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AMPXXX10.1177/2515245917745629RohrerGraphical Models for Observational Data

General Article

Advances in Methods and

Thinking Clearly About Correlations Practices in Psychological Science

2018, Vol. 1(1) 27­–42
© The Author(s) 2018
and Causation: Graphical Causal Models Reprints and permissions:

for Observational Data DOI: 10.1177/2515245917745629

Julia M. Rohrer
International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course, Max Planck Institute for Human Development,
Berlin, Germany; Department of Psychology, University of Leipzig; and German Institute for Economic Research,
Berlin, Germany

Correlation does not imply causation; but often, observational data are the only option, even though the research
question at hand involves causality. This article discusses causal inference based on observational data, introducing
readers to graphical causal models that can provide a powerful tool for thinking more clearly about the interrelations
between variables. Topics covered include the rationale behind the statistical control of third variables, common
procedures for statistical control, and what can go wrong during their implementation. Certain types of third variables—
colliders and mediators—should not be controlled for because that can actually move the estimate of an association
away from the value of the causal effect of interest. More subtle variations of such harmful control include using
unrepresentative samples, which can undermine the validity of causal conclusions, and statistically controlling for
mediators. Drawing valid causal inferences on the basis of observational data is not a mechanistic procedure but rather
always depends on assumptions that require domain knowledge and that can be more or less plausible. However, this
caveat holds not only for research based on observational data, but for all empirical research endeavors.

directed acyclic graphs

Received 8/12/17; Revision accepted 11/9/17

Psychologists in many fields face a dilemma. Whereas Researchers from different areas of psychology have
most researchers are aware that randomized experi- chosen different strategies to cope with the weaknesses
ments are considered the “gold standard” for causal of observational data. To circumvent the issue alto-
inference, manipulation of the independent variable of gether, some researchers have implemented “surrogate
interest will often be unfeasible, unethical, or simply interventions”: If the real-life cause of interest cannot
impossible. One can hardly assign couples to stay mar- be manipulated, there might be a proxy that can be
ried or get a divorce; nonetheless, one might be inter- randomized in the lab. For example, an influential study
ested in the causal effect of divorce on well-being. One on the effects of social class on prosocial behavior
cannot randomly resettle individuals into different strata included an experimental manipulation of perceived
of society, but one might be concerned about the causal social class. Participants were asked to compare them-
effects of social class on behavior. One cannot random- selves with either the top or the bottom of the “social
ize children to different levels of adversity, yet one ladder,” so as to temporarily change their subjective
might care about the potential negative consequences
of childhood adversity on health in adulthood. This
article provides very general guidelines for researchers Corresponding Author:
Julia M. Rohrer, Universitat Leipzig Fakultat fur Biowissenschaften
who are interested in any of the many research ques- Pharmazie und Psychologie–Psychology, Neumarkt 9-19, Leipzig
tions that require causal inferences to be made on the 04103, Germany
basis of observational data. E-mail:
28 Rohrer

assessment of their social class (Piff, Kraus, Côté, Cheng, The purpose of this article is to provide psycholo-
& Keltner, 2010). Using such surrogates can result in gists with a primer to a more principled approach to
valuable insights, but they are not a panacea as they making causal inferences on the basis of observational
come with a well-known trade-off (e.g., Cook & data. Such coherent frameworks (see, e.g., Morgan &
­Campbell, 1979): Although they substantially improve Winship, 2015, for a comprehensive yet accessible
confidence in the internal validity of a study (i.e., clear introduction) are more common in social-science
causal relationships can be established with only mini- domains that rely more heavily on observational data
mal additional assumptions), they might substantially (e.g., economics and sociology). Because of the nature
decrease the external validity; that is, it becomes uncer- of the research questions pursued in these fields, ran-
tain whether the finding says much about other situa- domized experiments are often not an option—thus, a
tions, other operationalizations of the independent systematic approach to make sense of observational
variable, or the world outside the lab in general. For data is needed.
example, how is the effect of being instructed to com- In this article, I discuss how causal inferences based
pare yourself with the bottom of the social ladder related on observational data can be improved by the use of
to the effect of being born with a silver spoon in your directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), which provide visual
mouth? How is the effect of comparing yourself with the representations of causal assumptions. They were
top of the ladder related to the effect of constantly hav- developed primarily by the computer scientist Judea
ing to worry about how to pay your bills? These ques- Pearl (e.g., Pearl, 1995; see Pearl, Glymour, & Jewell,
tions are nontrivial research topics on their own. 2016, for an introduction) and share many features with
Researchers who instead decide to rely on observa- structural equation models (SEMs). 1 DAGs offer an
tional data often attempt to deal with its weaknesses by intuitive approach for thinking about causal structures.
cautiously avoiding causal language: They refer to “asso- Even if one does not wish to completely adopt a com-
ciations,” “relationships,” or tentative “links” between prehensive formal framework for causal inference,
variables instead of clear cause-effect relationships, and some basic knowledge of DAGs can be helpful for
they usually add a general disclaimer (“Of course, as addressing a number of questions that are of interest
the data were only observational, future experiments to psychologists who work with observational data.
are needed . . .”). But again, in many instances, this is What third variables need to be controlled for? Which
not a satisfactory solution. Most substantive questions third variables can be ignored? And in which situations
are concerned with causal effects, and, “as humans, we will statistical control worsen causal inference?
cannot avoid thinking in terms of causality” (Asendorpf, The answers to these questions necessarily depend
2012, p. 391). Carefully crafted language will not prevent on assumptions about the causal web underlying the
readers—let alone the public—from jumping to causal variables of interest. It is impossible to infer causation
conclusions, and many studies that are based on obser- from correlation without background knowledge about
vational data will probably get published only because the domain (e.g., Robins & Wasserman, 1999). However,
they suggest that they are able to provide information the need to make certain assumptions should not be a
about meaningful causal effects. reason to abandon observational research. In fact,
Finally, many researchers have tried to bridge the experimental studies require assumptions as well—for
gap between observational data and (more or less example, experiments might take place in restricted
explicit) causal conclusions by statistically controlling laboratory settings, and generalizing results from such
for third variables. Alas, such attempts often lack proper studies to everyday life will require assumptions as well.
justification: The choice of control variables is deter- The critical point is thus not whether a research design
mined by norms in the domain and by the variables hinges on additional assumptions, but which assump-
available in the data set. Often, the analysis follows the tions need to be made. Regardless of the research
rationale that “more control” is always better than less. design, awareness and transparent communication of
Models resulting from such an approach have been assumptions allows critical assessments of causal claims
labeled “garbage-can regressions” (Achen, 2005) to be made and thus lays the foundation for productive
because the idea that the inclusion of a multitude of scientific debates.
control variables will necessarily improve (and will not
worsen) causal inference is a methodological urban A Brief Introduction to Directed
legend at best (Spector & Brannick, 2011). In addition,
even if the right variables are statistically included in
Acyclic Graphs
the models, other issues (e.g., neglecting measurement Assume that we are interested in the causal effect of
error) can result in the wrong conclusions (Westfall & educational attainment on income. To keep it simple,
Yarkoni, 2016). let us assume that educational attainment has only two
Graphical Models for Observational Data 29


Educational Attainment Income

Fig. 1. A simple directed acyclic graph depicting a causal model in which intelligence has
a causal effect on both educational attainment and income, and educational attainment
also has an effect on income.

levels: college degree versus no college degree by age that highlights a central difference between DAGs and
30. To establish temporal order, we measure income at SEMs. Whereas SEMs encode assumptions regarding
age 40. We observe that individuals who had a college the form of the relationship between the variables
degree at age 30 have an average income of $1,500 per (i.e., by default, arrows in SEMs indicate linear, addi-
week, whereas those who did not have a degree make tive relationships, unless indicated otherwise), an
about $700. From this observation, we cannot conclude arrow in a DAG might reflect a relationship following
that getting a college degree causes weekly income to any functional form (e.g., polynomial, exponential,
increase by $800. It is very likely that individuals who sinusoidal, or step function). The two arrows pointing
received a college degree differ from people who did to the income node in Figure 1 indicate that income
not on many other variables, and these variables might can be expressed as an arbitrary function of intelli-
also affect income. Potentially, these variables might gence and educational attainment, including interac-
even fully account for any difference in income between tions between these two causes. In this sense, a DAG
the two groups, rendering the effect of a college degree is qualitative: A → B means only that A causally affects
to be zero. B in some way.
Such a situation is depicted in Figure 1, which shows Furthermore, in contrast to SEMs, DAGs allow only
a model in which the relationship between educational for single-headed arrows, which is why they are called
attainment and income is confounded by a common directed graphs. Sometimes, there might be a need to
cause, intelligence. To keep this example simple, let us indicate that two variables are noncausally associated
assume that intelligence is a stable trait that does not because of some unspecified common cause, U. A
change from childhood to adulthood (later in this article, double-­headed arrow could be used to indicate such
I discuss a more complex scenario). The DAG in Figure an association (i.e., A ↔ B), but this would just be an
1 encodes causal assumptions. One is that intelligence, abbreviation of A ← U → B, which again contains only
one variable2 in the model, has a causal effect on edu- single-headed arrows.
cational attainment, and a second is that intelligence
also has a causal effect on income; these assumptions Paths and elementary causal
of causality are denoted by the arrows pointing away
from intelligence to the other variables. Furthermore,
an arrow points from educational attainment to income, From these two simple building blocks—nodes and
capturing the assumption that educational attainment arrows—one can visualize more complex situations and
has a causal effect on income. This figure depicts the trace paths from variable to variable. To make this
most minimalist version of a DAG. DAGs consist of example a bit more interesting, in Figure 2 I have
nodes (variables) and arrows (also called directed extended the DAG from Figure 1 by adding a new node,
edges) between these nodes, which reflect causal rela- school grades, which are affected by intelligence and
tionships. It is assumed that a direct experimental in turn affect educational attainment.
manipulation of a variable at which an arrow begins From this DAG, various paths can be discerned by
(e.g., a manipulation of educational attainment with traveling along arrows from node to node. In the sim-
intelligence held constant) would change the variable plest case, a path leads just from one node to the next
at the end of the arrow (e.g., income). (See the appendix one; an example is the path intelligence → income.
for a glossary of common DAG terminology.) Paths can also include multiple nodes. For example,
One popular way to think about DAGs is to interpret intelligence and income are additionally connected by
them as nonparametric SEMs (Elwert, 2013), a comparison the paths intelligence → educational attainment
30 Rohrer



Educational Attainment Income

Fig. 2. An extension of the causal model depicted in Figure 1. In this model, intelligence
affects grades in school, which in turn affect educational attainment.

→ income and intelligence → grades → educational ancestor of grades, educational attainment, and income,
attainment → income. A path can also travel against and income is a descendant of grades.
the direction indicated by the arrows, as, for example, A path that also contains forks, such as educational
does the following path connecting educational attain- attainment ← grades ← intelligence → income, still
ment and income: educational attainment ← grades ← transmits an association—but it is no longer a causal
intelligence → income. Although such paths can association because of the confounding variable (in this
become arbitrarily long and complex, they can be bro- case, intelligence). And a path that contains an inverted
ken down into three elementary causal structures: fork is blocked: No association is transmitted. For exam-
chains, forks, and inverted forks (see also Elwert, 2013). ple, the path educational attainment → income ← intel-
Chains have the structure A → B → C, for example, ligence → grades does not transmit a correlation
intelligence → educational attainment → income. between educational attainment and grades.
Chains can transmit an association between the node
at the beginning and the node at the end: If intelligence No way back: acyclicity
causally affects educational attainment, and educational
attainment causally affects income, then intelligence DAGs are acyclic because they do not allow for cyclic
and income can be correlated. Such an association paths in which variables become their own ancestors. A
reflects a genuine causal effect. In this chain, intelli- variable cannot causally affect itself; for example, in
gence causally influences income via educational Figure 1, the direction of the path between intelligence
attainment. and income cannot simply be reversed because this
Forks have the structure A ← B → C, for example, would result in a cyclic path (intelligence → educational
educational attainment ← intelligence → income. A fork attainment → income → intelligence). This may seem
can transmit an association, but it is not causal. In isola- counterintuitive: Psychological systems often contain
tion, this fork indicates that educational attainment and feedback loops, such as the reciprocal relationships in
income may be correlated because they share a common which intelligence influences education but education
cause, intelligence. Forks are the causal structure most also influences intelligence. Such a feedback loop can
relevant for the phenomenon of confounding. be modeled in a DAG (to some extent) by taking the
Inverted forks have the structure A → B ← C, for temporal order into account and adding nodes for
example, educational attainment → income ← intelli- repeated measures. For example, a DAG could be drawn
gence. An inverted fork does not transmit an association: to show that intelligence in early childhood causally
If educational attainment and intelligence both affect influences educational attainment, which in turn influ-
income, this does not imply that they are in any way ences intelligence in adulthood. Temporal resolution
correlated. Inverted forks are relevant to the problem could be “magnified” even further and increased to
of collider bias, which I discuss later in this article. annual, monthly, or even daily assessments of multiple
These three elementary causal structures determine variables, resulting in more and more nodes in the DAG.3
the features of longer paths. A path that consists only
of chains, such as intelligence → grades → educational Confounding: The Bane of Observational
attainment → income, can transmit a causal association.
Along such a chain, variables that are directly or indi-
rectly causally affected by a certain variable are called With an understanding of the central terminology and
its descendants; conversely, variables that directly or rules of DAGs, we are now equipped to approach
indirectly affect a certain variable are considered its observational data in a more systematic manner. The
ancestors. For example, in this path, intelligence is an central problem of observational data is confounding,
Graphical Models for Observational Data 31

that is, the presence of a common cause that lurks attainment → income) of interest plus any noncausal
behind the potential cause of interest (the independent association transmitted by the two back-door paths. To
variable; in experimental settings, often called the treat- remove the undesirable noncausal association, we must
ment) and the outcome of interest (the dependent vari- block the two back-door paths.
able). Such a confounding influence can introduce what
is often called a spurious correlation, which ought not Statistical Control: Blocking Back-Door
to be confused with a causal effect. 4 How can a DAG
be used to figure out how to remove all such noncausal
associations so that only the true causal effect remains? The purpose of third-variable control is to block open
To do that, one must make sure that the DAG includes back-door paths. If all back-door paths between the
everything that is relevant to the causal effect of inter- independent and dependent variables can be blocked,
est. For example, in theory, we can extend the simple then the causal effect connecting the independent and
DAG in Figure 2 in many different ways. Intelligence dependent variables can be identified, even if the data
and grades are certainly not the only causes of educa- are purely observational (see Pearl’s, 1993, back-door
tional attainment, and we might want to include addi- criterion).5 Such a causal effect would be considered
tional variables that point to educational attainment or identifiable, always under the assumption that the DAG
other nodes or add generic residuals to indicate that captures the true underlying causal web. Notice that
there are other unrelated causal influences as well as the assumption that one has correctly captured the
measurement error. But not all of these possible exten- causal web and successfully blocked all back-door
sions of the model are of interest if we plan to inves- paths is in most cases a very strong one, because it
tigate the causal relationship between educational posits that no relevant variables have been omitted from
attainment and income. A variable that affects educa- the causal graph. Whether this is plausible or not needs
tional attainment but has no causal effect on any of the to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
other variables in the DAG—either directly or indirectly A back-door path can be blocked by “cutting” the
(i.e., an effect mediated by other variables)—does not transmission of association at any point in the path by
need to be included. Such idiosyncratic factors, includ- statistically controlling a node. Take, for example, the
ing uncorrelated measurement error, are usually not noncausal path educational attainment ← grades ←
displayed, as they do not help in identifying the causal intelligence → income. We could, for example, control
effect (Elwert, 2013). If we want to derive a valid causal for grades. This would effectively block this back-door
conclusion, we need to build a causal DAG that is path, and it would no longer be able to transmit a
complete because it includes all common causes of all noncausal association. However, we could also control
pairs of variables that are already included in the DAG for intelligence. This would again cut the transmission
(Spirtes, Glymour, & Scheines, 2000). That is, any addi- of this specific back-door path, but at the same time, it
tional variable that either directly or indirectly causally would also block the transmission of the second back-
affects at least two variables already included in the door path, educational attainment ← intelligence →
DAG should be included. income. If the DAG in Figure 2 correctly captured the
After such a DAG is built, back-door paths can be underlying causal web, controlling for intelligence
discerned. Back-door paths are all paths that start with would be sufficient to identify the causal effect of edu-
an arrow pointing to the independent variable and end cational attainment on income because it would block
with an arrow pointing to the dependent variable. In all back-door paths.
other words, back-door paths indicate that there might Various practices make it possible to control for
be a common factor affecting both the treatment and nodes in a DAG and thus block back-door paths.
the outcome. In Figure 2, there are two such back-door Although these procedures might appear quite different
paths between educational attainment and income: from each other (i.e., they require running different
educational attainment ← grades ← intelligence → statistical procedures), they serve the same purpose. In
income and educational attainment ← intelligence → any case, if one wants to control for a certain variable,
income. Back-door paths are problematic whenever one must have measured it.
they transmit an association. In this case, both back- Even if the DAG correctly captures the underlying
door paths consist of only chains and forks (i.e., there causal model, if the back-door paths that should be
are no inverted forks, which would block any transmit- blocked are correctly determined, and if all the vari-
ted association). Thus, these two back-door paths are ables necessary to block all back-doors are measured,
open, and they can transmit a spurious association. The a lot can still go wrong during the actual estimation of
zero-order correlation between educational attainment the effect of interest. Qualitative causal identification
and income is a mix of the true causal effect (educational and the subsequent quantitative (usually parametric)
32 Rohrer

estimation of the identified effect are two distinct prob- ones. Furthermore, one might want to control for third
lems (Elwert, 2013): The right variables can be con- variables in a fully nonparametric fashion, that is, without
trolled for, but this can be done in the wrong way, as assuming specific functional forms for their effects.
I discuss later. Matching is one way to approach such a situation. Differ-
ent matching methods exist, but propensity-score match-
ing is particularly popular in the social sciences. The use
How to control for a variable of propensity scores for matching is controversial, and
Stratified analysis. In some cases, it might be possi- critics have indicated that other procedures might be
ble to fully stratify the sample to control for confounders. preferable (King & Nielsen, 2016). Nonetheless, because
For example, consider controlling for biological sex. of the popularity of propensity-score matching, and
Because this variable is categorical, the sample can be because the fundamental rationale of matching appro­
split into sex-homogeneous groups, analyses can be run aches is independent of the specific method used, I focus
within these groups, and the estimates from these analy- here on the example of a study that used propensity-­
ses can be combined into an overall estimate. These score matching.
steps would guarantee that effects of sex could not pro- Jackson, Thoemmes, Jonkmann, Lüdtke, and Traut-
vide an alternative explanation for the findings because, wein (2012) were interested in the effects of military
for example, women have been compared only with training (in comparison with civilian community ser-
other women. This analytic approach might be appealing vice) on personality. Young men who choose to enter
because it is highly transparent. However, stratification the military are most likely different from their civilian
becomes unfeasible if the third variable has many levels, peers with respect to personality even before they enter
if it is continuous, or if multiple third variables and their the military and also differ from their civilian peers on
interactions need to be taken into account simultane- a number of other background variables. Including all
ously. In such cases, other options for statistical control of these variables in a regression model could lead to
might need to be considered. estimation issues and result in an unwieldy model. Fur-
thermore, such an approach would not provide an
Including third variables in regression models. A actual model of who chooses military training, which
widespread approach in the social sciences is to use might be of interest in itself. Therefore, in their study,
multiple regression models to achieve statistical control.6 Jackson et al. used propensity-score matching.
The dependent variable can be regressed on both the First, they analyzed the covariates as predictors of
independent variable and the covariate to “control for” the probability of entering the military. For each indi-
the effects of the covariate and thus to potentially block vidual, they obtained a single number, a propensity
back-door paths. score, that indicated how “typical” that person was of
In the standard case, psychologists run models in somebody joining the military. There were some indi-
which linear relationships are assumed without explicit viduals with high propensity scores who did not join
justification. However, this approach does not guarantee the military, as well as some individuals with very low
adequate adjustment for the covariate. For example, if propensity scores who joined the military nonetheless.
the effects of the covariate on the dependent and inde- Subsequently, matched groups were created: For every
pendent variables both follow a quadratic trend, linear individual with a certain propensity score who joined
control might leave residual confounding between the the military, one individual with the same (or a similar)
independent and dependent variables. Both the covari- propensity score who instead chose civilian community
ate and the covariate raised to the second power would service was included in a control group. Under ideal-
need to be controlled for to properly remove the influ- ized conditions, this procedure would guarantee that
ence of the covariate in such a scenario. This point also the two resulting groups (i.e., military vs. civilian ser-
applies to the widespread practice of “controlling for vice) were balanced with respect to all control variables
age”: Simply including age in a linear regression model that were used to generate the propensity scores. Thus,
will adequately adjust for age only if the age trends that these variables could no longer be the cause of any
need to be controlled for are approximately linear; in differences between the two groups being compared,
other cases, the statistical models might need to be and a large number of potentially confounding back-
refined (e.g., by including higher-order polynomials). door paths would be blocked.
Similarly, if covariates have interactive effects, these Such matching procedures serve the same purpose
interactions must be considered in the model. as the more common approach of including control
variables. Whereas propensity scores might, depending
Matching. In many cases, there might be a need to con- on the circumstances, have certain advantages for esti-
trol for not only a single third variable but for multiple mating an effect, they do not change anything about
Graphical Models for Observational Data 33

Mother’s Genetic Predisposition Child’s Genetic Predisposition

Mother’s Depressiveness Child’s Depressiveness

Maternal Behavior

Fig. 3. A directed acyclic graph depicting a causal model in which the link between being
raised by a cold, distant mother and having depression later in life has a genetic explana-
tion. According to this model, mothers who are genetically prone to depression may pass
this genetic vulnerability on to their children, who in turn may experience similar prob-
lems later in life. In addition, mothers’ genetic predisposition to depression may result in
cold, distant caregiving. In this model, there is no causal effect of mothers’ behavior on
their children’s later depressiveness; any observed association between these variables is
attributed to genetic confounding.

the specifics of causal identification: If an important educational attainment and income could actually be
confounder is omitted, or if variables that should not completely attributed to the confounder, intelligence.
be included are included (Sjölander, 2009), propensity Somewhat counterintuitively, the false positive rate
scores fail to properly identify the causal effect, just as increases when sample sizes are large. A latent-variable
other methods of statistical adjustment do. In addition, approach in which the measurement error is explicitly
one must again consider whether the model properly represented in an SEM can be used to address this
captures the effects of the covariates (e.g., whether the problem and reduce the rate of false positives; however,
model underlying the propensity scores properly cap- under realistic conditions, hundreds to thousands of
tures the relationships between background character- participants might be required to achieve an acceptable
istics and the propensity to join the military). level of statistical power (see Westfall & Yarkoni, 2016,
for details).
Measurement error in confounding
variables Genetic Confounding and Control by
Measurement error can affect all methods of statistical
control. For example, intelligence—the confounding One source of potentially spurious associations that has
variable in Figures 1 and 2—cannot be measured per- perhaps been underappreciated in psychology is
fectly. Thus, the statistical adjustment for intelligence is genetic confounding (e.g., between parents and their
likely not able to completely remove its confounding offspring). Assume that children who were rarely held
influence, and the effect of educational attainment on and cuddled by their mothers are observed to be
income might be mistakenly assumed to be stronger depressed as adults.7 Before one can conclude that
than it actually is, as a result of residual confounding. being raised by a cold, distant mother causes depres-
The same problem holds for propensity-score matching sion, it is important to consider potential back-door
if the scores have been based on variables that are paths (see the DAG in Fig. 3). Mothers who are cold
affected by measurement error. and distant might be so because of a certain genetic
Westfall and Yarkoni (2016) assessed how the false predisposition to depressiveness. A child is genetically
positive rate for an effect is affected by measurement similar to his or her mother and, thus, might inherit this
error of covariates that are being controlled for. It is predisposition, which could result in depression later
worrisome that the false positive rate can reach very in life.
high levels, approaching almost 100%. In a worst-case The knowledge that all traits are to some extent heri-
scenario, applied to our example, we would almost table has consequences for the ability to draw causal
always conclude that there is a significant effect of inferences. As Turkheimer (2000) noted, “It is no longer
educational attainment on income after intelligence is possible to interpret correlations among biologically
controlled for, even if the association between related family members as prima facie evidence for
34 Rohrer

sociocultural causal mechanisms” (p. 162). To figure out Such design-based approaches to causal inference are
whether mothers’ displays of affection causally influence popular in economics because they often require sub-
their children’s later depressiveness, one must block the stantially fewer assumptions than approaches that rely
back-door path connecting mothers’ behavior to their exclusively on third-variable control. Angrist and
children’s depressiveness via genetic predispositions. Pischke (2010) even suggested that design-based
The genetic back-door path could be blocked in approaches to causal inference have spurred a “credibil-
different ways. For example, assuming that Figure 3 ity revolution” in empirical microeconomics. Dunning’s
depicts the correct causal model, measuring and con- (2012) excellent introduction to natural experiments
trolling for mothers’ depressiveness would remove any (including, e.g., regression-discontinuity designs and use
spurious association. of instrumental variables) extensively discusses potential
However, in this case, an alternative to statistical trade-offs in comparison with other research designs.
adjustment is available: control by design. For example,
the path between maternal and offspring genes could Learning to Let Go: When Statistical
be blocked by sampling only adopted children, in
which case there would be no link between the genetic
Control Hurts
dispositions of mothers and their offspring. 8 Another In certain fields, it has become common practice to
potentially powerful solution makes use of individuals include as many covariates as possible—to the point
who are matched on a wide range of variables: twins. where authors imply or claim that they have additional
Monozygotic twins are of special interest for causal confidence in their findings because, for example, their
inference, even if a researcher is not interested in genet- study “uses more control variables than previous stud-
ics at all. They are matched with respect to both their ies” did (Tiefenbach & Kohlbacher, 2015, p. 85). In
genetic predispositions and a wide range of shared many cases, a failure to control for important confound-
family-background characteristics. Thus, they provide ers will indeed undermine the conclusions, but it is not
an attractive way to test causal claims. If a certain asso- true that simply adding more covariates will always
ciation is found within monozygotic twin pairs, it can- improve the estimate of a causal effect. There are two
not be attributed to confounding by genes or shared types of variables that researchers should not control
family background because all these covariates have for without taking into account potential negative side
been controlled for by the design. effects: colliders and mediators. Whereas confounders
For example, Turkheimer and Harden (2014) inves- causally affect the independent variable of interest, col-
tigated whether religiosity has a causal effect on delin- liders and mediators are causally affected by the inde-
quency and found a negative correlation when they pendent variable. Hence, they are also referred to as
simply correlated the variables across their whole sam- posttreatment variables. A solid rule of thumb is that
ple. Although a causal effect might seem plausible— researchers should not control for such posttreatment
many religions try to encourage ethical behavior and variables (Rosenbaum, 1984; Rubin, 1974). In this sec-
are embedded in supportive social communities—con- tion, I explain why.
founders such as family-background characteristics
could provide an alternative explanation. Turkheimer Conditioning on a collider can
and Harden thus analyzed the association between reli-
giosity and delinquency within monozygotic pairs of
introduce spurious associations
twins and found that the association disappeared: The A collider for a certain pair of variables is any variable
more religious twin was not more (or less) likely to that is causally influenced by both of them. Controlling
become delinquent than his or her twin. This finding for, or conditioning analysis on, such a variable (or any
challenges the interpretation that there might be a of its descendants) can introduce a spurious (i.e., non-
causal effect. If religiosity actually affected delinquency, causal) association between its causes. In DAG termi-
there should have been an association even after family nology, a collider is the variable in the middle of an
background and genes were controlled for. inverted fork, for example, variable B in A → B ← C.
Other “lucky accidents” and specific situations can The collider variable normally blocks the path, but
also enable research designs that control for a wide when one controls for it, a spurious association between
range of potential confounders. Under ideal conditions, A and C can arise. This might open up a noncausal path
such designs can render additional post hoc statistical between the independent variable and the dependent
control unnecessary. These natural experiments consti- variable of interest. In recent years, this potential source
tute an interesting intermediate case between ordinary of bias has been pointed out in a variety of research
observational studies and randomized experiments. fields, such as epidemiology (Greenland, 2003),
Graphical Models for Observational Data 35

Methodological Rigor

? Publication of Study


Fig. 4. A directed acyclic graph depicting the causal model in the thought experiment
on the effect of methodological rigor on the innovativeness of research. According to
this model, both methodological rigor and innovativeness affect whether a study will be
published or not. Thus, publication status is a collider variable, and controlling for it (e.g.,
by looking only at published studies) can potentially bias the estimate of the relationship
between methodological rigor and innovativeness.

personality psychology (Lee, 2012), and genetics are studies that are both rigorous and innovative, but
(Munafò, Tilling, Taylor, Evans, & Smith, 2017). such studies are likely rare if the two characteristics are
Imagine that we are interested in whether the meth- uncorrelated. There are also studies that met the pub-
odological rigor of a scientific study affects its innova- lication threshold thanks to high methodological rigor
tiveness. Such an association could go either way: (despite low innovativeness) and studies that met the
Methodological rigor might “tie” the hands of research- publication threshold thanks to high innovativeness
ers, leading to less original research designs; but meth- (despite low rigor). Studies that are low in both rigor
odological rigor might also require researchers to come and innovativeness do not end up in this analysis, as
up with creative solutions for addressing methodologi- they simply never got published. Thus, looking at all
cal problems. For this thought experiment, let us published studies (i.e., conditioning the analysis on
assume that there is actually no causal effect of meth- publication) results in a negative correlation between
odological rigor on innovativeness. innovativeness and rigor, giving the impression of a
To investigate the association between methodologi- trade-off: Studies tend to be either rigorous or innova-
cal rigor and innovativeness, we consider all psycho- tive. Similarly, among the unpublished studies, we
logical studies that have been published. Say we notice observe some studies that are low on both dimensions
that among these studies, there is a sizable negative (but such studies are rare if the characteristics are
association: Studies higher in methodological rigor are uncorrelated) as well as studies that are low on only
less innovative and vice versa. Next, we realize that one of the dimensions, but there are not many studies
publication bias might be an issue, so we decide to that are high on both dimensions because these ended
conduct a follow-up study on all psychological studies up getting published more frequently. Again, this results
that have not been published. 9 In this follow-up study, in a negative association between methodological rigor
we again find a sizable negative association. and innovativeness, conditional on nonpublication.
By assessing published and unpublished studies However, in this thought experiment, there is no asso-
separately, we have stratified our analyses by publica- ciation between methodological rigor and innovativeness
tion status; in other words, we have conditioned our if all studies—published and unpublished—are consid-
analyses on publication. However, both methodological ered simultaneously without statistical control for pub-
rigor and innovativeness are likely to causally affect lication status. The spurious negative correlation emerges
publication status. In the simplest case, both have a only when the joint outcome of the two variables of
positive effect: With increasing rigor, the likelihood of interest is controlled for. This observation generalizes to
publication increases; with increasing innovativeness, similar situations in which selection into a group is based
the likelihood of publication increases. Thus, publica- on multiple desirable features: Group membership is a
tion status is a collider (see Fig. 4). Controlling for this collider variable, and conditioning analysis on it will
collider variable biases the estimate of the effect of introduce or exaggerate trade-offs between desirable
methodological rigor on innovativeness and, in this features. For example, people might notice that there is
thought experiment, introduces a negative association a negative correlation between attractiveness and intel-
where no causal effect exists. ligence among their former romantic partners. However,
Collider bias seems less intuitive than spurious asso- dating somebody is a collider of multiple causes of
ciations caused by confounders. However, consider attraction, and, thus, it would be invalid to conclude that
what the body of published studies looks like: There all potential romantic partners are either attractive or
36 Rohrer

intelligent. The partner-selection procedure could have form of collider bias with examples that might be rel-
introduced a spurious correlation, because a person is evant to psychologists.
relatively unlikely to date somebody who is low on both
dimensions (because of lack of interest) and also rela- Nonresponse bias. Nonresponse bias occurs if, for
tively unlikely to end up dating somebody who is high example, a researcher analyzes only completed question-
on both dimensions (because such people are simply naires, and the variables of interest are associated with
rare). Thus, the spurious correlation gives the impression questionnaire completion. Assume that we are interested
of a trade-off (dating partners are either attractive or in the association between grit and intelligence, and our
intelligent, but not both). assessment ends up being very burdensome. Both grit
To return to the thought experiment displayed in and intelligence make it easier for respondents to push
Figure 4, the solution to the collider problem seems through and complete the assessment. Questionnaire
straightforward. If we realize that publication is a col- completion is thus a collider between grit and intelli-
lider, we can decide to run the analysis without control- gence. For example, although there might be no associa-
ling for this variable. By extension, we should also not tion between grit and intelligence in the population, we
control for descendants of the collider variable. For might find a spurious negative association if we analyze
example, the publication of a study might have a causal only completed questionnaires. That is, completers low
effect on whether or not popular media report about on intelligence may have compensated with their high
the findings. If we look only at studies that have been levels of grit, completers low on grit may have compen-
covered by popular media—that is, if we condition our sated with their high levels of intelligence, and invited
analysis on this descendant of the collider—we might participants who were low on both variables may have
observe the same spurious negative association between been less likely to finish the assessment and thus be
methodological rigor and innovativeness. underrepresented in the analyzed sample.
Avoiding collider bias requires two steps. First, one
must be aware of the collider variable, and second, one Attrition bias. Assume that we are conducting a longi-
must be able to run analyses that are not conditional tudinal study and are interested in the effects of health
on the collider (e.g., in our thought experiment, we problems on work satisfaction. We assessed work satis-
must include both published and unpublished studies). faction at a later point in time, which supposedly gives us
Outside of thought experiments, one might often be confidence in the direction of the causal flow. However,
unaware of collider variables or collect data in such a over time, respondents inevitably dropped out of the
way that collider bias is built in. study (e.g., they moved away, could not be found, were
no longer willing to participate), and this attrition was
Variations on the theme of collider likely selective. Some respondents might have left the
study because of health problems; others might have
bias dropped out because their workplace was too stressful
Collider bias that results from the sampling procedure (see Fig. 5 for a DAG depicting this scenario). Now,
(and not from, e.g., the inclusion of inadequate covari- assume that we analyze data from only those respon-
ates) has also been labeled endogenous selection bias. dents who remained in our sample.
Elwert and Winship (2014) provided a succinct sum- If only the respondents remaining in the panel are
mary of the many ways in which endogenous selection included in the analysis, spurious associations between
bias can arise. In the following, I briefly illustrate this all causes of attrition can arise, and they might open

Health Problems

Attrition Work Satisfaction

Stressful Workplace

Fig. 5. A directed acyclic graph depicting the causal model of the thought experiment on
the effect of health problems on work satisfaction. In this model, attrition is causally affected
by both health problems and having a stressful workplace. If analyses include only the
respondents who remained in the sample, they are conditioned on a collider that poten-
tially induces a spurious association between health problems and a stressful workplace.
This association opens a back-door path that potentially introduces a noncausal association
between health problems and work satisfaction.
Graphical Models for Observational Data 37

up a back-door path between the variables of interest. Another problem related to endogenous selection
In this example, attrition could introduce a spurious bias is nonrepresentativeness of samples (i.e., samples
association between health problems and a stressful that do not accurately reflect the underlying population
workplace. Both health problems and a stressful work- about which the researchers want to make statements).
place likely led to attrition; respondents with health For example, if a researcher investigates only college
problems might have remained in the study if they had students, endogenous selection bias is introduced
low-stress jobs, and respondents with a stressful work- between all variables that causally affect whether or
place might have remained in the study if they were in not somebody becomes a college student (e.g., socio-
particularly robust health. Assuming that there is a economic status, cognitive abilities, attitudes, parents’
negative effect of health problems on work satisfaction, characteristics).
the strength of this association would be underesti-
mated if only the final sample is analyzed because the Controlling for mediators: removing
respondents with greater health problems were more
likely to work in low-stress workplaces, which are gen-
the association of interest
erally more likely to leave individuals satisfied. Overcontrol bias is another example of statistical con-
trol hurting instead of helping: If mediating variables
Related issues: missingness and are controlled for, the very processes of interest are
controlled away. This point can be illustrated by return-
representativity ing to the example in Figure 1 and additionally assum-
Thoughts about endogenous selection bias quite natu- ing that educational attainment has an influence on
rally lead to consideration of certain problems that nor- intelligence in adulthood. Although this might still seem
mally are not framed as concerns for causal inference. like a grossly oversimplified model of reality, it results
One such problem is missing data. Nonresponse and in considerably more complex considerations. In addi-
attrition bias lead to missing data, and these missing data tion, let us incorporate a variable labeled U (see Fig.
must be handled properly if the goal is to draw valid 6). Although it is possible to come up with plausible
causal conclusions on the basis of observational data. ideas about what U stands for (i.e., some variable that
Schafer and Graham (2002) have provided an introduc- affects both adult intelligence and income, potentially
tion to the management of missing data for psychologists. something unobserved), let us simply leave it unspeci-
Thoemmes and Mohan (2015) used DAGs based on for- fied here, as conceptual considerations derived from a
malizations by Mohan, Pearl, and Tian (2013) to provide DAG do not depend on the concrete variables but
visual representations of missing-­data scenarios. depend only on the underlying abstract causal web.

Childhood Intelligence

Educational Attainment Income

Adult Intelligence

Fig. 6. A directed acyclic graph extending the causal model in Figure 1 by adding intel-
ligence in adulthood and an unknown variable labeled U. In this model, intelligence in
childhood confounds the association between educational attainment and income, but at
the same time, intelligence in adulthood is a mediator of the effect of educational attain-
ment on income. In addition, intelligence in adulthood and income are confounded by U.
38 Rohrer

Again, childhood intelligence is a confounder that assigned. Randomized assignment of the independent
needs to be controlled for. However, the question is variable rules out back-door paths between the inde-
whether we should or should not control for intelli- pendent variable and dependent variable, but back-
gence in adulthood. Adult intelligence is a mediator of door paths between the mediator and the dependent
the effects of educational attainment on income; it is a variable remain unaffected. In such a study, estimating
node on a causal pathway between those variables. If the direct effect by controlling for the mediating vari-
we were able to randomly assign participants to differ- able can lead to biased estimates. In offering recom-
ent educational paths, this manipulation would also mendations for experimental research programs,
affect their intelligence, which in turn would affect their Bullock, Green, and Ha (2010) highlighted that uncov-
income. Controlling for adult intelligence would block ering a mediating mechanism might be much harder
this genuinely causal pathway, and we would likely than most social scientists realize.
underestimate the positive payoff of getting a college edu-
cation. If one is interested in the magnitude of a causal Conclusion: Making Causal Inferences
effect, one should not control for mediating variables (i.e., on the Basis of Correlational Data Is
the mechanisms driving the effect). By extension, one
should not control for any descendant of a mediating
Very Hard
variable. Consider, for example, what we should do if we To summarize, the practice of making causal inferences
add chess performance in adulthood as an outcome of on the basis of observational data depends crucially on
adult intelligence in our model. Chess performance is a awareness of potential confounders and meaningful
noisy proxy for intelligence, and controlling for it will statistical control (or noncontrol) that takes into account
remove some of the variation in adult intelligence that is estimation issues such as nonlinear confounding and
caused by the independent variable of interest (i.e., edu- measurement error. Back-door paths must be considered
cational attainment). Thus, we should not control for this before data are collected to make sure that all relevant
descendant of the mediating mechanism. variables are measured. In addition, variables that
In some cases, researchers might actually be inter- should not be controlled for (i.e., colliders and media-
ested in the effect of an independent variable on a tors) need to be considered. This might require careful
dependent variable after accounting for the effect of a planning before data collection begins because
mediating variable. This is a common goal of mediation researchers must consider how sample recruitment
analysis. Both old and newer common approaches to might result in endogenous selection bias, which threat-
estimating the remaining (direct) effect after accounting ens the validity of any conclusions drawn.
for a mediator (e.g., Baron & Kenny, 1986; Hayes, 2009) In reality, researchers may often end up with data
rely on statistical control of the mediating variable, but that do not contain reliable measures of central con-
such approaches can introduce endogenous selection founders—because a back-door path was not consid-
bias (Elwert & Winship, 2014). ered before the data were collected (or before comments
In Figure 6, adult intelligence is a collider with were made by peer reviewers), because somebody else
respect to educational attainment and U. As long as collected the data (e.g., they came from nationally rep-
adult intelligence is not controlled for, U is unproblem- resentative panel or survey studies), or because the
atic: It affects the outcome variable (i.e., income), but confounder is some unobservable factor that could not
it does not causally affect the independent variable (i.e., be measured with available methods. In such a situa-
educational attainment); thus, U is not a confounder of tion, thorough consideration of the causal web underly-
the effect of interest and can simply be ignored. How- ing the variables can lead to the conclusion that the
ever, if adult intelligence is controlled for, a noncausal data do not warrant causal claims.
association between its two causes, U and educational In addition, in a messy psychological reality, causal
attainment, is introduced (i.e., educational attainment graphs quickly become substantially more complex
↔ U). Now, a back-door path, educational attainment than the illustrations included in this article. For exam-
↔ U → income, has been opened, and it potentially ple, in certain constellations of variables, controlling
introduces a noncausal association. If the goal is to for a variable might reduce one type of bias (because
correctly estimate the direct effect of a college degree the variable is a confounder) but at the same time
on income, all back-door paths opened by condition- increase another type of bias (because the variable is
ing the analysis on the mediating variable must be a collider on a different path that transmits a spurious
blocked. association when the collider is controlled for). Such a
Maybe somewhat surprisingly, this problem of medi- constellation, which produces what is called butterfly
ation analysis also applies to experimental studies bias, can be easily visualized in a DAG. Quite pragmati-
unless the mediating variable itself was randomly cally, one can gauge which of the two biases is more
Graphical Models for Observational Data 39

problematic and then settle for the lesser evil (Ding & target phenomenon are often questionable” (Rozin,
Miratrix, 2015). 2001, p. 12). That is, randomized experiments allow
In other cases, it can be genuinely unclear whether researchers to be confident about a cause-effect rela-
a given variable is a confounder, collider, or mediator. tionship with only very few additional assumptions, but
Strong theories that posit clear directional links between many more assumptions might be needed to convinc-
variables might solve such problems, but in some cases, ingly argue that this cause-effect relationship is actually
theory might simply indicate that different data are the one of interest. Which method—randomized experi-
needed. For example, if educational attainment, intel- ment, natural experiment, or observational study—is
ligence, and income are measured at only one point in suited for drawing a causal inference regarding a spe-
time, it is unclear whether intelligence should be con- cific research question must be decided on a case-by-
trolled for or not—the variable certainly captures con- case basis (see also Cartwright’s, 2007, arguments that
founding influences, but at the same time, it also there is no gold standard).
capture parts of the “treatment” of education. Reciprocal It is instructive to consider cases in which most peo-
effects seem plausible for many psychological variables, ple readily accept causal claims in the absence of ran-
and to disentangle causes and effects in such a situa- domized experiments. Nowadays, few people doubt the
tion, one needs data with a higher temporal resolution effects of tobacco smoking on lung cancer. But in the
than results from typical psychological designs, which 1950s, tobacco lobbyists embraced the idea that a
often consist of only a few measurement waves. Again, genetic predisposition caused both a tendency to smoke
thoughtful consideration of the underlying causal web and lung cancer (Mukherjee, 2010, p. 253). In other
might lead to the conclusion that the data at hand are words, they claimed that there was an unblocked back-
not sufficient and that different sampling designs, such door path. This idea was dispelled not by randomized,
as intensive time series of repeated measures ­(Borsboom controlled experiments in humans, but by highly con-
et al., 2012), are needed. sistent results of observational studies using various
Causal inferences based on observational data controls and different sampling designs, experimental
require researchers to make very strong assumptions. evidence from rodent studies, and demonstration of a
Researchers who attempt to answer a causal research plausible mechanism (i.e., inhaled carcinogens corre-
question with observational data should not only be late with visible malignant changes in the lung, which
aware that such an endeavor is challenging, but also in turn correlate with lung cancer; see Mukherjee, 2010,
understand the assumptions implied by their models for a summary of the history of cancer research).
and communicate them transparently. In addition, A plausible mechanism is also what greatly increases
instead of reporting a single model and championing scientists’ confidence in the causal effect of human
it as “the truth,” researchers should consider multiple activity on the climate: Human activity, such as indus-
potentially plausible sets of assumptions and see how trial processes, increases the atmospheric concentra-
assuming any of these scenarios would affect their con- tions of greenhouse gases. Atmospheric greenhouse
clusions. This practice of robustness checking is already gases, in turn, warm the Earth’s surface through an
common in some subfields of economics and could uncontroversial mechanism, the greenhouse effect (see
also improve inference in psychological research (see, Silver, 2012, p. 374, for this line of argument). And a
e.g., Duncan, Engel, Claessens, & Dowsett, 2014, for plausible mechanism is also the reason why one does
recommendations for developmental research). As a not need randomized controlled trials to conclude that
positive side effect, performing and reporting multiple parachute use during free fall reduces mortality (but cf.
analyses (i.e. conducting a “multiverse analysis”; S­ teegen, Smith & Pell, 2003).
Tuerlinckx, Gelman, & Vanpaemel, 2016) can greatly Thus, causal inference based on observational data
improve transparency and thus facilitate productive and is not a lost cause per se—indeed, in combination with
open debates. additional knowledge from the relevant domain, highly
One could argue that—given the complex nature of convincing causal arguments can be made. Further
human behavior—causal modeling of observational data research into psychological mechanisms and processes,
might not be worth the hassle, as it requires a great deal which will frequently involve experimental studies,
of effort with respect to both theoretical reasoning and including well-designed surrogate interventions, can
data collection and nonetheless results in claims that strengthen the potential of observational data. Likewise,
can often be easily challenged. However, this should observational data can be used to ensure the external
not be a reason to give up the endeavor altogether. validity of findings from constrained experimental set-
Although properly implemented randomized experi- tings and also hint toward new phenomena that poten-
ments leave researchers with great confidence in inter- tially warrant further research. Different research
nal validity, “their meaning and significance for the designs are neither mutually interchangeable nor rivals,
40 Rohrer

but can contribute unique information to help answer an arrow (hence, directed), and directed cycles are not
common research questions. The most convincing allowed (hence, acyclic). Thus, in a DAG, a variable
causal conclusions will always be supported by mul- cannot causally affect itself.
tiple designs. As Angrist and Pischke (2010) noted, “In
Fork. An elementary causal structure of the form A ←
the empirical universe, evidence accumulates across
B → C. The variable in the middle, B, is called a con-
settings and study designs, ultimately producing some
founder and can transmit a noncausal association
kind of consensus” (p. 25).
between A and C. Conditioning the analysis on B blocks
this noncausal path.
Appendix: Glossary
Inverted fork. An elementary causal structure of the
Ancestor. A variable that causally affects another vari- form A → B ← C. The variable in the middle, B, is called
able, influencing it either directly (ancestor → X) or a collider and blocks the path. Conditioning the analysis
indirectly (ancestor → mediator → X). Direct ancestors on the collider opens the path, which may then transmit
are also called parents. a noncausal association.
Arrow. A directed edge, which indicates a direct causal Mediator. A variable in the middle of a chain (A →
effect between two variables. mediator → C).
Back-door path. A noncausal path that connects the Node. A variable in a DAG.
independent variable of interest with the dependent
Noncausal path. A path that contains at least one fork
variable of interest.
or inverted fork and can transmit a noncausal associa-
Blocked path. A path that contains (a) a collider that tion if unblocked.
the analysis has not been conditioned on or (b) a non-
Path. A sequence of edges that connect a sequence of
collider (confounder or mediator) that the analysis has
nodes. In a DAG for observational data, a path is a
been conditioned on. A blocked path does not transmit
sequence of arrows connecting variables. The arrows
an association between variables. A path that is not
of a path need not point in the same direction.
blocked is unblocked, or open, and can transmit an
Action Editor
Causal path. A path that consists only of chains and
Daniel J. Simons served as action editor for this article.
can transmit a causal association if unblocked.
Chain. An elementary causal structure of the form A
Author Contributions
→ B → C (or, in short, A → C). A chain transmits a
causal effect of A on C. The variable in the middle, B, J. M. Rohrer is the sole author of this article and is responsible
for its content.
mediates the effect of A on C.
Collider. A variable in the middle of an inverted fork
(A → collider ← C). A collider blocks a path unless
the analysis is conditioned on it (or one of its Julia M. Rohrer
Conditioning on a variable. The process of introduc-
ing information about a variable into an analysis (Elwert In chronological order, Felix Thoemmes, Stefan C. Schmukle,
& Winship, 2014). This may happen through various Gert G. Wagner, Jane Zagorski, Tal Yarkoni, Drew H. Bailey,
Nick Brown, Johannes Haushofer, Richard McElreath and his
means of statistical control or through sample
journal club at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary
selection. Anthropology, and Martin Brümmer provided substantive
Confounder. A variable in the middle of a fork (A ← feedback on various drafts and the preprint of this manu-
confounder → C). script. Critical comments by Jake Westfall and Brent Roberts
further improved the manuscript during the revision
Descendant. A variable causally affected by another process.
variable, either directly (X → descendant) or indirectly
(X → mediator → descendant). Direct descendants are Declaration of Conflicting Interests
also called children.
The author(s) declared that there were no conflicts of interest
Directed acyclic graph (DAG). An abstract structure with respect to the authorship or the publication of this
that connects nodes with edges (lines). Every edge is article.
Graphical Models for Observational Data 41

Prior Versions Asendorpf, J. B. (2012). Bias due to controlling a collider:

A potentially important issue for personality research.
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posted as a preprint on PsyArXiv (
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t3qub/) and has been updated to reflect the substantial revi-
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