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PATHOLOGY AND SYMPTOMATOLOGY- Most pathologic manifestations result from

inflammation and intermittent obstruction of the biliary ducts. In mild cases,
manifestations include dyspepsia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or constipation. With
infections of longer duration, the symptoms can be more severe, and hepatomegaly
and malnutrition may be present.

LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS- Diagnosis is based on microscopic identification of eggs

in stool specimens. However, the eggs of Opisthorchis are practically indistinguishable
from those of Clonorchis. The adult fluke can also be recovered at surgery. Serologic
testing is currently not available for Opisthorchis infection

TREATMENT- For treating Opisthorchis felineus, a dose of 60 mg/kg of the drug was
given for 5 days after which 75% cure rates were obtained. A dose of 100 mg/kg given
on alternate days for 5 or 10 days may be needed to get 80% cure rates against O.

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