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Do you all know what really gets under my skin? When you guys can't handle
someone else's success even mine. When you twist it into something ugly, something to be
scorned and mocked. That's me. Always labelled the "favourite student," as if it's some kind
of crime to excel, to strive for something more than mediocrity.

Every day, it's the same old song. "There goes the show-off," you guys say, as if my
eagerness to learn and share knowledge is something to be ashamed of. But what you guys
don't see is the hours I put into studying, the late nights poring over textbooks, the sacrifices
made to be where I am. It's not about showing off; it's about passion, about dedication.

And don't even get me started on the jealousy. The whispers behind my back, the
envy in your eyes when I succeed. It's like you can't stand to see someone else shine. So, you
guys spread rumours, paint me as some arrogant know-it-all who thrives on belittling others.
But that's not who I am.

I'm not competitive because I want to put others down. I'm competitive because I
refuse to settle for anything less than my best. Because I know what I'm capable of, and I
won't let anyone tell me otherwise. Is that such a crime? To strive for excellence, to push
myself beyond the limit's others set for me?

But it's exhausting, you know? To constantly battle against the misconceptions, the
judgmental glares, the whispered insults. Sometimes, I just want to scream, to shake them and
make them understand. Understand that I'm not their enemy, that my success doesn't diminish

So please, if you take anything away from this, let it be this: don't judge others based
on rumours and half-truths. Take the time to see beyond the surface, to understand the person
behind the labels. Because who knows? You might just find that I’m not so different from all
of you after all.

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