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ह रयाणा Haryana 24AA/HRFDB382/242


This Agreement is made effec ve as of 30th March 2024 between Ankush Pal, a student enrolled in the Post
Matric (PMS) Scholarship programme in Haryana and the Scholarship officer. This student currently enrolled in
Aravali College of Engineering & management in CSE 2nd Year.

1. Ankush Pal is enrolled in the PMS program in Haryana and is eligible to receive scholarship benefits.
2. The Officer is responsible for issuing demand no ces to students enrolled in the PMS program regarding the
sharing of scholarship amounts.
3. Failure to share the scholarship amount as demanded may result in legal ac on being taken against the
Student, as the Officer possesses evidence of caste manipula on from BA-A to Scheduled Caste (SC).
4. The Student agrees to share the scholarship amount as per the demand no ce issued by the Officer. The
amount and method of sharing shall be as specified in the demand no ce.
5. In the event that the Student fails to share the scholarship amount as demanded, the Officer reserves the
right to take legal ac on against the Student. Such legal ac on may include, but is not limited to, recovery of
the owed amount, termina on of scholarship benefits, and any other ac on deemed necessary to remedy
the situa on.
6. The Officer asserts that there is evidence indica ng that the Student changed their caste designa on from
General to SC for the purpose of availing scholarship benefits fraudulently. This evidence may be u lized in
legal proceedings if necessary.
7. The Student agrees to comply with all terms and condi ons set forth in this agreement. Failure to comply
may result in legal consequences as outlined herein.
8. The Demand Amount is Rs.32500 shared respec ve bank account within 2days a er receive 1st Installment
of Scholarship Amount.

This Agreement shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws of India.

This Agreement cons tutes the en re understanding between the par es concerning the subject ma er
herein and supersedes all prior agreements, whether wri en or oral, rela ng to the same subject ma er.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the par es hereto have executed this agreement as of the date first above wri en.

This Agreement is Verified by Devender Kumar SDM

Govt. of NCT of Delhi – 110093

(Sign. of Ankush Pal – 22CSE16)

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