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1. HTML is a language for making web pages. It uses tags to describe content like text,
images, links, and forms. Web browsers read these tags to display the content on a

2. A single tag is an HTML tag that doesn't require a closing tag. It is also called a self-
closing tag or void element. Single tags are used to define elements that do not have
any content. Some examples of single tags in HTML are the <br> , <img> , and <input>

3. To align text in HTML without using CSS, you can use the <center> tag to center-align
the text, the <div> tag with the align attribute set to "center" for older HTML versions, or
the <p> tag with the align attribute set to "center". Here's an example:<center>This text
is center-aligned using the center tag.</center>

<div align="center">This text is center-aligned using the div tag.</div>

<p align="center">This text is center-aligned using the p tag.</p>

4. a. <small> tag is used to decrease the font size of text, making it appear smaller.

b. <big> tag is used to increase the font size of text, making it appear larger.

5. A hyperlink, or link, in HTML allows users to click and go to another place. It's important
for connecting web pages and making navigation easier on websites.

6. Comments in HTML are like sticky notes for developers. They're written between `<!--`
and `-->` and don't show up on the webpage. They're useful for explaining code or
leaving reminders without changing how the webpage looks or works.
7. table in HTML is like a grid used to show information neatly on a webpage. It's made up
of rows and columns. You use `<table>` to start the table, `<tr>` for rows, `<th>` for
header cells, and `<td>` for data cells. Tables help organize data and make it easier for
people to read and understand on the webpage.

8. Add a caption to a table in HTML using the `<caption>` tag. It's placed right after the
`<table>` tag and before any `<tr>` elements. The caption gives a short description or
title for the table, usually shown above or below the table.

9. An HTML form is like a digital paper where users input information. You create it with the
`<form>` tag and add fields like text boxes and buttons. When users fill it out and click
submit, the data goes to a server. Forms are crucial for websites to interact with users
and collect information.

10. Frames in HTML divide a webpage into sections, each showing a separate webpage.
They're used for layouts with a fixed menu or sidebar.

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