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Faculty of Computer Applications & Information Technology

Integrated MCA
Semester – IV

222301403 Structured Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Assignment Unit I

Q-1 Answer the following:

1. Explain the concept of System.
2. Explian SDLC with diagram.
3. Explain Planning phase of SDLC
4. Explain Analysis phase of SDLC
5. Explain Design phase of SDLC
6. Explain Implementation phase of SDLC
7. Explain Project Identification
8. Explain System Request
9. What is Feasibility Analysis?
10. Explain the concept of Requirements Determination
11. Explain Interviews in detail.
12. Explain Questionnaires in detail

Q-2 Explain the following terms

1. System 8. System Proposal
2. Sdlc 9. System Specification
3. System Request 10. Project Identification
4. Project Sponsor 11. Joint Application Development
5. Feasibility Analysis 12. Document Analysis
6. Project Plan 13. Observation
7. Requirements Gathering 14. Information System

Q-3 Fill in the blanks:

1. ____________ is set of interrelated components with clearly defined boundary.
2. Full Form of SDLC is ____________
3. ____________ checks business value of system
4. ____________ generates project request
5. Requirements gathering is done through ____________ ____________ or ____________
6. ____________ design descibes hardware, software and network infrastructure of system
7. ____________ design describes how users will move through
8. ____________ shows how data is exactly stored.
9. ____________defines the programs that need to be written and exactly what each program will do.
10. ____________is a document that describes the reasons for building new system.
11. Feasibility Analysis identifies important ____________
12. ____________ may be measured as the number of people on the development team, the length of time it
will take to complete the project, or the number of distinct features in the system.
13. Feasibility Analysis is also known as ____________
14. ____________ is the fit between the project and business strategies.
15. ____________ top-down approach is an appropriate strategy for most interviews.
16. Full Form of JAD is _______________
17. In JAD, ____________ is a person who sets the meeting agenda and guides the discussion, but does not
join in the discussion as a participant.
18. ____________ is a set of written questions for obtaining information from individuals.
19. ____________ is used to understand the as-is system.
20. ____________ the act of watching processes being performed

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