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Module code: TPN2601

Unique no: 673134

Student No: 23450053

Assignment 01




I (full names): Matjipa Hunadi Kate

Student number: 23450053

Module: TPN2601

Declare that…

1. I understand what plagiarism entails and am aware of the University’s policy in this


2. I declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where I used someone else’s

work, whether a printed source, the internet, or any other source, I give the proper

acknowledgement and include a complete reference list.

3. I did not use another current or previous student’s work, submitting it as my own.

4. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of submitting

it as his or her own work.

Signature: matjipa hk Date: 04/04/2024

Question 1

1.The main importance issues that are discussed in the overview section of the Curriculum and
Assessment Policy Statement [ CAPS]

• Curriculum Framework –The overview section outlines the curriculum framework, including
the aims, principles, and structure of the curriculum.
• Rationale-It discusses the rationale behind the curriculum, explaining the purpose and goals
of the educational program.
• Educational Philosophy-The overview may address the educational philosophy that
underpins the curriculum, such as learner-centered approaches or promotion of critical
• Assessment Principle-It covers the assessment principle, including the types of assessment,
grading criteria, and the purpose of assessment in the curriculum.
• Cross-Curricular Integration-The overview may highlight the integration of subjects or
themes across the curriculum to promote interdisciplinary learning.
• Teacher Support-It may address the support and resources available to teachers for effective
curriculum implantation.
• Stakeholder Involvement-The overview might discuss the involvement of various
stakeholder, such as parents, communities, and educational authorities, in the curriculum
development and implementation process.
• Differentiation and Inclusivity-It may emphasize the strategies for catering to diverse
learners, including those with special educational needs, and promoting inclusivity within
the curriculum.
• Professional Development-The overview may touch upon the professional development
opportunities for educators to enhance their understanding and implementation of the
• Quality Assurance-It may address mechanisms for quality assurance and continuous
improvement of the curriculum to ensure its effectiveness.

2.Instructional time frame for each subject\learning area in the Intermediate Phase.

• English-English is usually around 5-6 hours per week to develop language skills, reading, and
writing abilities.
• Mathematics-Mathematics is often allocated 5-6 hours per week to cover various
mathematical concepts and problem-solving skills.
• Natural Science and Technology-These subject are typically allocated 3-4 hours per week to
explore scientific and technological concepts.
• Social Science-Social Science may be allocated 3-4 hours per week to delve into historical,
geographical, and social concepts.
• Life skills-Life Skills education may be allocated 1-2 hours per week to cover topics such as
personal well-being, social responsibility, and environmental awareness.
• Creative Arts-Creative Art subjects, including Visual Arts, Music, and Drama, may be
allocated 2-3 hours per week to foster creativity and artistic expression.
• Physical Education-Physical Education is often allocated 2-3 hours per week to promote
physical fitness, sportsmanship, and healthy living.

3.The various skills tabulated in the CAPS document for any subject\learning area of your choice.

• Cognitive skills-These include critical thinking, problem-solving, analysis, and synthesis of

information.Students are expected to demonstrate their ability to process and apply
• Practical skills-This category encompasses hands-on skills such as conducting experiments,
using technology, and applying practical knowledge in real-world scenarios.
• Social Skills-Collaboration, communication, and interpersonal skills are emphasized to
prepare students for effective interaction and teamwork.
• Literacy and Numeracy Skills-Proficiency in reading, writing, and numeracy is essential across
all subjects\learning areas.These skills form the foundation for academic success.
• Research Skills- Students are encouraged to develop research skills, including information
gathering, evaluation, and referencing, to support their learning and academic endeavors.
• Creative and Critical Expression-This skill set involves the ability to express oneself creatively
and critically through various mediums such as writing, art, and oral presentations.
• Ethical and Moral Development-The CAPS document often include a focus on ethical
behaviour, moral reasoning, and the development of values and attitudes essential for
responsible citizenship.

4.Knowledge, skills and values learner should have after completing Annual Teaching Plan.

• Knowledge-Understanding of [specific topic or concept]

-Knowledge of [relevant theories or principles]

-Familiarity with [key terminology or vocabulary]

• Skills-Ability to [perform specific tasks or actions]

-Skill in [analysing, evaluating, or applying information]

-Proficiency in [using specific tools or techniques]

• Values-Appreciation for [ethical considerations or cultural perspectives]

-Respect for [diverse viewpoints or opinions]

-Commitment to [professionalism or integrity in the subject area]

5.The language teaching approaches included in CAPS document.

• Communicative Approach-Emphasizes real-life communication and interaction in the target

language, focusing on meaningful communication rather than just grammatical accuracy.
• Task-Based Approach-Involves learners in real-world tasks that require the use and
problem-solving skills.
• Content-Based Approach-Integrates language learning with subject content, allowing
students to learn language skills while studying other subjects such as science, history, or
• Grammar-Translation Approach-Focuses on the explicit teaching of grammar rules and
translation of texts, often using the students native language as a reference.
• Audio-Lingual Approach-Emphasizes the repetition and memorization of language pattern
through listening and speaking exercise, often using drills and dialogues.
• Direct Method-Involves teaching language directly through the target language, focusing on
oral communication and everyday vocabulary.

6.Teaching and learning support materials LTSM]

• Textbooks-Traditional printed books covering the subject matter in detail.

• E-book-Digital versions of textbooks that can be accessed on electronic devices.
• Audiovisual materials-Include videos, podcasts, and animations to enhance understanding.
• Interactive whiteboards-Technology that allows teachers to integrate multimedia elements
into their lessons.
• Educational apps-Mobile applications designed to support learning in specific subjects or
• Stimulations and virtual labs-Interactive tools that allow students to experiment in a virtual
• Online resources-Such as educational websites, online courses, and digital libraries.
• Manipulatives-Physical objects like blocks, shapes, or counting beads used to demonstrate
mathematical concepts.
• Teaching aids-Including charts, graphs, diagrams, and models to visually represent

7.Skill for a subject of choice and discussion.

Critical Thinking is a vital skill across various subjects and learning areas.It involves the ability to
analyze, evaluate, and interpret information in a logical and systematic manner.

• Analysis-This involves breaking down complex information into smaller components to

understand its structure and function.Students learn to identify patterns, relationships, and
underlying assumptions within the information.
• Evaluation-Students are taught to assess the credibility, relevance, and significance of the
information they encounter.They learn to differentiate between fact and opinion, and to
consider the strengths and weaknesses of different arguments or perspectives.
• Interpretation-This aspect focuses on understanding and explaining the meaning of
information.Students learn to interpret data, texts, and visuals, and draw reasonable and
well-founded conclusions.
• Inference-Critical thinking involves the ability to draw logical conclusions based on available
evidence.Students are encouraged to make reasoned judgements and predictions, and to
recognize when further information is needed.
• Problem-solving-Critical thinking equips students with the skils to identify and solve complex
problems.They learn to apply logical reasoning and creativity to develop effective solutions.
• Decision-making-Students are taught to make informed and ethical decisions by considering
multiple perspectives, weighing evidence, and anticipating the consequences of their choice.

By developing critical thinking skills, students become better equipped to navigate the complexities
of various subjects

8.Codes and percentages for recording and reporting.

• Revenue Codes-These are used to identify specific services or items provided to patients,
and are often used in healthcare settings for billing and reporting purposes.
• Expense Codes-These are used to categorize and track different types of expenses within an
organization, such as salaries, utilities, or supplies.
• Tax Codes-These codes are used to indicate the type of tax being applied to a transaction,
such as sales tax, value-added tax [TAX], or income tax.
• Percentage of Completion-This is a method of accounting for long-term contracts where
revenue and expenses are recognized as a percentage of the project that has been
• Depreciation Rates-These are used to calculate the depreciation expense for long-term
assets, such as buildings or equipment, over their useful lives.
• Profit Margin-This is a percentage that indicates the profitability of a company, calculated as
the ratio of net income to revenue.

These codes and percentages play a crucial role in accurately recording financial transactions and
generating meaningful reports for decision-making and compliance purposes.

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