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Specification For

Submitted To:- DR.

Submitted By:- AMAN
Roll No:- RK23LEB66
Registration No: 12325875
Section: K23LE
1. Introduction
o Brief overview of the project and its
o Explanation of why the SRS is essential for
effective communication.
2. General Description
o High-level business requirements and
project goals.
o End-user needs and expectations.
o Product functionality described in
technical terms.
3. Functional Requirements
o Detailed specifications of what the
software should do.
o Use cases, scenarios, and interactions

4. Interface Requirements
o Specifications related to external
interfaces (e.g., APIs, user interfaces).
o Integration points with other systems.

5.Performance Requirements
o Criteria for system performance,
responsiveness, and scalability.
o Expected response times,
throughput, and resource usage.
6. Design Constraints
a. Limitations imposed by existing systems,
hardware, or software.
b. Legal, regulatory, or security constraints.
7. Non-Functional Attributes
a. Quality attributes such as reliability,
usability, and maintainability.
b. Constraints related to security,
accessibility, and localization.
8. Preliminary Schedule and Budget
a. Estimated timeline for development
b. Budget considerations.
9. Appendices
a. Supplementary information, glossary, and
A. The Groww application is a comprehensive
investment platform designed to empower users
in managing their financial portfolios. Whether
you’re a seasoned investor or a novice, Groww
aims to simplify the investment process, making
it accessible to a wide range of users.
A.1 Purpose
A.2 The primary purpose of this SRS document
is to provide a clear understanding of the
project’s scope, requirements, and
functionalities. It serves as a foundational
reference for all stakeholders involved in the
development, testing, and maintenance of the
Groww application.
B. Importance of SRS
B.1 Effective communication is crucial for
successful software development. The SRS acts
as a bridge between various teams—developers,
designers, testers, and business analysts—
ensuring everyone is on the same page. By
documenting precise requirements, constraints,
and expectations, the SRS minimizes ambiguity
and facilitates efficient collaboration.
Now, let’s explore the specifics of the Groww
application in subsequent sections.
High-Level Business Requirements and
Project Goals
i. Empower Investors: The primary goal of the
Groww application is to empower investors by
providing a user-friendly platform for
managing their investment portfolios. Whether
it’s mutual funds, stocks, or other financial
instruments, Groww aims to simplify the
investment process.
ii. Accessibility: Groww targets a wide audience,
from seasoned investors to beginners. The
application should be accessible, intuitive, and
easy to navigate.
iii. Financial Literacy: Educating users about
investment options, risks, and strategies is
crucial. Groww should offer educational
content to enhance financial literacy.
End-User Needs and Expectations
i.Portfolio Tracking: Users expect a seamless
experience in tracking their investments. They
want real-time updates on portfolio performance,
gains, and losses.
Product Functionality in Technical Terms
i. User Authentication: Implement secure login
mechanisms (e.g., email, phone number,
biometrics) to ensure user data privacy.
ii. Portfolio Management: Develop features for
adding, tracking, and analyzing investments.
This includes integration with stock
exchanges, mutual fund houses, and other
financial institutions.
iii. Market Data Integration: Fetch real-time
market data (stock prices, NAVs, etc.) from
reliable sources.
iv. Recommendation Engine: Build
algorithms that suggest suitable investment
options based on user profiles and market
v. Notifications and Alerts: Notify users about
portfolio changes, market updates, and
investment opportunities.
vi. Security Measures: Implement encryption,
secure APIs, and data protection protocols
vii. Investment Recommendations: Groww
should provide personalized investment
recommendations based on user preferences,
risk tolerance, and financial goals.
viii. User-Friendly Interface: The application
should have an intuitive interface, allowing
users to buy/sell securities, set up SIPs
(Systematic Investment Plans), and manage
their accounts effortlessly.
• Functional Requirements
Functional requirements describe what the
software should do. They outline the specific
functionalities and features that the software must
provide. These requirements are essential for
defining the behavior of the system and ensuring
that it meets user needs. Here are some key points
related to functional requirements:
i. Use Cases and Scenarios: Identify and
describe various use cases or scenarios in
which the software will be used. For example:
o User Registration: Specify how users can

create accounts, log in, and manage their

o Investment Transactions: Define how

users can buy/sell stocks, mutual funds,

or other financial instruments.
o Portfolio Tracking: Detail how the

application will display real-time portfolio

performance and investment
ii. Input-Output Relationships: Functional
requirements specify the expected behavior of
the system—what outputs should be produced
based on given inputs. For each functional
requirement escriptions of:
o Data inputs and their sources.

o Units of measure (if applicable).

o Valid input ranges.
iii. User Interaction: Describe how users will
interact with the software. This includes:
o User interfaces (UIs): Design principles for

intuitive navigation.
o User input validation: How the system

handles invalid or unexpected inputs.

o Error handling: How errors are

communicated to users.
iv. Calculation and Data Processing: If the
software involves calculations (e.g.,
investment returns, tax calculations), specify
the algorithms and data processing steps.

Performance Requirements
The performance requirements part of an SRS
specifies the performance constraints on the
software system. These constraints ensure that
the application meets specific criteria related to
system performance, responsiveness, and
scalability. Here are the key aspects to consider:
i. Response Times: Define the maximum
acceptable response times for critical
operations. For example:
o Login: The system should respond within

2 seconds.
o Portfolio Updates: Real-time updates
should occur within 1 second.
ii. Throughput: Specify the expected transaction
throughput. This refers to the number of
transactions the system can handle per unit of
time (e.g., requests per second). For instance:
o API Requests: The system should handle

at least 1000 API requests per minute.

iii. Resource Usage: Describe the system’s
resource requirements, including memory,
CPU, and storage. For example:
o Memory: The application should consume

no more than 200 MB of RAM.

o CPU: The system should utilize less than

50% of available CPU resources.

iv. Scalability: Address how the system will
handle increased load. Consider scenarios
such as:
o User Growth: How will the application

scale when the user base doubles?

o Market Volatility: Can it handle sudden

spikes in trading activity during market


Design Constraints
Existing Systems, Hardware, and Software
i. Integration with Existing Systems: The

Groww application must seamlessly integrate

with any existing financial systems,
databases, or APIs. Compatibility with third-
party services (e.g., payment gateways, stock
exchanges) is essential.
ii. Legacy Systems: If there are legacy systems
within the organization, the design should
accommodate their limitations. For instance,
ensuring backward compatibility with older
browsers or operating systems.
iii. Hardware Constraints: Consider the
hardware on which the application will run.
Constraints may include:
o Mobile Devices: Optimize for various

screen sizes, memory, and processing

o Web Servers: Scalability and load

balancing requirements.
Legal, Regulatory, and Security Constraints
i. Data Privacy and Compliance: The
design must adhere to data
protection laws (e.g., GDPR, CCPA).
Ensure that user data is securely
stored and transmitted.

v. Financial Regulations: The application deals

with financial transactions. Compliance with
regulations related to investments, taxation,
and financial reporting is critical.
vi. Authentication and Authorization:
Implement robust authentication mechanisms
to prevent unauthorized access. Consider
multi-factor authentication (MFA) for sensitive
vii. Security Measures: Design security
features such as encryption, secure APIs, and
secure communication channels.

Non-Functional Attributes
Quality Attributes
i. Reliability:
o The Groww application should be highly

reliable. Users rely on it for managing their

investments, so minimizing downtime and
ensuring data integrity are critical.
o Implement error handling, backup

mechanisms, and failover strategies.

ii. Usability:
o The user interface (UI) should be intuitive

and user-friendly.
o Consider user experience (UX) principles,

consistent design, and clear navigation.

o Accessibility features (e.g., screen

readers, keyboard shortcuts) enhance

iii. Maintainability:
o Code maintainability is essential for long-

term success.
o Use modular design, well-documented

code, and version control.

o Plan for future enhancements and

1. Security Constraints:
o Data Security: Protect user data (personal

information, financial details) using

encryption, access controls, and secure
o Authentication and Authorization:

Implement secure login mechanisms and

role-based access control.
oSecure APIs: Ensure that APIs are secure
against unauthorized access.
2. Accessibility Constraints:
o Web Accessibility: Comply with WCAG

(Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) to

make the application accessible to users
with disabilities.
o Mobile Accessibility: Design mobile

interfaces with accessibility features (e.g.,

font size adjustments, voice commands).
3. Localization Constraints:
• Multilingual Support: Plan for localization
(translatio ons) to cater to users from different
• Date and Currency Formats: Adapt to local
date formats, time zones, and currency
Preliminary Schedule
1. Requirements Gathering and Analysis:
o Duration: Approximately 2-3 weeks

o Activities: Understand user needs, define

functional and non-functional requirements,

and create use cases.
2. System Design and Architecture:
o Duration: Around 4-6 weeks

o Activities: Design the system architecture,

database schema, and user interfaces. Consider

scalability and security.
3. Development and Coding:
o Duration: Varies based on complexity

o Activities: Implement features, integrate APIs,

and develop the core functionality.

4. Testing and Quality Assurance:
o Duration: 3-4 weeks
o Activities: Conduct unit testing, integration
testing, and user acceptance testing. Ensure
bug-free functionality.
2. Deployment and Release:
o Duration: 1-2 weeks

o Activities: Deploy the application to

production servers, configure DNS, and

release to users.
3. Post-Release Support and Maintenance:
o Ongoing

o Activities: Address user feedback, fix issues,

and enhance features.

Budget Considerations
1. Development Costs:
o Salaries for developers, designers, and

o Licensing fees for development tools and

2. Infrastructure Costs:
o Cloud hosting expenses (e.g., AWS, Azure).

o Domain registration and SSL certificates.

3. Marketing and Promotion:

o Budget for advertising, social media
campaigns, and user acquisition.
4. Maintenance Costs:
o Ongoing expenses for server maintenance,

security updates, and feature enhancements

Preliminary Schedule
1. Requirements Gathering and Analysis:
o Duration: Approximately 2-3 weeks

o Activities: Understand user needs, define

functional and non-functional

requirements, and create use cases.
2. System Design and Architecture:
o Duration: Around 4-6 weeks

o Activities: Design the system architecture,

database schema, and user interfaces.

Consider scalability and security.
3. Development and Coding:
o Duration: Varies based on complexity

Activities: Implement features, integrate

APIs, and develop the core functionality.
1. Testing and Quality Assurance:
o Duration: 3-4 weeks

o Activities: Conduct unit testing, integration

testing, and user acceptance testing.

Ensure bug-free functionality.
2. Deployment and Release:
o Duration: 1-2 weeks

o Activities: Deploy the application to

production servers, configure DNS, and

release to users.
3. Post-Release Support and Maintenance:
o Ongoing

o Activities: Address user feedback, fix

issues, and enhance features.

Budget Considerations
1. Development Costs:
o Salaries for developers, designers, and

o Licensing fees for development tools and

2. Infrastructure Costs:
o Cloud hosting expenses (e.g., AWS,

o Domain registration and SSL certificates.

3. Marketing and Promotion:

o Budget for advertising, social media

campaigns, and user acquisition.

4. Maintenance Costs:
o Ongoing expenses for server maintenance,

security updates, and feature

1. Supplementary Information:
o Include any additional details that enhance

the understanding of the SRS. This may

include flowcharts, diagrams, or mockups.
o Supplementary information can provide

context for specific requirements or

illustrate complex interactions.
2. Glossary:
o Define technical terms, acronyms, and

domain-specific jargon used throughout

the document.
o A well-organized glossary ensures

consistent terminology across the project.

3. References:
o Cite any external sources, standards, or

guidelines that influenced the SRS.

o Include links to relevant documentation,

research papers, or industry best practices

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