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Hi, my name is Ivano, I think that if you don't have any work

experience, it's a good opportunity to do some summer job to gain

work experience and earn a salary,so I decided to be warehouse worker
for my summer job because I think it's a well-paid job for teenagers and
you get some kind of experience. In order to apply for that job, you
need to go to the website of the company in whose warehouse you
want to work. After that you need to write your CV emphasizing
(emfasajzing) relevant skills and experience. You should pay attention if
there are vacancies(vejkensis) and, if there is any, is that vacancy in
your nearness and pay attention to the employer's specific
requirements, such as required qualifications, experience and skills.
The warehouse worker organizes and performs work in the warehouse,
his job includes receiving, placing and storing goods, packaging and
preparation for sale, and he is also responsible for the proper storage of
goods and the prevention of product losses. For a warehouse worker,
high grades are not that important but good organization and memory
are. People skills are also important because warehouse workers often
work in teams, of course good physical condition and physical strength
because heavy loads are often carried during work. Dexterity
(deksteriti) and agility are desirable(dizajrabl) qualities that make it
easier to do the job. As more and more warehouses use computers,
warehouse workers must know the basics of computer work. Also, a
warehouse worker often has to use different tools, such as forklifts, and
similar, so it is useful to be technically skilled and quickly adapt to new
technologies. Although experience or practice is not always necessary,
one of the advantages could be if you have already worked in a similar
environment. But if you don’t have much experience, some companies
provide training so that you can learn what is needed for the job.
I think that I would be good for that job because I am sociable,
physically fit, organized I have a good memory and I pay attention to
details, which is also very important in this job.

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