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Legendary Press Ltd, 59 Tinshill Drive, Cookridge, Leeds. LS16 7DQ

LEGEND is a bi-monthly magazine for role-playing and live role-playing enthusiasts. It is aimed at
roleplayers, live role-players, event, convention and club organisers, writers, traders and publishing
companies. It launches in Summer of 2004, with a July/August issue released on 28th May 2004.

The magazine is published by Legendary Press Limited, and edited by Lizi Cable.

The magazine is enthusiastic, informative, open, cosmopolitan and fun, reflecting the creativity,
imagination and generosity of spirit encountered amongst role-players. We celebrate achievement
and support new ventures, showcase talent, and provide a forum for debate, learning, and working
and playing together. We provide an up-to-date commentary on today’s hobby and industry, and
give the reader plenty of opportunities to get involved and try things out for themselves. Production
values are high - with an emphasis on clarity, legibility, relevant illustration, and inspirational
writing and artwork. All articles are easy to read with a strong sense of fun (where appropriate),
suitable for any age group, with plenty of links and resources to take the reader further should they
so wish. We encourage anyone and everyone to try role-playing!

The magazine has a website at where additional resources, information,

and links to all relevant sites, supporting the readership. The magazine and the website between
them (hopefully!) provide an indispensable resource for all those involved in the role-playing hobby
and industry.

Contributor’s Guidelines
Anyone can write for LEGEND. We would love to hear from you by phone or email in the first
instance with your ideas:

Articles, Artwork, Advertising, News, Subscriptions Lizi Cable 07720 446854 / 0113 2676637
Event Reviews Emily Turberville Smith 0780 1628197

Columnists and regular contributors will be assigned an editor based on their area of interest, and
should contact their nearest editor to start with – that’s Lizi for the North, Emily for the South.

The magazine will carry three themed articles in one issue (6-9 pages), one seasonal article (1-3
pages), and two cover articles (4-6 pages) that may or may not be related to the issues theme. At
least one of these articles will have a player focus, at least one will have an organiser focus. Please
call the editor for future issue themes.

In addition regular features will include:

News Desk; Arena – an opinion piece; Events Diary ; Scenario (stand-alone, rpg or lrp or either!);
Reviews – of LRP events, RPG games and source books; 2-4 Character Outlines – “So you want to
play a . . .” Online gaming news; S.F & Laser-tag news & reviews, Role-playing inspired Fiction
and/or Poetry, Interviews, “How to’s” concerned with Props, Costume, Weapons, Armour, Make-
up, or anything else role-playing related; “Game for Anything?” – a different challenge every issue!

Legend February 2004 Contributors Guidelines

Where an article has been put together solely for the benefit of the reader (i.e. is not a press release,
review or advertorial) remuneration will be considered, but we haven’t got much cash! Payment for
the first few issues will be in subscriptions to the magazine, or in advertising space, or cash
payments can be negotiated. In any case this payment will not exceed £10 per 1000 words.
Payment is on publication.

Please call an Editor with your ideas for articles or columns, or see the provisional contents page at
the end of these guidelines for inspiration. We are always open to new ideas, comments, criticisms
and suggestions!

Deadlines for receipt of all contributions will be strictly adhered to. Please see the Production
Timetable for specific issue deadlines. If you are unsure of your deadline, please ask your editor! ☺

Reviews are put together by a lead reviewer working closely with our Reviews Editor. If you wish
to review an LRP event, whether you are a player, crew member, writer or referee, please get in
touch in advance of the event. Reviews involve talking to attendees both before, during, and after
the event. We are occasionally invited to send an independent reviewer to an event, so we need a
bank of reviewers willing to travel at their own expense to attend an event for free, so get in touch!
There are more extensive guidelines for reviewers available from the Reviews Editor.

We run 4-8 LRP reviews in every issue demonstrating the broad spectrum of genre, format and cost
available to new and established LRPers. Our reviews have a distinctive style, and involve
interviews with, and comments from, all types of attendees in order to achieve a fair review, and to
capture the genuine buzz of the event. Reviews of LRP events should, where possible, include at
least one photograph of the main set and others should capture the feel of an event. Please see
guidelines for submission of photographs below.

We review as many RPG’s and role-playing related games as our team can play-test, so more
volunteers are always needed, and will mention every release we are told about.

We also accept reviews of anything that could be considered a resource for role-playing – so RPG
source books; books on costume, make-up, kit-making etc; boxed sets e.g. murder mystery parties;
LRP rules systems, costume guides, sword-fighting videos, mapping software, etc. Again, we
advise you to talk to an editor in the first instance, as this sort of content will probably be published
according to upcoming issue themes, or we might have reviews to commission awaiting an
enthusiastic reviewer.

Payment will not normally be made for reviews or accompanying photographs.

The majority of the magazine will be in black and white or grey-scale, and artwork will generally be
commissioned to illustrate a specific piece of writing. If you would like to become a regular
illustrator for LEGEND, please get in touch with samples of your work, so that we can give you
relevant commissions. We are also interested in any illustrations, however large or small, that have
not previously been published elsewhere, and suit our content and audience, please send samples by
email, disk or post.

Legend February 2004 Contributors Guidelines

Payment for the first few issues will be in subscriptions to the magazine, or in advertising space, or
small cash payments can be negotiated. This payment will not exceed the following scale for
internal artwork:

¼ page black & white £5 ¼ page colour £12

½ page black and white £12 ½ page colour £25
full page black and white £25 full page colour £50

Occasionally, we may wish to have a full colour front cover, payment for this will be by separate

It is the responsibility of the person submitting a photograph to ensure they have both the
permission of the photographer, and all the people in the photograph, for the photo to be
published both in the LEGEND magazine, and on the Legendary Press website.

Internal photographs will generally be printed in black and white, and so should always be
submitted in mono. If we wish to see it in colour, we’ll let you know. ☺

We only accept electronic copy for submission of written articles, on disk or by email please.
All contributors will receive a free copy of the issue of LEGEND in which their article appears.

Terms and Conditions

Unless otherwise negotiated all articles, artwork, photographs, and published submissions of any
sort (including work published on the website but not in the magazine) become sole copyright of
Legendary Press Limited, i.e. Legendary Press Limited assumes all rights, so may be used within
the magazine, on the website, or in any compendium or guide we put together to be sold or given
away, with or alongside LEGEND magazine, or for Legendary Press Limited in any other country.

Legal issues and disclaimers

While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of all published material, we can not be held
accountable for errors of statement from independent authors and sources.

Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden without express permission Legendary Press Limited.

All artwork, photographs and internal logos are copyright LEGEND and Legendary Press, unless
stated otherwise.

All opinions expressed within the publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the
editors, or even individual contributors.

Legendary Press recognises the status of all copyright, trade marked & registered names and the use
of the aforementioned within this publication should not be construed as a challenge to such status.

Legend February 2004 Contributors Guidelines

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