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List 3 ways in which World War I and the Treaty of Versailles led to political
instability in Germany.

Germany lost territory, reduced its army and had to pay for reparations, which
caused economic crisis.

In his book Mein Kamp, (My Struggle) what goals does Hitler want to achieve for

The superiority of the Aryan race, elimination of the jews, expansion of the
territory for his people.

How did Adolf Hitler become chancellor of Germany in 1933? How did he become FÜHER
and had of government in 1934?

First he won the elections, he gave very good public speeches, and he got rid of
the opposition.

How did the Nuremberg laws affect German Jews?

The Jews were not German citizens. It forbid marriage with jewish people, they were
excluded from practicing professions and social activities. They were

Under Nazi racial ideology, what groups were considered racially inferior?

The Jews, the gypsies, africans, slavs, homosexuals and disabled people.

In which ways the German government tried to isolate and persecute Jews between

The Germans made a boycott to Jew shops, then they were marked with the David's
star &
. Synagogue were burnt. Jews were arrested and sent to
concentration camps.

Why do you think it is important to learn about the Holocaust?

I think it is important because if we know about these tragedies, we should not

make this mistakes again, because of the terrible consequences, and to stop the
making of similar laws.

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