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Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes

WBCS Prelims Exam Study Plan from

Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes
Congratulations on deciding to take the WBCS Prelims exam! This
plan will guide you through the eight sections you need to conquer
and strategically prepare you to reach the targeted score of 110-120
(remember, there are no sectional cutoffs, but attempting all sections
is crucial).
About the Exam:
• The WBCS Prelims exam consists of eight sections with a total
of 200 questions.
• Each question carries one mark.
• There is negative marking - 1/3rd mark will be deducted for
every wrong answer.
The Eight Sections:
1. General Science (20 Questions): Physics, Chemistry, Biology (
NCERT Class 6 to 10 level). And obviously my notes
2. Current Affairs (20 Questions): National & International
events, Science & Technology, Economy, Sports (Focus on last
6 months to 1 year)
3. History of India (20 Questions): Ancient, Medieval, Modern
Indian History
4. Indian Polity & Economy (20 Questions): Constitution,
Political System, Economic policies & schemes
5. Geography of India & West Bengal (20 Questions): Physical
features, Climate, Resources, Important locations (with specific
focus on West Bengal)
6. Reasoning Ability (40 Questions): Analytical & Logical
Reasoning (Puzzles, Series, Syllogisms)
Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes
7. English Language Comprehension (40 Questions): Grammar,
Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension
8. Mental Ability Test (20 Questions): Number series, Verbal
Reasoning, Analytical Problems
Crafting Your Study Plan:
1. Gather Resources: Collect standard textbooks for each section
(NCERTs for Science, WBCS specific guidebooks for others).
Utilize online resources like previous year papers and mock
tests. Rest I will help you
2. Time Management: Dedicate at least 6-8 hours daily for
studies. Divide time proportionally between sections based on
your strengths and weaknesses.
3. Understanding the Syllabus: Deeply understand the syllabus
for each section. Focus on core areas with higher weightage in
the exam.
4. Building the Foundation: Start with foundational concepts in
each subject. This will strengthen your understanding for
complex topics.
5. Current Affairs: Dedicate a specific time daily to consume
current affairs through newspapers, news websites, and credible
online sources.
6. Practice & Revision: Regularly solve previous year papers and
mock tests to identify your weak areas and improve time
management. Revise comprehensively and make short notes for
quick refreshers.
7. Stay Updated: Stay updated with the latest exam pattern and
syllabus changes published by the WBPSC.
Sectional Tips:
Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes
• General Science: Focus on memorizing important formulas,
diagrams, and scientific phenomena.
• Current Affairs: Maintain a current affairs notebook to record
important events, government schemes, and key personalities.
• History: Learn through timelines, historical maps, and
important events with their dates.
• Polity & Economy: Focus on understanding the structure of the
government, fundamental rights, and economic policies.
• Geography: Practice identifying locations on maps and learn
about resources, climate patterns, and natural features.
• Reasoning Ability: Practice various types of reasoning
questions regularly to improve analytical thinking.
• English Language: Read good quality English newspapers and
practice vocabulary building exercises.
• Mental Ability Test: Sharpen your problem-solving skills
through regular practice of puzzles and analytical problems.
Remember: Consistency is key! Stick to your plan, revise regularly,
and manage your time effectively. With focused preparation, you can
achieve a score that surpasses the targeted 110-120 mark.
Additional Tips:
• Join online forums or study groups to connect with other WBCS
aspirants and discuss doubts and strategies.
• Take breaks to avoid burnout. Ensure a healthy sleep schedule
and maintain a balanced diet.
• Stay positive and motivated throughout your preparation
journey. Believe in yourself and your ability to succeed!
Disclaimer: This is a general guideline. You can personalize this plan
based on your learning style and pace.
Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes

WBCS Prelims Exam: Specialized Study Plan for Reasoning

Ability & General Science
Since you're already comfortable with Reasoning Ability and General
Science, let's tailor a plan to strengthen these sections and maximize
your score.
Reasoning Ability:
• Focus on Specific Areas: Identify your strengths and
weaknesses within Reasoning. Sharpen areas like puzzles, series
completion, and syllogisms. Practice different question types to
build a diverse skillset.
• Practice with Variety: Utilize online resources and mock tests
to access a wide range of reasoning questions. Aim to solve at
least 50 questions daily, focusing on speed and accuracy.
• Time Management Skills: Practice solving reasoning questions
within a time limit to simulate the actual exam pressure.
Develop strategies to tackle time-consuming questions
• Identify Shortcuts & Techniques: Learn shortcut methods and
problem-solving techniques to approach questions quickly.
Explore online tutorials and books dedicated to reasoning ability
• Regular Revision: Regularly revise previously attempted
questions and analyze your mistakes. Revisit concepts you find
challenging and solidify your understanding.
General Science:
Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes
• Concept Clarity: Strengthen your understanding of
fundamental scientific concepts. NCERT textbooks (Class 6-10)
offer a solid foundation.
• Focus on High Weightage Topics: Analyze previous year
papers and identify frequently tested topics within Physics,
Chemistry, and Biology. Prioritize these areas in your study
• Mnemonic Devices & Diagrams: Utilize memory aids like
mnemonics and diagrams to retain complex scientific
information effectively.
• Formula & Equation Mastery: Master important scientific
formulas and equations. Practice applying them to solve
problems accurately.
• Practice with Previous Year Papers: Regularly solve
questions from previous year papers and mock tests specific to
the WBCS exam. This will familiarize you with the question
format and level of difficulty.


The WBCS Main Exam is comprised of six obligatory papers and an

additional optional subject that involves two papers.
Optional Subjects are designated for candidates selecting Group A
and Group B services.
Among the six mandatory papers, four follow a Multiple Choice
Question (MCQ) format:
Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes
General Studies I
General Studies II
The Constitution of India and Indian Economy, encompassing the
functions of the Reserve Bank of India
Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning

The Mains Exam, conducted in a Conventional/Essay format, can

only be attempted in either Bengali or English.
A penalty of 10% of the candidate’s total marks is implemented if the
individual reveals their identity by including their roll number or

Paper 1

Bengali/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Nepali/ Santali

Letter writing (within 150 words)
Drafting of Report (within 200 words)
Precis Writing
Translation from English to Bengali/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Nepali/ Santali

Paper 2

Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes
Letter writing (within 150 words)
Drafting of Report (within 200 words)
Precis Writing
Translation from Bengali/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Nepali/ Santali to English

Paper 3

General Studies – I
Indian History with an emphasis on National Movement
Geography of India with special reference to West Bengal

Paper 4

General Studies-II
Science and Scientific & Technological advancement
General Knowledge
Current Affairs

Paper 5
Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes
The Constitution of India and the Indian Economy
Role of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
Functions of RBI
Paper 6

Arithmetic Similar to the Mathematics paper at the Madhyamik

Examination of the Board of Secondary Education, West Bengal.
Test of Reasoning
Analytical Reasoning: Data Sufficiency Logical Reasoning:

Logical Deduction
The Forcefulness of the Arguments
Implication of sentences
Inferring from diagrams

Letter series
Number series
Inferring from Data
Analogy tests
Symbol Interpretation
Mathematical puzzles
Odd man out
Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes
Perception test
Non-verbal reasoning
Selecting correct sequence


Mains Objective+Conventional
Paper-I (Conventional Type)
Paper II (Conventional)
Paper III (Objective)
Paper-IV (Objective)
Paper-V (Objective)
Paper-VI (MCQ)
Paper-VII & VIII (Optional)
200 (each) for Papers I to VI 400 for Papers VII and VIII

Optional paper

Psychology 34 code
Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes
Paper – I :
1. Basic psychological processes and development
Scope and Methods of Psychology – Biological basis
of behaviour.Continue Reading WBCS Exe Etc Exam Main
Optional Subject Psychology Syllabus

2. Cognitive Processes:
A) Sensation: attributes of sensation, psychophysics (weber-Fechner
Law), Methods of Pscychophysics
B) Attention: determinants of attention, fluctuation of attention,
selectivity of attention
C) Perception: Movement, space, depth and time perception,
perceptual organization,
Gestalt View

3. Learning.: Conditions of Learning

Conditions Of Learning

 Theory of classical conditioning

 Theory of operant conditioning
 Trial and error theory
 Theory of insight learning
 Programmed learning

4. Memory: Encoding, storage, retrieval

 Types of Memory (STM & LTM, ICONIC, Echoic & Procedural)
 Forgetting curve
 Theories of forgetting

5. Motivation and Emotion: Physiological and psychological basis

of motivation and emotion
 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation – factors influencing intrinsic
 Theories of motivation – Maslow, Mcclelland
 Theories of Emotion – James-Lange Theory, Canon-Bard and
Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes
Schachter-Singer Theory
 Effects of Motivation and emotion on behaviour

6. Intelligence
 Spearman’s two factor theory
 Thurstone’ s theory
 Guilford’s structure of intellect
 Gardner’s theory
 Measurement of intelligence – IQ & deviation IQ, Tests of
intelligence – Stanford Binet
 Types of intelligence – Social, abstract, concrete, emotional,
artificial, spiritual
 Gifted and mentally challenged children

7. Thinking
 Piaget’s theory of cognitive development ~ Problem solving
 Creative thinking – Nature and stages

8. Attitude, Values and Interest

 Definition of attitude, values and interests
 Value – concept, development and measurement
 Attitude – formation, measurement and change concept
 Stereotype, prejudice, discrimination
 Measurement, reduction of prejudice

9. Interest – concept and measurement

10. Development of behaviour : From birth to adolescence
 Physical development
 Emotional development
 Moral development
 Social development

Paper – II :
1. Personality
 Theories of personality – Freud, Erikson, Eysenck and Rogers
Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes
2. Individual Difference:
Nature – Nurture controversy
 Nature – nurture controversy
 Character and construction of standardized psychological tests,
types of tests

3. Mental health & adjustment – concept of mental health &

 Stress & health – nature, types, causes and consequence of stress
 Adjustment – criteria of adjustment
 Management of stress

4. Psychological Disorders
 Causes of abnormal behaviour
 Anxiety disorders
 Mood disorders
 Schizophrenia
 Substance abuse disorders

5 . Psychotherapy
 Psychoanalysis
 Cognitive Behaviour therapy
 Client centered therapy

6. Organizational psychology
 Personal selection, job analysis methods
 Job Satisfaction
 Theories of motivation, Herzberg, Alderfer
 Conflict in organization – sources, types
 Organizational culture and climate
 Occupational health hazards

7. Group
 Types of group
 Group versus team – Influence of primary and secondary group on
Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes
 Structure and functions of group
 Leadership – Characteristics of a good leader with special reference
to trans actual and
transformational leadership

8. Social problems
 Problems of social integration caste, class and religion
 Delinquency and crime
 Psychosocial problems related to old age

9. Application of Psychology to different fields

a) Rehabilitation – concept, primary, secondary and tertiary
b) Education – Psychology, principles underlying effective teaching-
c) Motivating and training people for entrepreneurship and economic

10. Psychology and Methodology

 Normal probability curve
 Parametric and non-parametric statistics – characteristics
 Hypothesis formation
 Techniques of sampling

PAPER 2022


1. Why is attention selective in nature? Explain with the help of

suitable theoretical perspectives. Also discuss the different
determinants of attention with suitable examples.

Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes
2. How does operant conditioning differ from classical conditioning?
Critically discuss-

(a) Trial and error theory,

(b) Theory of Insight learning.


3. Critically discuss the SOI model of intelligence. How does it differ

from Gardner's viewpoint? Mention the applications of the model.


4. Define attitude. How does attitude formation take place? Can

attitude be changed? If yes, elaborate the process with suitable



5. Define sensation. Mention its attributes. How can sensation be


6. What is meant by forgetting curve? How does forgetting take place

in accordance with different theoretical notions?


7. What is meant by interest? Differentiate it from achievement. How

can interest be measured?


8. "Cognitive and moral development run parallel to one another."

Justify with the help of suitable theoretical perspectives. 40
Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes
9. As a psychologist, mention how can the social taboo of casteism
and untouchability be curbed. 40

10. 'Perception of time is ubiquitous.' Justify. 40


1. Explain the meaning of 'Ego Psychology' as enunciated by Eric

Erikson. Write what you know about "man's eight stages of ego
development" as put forward by Erikson.


2. What is a 'psychological test'? Discuss the characteristics that must

be there in a good psychological test. What are the major categories of
tests in the field of psychology?


3. Distinguish between 'distress' and 'eustress'. Examine the nature of

relationship between distress and physical health. What is coping
behaviour? State the names of at least three such. 10+20+6+4=40

4. What is meant by motivation? Discuss the two well known theories

of motivation as put forward by Herzberg and Alderfer.



5. Write notes on any two:

(a) Nature-Nurture controversy

Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes
(b) Causes of abnormal behaviour

(c) Client-centered therapy

(d) Research variables and their control


Answer any two questions.

6. Define a 'group'. Delineate the structure of a group. Discuss the

special characteristics of a family as a primary group in society.


7. Differentiate crime from delinquency. Discuss the causes of

delinquency in society.
8. Write notes on any two:
(a) Parametric and Non-parametric statistics
(b) Personnel Selection and Job Analysis
(c) Psychosocial problems related to old age
(d) Substance abuse disorders

WBCS Interview
Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes
After passing the WBCS Mains Exam, candidates enter the
‘Interview’ phase. A board appointed by the WBCS conducts these
interviews. The interviewers evaluate various aspects:

The candidate meets a board that has information about their career
and interests, as provided in the Application Form.
The interview’s aim is to assess how well the candidate fits into the
state services. This judgment comes from a panel of skilled and
unbiased observers.
Alongside their academic knowledge, candidates should be familiar
with current events within and outside their state.
The interview serves to understand the candidate’s thinking ability
and analytical skills


Why WBCS? how have you prepared?Any other exams have you
appeared other than WBCS? Why?
How to fight/dissolve a crisis in your area where you will be in charge
as a BDO/SDO?? Like flood,earthquake or any communal riot etc
Detail information about your District, Block,locality.Block divisions.
All name.
Famous personalities from your district.Especially some famous
Poet's/Writer's name from your district's.
Current affairs must.
Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes

IT related questions too.

• What is the difference between 4G and 5G?
• 5G has started in which country?
• TRAI has given regulations regarding call drop.
Minimum how many seconds a call must ring before it
can be disconnected?
• Have you heard of Abhijit Banerjee? What did he win the
Nobel for? What was his ‘experimental approach’?
• Name some schemes of the govt directed towards the poor.
What is the 3-tier panchayat system? At what level do they function?
Who heads each tier?

experience about police in Kolkata

1. Why you want to become civil servants? What motivated

you. Give a honest answer.

1. Ask me to define ethical governance.

2. If You get DANIC through upsc And wbcs executive.
Where u want to serve? Reason?
3. What have you doing after your post graduation?

Dr Sourav Sir’s Classes
The technique of the interview is not that of a strict cross-examination
but of a natural, though directed and purposive conversation .It is
intended to reveal the interpersonal skills of the candidate.
WBCS Personality Test Interview Preparation is not intended to be a
test of the specialized or general knowledge of the candidates . It has
been already tested through their written papers. Candidates are
expected to have taken an intelligent interest not only in their
academic subjects but also in the events which are happening around
them .
They need to know what is happening in both within and outside their
own state or country as well as in modern currents of thought . Also
you must have interest in new discoveries which should rouse the
curiosity of well educated youth.

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