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Write simple Python program using operators(24,242,60)

a) Arithmetic Operators
b) Logical Operators
c) Bitwise Operators
d) Relational Operators

Q. Write a program to Take input from user and check whether a number is even or

Q. Write a program to check the largest number among the three numbers.

Q. Write a program that takes the marks of 5 subjects and displays the grade.

Q. Print the following patterns using loop:(50,249,237)


Q. Write a program to print following.(51,253,243)

1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4

Q. Write a Python program that takes a number and checks whether it is a

palindrome or not.(63,254)

Q. Write Python program to perform following operations on Lists:(65,79,256)

a) Create list
b) Access list
c) Update list (Add item, Remove item)
d)Delete list
Q. Write Python program to perform following operations on Tuples(66,257)
a) Create Tuple
b) Access Tuple
c) Update Tuple
d) Delete Tuple

Q. Write Python program to perform following operations on Tuples(67,258)

a) Create Set
b) Access Set elements
c) Update Set
d) Delete Set

Q. Write Python program to perform following operations on Dictionaries:(69,27)

a) Create Dictionary
b) Access Dictionary elements
c) Update Dictionary
d) Delete Dictionary
e) Looping through Dictionary

Q. a)Write Python program to demonstrate math built- in functions (Any 2

programs) (71,28, 73,42 )
b) Write Python program to demonstrate string built – in functions (Any 2

Q. Develop user defined Python function for given problem(74,47)

a) Function with minimum 2 arguments
b) Function returning values

Q. Write a program in Python to demonstrate following operations:

a) Method overriding(75,54)

Q. Write a program in Python to demonstrate following operations:(238,58)

a) Simple inheritance b) Multiple inheritance

Q. Create a class Employee with data members: name, department and salary.
Create suitable methods for reading and printing employee information.(78,246,)

Q. Write a Python program to read and print students information using two
classes using simple inheritance.(253,64)

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