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2023학년도 1학년 1학기 영어 기말고사

서술형 듣기 예상문제범위입니다. 4과 B. Listen and Answer

Dialog 2
M: Have you checked the weather report?
1) 시험 시간에 별도로 배부되는 서술형답안지에
검정볼펜 + 정자로 작성. 수정테이프 사용금지/두 줄 긋고 다시작성 W: Yes. It says it will be foggy this
/ 감독 정정싸인 morning.
2) 밑줄에 단어 첫 철자 제시되어 있으면, 그 철자로 시작하는 것만 M: Really? It’s not a good idea to drive
답으로 인정됩니다.
W: Yeah. You had better take the subway.
서술형 듣기 시험 출제 예시)
(C)에 들어가는 말을 아래 해석에 맞게 적으시오. 단, 주어진 단어로
M: I think I should. Will it be foggy all day
만 시작하시오. long?
G: Well, you have your own merits. You always listen
W: No, it will be clear later.
carefully to others when they are talking.
B: Really? But I don’t think
that’s (C) g q .
(정말? 하지만 그게 그렇게 대단한 자질은 아닌 것 같아.)


3과 A. Guess and Listen Communication Task

1 W: Can you wrap this up, please? Step1

M: Sure. Let me take your plate. M: Good morning! This is the KMC Morning
News. Our weather report says that we can

C. Listen and Write expect clear skies throughout the day. The
(앞 부분 삭제) high will be 26˚C and the low will be 18˚C.
Yuna: Gimchi dishes will be a little spicy. There is only a 10 percent chance of rain.
Leo: It’s okay. I like spicy food. However, this good weather won’t last long.
This is great. Can you tell me how We predict a 70 percent chance of rain by
to make it? tomorrow morning, so don’t forget your
Yuna: Okay. How about coming over to my umbrella. Now, stay tuned for the local
house this Saturday? I’ll show you news. 끝.
how to make it.
(뒷 문장 삭제)

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