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Questions for Discussion and Review

1. Define massage
2. Of what benefit is the history of terapeutic massage to the student
who wishes to pursue a career in the field?
3. Why is massage said to be the most natural and instinctive means of
relieving pain and discomfort?
4. What did th Chinese call their early massage system?
5. In what way are the Chinese an Japanese systems similar?
6. Why did the Greeks and Romans place so much emphasis on
exercise and manipulations such as rubbing and frictions?
7. Which Greek physians became known as the father of medicine?
8. Why were the Middle Ages also called the Dark Ages?
9. How did the Arabic Empire and the rise of Islam help preserve the
practice of massage?
10. Why was the Renaissance an important turning point for the arts and
11. How did the invention of the printing press in the fifteenth century
help further the practice of massage and therapeutic exercise?
12. What is the basis of Per Henrik Ling’s Swedish Movement Cure?
13. What is the difference between passive and active exercise?
14. Who introduced the Swedish Movement Cure to the Unites States?
15. What are some of the reasons for the decline of massage at the turn
of the twentieth century?
16. Why did the acceptance of massage and therapeutic exercise increase
during World Wars I and II?
17. Why did manual massage become a secondary treatment within
physical therapy following World Wars II?
18. How has more awareness of health and personal wellness in recent
years caused a renewed interet in massage?
19. Describe the theory on which the Japanese shiatsu system of massage
is based.
20. What is the role of proper exercise and use of massage in athletics?
21. Why is massage used as a treatment in sports or athletic medicine?
22. Which massage system is the most widely used in general massage?

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