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We'll Meet Again

In the tapestry of life, our paths may part,

But I hold a promise deep within my heart,
That though we wander on separate ways,
Someday, we'll meet in brighter days.

We'll meet again, but different, transformed,

Like butterflies from cocoons, reborn.
Our journeys may scatter, our horizons expand,
Yet the connection we share, it will withstand.

Time may carve wrinkles, etching its art,

Yet within our souls, we'll find a restart.
We'll be the better versions we've aimed to be,
When we meet again, you and me.

We'll have stories to tell, adventures to share,

From the places we've roamed, the burdens we bear.
Our laughter will echo, as memories replay,
Someday, we'll meet, and time will sway.

In the mirror's reflection, we'll see the years,

The joys, the sorrows, the triumphs, the tears.
But through it all, our friendship will stand,
A steadfast bond, like the shifting sand.

We may drift apart like ships at sea,

But love and memories will bridge the decree.
The moments we cherish, the tales we've spun,
They'll light our way when the day is done.

So let the winds of destiny steer our course,

As we follow the rivers, of life's diverse source.
Someday, we'll meet, hand in hand,
With the better versions we've come to understand.

We'll look in each other's eyes, and we'll see,

The growth, the wisdom, the beauty set free.
And in that reunion, our souls will dance,
For we've nurtured a friendship, a lasting romance.

Though life may lead us where it may,

Our bond will remain, come what may.
Someday, we'll meet again, my friend,
And cherish the memories, until the very end.

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