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Searching for a job online is difficult but it can be a good place to start. You'll find millions of jobs
posted online, you can assume 500 to 1000 resumes are submitted to a single job posting if not more. This
sound impossible to get noticed with that much competition, however the good news is that Employers don't
have the time to review all these resume. With today's technology we have software for everything, including
ones that read resumes. Networking is a valuable tool in your job search. Networking doesn't mean attending
big events! Networking means staying in touch with people you know, and meeting new people. And the best
people to meet are people you found during your research, they already work at the company your interested
in. Employers prefer to hire someone they know rather than a complete stranger off the street.

So, while I’ll find a Job I have learned that this is not easy to find a job, searching for a job is
difficult, the struggle on how you find a good job is not easy what you think. Knowing what you want is the
first step toward achieving it. Many College graduates struggle to find a job because they are not clear about
what they want. Spend some time creating a clear vision of the kind of job you are looking for, the industry
you want to work in, and the skills and experiences you offer and want to gain. Take time to reflect on your
strengths, weaknesses, interests and values. The job search process can be challenging and new activities can
make you uncomfortable. It often involves stepping out of your comfort zone, facing rejection and dealing
with uncertainty. However, it is important to embrace the discomfort and view it as an opportunity for

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