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One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals
and ecosystems.

It recognizes that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including
ecosystems) are closely linked and interdependent.

While health, food, water, energy and environment are all wider topics with sector-specific concerns, the collaboration
across sectors and disciplines contributes to protect health, address health challenges such as the emergence of infectious
diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and food safety and promote the health and integrity of our ecosystems.

By linking humans, animals and the environment, One Health can help to address the full spectrum of disease control – from
prevention to detection, preparedness, response and management – and contribute to global health security.

The approach can be applied at the community, subnational, national, regional and global levels, and relies on shared and
effective governance, communication, collaboration and coordination. Having the One Health approach in place makes it
easier for people to better understand the co-benefits, risks, trade-offs and opportunities to advance equitable and holistic

Major components of One Health

All three components—human, animal, and environmental health—are closely intertwined. Details of each
component are provided below:
Human health: The physical, mental, and social well being of humans relies on several factors, including
location, medical access, and environment. Within the One Health concept, human health can be affected by
close proximity to wild or domestic animals and the larger environment.
Animal health: Encompassing wild animals, domestic animals, and livestock, animal health plays a key
role in the shared environment. The One Health approach takes into account the potential spread of animal-
borne diseases or possible spillover effects from these animals and their environments.
Environmental health: This includes water, soil, air, plants, and ecosystems. Relevant sectors include
agriculture, climate, and environmental sciences. Systems-level shifts that the One Health approach takes
into account may include deforestation, changes in land use, or the spread of non-native plant species.
Climate change, pollution, migration, and human behavior continue to impact animal and environmental
ecosystems, increasing the urgent need for data-driven responses to public health threats. A transdisciplinary
approach, One Health relies upon the collaboration of professionals across different sectors—including
public health, agriculture, environment, and wildlife management—at the local, regional, national, and
global levels to achieve optimal health outcomes.
Hope and faith: A tale of a COVID-
19 survivor
The coronavirus disease pandemic has dramatically changed the world. Anxiety, fear, even panic spread worldwide as fast
as the virus. Many are concerned for their health and loved ones during this uncertain time. Some manage to find hope in
this difficult time.

It has been said that when things seem dark, hope will keep a person going. This is true in the case of Cynthia Arbado,
Senior Records Management Analyst of the National Archives of the Philippines (NAP) who tested positive for Covid-19 in
April 2021. Back then little was known about this disease, and about the Covid-19 vaccines.

According to Arbado, she was afraid and anxious when lockdown was first imposed in the Philippines in March of 2020. She
confessed that she was worried not only for her own well-being but also and most importantly for her family.

“Noong nagkaroon ng lockdown ‘nung March, natakot agad ako. May diabetes ako eh. Maraming palaisipan sa akin, ‘paano
yung buhay?’ Nakatatakot!”

Though fearful, Arbado chose to face each day with a brave heart. She was optimistic as she believed that this was just
another battle she needed to overcome. Arbado admitted that as time went by, she became complacent and got used to the
new normal.

But no one was invincible. It was months into the lockdown when Arbado’s fears were realized. She fell victim to the virus.
“It only started with a simple cold,” she recalled. Then came the terrifying news in April 2021 that she had tested positive for

Filled with anxiety and stress, Arbado said she was more worried for her family “I was thinking of my mother and family,” she
confessed. She was afraid of infecting her family.

Though painful needles were piercing her body and though she suffered sleepless nights, she said that her family remained
the foundation of her strength. Eventually her husband also tested positive for COVID-19, and she faced troubles she had
never imagined she would have to deal with in her lifetime.

“We had to be isolated,” Arbado said. For Arbardo, being away from her family was difficult enough. But it would reach the
point she felt hopeless. She thought that she had reached a dead end and that she was helpless.

“I already bid goodbye to my family,” she tearfully added as she admitted how she lost all hope. But her faith in God made
her strong. She said that she just surrendered everything to God and she prayed harder everyday until all the hope that she
lost was renewed.

Arbado said that her faith helped her find a reason for what she is undergoing. She said during this crisis, her faith provided
her security and solace. Through her faith, Arbado found an ounce of hope that grew stronger each day. Eventually she and
her husband recovered.

Looking back almost a year after being infected with COVID-19, Arbado remains hopeful especially since vaccines against
COVID-19 are now available. She said her faith is the greatest gift she could ever ask for, but for those who are suffering
through dark times because of the pandemic, Arbado advises that no matter how difficult times might be there is something
to look forward to for a much better tomorrow.

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