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Independent learning Booklet

Germany 1890-1945

Exam Guidance for AQA Germany,

1890–1945: democracy and
There are six types of question on this paper:

 (Interpretations) How do they differ about... (4 marks)

 (Interpretations) Why might they have different interpretations? (4 marks)
 (Interpretations) Which is more convincing? (8 marks)
 Describe two successes/failures/features... (4 marks)
 How did [ _ ] affect... (8 marks)
 Which was more important for... (12 marks)
The first three questions are focused on two written historical interpretations. You should
look on questions 1, 2, and 3 as making one big question worth 16 marks in total.

Interpretation A

Albert Speer went on to become the Nazi Minister for weapons. He was sentenced to 20
years in prison after the war and released in 1966. He considers the impact of the Depression
on support for the Nazi party.

In a time when nothing in the democratic process seemed to work, Hitler's words sounded a
loud call to many young men who by 1931 were convinced of the necessity for bold, new
remedies for Germany’s deep troubles. The succession of patched-up coalition governments
that governed neither long nor well and could find no answers at all to Germany's economic

Albert Speer, writing in his book, Inside the Third Reichwritten in 1960.

Interpretation B

William Shirer was an American journalist who reported from Berlin between 1933-1940. He
considers the impact of the First World War on support for the Nazis.

Adolf Hitler could not bear the disaster which befell his beloved Fatherland in November
1918. To him, as to almost all Germans, it was “monstrous” and undeserved. The German
Army had not been defeated in the field. It had been stabbed in the back by the traitors at
home. Thus emerged for Hitler, as for so many Germans, a fanatical belief in the legend of
the “stab in the back” which, more than anything else, was to undermine the Weimar
Republic and pave the way for Hitler’s ultimate triumph.

William L. Shirer, writing in his book, The Rise and fall of the Third Reich: A History of
Nazi Germany written in 1960.
1-How do they differ about... (4 marks)

How does Interpretation B differ from Interpretation A about why the Nazis were able
to replace the Weimar Republic? Explain your answer using Interpretations A and B.


This type of question assesses your comparison and analysis of two interpretations based on
their content, their nature, origin and purpose, and on your contextual knowledge of the topic.

The first four-mark question is asking you to describe the differences in the content of the
two interpretations. What do they say that is different about the historical situation that they
are covering?

Make sure that you don’t discuss why they differ, because that comes in the next question.

2-Why might they have different interpretations? (4


Why might the authors of Interpretations A and B (see page one) have a different
interpretation about why the Nazis were able to replace the Weimar Republic? Explain
your answer using Interpretations A and B and your contextual knowledge.


The second four-mark question is asking you to consider the origin and purpose of the two
interpretations so you can try to explain why they put forward the different views that you
have described in the first question.

You need to think about how the authors’ backgrounds would have affected the way that they
viewed the particular historical situation they are describing. See if you can connect their
backgrounds to the things that they are saying in the extract you are given.

3-Which is more convincing? (8 marks)


Which interpretation (see page one) do you find more convincing about why the Nazis
were able to replace the Weimar Republic? Explain your answer using Interpretations
A and B and your contextual knowledge.

The final eight-mark question about the two interpretations asks you to compare them again,
but this time you are deciding which of the two is more convincing.

You need to discuss both of the interpretations; using your contextual knowledge to explain
why you think it is convincing and explaining why one is more convincing than the other.
You should also come to an overall judgement about which of the two is more convincing,
with clear and detailed contextual knowledge to support it.

Make sure that you use plenty of your own knowledge in this question. You should consider
the accuracy of the content within the interpretations and the balance of the views that are

4-Describe two
successes/failures/features... (4 marks)

Describe two of Gustav Stresemann’s successes in dealing with the problems faced by
the Weimar Republic in 1923.


You need to identify two aspects that answer the question, but you also need to explain how
the factors were successful in relation to the problems.

Make sure that you don’t write too much for this four-mark question. Two clear points with
an explanation is all that is needed. You could easily write a whole essay on the topic, but
that’s not what is required.

5-How did [ _ ] affect... (8 marks)


In what ways was Germany affected by the ambitions of Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1890-
1914? Explain your answer.

The question will ask you to explain how a group or development was affected by a key
event or development.

You need to talk about more than one change that resulted from the feature, such as the lack
of democratic political participation resulting from the autocracy of the Kaiser. You also need
to extend the analysis of the ideas showing a more sophisticated understanding of change,
such as a consideration of different groups in Germany and how they would have been
affected differently by approaches.

Make sure that you use detailed accurate knowledge to support your ideas.
6-Which was more important for... (12

Which of the following was the more important reason why the Nazi German state was
described as totalitarian?

 Nazi policies towards women.

 Nazi control of media and propaganda.
Explain your answer with reference to both reasons.

This question requires knowledge, understanding and analysis of historical events. It will take
the format of an essay requiring a judgement.

Write an extended response following a sustained line of reasoning which is coherent,

relevant, substantiated and logically structured.

You should discuss the two bullet points using accurate historical knowledge in relation to
the idea in the question; you also need to use an extensive range of knowledge about
German society.

You should make a clear, balanced judgement based on extensive knowledge of both
factors and showing how they connected together. Make sure that you are very clear about
the meaning of key words in the question, and make sure that what you write is relevant to
those key words. So, here, you would want to be very clear about 'totalitarian' and keep
referring to it in your writing.

Guidance on structuring answers

Use a PEEL structure for your paragraphs:

P = Point

The first sentence of each paragraph should clearly state the point of the paragraph which in
turn should be directly connected to the overall theme of the question. Be precise and clear
about what you will be discussing.

E = Evidence

Provide evidence to support your point and the theme of the answer. Make the evidence
specific, eg use key terms, dates and names. Be precise with the facts – don’t generalise.

E = Explain
Interpret the evidence and show how it agrees or disagrees with the question theme.

L = Link

When providing the link sentence at the end of your paragraph you are not only linking back
to the rest of the paragraph and the main idea but you are also allowing for a transition to the
next topic or paragraph.

Knowledge Questions-How many correct answers can

you get?
Germany 1890-1945 Knowledge Quiz. BASIC DEVELOPED
1) What was the name of Germany’s last Emperor (Kaiser)?

2) Why was socialism growing in influence by 1900?


3) Why did the Naval Laws, 1898-1912, cause problems within Germany?

4) Why were there shortages of food, medicine and clothing during World War One, and what did this
lead to? ______

5) What was the electoral system used in Weimar Germany called, and why was this a problem?

6) What was Article 48?


7) How many different governments did Germany have between 1919 and 1932?

8) Complete this table to outline the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

L (Land) Name three changes of territory, ____________________________________________________
including who the land went to. ____________________________________________________

A (Army) Name three military restrictions. ____________________________________________________


M (Money) What was the reparations ____________________________________________________

B (Blame) Which article of the Treaty was ____________________________________________________
the War Guilt Clause?

What did Germany call the ____________________________________________________

& (What What was set up by the Treaty? ____________________________________________________

9) In 1922, when Germany announced that it could not ______________________, troops from
___________ and ______________ marched into and took over the German industrial area of the
________. The German government then ordered workers in this area to _____________, and
_______________________ in order to pay them. This meant that
________________________________ and prices were raised, leading the government to
____________________ - causing hyperinflation.

10) Who were the Spartacists and why were they unsuccessful in taking over Berlin in 1919?

11) Why did some people actually benefit from hyperinflation, despite most suffering from poverty and

12) Why did the 1920 Kapp Putsch fail after 100 hours?

13) Why was the Munich Putsch a success for Hitler in the long-term?

14) How did Gustav Stresemann help Germany recover from each of these problems?
a) Hyperinflation
b) Invasion of the Ruhr
c) Reparations were too high
d) Germany had lost its status as a great power

15) Why did some Germans hate the 1920s ‘Golden Age’ of Weimar culture in art, design, literature,
nightlife and cinema?

16) How many Germans were unemployed by 1932 as a result of the Great Depression?
17) Name four reasons why the Nazis grew in popularity after 1929.
a) ________________________________________ b)
c) ________________________________________ d)

18) Outline which Nazi policies appealed to each of these social groups.
a) Farmers
b) Wealthy business owners
c) Ex-soldiers

19) The Nazis became the largest party in the Reichstag in _________. President Hindenburg refused
to appoint Hitler as Chancellor because _____________________________________________. Ex-
Chancellor ____________ convinced President Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor because
___________________________________, but Hindenburg limited Hitler’s power by
__________________________ and _______________________________.

20) Briefly answer these ten questions to explain how Hitler went from Chancellor to dictator.
a) What happened on 27th Feb 1933, shortly before March’s election?
b) What did the president then pass using Article 48?
c) What did this allow Hitler to do?
d) Why was Hitler disappointed with the March 1933 election results?
e) What was the Enabling Act?
f) Which other political party supported the Nazis by voting for the Enabling Act?
g) What did Hitler ban using the Enabling Act?
h) Why did Hitler see Rohm as a threat to his leadership?
i) What was the Night of the Long Knives?
j) What gave Hitler ultimate power on 2nd Aug 1934?

21) What was the name of the first Nazi concentration camp, opened in 1933 for political prisoners?

22) Answer these six questions on Nazi economic policy.

a) What did all men aged 18-25 do in the National Labour Service (RAD)?

b) What were autobahns?
c) How did Hitler create jobs and also reward his wealthier supporters?
d) How else did Hitler reduce unemployment amongst men aged 18-25?
e) What percentage of Germans were unemployed by 1939?
f) Why is this figure unreliable?

23) What did Economic Minister Shacht do to help support Hitler’s plans, and why didn’t this please
Hitler? _________

24) When Goering took over as Economic Minister in 1936, what did his Four Year Plan aim to do?

25) Which two schemes did the German Labour Front (DAF) run, and what did each of them do?

26) How did workers lose their rights in the Nazi-run economy?

27) List five ways in which the German public suffered during ‘Total War’.

28) In schools and in youth movements, boys were prepared for a career in the _____________ and
were taught Nazi versions of ________________. For example, they would learn about how unfair the
__________________________ was. Problems in Maths and Science included calculations about
how much money Germany would save if it got rid of _______________________. Time spent doing
______ trebled. Girls were taught how to be good ____________ and __________________. A new
subject called ______________________ was introduced to indoctrinate students in incorrect Nazi
racial beliefs. Teachers had to be __________, and _________ were not allowed to attend school.

29) What were the names of the youth organisations for boys and girls? ______________ &

30) What were the ‘Three C’s’ that women were supposed to focus on?

31) How were women ‘persuaded’ to give up work, but why wasn’t this ultimately successful?

32) Explain two ways in which women were persuaded to have more children.

33) What was the name of the 1933 agreement between the Nazis and the Catholic Church, and how
did Hitler break this?

34) What did Hitler do to the Protestant churches?

35) What did some Protestants do in response to this, and why weren’t they successful?

36) What is the term for discrimination against Jewish people?


37) What percentage of the German population in 1933 was Jewish?


38) What did the Nuremberg Laws of 1935 do?


39) What happened on Kristallnacht in November 1938, and what was the outcome of this?

40) Who were the Einsatzgruppen?


41) Why did the treatment of Jewish people change in 1941?


42) How many European Jews were murdered in the Holocaust?


43) Name two death camps and one concentration camp.


44) Name one instance of armed Jewish resistance to the Holocaust.


45) Who were the Gestapo?


46) Why could there not be legal justice in Nazi Germany?


47) Name three forms of Nazi propaganda.


48) How did Goebbels try to keep up morale during World War Two?

49) Who were these opposition youth groups and what did they do to oppose the Nazi regime?
a) Edelweiss Pirates

b) White Rose Movement

50) What were the reasons for the July Bomb Plot, and why was it ultimately unsuccessful?

Key terms/ words/people do you know what they mean or

what they did?
1-Spartacist revolt- 1919
2-Young Plan 1929-
3-Occupation of the Ruhr- 1923
5-New Plan 1934-1936
6-Four Year plan 1936-1939
8-Dawes Plan 1924
9-Enabling law March 1933
10-Kapp Putsch-1921
11-Beauty of Labour
14-Munich Putsch-1923
15-Emergency law Feb 1933
17-Strength through joy
18-Locarno Treaty 1925
19-League of Nations 1926
20-Hitler Youth
22-Confessional Church
25-Chamber of Culture
26-Passive resistance
27-German Labour Front (DAF)
29-Public Work Schemes
30-National Labour Service (RAD)
33-The Final solution
34-Political Intrigue
35-Nazi Teachers League
36- Proportional Representation
37-Marriage Loan
39-Concentration camps
40-Wall Street Crash 1929
42-Death Camps
43-Versailles Treaty
45-Night of Long Knives-June 1934
46-Kristallnacht- 1938
47-Nuremberg Laws 1935
50-Edelweiss Pirates
51-Whote Rose Group
54-Hyperinflation 1923
55-Franz Papen
56-Kurt Von Schleicher
57-Article 48

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