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Lost at sea

The peaceful, white birds flew gracefully over clear blue skies, looking down on a village

as if they were guarding it. The elegant trees were swaying side to side in perfect

rhythm, reflecting the civilised and harmonious villagers. Of course, there was always

the odd instance in which some complications arose, but everyone generally got along

well; obeying laws and respecting authorities. The village was preserved very well, with

the intricately crafted buildings aging back many decades. The old, wooden walls of the

houses were polished so well, it felt like they were brand new, in contrast to the stone

floorings which gave off an old fashioned feel. At the heart of the village was a tower

which contained a valuable chest, one which hasn’t been touched since the start of the

civilisation. Although it’s very well protected, not a single soul in the village knows the

contents of it. Resources around the village were very scarce, so a social hierarchy had

to be implemented strongly into the community in order to keep the village running

efficiently and in peace.

Everyone in the lower classes had their fair share of tough times, but Jesse had it

particularly tough. Working all day barely earnt him enough money to pay for food,

clothing, and shelter, but ever since the shortage of resources in the village, crime rates

rose higher than ever. What was once a prospering community had quickly become an

unsafe place to live, with robbers causing havoc every single night. Unfortunately for

Jesse, he was caught red-handed when attempting to steal the mysterious chest from

the tower, and he had earned himself an exile from the village.
On his way out of the village, he took one last glance for forgiveness, but no glances

were given back. Never would he have thought something like this would happen to

him, so he didn't really know where to go from here. Looking around the misty forest,

the only thing he could see or hear was the sound of hummingbirds chirping their hearts

out. With every cautious step he took, he had no idea where he was going; he was

simply following the chee-dits of the hummingbirds. He eventually reached a lake and

immediately rushed over to it as if his life depended on it, panting for air between each

gulp of water. As he stared down at his devilish reflection in the water, he noticed a lot of

birds flying in a certain direction. He couldn’t help but wonder where the birds were

headed and as the old saying goes, curiosity killed the cat. Without another thought,

Jesse decided to follow the birds, not having any idea where they were leading him. All

of a sudden there were no more birds to be seen in the sky; it was as if they had


Confused, he looked around, trying to find out where the birds went, and that's when he

saw them all unconscious on the ground. Puzzled as to why the birds were unconscious

on the ground, he looked around and noticed a wall; a wall that was so high it touched

the sky. Enticed as to what mysteries are held on the other side, he picked up the

biggest rock he could find and with all his might, he threw it at the wall, with only a small

scratch to show for it. After an hour of trying to break the wall, he knew it would take

ages to break through it by himself. So he came to the realization that he needed help
to take it down, so without wasting any more time, he looked around for the smoke

coming from the village bonfire, and then he commenced his journey back to his village.

After a few hours of walking, at last, he had reached his village but upon entry, he was

greeted by nasty looks. Within a few seconds of stepping foot into the village, warriors

immediately rushed over to seize him, escorting him to the village chief. Confused as to

why Jesse came back to the village, the chief questioned why he returned, and he

received an enthusiastic answer from Jesse, who explained how he had found a wall.

Due to Jesse’s past, the chief had no reason to believe that he was telling the truth; but

since resources were becoming scarce, the chief decided to trust Jesse for the sake of

the village. Jesse then guided a few dozen men equipped with weapons and a battering

ram through the forest, being precautious with every step they took.

Eventually, they reached the wall and the chief realised that Jesse was telling the truth,

so without wasting another second, they immediately started barging into the wall with

the battering ram. After a while of constant battering on the border, to their surprise,

they managed to create a hole in the wall, but instead of finding a pathway to more

resources, they had created a hole in the glass bottle which they didn’t realise they were

living in. Suddenly water gushed in through the hole, and within moments, the water had

swept everyone off their feet. However, no one had any prior knowledge as to how to

swim, so in a flash, there was nothing left of the civilisation.

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