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A for and against composition

What are the advantages and disadvantages of computers?

Computers are now everywhere in modern society, but they can present advantages and

The first advantage of computers is that they can save us time, since they can help us
to do complicated operations very quickly. Another advantage is that they have
improved worldwide communications. The Internet and email have made it cheap, fast
and easy for us to contact anywhere in the world.

However, computers can have drawbacks. On the one hand, they have improved
worldwide communications, but on the other hand, sometimes they might stop people
communicating with each other. Some people find it easier to “talk” to their computer
than to humans. Another problem is that people may depend too much on their
computers. As a result, they stop thinking for themselves.

To sum up, I think that computers offer more advantages than disadvantages, but we
need to remember to use them sensibly.

1- Read the composition. What advantages and disadvantages does the author mention?
Make two lists.

2- Find these words and expressions in the text. How do you say them in your language?
a) The first advantage is that …
b) Another advantage is that …
c) However, …
d) On the one hand, …. On the other hand, …
e) Another problem is that …
f) As a result, …
g) To sum up, … / In conclusion, …
h) Some people think …,
i) People believe …,

3- Writing strategy.
In for and against compositions, you need to look at both sides of an argument and
compare and contrast them. First, make a list of the advantages and disadvantages.
Begin your composition with a short introduction. Next, present the advantages, then
the disadvantages. Finally, write a short conclusion with your conclusion with your
opinion. Use the expressions in 2 to introduce each idea.

4- Write a composition on this topic. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
mobile phones? Write about 150 words.

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