’s what gets them stuck.
Let me tell you my thought loops before I open and I want you to reframe
your thought loops as well if you still struggle with them.

"She's hot, lets see what she’s got going for her besides her looks... this is
going to be an awesome interaction, my socials skills are going to improve,

"She seems nice, let me take a bit of my time and check her out and see her
personality matches her first impression, let me check her out"

“She’s pretty, let’s approach her and see what she’s about”.

This is what you should be thinking.

You’re just seeing if it’s a girl that you might like, you’re not there to sell
yourself, you’re there to see if she qualifies to be with you and join the

Thoughts about rejection

Rejection should mean nothing to you. Being rejected is a badge of honor

worn by every playboy in the world. It happens to every strong man who
goes for what he wants, it’s a rite of passage.

Rejection is better than regret, always approach. You will either pick the
woman or pick a lesson.

If you're the type of guy that's working on yourself to build the dream life
that you're proud of, then you deserve to feel proud about that now. You
deserve to approach that girl with enough confidence and swagger.

Then, if the girl rejects you, it literally is her loss. She literally missed a chance
to join the life of a high-value man that’s working towards his success.

What to do if you have approach anxiety

Approach anxiety is a form of natural selection.

Understand when you see a beautiful woman and you don't approach her,
you're weeding yourself out of the gene pool.

Hot women KNOW that men want to talk to them, the men who do simply
WIN. The only wrong way to play is not to play at all.

So you have to F*ck YOUR FEELINGS. DO IT anyway like a man.

Understand that you approaching her is probably the most interesting thing
that is going to happen to her that day.

She will tell all of her friends.

Most of you have a LOSS AVERSION BIAS with women.

You hate losing more than you like winning.

Our evolved psychology is inherently biased towards survival and fear of loss.

That's why your psychology would rather NOT get rejected at all than risking
approaching and winning.

People would rather NOT lose a dollar than gain a dollar.

Most people would rather be comfortable and let beautiful women pass by
than walk up and approach and probably get a date
Big Hack: Stop Jerking Off



The Straightest path to the girl

When approaching, visualize a direct line from you to the girl. Then walk that
line. Do not take a zigzag your path to the girl like you’re crippled. Walk
directly up to her.

The shortest possible path from point A to Point B.

Open directly and with confidence. Open like you mean it.

Square up

Don’t try to talk to women behind their back.

Nothing is more unattractive to a woman than a guy trying to talk to her

while she’s not facing him.

Square up when approaching her, your shoulders are facing and aligned
with her shoulders, your hips are facing and aligned with her hips.

If she’s standing at a bar, you can come next to her and talk to her this way,
but the conversation should very quickly lead to both of you facing each
other. This is the easiest part of your game to correct.

You can double the number of women you sleep with just by following these
two steps. Do not overlook them! Go straight to the girl and square up.
Mindsets & Frames For Approaching Women During

- You are having a good day already, let’s share the fun.

- You will make her day, your presence is a gift.

- The goal is to leave her better off than you found her.

- You are just seeing if she meets your standards

Remember: You’re NOT there to impress the girl, you are there to impress
UPON her the type of man that you are and the type of adventure that she
could join if she follows your lead.

The 90/10 Rule In The Beginning

During the beginning of an interaction, you should be doing 90% of the

talking until she has enough of a sample size of your personality that she
actively wants to stay and talk to you, or she simply goes away.

Once that point is reached, you should be doing 50% of the talking.

A good sign of interest is when she reciprocates the questions you ask.

Always be gathering information about her logistics and sharing logistical

elements with her that would help your cause

Assume there is interest specifically because you have balls.

You are a man. She is a woman.

It’s natural that she feels attracted to you.

Things To Keep In mind

The DO'S:

- Look her in the eye

- Approach from the front

- Have a smile

- Non-Neediness

- Give her a time constraint: Hey, I'm kind of in a hurry, but I just.."

The DON'T’S:

- Creepy, unsure movements

- Fast & Emotional reactions

- Approaching Her From Behind

- Talking too fast with no tension

- Seeking rapport tonality (which sounds like "please talk to me")

I want you to clear your head and only focus on saying HI. The reason why is
that you cannot predict how she is going to react to you.

You can't control if she's going like you or not, if she has a boyfriend or not, if
she had a bad day, if someone died or if she's on her period...

The only thing you can control is moving your legs and saying HI.
Smooth Elements That You Can Add To Your Approach

Time Constraints

Giving her a time constraint makes her more comfortable because it informs
her that you aren’t going to be lingering around too much, it takes the
pressure off as well:

«Hey, real quick… » Or «Hey, I have to go real soon but… »

Statements Of Empathy

Acknowledging what she’s doing or acknowledging what she may be

thinking. It both takes the pressure off the situation and shows that you have
social intelligence.

Here are some examples: “Hey I know you’re shopping but…” or “Hey I know
this is really random but...” or “Hey, sorry to interrupt your conversation…” or
“Hey, listen I’m not trying to hold you up if you’re really in a rush”

Some Openers

- "Hey, real quick, I just saw you and you looked interesting, I had to come
and say Hi”

- "Hey, I wanted to come and see if you were as interesting as your looks

- “Hey, are you *country*?” With a curious tonality. Cold reads are great.

ALWAYS SHOW INTENT. BE DIRECT. If you're not direct in what you want,
you'll probably be disappointed in what you get.
Assume she is interested specifically because you have balls.

The reason why most men are awkward when they approach women is that
they never show intent and say WHY they're there.

They beat around the bush.

You have to say WHY you're there.

Telling her that you’re there because she is cute is a hell of a lot better than
just talking pointlessly and asking her interview questions.

Outcome Independence

- You genuinely wish her well.

- Whatever she says, does not change your reality.

- You are expressing your best self, NOT impressing her.

The Worst-Case Scenarios

- It was the most interesting thing that happened to her that day.

- She is going to think about it for days after.

- She is going to tell all her friends.

- She has a boyfriend

In Most Cases

She is receptive, you two have good chemistry, and you both plan a date or
go on an instant date Realize that there are no downsides to approaching
Now obviously, if you got this PDF, it’s because I’m giving it to you for free
which is good because you’re getting value out of it, but it won’t make a big
difference unless you get the other pieces of the puzzle which I teach inside
my mentoring programs

This is a skillset and like all skillsets, it takes the right guidance, practice,
feedback, and most importantly the right accountability and support group.

My programs have the best success rates in the industry because we focus on
both the inner part and the outer part at a high-level and we give our clients
very pragmatic systems and practices that work like clockwork.

The right systems and practices paired with the right accountability create
powerful consistent results. There’s no other way to learn this skill than
learning from others that have accomplished extraordinary results

Nobody gets good at something without a coach or teacher. If even Michael

Jordan needs 10 coaches, you probably need one if you want elite results.

I invested more than 80K+ myself on various coaches, mentors, and

programs in the past 2 years myself and I’ll continue to do so in all areas of
my life that I want to become great at.

And I learned a lot from trial and error as well but I could have saved even
more time and headaches If I had invested in elite coaches even sooner.

Getting the right guidance will honestly save you YEARS of your life.

The truth is that this PDF isn't enough, to have extraordinary results you will
need personalized help. I would highly recommend that you jump on
Dating Accelerator Program.
Our programs have the best success rates in the industry because we focus
on both the inner part and the outer part at a high-level and we give our
clients very pragmatic systems and practices that work like clockwork.

The right systems and practices paired with the right accountability create
powerful consistent results. There’s no other way to learn this skill than
learning from others that have accomplished extraordinary results

Getting the right guidance will honestly save you YEARS of your life.

You’ll uncover the systems to consistently meeting, attracting, and

sustainably dating the most beautiful women in your city, with minimal
effort. You’ll finally become the high-status man that quality women will be
eager to do anything for.

You'll get personalized help every week of the program with me or another
executive instructor. These calls will be packed with powerful nuances,
systems, and action steps.

This program is only based on action, you will have homework every week as
well as different exercises and lifestyle setups.

You'll also have access to our digital program Higher Self Mastery with over
60+ Videos and dozens of resources & exercises, but it is also updated every
single month with new powerful REALITY-SHATTERING pieces of content so
you always keep the edge.

On top of that, you'll have access to The Circle which is our Playboy Network.

It's a space for you to connect with like-minded individuals with 24/7
accountability. We have a private Telegram Group and jump on VIP Group
Coaching Calls every month. You'll have lifetime wingmen and allies
everywhere in the world.

Want to take your

dating life to an elite
level and join the 1%
circle of elite men?

Apply For The Dating

Accelerator Today.


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For further reading,

you can get a copy of
my Book Playboy

With plenty of



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