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College of Engineering



Engr. Marlon Felices Engr. Jhed Alvero Pascual

Engr. Aljon Pontipedra Engr. John Kenneth Reyes

Engr. Christian Ditan Engr. Kovi Malleta

Engr. Elrick Avorque Engr. Kyle Arjen Villaflor

Engr. Froilan Ocubillo Engr. Mark Jaycee Reyes

Engr. Jaymar Opinion Engr. Michael Joshua Tayam

Engr. Jenny Casabuena Engr. Russel Navaja


I. COVER PAGE................................................................................................1

II. TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................2

III. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..............................................................................3

A. Problem........................................................................................................3

B. Solution.....................................................................................................3-4

IV. COMPANY DESCRIPTION.......................................................................4-8

A. Mission.........................................................................................................5

B. Vision............................................................................................................5

C. Objectives and Goals..................................................................................5

D. Organization and Management...............................................................6-8

E. Location of the Business............................................................................9

V. PRODUCT AND SERVICES..................................................................10-11

A. Product Description..................................................................................12

B. Pricing........................................................................................................12

C. Competitive Analysis................................................................................13

D. Promotion.............................................................................................14-15


lll. Executive Summary

The evolving world presents us with novel diseases, leaving us unprepared.

Hence, we must innovate our medical tools to enhance their effectiveness. Marl-On is a

company revolutionizing healthcare through innovative devices that turn old-fashioned or

traditional procedures into modern tools. Marl-On company is dedicated to creating the

next generation of automated healthcare systems that will spread nationwide and also

exceed customer expectations by delivering Portability, Maintainability, Security,

Reliability, Usability, Compatibility, Performance Efficiency, and Functional Suitability,

giving the customer high quality of our products.


Human error can lead to complication. Even the most skilled doctors, nurse, and

surgeons can make mistakes, and traditional medical tools offer limited precision and


The common method of height measuring with tape measure and wall marking is

a simple method for home, clinic, and hospital measurement that can be difficult,

inaccurate, and require an assistant.


Marl-On company believes that innovation can improve traditional medical tools

like tape measures and wall markings for measuring height. The automated product offers

a faster and more convenient alternative: simply stand on the bottom of the product, and

your height will be displayed on the screen in seconds.

lV. Company Description

Marl-On company was founded on December 27, 2023, by a team of computer

engineers passionate about innovative devices and led by the owner of the company,

Engr. Marlon Felices.

Company Logo

The company logo is composed of two parts: the blue part of the joystick is where

we found the movements, and the red part of the joystick is where we found the buttons

with different functions and purposes. And if we combine it, we have a controller with

which we can control the product with high precision. And if you look closely, we can see

the controller is shaped like the letter M, which symbolizes the first letter of the company

owner, Engr. Marlon Felices.

Company Name

“Marl-On” derives from two concepts: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (Marl)

and activation. Marl, in computer engineering, is a branch of research where agents learn

and adapt within an environment populated by other agents. “On” symbolizes the

activation and connectivity between these computer engineers. Marl-On came from the

first name of the owner.

Tagline of the Company

“Smarter Tools, Healthier Future”

The phrase “Smarter Tools” refers to the product we offer that give the customer

“Healthier Future” by providing them improve and smarter medical tools.

Mission of the Company

“Empowering health professionals and families with accessible, accurate, and

effortless solutions”

Vision of the Company

“To be the world’s leading provider of innovative medical technologies”

Objective and Goals

The main goal of Marl-On Company is to continuously develop and introduce

cutting-edge solutions that address unmet needs in the healthcare field.

Organization and Management

Job Specification

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

The company's founder, who served as our visionary leader, led the company into

a brighter future. Create strategic partnerships, motivate a high-performing workforce,

and secure long-term success in the medical technology landscape.

Financial Director

Manage finances, estimate outcomes, and navigate risk with knowledge. Ensure

financial accuracy and compliance, assess data to make informed decisions, and work

with computer engineering to optimize resource allocation.

Software Director

Lead our skilled developers, drive innovation, and shape our software roadmap.

Marl-On's software excellence will be ensured by its mastery of revolutionary

technologies and innovative methods.

Hardware Director

Bring medical technologies' innovative ideas to reality. Establish a strong product,

lead design and production, and define the hardware strategy. exceed customer

expectations by delivering Portability, Maintainability, Security, Reliability, Usability,

Compatibility, Performance Efficiency, and Functional Suitability, giving the customer

high quality of our products.

Marketing Director

Increase market awareness and understand digital marketing methods.

Maintaining a strategic vision and excellent communication skills will take our brand to

new level.


Expert in relevant programming languages, problem-solving, and teamwork will

fuel the development of our groundbreaking medical tools.

Project Manager

Plan, manage, and execute complex projects on time and on budget. Possessing

organizational skills, strong communication, and adaptability will ensure the smooth

journey of each Marl-On innovation.


Organize schedules, manage meetings, and make travel arrangements with

efficiency and discretion. Have communication skills and multi-tasking mastery will keep

Marl-On running smoothly.


Strong coding skills, problem-solving abilities, and technical expertise will all

contribute to our innovative products' solid basis. Collaborate with developers and

designers to create high-quality healthcare solutions.

Maintenance Technician

Ensure the flawless operation of our life-saving tools. The technical expertise and

troubleshooting skills will keep vital equipment functioning, minimizing downtime, and

guaranteeing device accuracy. Provide excellent customer service to healthcare


Floor Manager

Maintain the cleanliness and safe environment.

Location of the Business

Marl-on Company is located in San Pablo City, Laguna, Calabarzon. You can find

it on José Rizal Avenue, near the VII-C Barangay Hall and San Pablo City Plaza park.

This location is ideal because of the convenient access to clinics, gyms, fitness shops,

hospitals, and schools around the plaza. Additionally, Marl-on Company is easily to see

from José Rizal Avenue road and boasts a large parking lot.

V. Product and Services

Front view

Side view

Bottom view

Schematic Diagram

Description of the product

One of the product made by Marl-On company is a Automatic Height

Measurement called “AutoStature”. AutoStature is a revolutionary product that combines

the words "automatic" and "stature", which is another word for height to emphasize its

ease of use and focus on height measurement. AutoStature is a device that measures a

person's height with accuracy and precision. Simply stand on the platform, and your

height will be displayed on the screen in seconds. No more awkward positioning,

squinting at scales, or human error. AutoStature uses cutting-edge technology to deliver

instant, precise height readings with pinpoint accuracy.


Raw Materials Quantity Total Cost (in pesos)

Microcontroller 1 40

LCD 1 26

Ultrasonic sensor 1 48

Potentiometer 20k ohms 1 14

Toggle Switch 1 15

Set connector and Frame 1 22

9V Battery 1 18

Total Product Cost 7 ₱ 183

Packaging Materials Quantity Total Cost (in pesos)

Box 1 5

Bubble wrap 1 5

Tape 1 8

Total Package Cost 3 18

Total Unit Cost ₱ 201

Pricing mark-up: Total Cost * 29% = 201 * 0.29

Price per Unit ₱ 259

The company comes up with a budget-friendly automatic height measurements.

AutoStature can be purchased for ₱ 259. 29 each.

Competitive Analysis

Customers are concerned not only with the quality of the products but also with

their low price. The competitors of this product are businesses that use traditional height

measurements and those from other countries that use automatic height measurements.

While those products are still easy to use, the advantages of this product are that it is not

only more affordable than other automatic height measurements but also easy to use that

measures a person's height with accuracy and precision and can avoid human error

caused by traditional products.



Flyers are small sheets of paper used to inform consumers about new products

from a company. Marl-On Company is sharing their new product, "AutoStature," through

these flyers, which will be distributed in public places, given directly to people, or mailed.

The flyers are designed to be plain and easy to read, with a clear and concise message

to convey the main point of the product. Utilizing these flyers is an effective part of Marl-

On marketing plan for introducing new products.

Facebook Page, Instagram, and Tiktok

Marl-On Company leverages social media apps such as Facebook, Instagram, and

TikTok to advertise the products, making it easier to spread brand awareness. We also

utilize these platforms as communication channels to directly offer our products because

the larger followers can attracts more business.


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