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Practice Exercise 1: Advanced drawing objects

Exam objectives covered by this exercise include:

• 1.1a Create and edit polylines, arcs, polygons, and splines

Video resources that may help with this practice exercise are:

• Create and work with polylines

In this practice exercise you will edit the polylines in the drawing using specific
techniques. When completed, your drawing should look the way it does in the AFTER
image below.

1. Open the Contours Map-001.dwg drawing file (see BEFORE).
Ensure you are on the Arrows layer.

2. Use the POLYLINE command to generate a polyline with width, using the units
a. Length = 500
b. Width = 50
c. Width must be consistent along the length of the polyline.

3. Draw another polyline, again with the POLYLINE command, with a tapered width,
with one end of the above polyline (in item 3) being the start point (using the
Endpoint snap), using the units below:
a. Length = 300
b. Start width = 200
c. End width = 0
d. Tapered width needs to form an arrowhead.

4. Select both new polylines, right-click, and choose Polyline > Join to join the two
polylines together to form one arrow.

5. Use Copy Selection to create TWO more new arrows, making a total of THREE.

Practice Exercise 1: Advanced drawing objects Page | 1

6. Replace the existing arrows (originally made from lines) by placing new polyline
arrows, utilizing the Move command and object snaps to do this (see AFTER).



Instructions Page | 2

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