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Personal Health

Personal health can be defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-
being through one's own active efforts and activities for healthy life. In order to
maintain good personal health, we should develop healthy habits. Therefore, personal
cleanliness is required for good health. Regular cleanliness of our external and internal
organs leads us to be healthy. Washing hands with soap, taking a bath regularly,
proper care of nose, ears, eyes and skin, brushing teeth, regular excretion of stool and
urine, avoiding the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, drugs and other harmful
substances etc. come under personal health.

1. Care of our body

Care of body refers to taking care of one's body. It is necessary during the stages of
growth and development in which we can see many physical changes in our body, to
follow the safety measures during the accidents and performing our daily duties and
responsibilities. If we take care of our body properly all the systems in our body can carry
out their respective functions well and we can be free from any kind of diseases.

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