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Benefits - Inclusive education stands as a beacon of diversity, fostering understanding and

empathy among students of all abilities and backgrounds. By bringing together a rich tapestry of
experiences within the same classroom, it cultivates a culture of acceptance and respect, breaking
down stereotypes and prejudices. Through collaborative learning environments, students develop
vital social skills, such as empathy and teamwork, nurturing relationships built on mutual
understanding. Academically, inclusive education promotes equity and access, ensuring that
every student, regardless of ability or disability, has the opportunity to succeed. Moreover, it
nurtures self-esteem and confidence by providing a sense of belonging and value to all learners.
Ultimately, inclusive education prepares students for the complexities of the real world,
equipping them with the essential skills and attitudes needed to thrive in an increasingly diverse
and interconnected society.

Legal basis- The legal basis for inclusive education varies depending on the country and its
specific legislation and policies. However, there are several international frameworks and
conventions that advocate for inclusive education as a fundamental human right. One of the most
prominent is the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD),
which emphasizes the right to inclusive education for individuals with disabilities. The CRPD
obligates signatory countries to ensure that persons with disabilities have equal access to
education, without discrimination and on the basis of equal opportunity. Additionally, many
countries have enacted national laws, policies, and regulations that support inclusive education.
These may include laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability, mandates for
inclusive practices in schools, and provisions for reasonable accommodations and support
services for students with disabilities. In some cases, court rulings have also established legal
precedents affirming the right to inclusive education. Overall, the legal basis for inclusive
education reflects a commitment to promoting equality, non-discrimination, and the full
participation of all individuals in educational opportunities.

Models/approaches- This model involves pairing students with disabilities with their typically
developing peers who provide academic, social, and emotional support. Peer support can help
foster inclusive environments and promote positive relationships among students

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