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‭Portfolio Class Profile Form‬

‭Grade levels in your portfolio group or class: 5th‬

‭Portfolio school configuration: Elementary‬

‭Music Teaching Assignment: Elementary General Music‬

‭Portfolio Teaching Topic/Title: Percussion Ensemble Compositions‬

‭Number of Minutes per Class/Class Meetings per Week: 60 minutes every 3‬


‭Number of Students in Class: 21‬

‭Other Adults in the Room? (para-professionals, teacher aids, parent‬

‭volunteers): classroom teacher (teaching another lesson on the other side of‬

‭the room)‬
‭Introduction to the Series of Lessons‬

‭This class is a general music class. The students will be completing the‬

‭project during regular class time in groups of 4-6 (assigned by the teacher‬

‭based on a pre-existing seating arrangement). They have previously had a‬

‭bucket drumming unit and frequently practice rhythm patterns. They also‬

‭have done composition projects using notation and audiation as well as‬

‭computer composition projects using Soundtrap, so these are not new‬

‭concepts to them. They have done partner song activities where students‬

‭are doing different things at the same time, and they have done a‬

‭composition with independent parts last year, though not this year, so this‬

‭isn’t a completely foreign concept to them. They don’t have experience with‬

‭many of the instruments we are using, so I will have to teach them how to‬

‭play them properly. After performing, they will reflect as a group using my‬

‭rubric as well as guided questions, and I will fill out a rubric myself so they‬

‭can compare their self-reflection with my assessment.‬

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