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Advanced Module #1

How to Deal With Her Crazy Mood


One of the things that confuse men about women is their mood-swings! Men don’t
understand how women can be completely happy and normal one minute, and then snappy
and cranky the next.

I wanted to unveil the mystery around mood swings and get men to understand, first of all,
why women have mood swings, what it really means when she is having one of her mood
swings and how to best deal with it.

The most important part of this lesson is how to handle a woman during this time because,
believe it or not, how you handle it, greatly determines whether your woman will stay
attracted to you or not.

Why Do Women Have Mood Swings? What Are They?

Women, unlike men, are easily influenced by how she is feeling at any point in time. We use
emotions to tell us things about ourselves, the people around us and our environment, to be
able to better relate and connect with other people. Men on the other hand, do not need this
ability because men tend to dominate their environment through sheer force or intelligence.

This is why women are better able to empathize and connect with people on a much deeper
level than men.
The problem, however, is that our emotions can sometimes overdrive our logical thinking
and dictate a lot of our behaviours and actions.
It means that women are less able to bottle up and hide her feelings. If something was
bothering her, or she felt underappreciated, undervalued, frustrated or anxious about
something (anything), she’ll want to have some sort of verbal release from all the tension.
Men, on the other hand, gain release through relaxing, playing games and doing stuff.
Women need to talk about her problems.

The man in her life is often the person she’ll turn to when she needs to release some tension.
He is, after all, the person she feels can empathize and care about her problems the most.
Basically, she wants to connect with you through talking about her problems.
What tends to happen, however, is that because a woman has been bottling up all this
tension and stress within her, this means she will be extremely sensitive to anything YOU
do or say.

When she is with you and something you do annoys her, she’ll tend to release her
frustrations on you and look as if she is putting ALL her blame on you!

A mood swing is ultimately a woman’s battle between her HEART and her HEAD. In her
head, rationally she KNOWS that it’s not YOU that is the problem, so she “tries” to act
normal and fine. But her HEART is telling her something is wrong and she needs to release
This is WHY, she’ll act fine one minute, and then bitchy the next!

She is conflicted inside because she needs some way to release her tension!
Women who go through EXTREME mood-swings, for example a woman who will
completely change all the time from one behaviour to the next, suffer from a conflict within
her that is deeply rooted within her personality.

These women have two conflicting desires that are clashing all the time. It’s best to figure
out exactly what her conflicts are and then figure out whether you can “reprogram” her
beliefs about one of them to lessen the conflict (you’ll need to be able to connect and relate
EXTREMELY well to be able to do this, that’s for another lesson I think).

How to Deal With Her Mood Swings

There are 3 mistakes men make:

1. Shut down or get away

Men who do this will close up, stop talking, stop doing anything and sometimes
will try to get away from the problem.
2. Retort Back
Men who retort back will feel personally threatened and will say equally nasty and
emotionally charged things back to her.
3. Try to fix it
Men who do this will simply do anything she wanted to make her happy again.

None of these really help the problem in the long run, but they can often make the situation

So, what are you meant to do instead?

The best way to handle a woman is the following steps:

Step 1: Use the first 5 -10 minutes to calm her down.

Use your body language, your tone of voice, the language that you use - everything to calm
her down.
Say things like:

“It’s ok.”

“It’s alright.”

“We’ll figure it out.”

Say it CALMLY, NOT stressed or annoyed (this may only fire her off again).

Step 2: Listen to her ACTIVELY

Once again, don’t just be passive. Sit up, give good eye contact, respond and ask questions
every now and then. Take in what she is saying. If she is blaming YOU for everything, don’t
take it too personally, ask her instead:

Redirect her: “What is REALLY bothering you?”

Listen actively: “Yes, I see what you mean, can you explain a bit more?” “Can you
elaborate?” “What do you mean by this?”
When you get her THINKING about things a bit more in-depth she’ll naturally be able to
put her emotions aside and use the logical side of her brain instead! All this is an effort to
suppress her emotions and get her thinking normally again!

Step 3: Keep Talking to Her!

If women connect through talking, this is what you need to do to move her from emotional
to rational again!

Remember, women need to connect through talking, laughing, sharing experiences etc. A
woman will feel closest to her man when he is connecting with her this way. These are
things that make her FEEL GOOD.

So talk to her until her emotions die down and she is normal again. Then go out and do
something fun to get her to forget about whatever problem she had before.

The point to talking and directing the conversation is actually a tactic of interrupting her
pattern. If you can get her to forget about what she was initially upset about, she’ll stop
being upset and back to “normal” again.


Remember when a woman is upset, she is looking to you to show you are STRONG
emotionally, you CARE about her, and you can make her feel SAFE.

Remember that and you should have a much better time with women!
10 Tips to Attract Even The Most Hard to
Get Women
Dan Ray

Seeing as this is a huge subject I am going to break it down into a top tips sort of list, these are by no
means extensive, but will get the general idea across.
I may actually write a follow up to this article with a more advanced look at some of these.
I’m going to start off with the basics, a lot of guys think that looks are the main factor in being
“attractive”, this is completely WRONG! In reality the only difference between a really good-looking
guy approaching a woman and a not so good-looking guy doing the same thing, is about 30 seconds.
The good-looking guy gets 30 extra seconds at the very beginning of meeting somebody new, that’s
it, if he cannot give a woman a reason to keep talking to him in that time he will be rejected along
with all the other uglier guys.

On that note, the top 10 tips:

1) Make the best of what you have – Now you may not be the best looking guy in the world but
that doesn’t matter to the majority of women beyond the first minute or so.
Women do, however, find it attractive if a guy looks after himself. Wear clothes that fit well, shave,
style your hair and in my opinion the most important, cut and clean your fingernails (A guy who
doesn’t clean his hands and nails gives off the impression he may not clean other things, are you with

2) Show her you have ambition – This is a really important one. No woman wants to be with a man
who is happy working in subway on minimum wage, not to say that there is something wrong with
working in subway, but if you do, show some ambition, strive to be the best sandwich artist in your
store, show that you desire a management role.
If you don’t desire these things then have an outside ambition, break a world record or learn to play
the guitar, having goals and achieving them (or at least striving to achieve them) is sexy to women.
You don’t have to be successful; you just have to show the potential to be successful.

3) Be different – The aim of this point is to show that you have something to offer. You do not want
to be the guy who is the same as everybody else or boring.
Good ways to show that you’re different can be to show her that she can learn from you, or grow
with you, let her see that you are spontaneous/ creative/spiritual. Tell her non-bragging stories that
demonstrate any of these things and you will get major brownie points.

4) Be understanding – Sometimes the old sayings are well known for a reason, this is one that I
have noticed being particularly relevant lately.
Women love a guy who can listen, it is a very attractive trait to have, I’m not talking about
“pretending” to listen, but to actually listen and understand what she is saying is extremely
Show her that you understand where she is coming from; point out any commonalities in humour,
worldviews, morals, culture, background. Remember commonalities = connection.
The more obscure the things that you connect on the more chemistry you create.

5) Be mysterious – Women love a puzzle, so do not give everything away right away, hold a few
things back and maybe just hint at an insecurity or wounded side.
These should be genuine and not exaggerated; nobody likes a guy who is trying to trick his way into
a woman’s pants (it’s creepy and won’t get you very far).
So leave a little to her imagination and let her fill in your puzzle with her own assumptions, these will
generally be good things. Depth and mystery are attractive.

6) Show her you are sexual but not horny – A lot of guys struggle with this one, showing a woman
that you are a sexual person is attractive, showing a woman that you are a horny little rabbit that will
hump anything that moves is not.
The best way to do this is by demonstrating that you like a woman for HER, show her that you see
something special in her and that you are not desperate, you have chosen to spend time with her
because you enjoy spending time with her, not just because you want to recreate your favourite

7) Other women want you – Have you ever had a girlfriend and noticed that you get a lot more
attention from women? This happens for 2 reasons, the first is that you are already chosen by a
woman, and women want what other women have, it’s the exact same reason that every girl you
know owns a pair of UGG boots, everybody else has them so she must have them.
Showing that women have already selected you takes away your availability therefore increasing
demand for you.
8) Display a lack of neediness – The second reason this happens is that because you already have a
woman, when you interact with women they can sense that you are not trying to get into their pants,
this makes you a more valuable person as simply having a girlfriend passively displays a lot of my
previous points automatically. Women can tell when you are trying to get into their pants, don’t for
one minute think that they can’t.

9) Have an attractive lifestyle – Do things that you enjoy, if you like to rollerblade, go rollerblading
or join a roller derby team. Doing things that you enjoy is attractive to women, if you have an
interesting life that you can bring her into, it has got to better than sitting on your couch watching
you eat curry every night, this is common sense and yet a lot of guys get stuck in this dull rut where
they literally do NOTHING. Do fun stuff, girls wanna have fun.

10) Use psychology to your advantage – This one is a 4 part-er, there are 4 things that make a
woman desire a man that throughout history have been hard wired into the mind of all women, they
may not be consciously aware of them but believe me, they are there.

• Demonstrate that you are a leader of men – Display values that show that you have the
character to be a leader in social situations, this can be shown in simple ways such as letting
her see you make friends with guys you meet in your daily life. This implies social value as
people don’t follow just anybody.
• Show that you are willing to emote – Showing that you can share her range of emotions is
an extremely powerful thing, it demonstrates that you will be understanding and
sympathetic to her feelings.
• Show that you are a protector of your loved ones – Showing her that you care about the
people that you love and are willing to protect them is attractive for one reason and one
reason only, it demonstrates that if you were the father of her children, you will look out for
their safety.
• Willingness to walk away – Showing that you are willing to walk away from her shows
one of the most important psychological factors that women find attractive; you are “the
prize” she is chasing you and not the other way round, this is quite possibly the most
powerful of any of the points I have made so far.
So there you have it, 10 (or 13, if you’re being picky) things that women find attractive in men. You
do not have to do all of these things but the more you tick off your checklist, the greater your success
will be. END.

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