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Dear best friend

It was a long time since you left for Argentina, I wanted to see you but I can't travel to
Argentina. I hope that someday you come back to Colombia and let's visit the library that
we liked it so much. I would like to see your dog again, I remember how we bothered him
and how he didn't care, my cat never showed you affection but don't worry that's how it is
with everyone, I remember when he was smelling your finger, that was the only sign of
affection that he gave you. Now I have another cat, at first, they didn't love each other but
after a time they ended up becoming best friends. it reminds me a lot of how we met, you
didn't like me but you got to know me, and like my cats, we end up becoming best friends.
Since we haven't seen each other for a long time, I want to know everything about your
life in Argentina. How is your mom? I haven't seen your dad lately but when I see him, I
ask him about you and he always tells me that you are very well and that you miss me a
lot. The only hope I have left for you to come to Colombia is that you come to visit your
dad, so we can see each other again. Do you have a new best friend? I have met a person
who is fantastic, she is as funny as you, and like you, my cat doesn't love her, but don't
think that I am trying to change you, you will always be my best friend. Where do you live
now? I am still in the same apartments, and I think I will continue to live here for a long
time. I would like you to come back to the apartments and see the changes they made. Do
you remember the cat of the apartments? they have done to he a bigger house with boxes
and they continue leaving him food and water in the parking every day. all the days that I
get home from school I see him lying in the sun, he's already old and he doesn't run as fast
as before.
With much love, your best friend

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