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this memory is from my childhood, it was a very special day for me because it was my birthday,
I remember that my family was among them, my parents, my grandparents, my sister, my
uncles. this day is very special because my grandparents were there, I miss them very much
and now they are gone.

The thing is that I was very happy to be with all of them.

What my relatives did was to talk about past anecdotes, they started to sing so they had a lot
of fun.

The next day we went on a picnic to the park of legends, I remember that day the sun was very
bright and colorful, but it was not too hot, the atmosphere was fresh.

I remember when we went to see the penguins, the atmosphere was very damp, as they need
ice to keep fresh.

Then came lunch where the food was very flavorful.

I remember all this because I looked at an old photo, I love looking at old photos. It is nice to
look back in my past and remember my childhood. I am very sure of this memory as I have a
good long-term memory.

my mom also recalled that day. and this is the memory of that vivid day.

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