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1. Define computer. Explain any 5 characteristics of computer.

Ans: A computer is an electronic device that processes data and performs tasks
according to a set of instructions called a program. It is a versatile tool used for various
applications such as data processing, calculations, communication, entertainment, and
more. Here are five characteristics of computers:

1. Speed: Computers are capable of processing information at incredibly high

speeds. They can execute millions or even billions of instructions per second,
allowing for swift data manipulation and complex calculations.
2. Accuracy: Computers perform tasks with a high degree of accuracy, making
them reliable for tasks that require precision. They do not make errors in
calculations, provided the input data and programming are correct.
3. Storage: Computers have the ability to store vast amounts of data in different
forms, including text, images, videos, and more. Storage devices such as hard
drives, solid-state drives, and cloud storage allow computers to retain
information for future use.
4. Automation: Computers are programmable devices, and they can automate
repetitive tasks based on the instructions provided in software programs.
Automation enhances efficiency, reduces human effort, and minimizes errors in
tasks that can be defined algorithmically.
5. Versatility: Computers are versatile tools that can perform a wide range of tasks.
They can be used for word processing, data analysis, graphic design, gaming,
communication, and many other applications. The versatility of computers is due
to their programmable nature and the availability of diverse software
2. Explain the five generations of computers.

• First Generation (1940s-1950s):

• Technology: Vacuum tubes.
• Heat: Vacuum tubes generated significant heat, requiring extensive cooling.
• Electricity Consumption: High electricity consumption due to the power-hungry
vacuum tubes.
• Other Characteristics: Large physical size, limited memory capacity, and primarily
used for scientific and military purposes.
• Second Generation (1950s-1960s):
• Technology: Transistors.
• Heat: Transistors were more energy-efficient than vacuum tubes but still produced
notable heat.
• Electricity Consumption: Improved energy efficiency compared to the first generation.
• Other Characteristics: Smaller size, faster processing, adoption of high-level
programming languages, and the emergence of magnetic core memory.
• Third Generation (1960s-1970s):
• Technology: Integrated circuits (ICs).
• Heat: ICs significantly improved energy efficiency, reducing heat generation.
• Electricity Consumption: More energy-efficient compared to previous generations.
• Other Characteristics: Further reduction in size, increased processing speed, time-
sharing systems, and the introduction of high-level programming languages.
• Fourth Generation (1970s-1980s - Ongoing):
• Technology: Microprocessors.
• Heat: Microprocessors continued the trend of improved energy efficiency, and cooling
systems evolved.
• Electricity Consumption: Generally more energy-efficient than earlier generations, but
the increasing complexity of tasks has led to higher power demands in some applications.
• Other Characteristics: Rise of personal computers, graphical user interfaces (GUIs),
and a shift towards decentralized computing
Fifth Generation (Present and beyond):
• Technology: VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration), AI (Artificial
• Characteristics: Continued miniaturization, parallel processing, and emphasis on
AI and natural language processing. Development of advanced computing
• Examples: IBM Watson, modern supercomputers, AI-driven systems.
3. Differentiate between the while loop and do-while loop in C with examples.

In a while loop, the condition is checked before entering the loop body. If the
condition is false initially, the loop body will not be executed at all.

// While loop example

int i = 1;
while (i <= 5) {
printf("%d ", i);

return 0;
Here , the loop will print numbers from 1 to 5. The condition i <= 5 is checked
before entering the loop, so if i is initially greater than 5, the loop won't execute.
In a do-while loop, the loop body is executed at least once because the condition
is checked after the first iteration. Even if the condition is initially false, the loop
body is executed at least once.
// Do-while loop example
int i = 1;
do {
printf("%d ", i);
} while (i <= 0);

return 0;
Here, the loop will print 1 and then terminates since condition I <=0 does not

4. Define different types of CSS with example.

(Cascading Style Sheets) is used for styling and formatting HTML documents.
There are different types of CSS, each serving specific purposes. Here are the
main types:

1. Inline CSS:
• It is applied directly within the HTML elements using the style attribute.
• Example:
• <p style="color: blue; font-size: 16px;">This is an inline-styled

Internal or Embedded CSS:

• It is placed within the <style> tag in the head section of an HTML document.
color: green;
font-size: 18px;
<p>This paragraph has internal CSS styling.</p>

External or Linked CSS:

• It is stored in a separate CSS file and linked to the HTML document usually inside
head section.
<!-- In Index.html file -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
/* In styles.css file */
color: red;
font-size: 20px;
5. Create a simple webpage linked with a stylesheet including title, couple of
paragraphs, images and videos.
6. Who is the father of C programming? Explain the structure of C program.
The father of the C programming language is Dennis Ritchie. He, along with his
colleague Brian Kernighan, developed the C programming language at Bell Labs
in the early 1970s. The development of C was closely tied to the development of
the Unix operating system. C became popular due to its simplicity, efficiency, and
the ability to access low-level functionalities, making it suitable for system

### Structure of a C Program:

A C program generally follows a specific structure. Here is the basic structure of

a C program:
Demo.c file
// Preprocessor Directives
#include <stdio.h>

// Function Declaration (Optional)

int main() {
// Declarations (Optional)
// Variable declarations, function prototypes, etc.

// Statements
// The main logic of the program

// Return Statement (Optional)

return 0;
#### Components of the C Program Structure:

1. **Preprocessor Directives:**
- These lines start with `#` and are processed before the compilation. They are
used for including header files (`#include`), defining macros, and performing
other preprocessing tasks.

2. **Main Function:**
- The `main` function is the entry point of a C program. It is the first function that
gets executed when the program is run.

3. **Declarations:**
- Optional section where you declare variables, functions, or other entities that
will be used in the program. This section is not mandatory, but it's common to
declare variables and function prototypes here.

4. **Statements:**
- This is the main body of the program where you write the actual logic and
perform operations. It consists of a sequence of statements that are executed in

5. **Return Statement:**
- The `return` statement is optional in the `main` function. It is used to indicate
the exit status of the program. A return value of 0 typically indicates successful
execution, while a non-zero value indicates an error.

7. What is function in C? Write a program showing a function with no return.


In C programming, a function is a self-contained block of code that performs a specific

task. Functions are essential for modular programming, as they allow you to break down
a program into smaller, manageable parts, making the code more organized and
reusable. A function can take parameters as input, perform some operations, and
optionally return a value.

Here's an example of a C program with a function that has no return value:

#include <stdio.h>

// Function declaration (prototype)

void greetUser();

int main() {
// Calling the function

return 0;
// Function definition
void greetUser() {
printf("Hello! Welcome to the world of functions.\n");
8. What is looping? Write a program to display a rectangular shape of symbols
by taking any symbol as input from the user using FOR LOOP.
Looping is a programming concept that allows the repeated execution of a set of
statements or code block until a specified condition is met. In C programming,
one common type of loop is the for loop, which is used to iterate over a range of
values or perform a task a specific number of times.
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
char symbol;
int rows, cols;

// Get symbol input from the user

printf("Enter a symbol to display: ");
scanf("%c", &symbol);

// Get dimensions of the rectangular shape from the user

printf("Enter the number of rows: ");
scanf("%d", &rows);

printf("Enter the number of columns: ");

scanf("%d", &cols);

// Display the rectangular shape using a for loop

for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j <= cols; j++) {
printf("%c ", symbol);
printf("\n"); // Move to the next line after each row

return 0;
For example, if the user enters * as the symbol and inputs 3 for both rows
and columns, the output will be:
Another program for same question(8) which we practiced in class is:

9. What is conditional statements in C? Explain with an example.

Conditional statements in C are used to make decisions in a program based on a
certain condition. These statements allow the program to execute different blocks
of code depending on whether a specified condition evaluates to true or false.
The primary conditional statements in C are if, else if, and else.
10. What is switch statement in C? Elucidate with an example.

In C programming, the switch statement is a control flow statement that allows a

program to evaluate the value of an expression against a set of constant integer or
character values. It provides a more concise way to express multiple conditions
compared to using a series of if-else statements.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
int dayNumber;

// Get input from the user

printf("Enter a number (1-7) to represent the day of
the week: ");
scanf("%d", &dayNumber);
// Switch statement to determine the day of the week
switch (dayNumber) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
printf("Invalid input! Please enter a number
between 1 and 7.\n");

return 0;

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