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Topic: My Best Friend



Ranjan is my best friend. He lives just a few houses away from

mine. We both go to the same school and are in the same
grade.We wear colorful T-shirts. Every evening, we play
videogames. When I find something difficult in my studies, Ranjan
helps me out. He is really good at science, and I help him with
history. We often exchange books and comics. Whenever I feel
down, he knows how to cheer me up with his funny jokes and
stories. For his last birthday, I gave him a puzzle game, and he was
thrilled. On my birthday, he surprised me with a cool poster of my
favorite superhero. We’ve made a pact to always support and stand
by each other. Having Ranjan as a friend feels like having a caring
brother. I am truly fortunate to have him as my best friend

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