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Homework 12

1. Answer the questions bellow:

a) Are you going to be a good parent one day?
I think Yes
b) What kind of education will you give to your kids?
A good education
c) Will you be attending university next semester?
Yes,i want
d) What are you going to avoid doing in the future?
I will avoid being arrested
e) Will you and your friends be going to the movies tonight?

No,im sick

2. Write about the topic: (minimum 6 lines)

“What I am like”

So im not going to say that im a nice person,because i dont think so,but im

friendly,kind,respect everyone,im affectioate,and a little bit smart,i really like science,history
and geography and i hate math and portuguese, what else to do, you have to study.i love
being lazy but it ends up affecting my day to day an easy tasks.

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