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Modern dating is broken and I want to fix it.

Men have no idea how to treat women and women are abusing nice guys to give
them free attention and money without providing anything back.

Most men have no clue how to deal with women properly. Most of them will end
up in the cesspit called Friendzone, in the hope they will get a chance to fuck her
one day.

"Maybe if she sees I'm nice to her and I just don't want sex like every other dude,
she'll want me."

Doesn't work that way buddy.

The majority of guys are confused about what women are really attracted to.

I have the harsh truth for you: Women like to be objectified.

Why do you think most women dress sluty and wear tons of make-up?

They want you to fuck them and they want you to let them know you want to fuck
them... but you have to be smart about it.

You have to be smooth.

I don’t want you to confuse getting friendzoned with getting rejected.

You will get rejected a lot of times and that’s fine, getting friendzoned is NOT.
If the girl says: “You know, I’ve always just seen you like a friend, I don’t want to
be anything more.”

If you agree to it. You lost your honor, your respect, and she won’t ever fuck you.

Thinking that being her friend long enough will make her realize what a great guy
you are is a false assumption.

Stop watching romantic movies and get ready for the real world.

Before I get to answering your questions, I want to explain what the friendzone
really is.

What Is a Friendzone?

Friendzone means that the girl can’t see getting physical with you, ever.

It means that even though the girl maybe likes you, there wasn’t enough sexual
tension from your side.

Women want men who like to show their intentions and who can escalate things.

It’s what they secretly dream about.

The time window for you to make her something more than your friend is short
and you can easily miss it.
If you wait long to make the first step or (and that’s pathetic) wait for her to do it,
you will end up in the friendzone.

You see, women are labeling men into categories, I’d say these categories look
something like this:

1) Lover
2) Potential lover
3) Friend / Nobody

Once you enter the third category, it’s very difficult to come back.

But why is it that so many guys end up like women's girlfriends?

Her emotional tampons?

There are 3 reasons for this:

1) Lack of intent
2) Too much attention
3) Being too nice

Let’s get to the first part of the problem, lack of intent/intention.

Even though she likes you, if you don’t show her your intentions from the start,
she will close the door for you.

Remember: Women love men who know what they want and who go for it.

Not being decisive about making the move shows her that you have no balls and
that turns her off.

Women want to sleep with men who are primal, leaders, masculine and decisive.

When she gives you her body, it means she probably sees you as her potential
partner, so she needs to see these qualities in you.

Women love mysterious men… BUT

You, not showing your intent to her isn’t mysterious at all, don’t get confused.
Hot To Show Your Intentions

So now you know that you should show your intentions from the start… but how
do you do it?

I don’t ask you to come to the first girl that you see and tell her that you want to
fuck her.

Showing intent is basically just sparking emotions in her brain.

The bigger the emotional rollercoaster is, the more she’ll feel charmed by you.

Showing her you are interested isn’t just giving her one compliment and then
treating her like a friend again.

You must give her little sparks of sexual tension constantly and unexpectedly.

She must never see them coming.

Advice: Talk to her like she’s your girlfriend, even if she’s not.

This is the tone of conversation you can set, talk to her like you already date - as
you’ve already slept together.

I hope you realize that you have to be tactful about this, obviously don’t go too far
with it.

But it’s still better to go too far than to treat her like a friend.
Here are some of the tips for showing her intent:


Tease her, make fun of her, be playful, disagree with her.

These are all forms of teasing that women love.

Women crave these because most guys are so scared of making fun of them
(especially if they’re hot).

Let me tell you this: The more attractive she is, the more boring her life is.

There is no man to challenge her beliefs, to tell her she is wrong, to make fun of
her in a playful way.

Don’t be like the majority of losers, grow some balls and do it.

Don’t treat her like a celebrity if you don’t want to be treated like a fan.

She is a human just like you, don’t be scared of her.

Have fun.

This is a pretty easy one and also very straightforward.

Most men fuck this one up though.

Never give her generic compliments ever.

She’s heard that she is beautiful hundreds of times over and over again.

Give her a unique, specific, and sexy compliment instead.

Something like:

“I love how you look in this dress.”


“I love how your nail polish matches your handbag color. You didn’t have to try
so hard to impress me though.”

“I love your voice” also works well.

I would also suggest not giving a compliment as a first thing when approaching a
girl, do it a bit later instead.

Of course, don’t compliment her every 5 minutes, you’ll look needy, but the
compliment is a sign to her that you’re interested.

A woman touches guys she likes and knows that if you touch her, you are
interested in her.

She needs physical contact in order to be aroused by you.

I want you to start touching her subtly.

Touch her arm a bit when you talk to her. Move closer from time to time.

Pretend you didn’t hear her, lean in, put your hand on her back and ask her to
repeat it.

It will become second nature once you get used to touching women, you won’t
even have to think about it.

These are the body parts to touch (low to high risk):

Arm > Shoulder > Back > Hand > Thigh/Face

If she’s okay with you touching her, especially in the high-risk zones, she likes

If she touches you back often, she definitely likes you.


I see this mistake all the time.

Men are too available, especially to women that haven’t even slept with them yet.

You read everywhere that purpose should be your number one priority but you
still put her in the first place.

When a woman sees that you’re willing to spend every second of your free time
with her/texting her - you’re not the catch anymore.

Remember: Women love to chase.

How she can chase you when you’re around anytime she wants.

If she has to fight for your attention, she’s going to value it 100 times more.

I think the most common mistake regarding friendzone and attention in this day
and age - is texting her too much.

The only reason for you to text her should be to set up a date.

Obviously, there can be a little conversation before that, ask her how she is, etc…

That’s it though.
The more time you spend texting with her about pointless stuff, the more her
attraction for you fades away.


1) You’re running out of things to talk about in real life because you text her

2) Texting isn’t physical - If she isn’t spending time with you in real life, she’s
not really invested in you + you can’t seduce her properly

3) You appear too available

Think about how many guys she is texting and how many of them do actually
have a chance of fucking her.


So stop being her text buddy or you’ll learn the hard way.

We’ve all heard a phrase that women love bad boys… but what does it really

Should I swear her off? Cheat on her? Abuse her?

No, no, no.

I think the bad boy is a bit overused yet misunderstood phrase.

What this really means is that a woman loves when you don’t tolerate her

When you don’t go out of your way to please her all the time.

When you have a backbone and can put her in her place when she misbehaves.

Nice guys think that fulfilling the woman’s every wish will make her attracted to
them - it won’t.

I’m not saying you can’t make a woman happy if you want.

I’m not saying you can’t give her a gift or hold a door for her.

All I’m saying is: Don’t do things you don’t wanna do, just to make her
Live on your terms, in your own frame.

In the end, you’re the man and you should invite her into your world.

If everything you do revolves around her, she will eventually leave you.


You haven’t read my book yet, you fucked things up, she told you she just want to
be friends. She isn’t looking for something serious (with you).

What now?

Is it lost?

Well, yes and no.

I only know about one technique that you can use to save your ass.

So she told you: “I just want to stay friends with you.”

Now listen carefully…

You reply with: “I’m not interested in just being friends, sorry.”

Say this and leave.

Cut all the attention, completely ghost her.

Don’t initiate any contact and wait for her to do it.

In the meantime, focus on yourself and talk with other girls.

Forget about her.

Chances are she will reach out to you in a month or so, with some stupid shit like
asking how you’ve been.

If she texts you first, whatever the text is, it means that she regrets her decision.

She won’t text you “I’ve changed my mind, come here and fuck me please.”

She will write something subtle but she will slowly crawl back into your life.

Women know how to do it without you even realizing it.

Now you have the second chance to not fuck it up, good luck.

I hope you enjoyed this short ebook, I’m sure if you follow the advice above, you
will avoid every friendzone successfully.


Twitter: @uncomplacentmen
IG: uncomplacentmen

P.S. If you want to learn everything there is about seducing and keeping a high-quality
woman, go here:

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