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its uses, how to do it, how useful it is, who uses it?

Hello clas, today im going to talk about the uses of linkedin, Linkedin its an
aplication and social media.

Its main use is to get to know many people from different countries around the
world, breaking the language barrier, but in a professional way, for example if you
are from Peru, you will be able to communicate with a representative of a foreign
company without any problem.

Now, I suppose you are thinking how does linkedin work?

you must create an account with any email you have, you must have a professional
photo yes or yes, after that you will fill out your personal information, like a
resume. If you complete everything quickly, you will get more contacts and offers
from many companies. An additional tip. You must be very creative in these cases
when filling out your information.

Now, who uses it?

I have been hearing that not many young people know about this application, however
it is very popular by many university students or important business people. For
this I think,
I have no hesitation that this application is very good, and that if the young
people of today still don't know this application, they should do it, because this
application will be a great help for their future.

And finally As far as I'm concerned, I think LinkedIn is an application with many
benefits, because first it allows you to find a job, you can generate international
opportunities, establish professional contacts and learn about professional
marketing and you avoid sending emails or going to Companies to leave your resume.
I have already applied several times, that's how I found my first jobs. THANK YOU

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