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Population Growth Data Curve Fitting: Least Squares Method


Submitted by

Mohit Mathur (22BCS11657)


in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of


Chandigarh University
April 2024
One of the core human endeavours is the attempt to comprehend and forecast the
world we live in. Many disciplines, including science, engineering, economics, and
many more, mostly depend on our capacity to examine data and identify
underlying patterns. The least squares approach proves to be an effective and
adaptable tool in this endeavour. This introduction explores the fundamental ideas
of least squares, including its applications, theoretical foundations, and real-world

Assume you have a set of data points that may be used to represent people's heights
at various ages. You may try to visually scrutinise these points and try to create a
linear regression, or straight line, that best represents the general trend. There will
inevitably be differences between the actual heights and the heights projected by
the line, thus it wouldn't match every data point exactly. The flaws in our model
are represented by these deviations, which we refer to as residuals.

Finding the line that minimises the overall difference between the fitted model and
the data is the goal of the least squares technique. But adding up all the residuals
would not be sufficient because some could be positive and others negative,
leaving a net zero sum. The least squares approach squares each residual before
adding them together to get around this. This guarantees that the sum of squared
errors (SSE), the overall error measure, is positively impacted by all variances. The
least squares approach essentially looks for the line that minimises the SSE. The
"goodness of fit"—the degree to which the line accurately depicts the general
trend—and the size of individual errors are skillfully balanced by this line.

Although the premise is intuitively strong, the least squares method is

mathematically well-founded. Let us examine a dataset consisting of n data points,
where an independent variable (x) and a dependent variable (y) are represented by
each point (x_i, y_i). Our goal is to determine the straight line equation (y = mx +
b) that minimises the SSE.


The symbol Σ signifies the total of all n data points.

The real y-value for the i-th data point is denoted by yi.
The expected y-value for the i-th data point is mx_i + b according to the linear
The line's slope, m, and its y-intercept, b
We must determine the values of m and b that minimise the SSE in order to
determine the ideal line. This is accomplished by setting the derivatives of SSE
with respect to m and b to zero and using a mathematical approach known as
partial differentiation. The ideal values for m and b, which define the "best fit" line
in accordance with the least squares criterion, can be obtained by solving the
resulting system of equations.


Least square method is the process of finding a regression line or best-fitted line
for any data set that is described by an equation. This method requires reducing the
sum of the squares of the residual parts of the points from the curve or line and the
trend of outcomes is found quantitatively. The method of curve fitting is seen
while regression analysis and the fitting equations to derive the curve is the least
square method.

Let us look at a simple example, Ms. Dolma said in the class "Hey students who
spend more time on their assignments are getting better grades". A student wants to
estimate his grade for spending 2.3 hours on an assignment. Through the magic of
the least-squares method, it is possible to determine the predictive model that will
help him estimate the grades far more accurately. This method is much simpler
because it requires nothing more than some data and maybe a calculator.

The least-squares method is a statistical method used to find the line of best fit of
the form of an equation such as y = mx + b to the given data. The curve of the
equation is called the regression line. Our main objective in this method is to
reduce the sum of the squares of errors as much as possible. This is the reason this
method is called the least-squares method. This method is often used in data fitting
where the best fit result is assumed to reduce the sum of squared errors that is
considered to be the difference between the observed values and corresponding
fitted value. The sum of squared errors helps in finding the variation in observed
data. For example, we have 4 data points and using this method we arrive at the
following graph.
Least-square method is the curve that best fits a set of observations with a
minimum sum of squared residuals or errors. Let us assume that the given points of
data are (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), …, (xn, yn) in which all x’s are independent
variables, while all y’s are dependent ones. This method is used to find a linear line
of the form y = mx + b, where y and x are variables, m is the slope, and b is the y-
intercept. The formula to calculate slope m and the value of b is given by:

m = (n∑xy - ∑y∑x)/n∑x2 - (∑x)2

b = (∑y - m∑x)/n

Here, n is the number of data points.

Following are the steps to calculate the least square using the above formulas.

 Step 1: Draw a table with 4 columns where the first two columns are for x and y
 Step 2: In the next two columns, find xy and (x)2.
 Step 3: Find ∑x, ∑y, ∑xy, and ∑(x)2.
 Step 4: Find the value of slope m using the above formula.
 Step 5: Calculate the value of b using the above formula.
 Step 6: Substitute the value of m and b in the equation y = mx + b
Find the value of m by using the formula,

m = (n∑xy - ∑y∑x)/n∑x2 - (∑x)2

m = [(5×88) - (15×25)]/(5×55) - (15)2

m = (440 - 375)/(275 - 225)

m = 65/50 = 13/10

Find the value of b by using the formula,

b = (∑y - m∑x)/n

b = (25 - 1.3×15)/5

b = (25 - 19.5)/5

b = 5.5/5

So, the required equation of least squares is y = mx + b = 13/10x + 5.5/5.

There are several main types of least squares methods used in various contexts. Here's a
breakdown of some common ones:

1. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS):

 This is the most widely used type of least squares. It's the foundation for most curve-fitting
applications, including those we discussed in population growth analysis. OLS assumes a
linear relationship between the independent variable (often time) and the dependent
variable (e.g., population size).
2. Weighted Least Squares (WLS):
 When data points have varying degrees of reliability or importance, WLS assigns weights
to each data point during the minimization process. This allows us to give more weight to
more reliable data points, leading to a more accurate fit.
3. Generalized Least Squares (GLS):
 OLS assumes constant variance of the errors (residuals) across all data points. GLS
relaxes this assumption and allows for heteroscedasticity (unequal variance). This is
useful when the variance of the errors changes depending on the value of the
independent variable.
4. Non-Linear Least Squares:
 OLS and WLS work for fitting straight lines to data. However, many relationships in the
real world are non-linear. Non-linear least squares extends the method to fit curves or
more complex models to data that doesn't exhibit a linear relationship.
5. Regularized Least Squares:
 In some cases, overfitting can be a concern, especially when dealing with noisy data or
high-dimensional datasets (many independent variables). Regularized least squares
incorporates a penalty term into the minimization process that discourages overly complex
models, leading to a better balance between fit and model complexity.
Beyond these types, there are specialized least squares methods used in specific
 Robust Regression: Used to handle outliers (data points that deviate significantly from
the overall trend).
 Bayesian Least Squares: Incorporates prior beliefs about the parameters of the model
into the estimation process.

The choice of which least squares method to use depends on the specific characteristics
of the data and the type of relationship you're trying to model. Understanding these
different types will equip you to select the most appropriate method for your analysis.
A Population Growth Data Curve Fitting
Understanding population dynamics is essential to comprehending both biological
systems and human society. Precisely forecasting and evaluating population
expansion not only aids in future need planning but also illuminates variables
impacting environmental and social transformation. In the process of gaining
insight, curves are frequently fitted to population data points that have been
gathered over time.

We'll examine the least squares method in this investigation, which is an effective
tool for curve fitting and may be used to examine population growth data. We'll
learn how this approach enables us to identify the mathematical formula that most
accurately represents the underlying trend in population data, giving us the ability
to project future growth patterns and obtain understanding of the variables behind
these shifts.

A reliable and popular method for analysing population data is the least squares
method. It gives a statistically solid basis for understanding population growth
trends by reducing the differences between the actual population data and the
values predicted by the fitted curve. As we go along, we'll look at the mathematical
foundations of this approach, examine the various models that are frequently
applied to population increase, and discover the insightful things these models can
teach us about the dynamics of human populations.

Scenario: One of the biggest urban areas in the world is São Paulo, Brazil. For the
purpose of allocating resources and developing urban areas, it is imperative to
comprehend the patterns of population increase, specifically the rate of
urbanisation. From 1970 until 2020, São Paulo's population was gathered every
five years.
Scenario: One of the biggest urban areas in the world is São Paulo, Brazil. For the
purpose of allocating resources and developing urban areas, it is imperative to
comprehend the patterns of population increase, specifically the rate of
urbanisation. From 1970 until 2020, São Paulo's population was gathered every
five years.

Here's how to solve the São Paulo population growth data using the least squares

1. Calculations:

We'll calculate the following:

 Mean of Years (x): Σx / n (sum of all years adjusted from 1970 divided by the number of
data points)
 Mean of Population (y): Σy / n (sum of all population values divided by the number of
data points)
 Σxy (sum of product of deviations from the mean): Σ(x - x̄)(y - ȳ) (sum of the product of
deviations from the mean of years and deviations from the mean of population)
 Σx² (sum of squared deviations from the mean for years): Σ(x - x̄)² (sum of squared
deviations from the mean of years)
2. Data from Previous Step:

Year (Adjusted) (x) Population (Millions) (y)

0 8.4

5 9.8

10 11.4

15 13.2

20 14.8

25 16.4

30 17.8

35 19.1

40 20.4

45 21.7

50 22.5

3. Calculate Means:
 Mean of Years (x̄): (0 + 5 + 10 + 15 + 20 + 25 + 30 + 35 + 40 + 45 + 50) / 11 = 25
 Mean of Population (ȳ): (8.4 + 9.8 + 11.4 + 13.2 + 14.8 + 16.4 + 17.8 + 19.1 + 20.4 + 21.7
+ 22.5) / 11 = 16.5
4. Calculate Σxy and Σx²:
 Σxy: [(0-25) * (8.4-16.5) + (5-25) * (9.8-16.5) + ...] = -244.2
 Σx²: [(0-25)² + (5-25)² + ...] = 825

5. Calculate the Slope (β):

 β = Σxy / Σx² = -244.2 / 825 = -0.296

6. Calculate the Y-Intercept (α):

 α = ȳ - β * x̄ = 16.5 - (-0.296) * 25 = 22.2

7. Equation of the Least Squares Regression Line:

 y = βx + α = -0.296x + 22.2

The equation y = -0.296x + 22.2 represents the least squares regression line for the São
Paulo population growth data. Here's how to interpret it:
 Slope (β): -0.296 indicates a negative trend, meaning population growth appears to be
slowing down over time (with each additional year, the population increase is slightly less).
 Y-Intercept (α): 22.2 represents the estimated population in 1970 (adjusted year 0) based
on the fitted line. However, this is an extrapolation and might not reflect the actual
population in 1970.

Unveiling Urbanization Trends in São Paulo: A Multi-faceted Approach with

Least Squares

Model Selection and Refinement:

 Logistic Model: As São Paulo matures, its growth might slow down or stabilize. We
can explore a logistic model (y = 1 / (1 + e^(-bx))) which captures this trend. The
least squares method can be applied to both models, and the one with a higher R-
squared value indicates a better fit for the data.
 Time Period: Extending the data range beyond 1970-2020 might reveal historical
inflection points where growth patterns shifted. This can inform model selection and
improve the accuracy of our analysis.
Incorporating Additional Data:

 Economic Factors: Urbanization is often driven by economic opportunities.

Including data on São Paulo's GDP or job creation rates can provide insights into the
relationship between economic growth and population growth. Techniques like
correlation analysis can be used alongside least squares to explore these
 Migration Patterns: Migration plays a significant role in urbanization. Data on net
migration into São Paulo can be incorporated into the analysis. This could involve
building a more complex model that considers both internal migration (from other
Brazilian states) and international migration.

Spatial Variations within the City:

While analyzing city-wide data is essential, urbanization isn't uniform within São
Paulo. We can leverage:
 District-Level Data: Population data for individual districts within São Paulo can
reveal variations in growth patterns. Least squares can be applied to analyze growth
trends in specific districts with high economic activity or those experiencing rapid
 Spatial Visualization Tools: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can be used to
create maps depicting population density changes across São Paulo. This visual
representation enhances our understanding of spatial variations in urbanization.

Benefits of a Multi-faceted Approach:

By employing various models, incorporating additional data points, and exploring
spatial variations, we gain a richer understanding of São Paulo's urbanization trends.
This comprehensive approach using least squares leads to more informed decision-
making in city planning:
 Targeted Infrastructure Development: By understanding variations in growth
across districts, infrastructure development (e.g., new metro lines, schools) can be
prioritized in areas experiencing the most rapid urbanization.
 Social Equity Considerations: Analyzing district-level data can identify areas with
limited resources due to rapid population growth. This helps ensure equitable
distribution of social services and resources across the city.
 Sustainable Urban Planning: A comprehensive understanding of growth patterns
allows for long-term planning to address challenges like traffic congestion, pollution,
and resource scarcity.

The least squares method has emerged as a powerful tool for analyzing population
growth data. Here's a closer look at its key advantages in curve-fitting for population

1. Objectivity and Reproducibility:

 Unlike subjective methods of trend identification, least squares offers an objective
approach. It minimizes the sum of squared errors, providing a statistically sound
basis for curve fitting.
 The results are reproducible. Given the same data and model, any researcher using
least squares will arrive at the same optimal curve. This facilitates collaboration and
comparison of findings across different studies.

2. Model Flexibility:
 Least squares isn't limited to fitting straight lines. It can be applied to various
models, including exponential, logistic, or even higher-order polynomial functions.
This flexibility allows us to capture diverse population growth patterns, from rapid
exponential growth in developing countries to the stabilizing trends observed in
developed nations.

3. Statistical Significance and Hypothesis Testing:

 Least squares doesn't just produce a fitted curve; it also provides statistical metrics
like R-squared, which indicates how well the model fits the data. This allows
researchers to assess the model's validity and interpret its results with confidence.
 Additionally, least squares can be used for hypothesis testing. We can statistically
test whether the chosen model significantly explains the observed population growth
patterns, leading to more robust conclusions.
4. Computational Efficiency and Accessibility:
 Least squares calculations are well-defined and relatively simple. This makes them
computationally efficient, allowing for quick analysis of large datasets – a crucial
advantage when dealing with population data spanning decades or even centuries.
 The method is readily available in most statistical software packages and
programming libraries. This ease of use makes it accessible to a wide range of
researchers and analysts, democratizing population growth analysis.

5. Foundation for Further Analysis:

 The fitted curve obtained through least squares serves as a starting point for further
analysis. We can use it to:
o Estimate future population size: This helps policymakers prepare for infrastructure
needs, resource allocation, and social services in the years to come.
o Analyze growth rates: By examining the coefficients in the fitted model, we can
calculate the annual or decadal growth rate of the population, providing valuable
insights into urbanization trends.

Beyond Advantages: Considerations for Effective Use

 Model Selection: Choosing the most appropriate model (e.g., exponential vs.
logistic) is crucial for obtaining reliable results. Understanding the underlying factors
influencing population growth (e.g., economic development, birth rates) is essential
for selecting the best model.
 Data Quality: The accuracy of analysis hinges on the quality of the population data
used. Factors like undercounting or migration patterns can introduce errors. It's
important to critically evaluate data sources and acknowledge limitations.
 Long-Term Predictions: Population growth is influenced by complex social and
economic factors. Long-term predictions using curve-fitting models should be
interpreted cautiously, acknowledging potential changes in these underlying factors.

Unveiling the Shadows: Disadvantages of Least Squares in Population Growth

Curve Fitting

While the least squares method offers a powerful tool for analyzing population
growth data, it's not without limitations. Here's a closer look at some key
disadvantages to consider:

1. Underlying Assumptions and Model Misspecification:

 Least squares assumes a linear relationship between the independent variable (often
time) and the residuals (errors between actual and predicted values). This might not
always hold true, especially in long-term population forecasts. Population growth can
be influenced by unforeseen events (e.g., pandemics, economic crises) that can lead
to significant deviations from the fitted curve.
 Choosing the wrong model (e.g., exponential when logistic is more suitable) can lead
to misleading results. Careful consideration of historical trends and factors
influencing population growth is crucial for selecting the most appropriate model.

2. Overfitting and Sensitivity to Outliers:

 Least squares can sometimes lead to overfitting, where the fitted curve captures
random noise in the data rather than the underlying trend. This can result in a model
that performs well on the historical data but fails to accurately predict future growth.
 Outliers – data points that deviate significantly from the overall trend – can
disproportionately influence the least squares calculation, leading to a skewed fitted
curve. Techniques for outlier detection and handling might be necessary to ensure
reliable results.

3. Limited Explanation of Causality:

 Least squares excels at identifying trends and fitting curves. However, it doesn't
inherently explain the underlying causes of population growth. Additional analysis of
factors like birth rates, death rates, and migration patterns is necessary to understand
the drivers of population change.
4. Challenges in Long-Term Forecasting:
 Population growth is a complex phenomenon influenced by a multitude of social,
economic, and environmental factors. These factors are constantly evolving, making
long-term predictions based on curve-fitting models inherently uncertain. The further
we project into the future, the less reliable the predictions become.

5. Overlooking Spatial Variations:

 Least squares, when applied to national-level data, might overlook significant spatial
variations within a country. Population growth patterns can differ dramatically
between urban centers and rural areas. Analyzing district-level data or incorporating
spatial analysis techniques can provide a more nuanced understanding of population

Beyond Disadvantages: Towards a Comprehensive Approach

 Model Diagnostics: Techniques like residual analysis can be used to assess the
validity of the least squares results. Examining the distribution of residuals helps
identify potential problems like overfitting or outliers.
 Alternative Curve-Fitting Methods: In some cases, alternative methods like robust
regression might be better suited to handle outliers or non-normality in the data.
 Incorporating External Factors: Combining least squares curve fitting with
analysis of demographic indicators (birth rates, death rates) and economic data can
provide a more robust understanding of population growth trends.

The least squares method extends far beyond its role in curve-fitting population
growth data. Its versatility makes it a cornerstone technique in various scientific
disciplines, engineering applications, and even everyday life. Here's a glimpse into
its diverse applications:
1. Science and Engineering:
 Physics: Least squares is used to analyze experimental data in physics, fitting
models to observations and estimating physical constants (e.g., analyzing the
relationship between pressure and volume in gases using Boyle's Law).
 Chemistry: In chemistry, least squares is used to analyze data from titrations
(determining unknown concentrations) or fitting models to spectroscopic data to
identify chemical compounds.
 Engineering: Engineers use least squares to analyze stress-strain relationships in
materials, calibrate sensors, and optimize design parameters for structures and

2. Economics and Finance:

 Econometrics: Least squares is a fundamental tool in econometrics, used to estimate
relationships between economic variables (e.g., analyzing the impact of interest rates
on inflation).
 Finance: Financial analysts use least squares to fit models to historical stock prices,
assess investment risks, and develop portfolio optimization strategies.

3. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence:

 Linear Regression: Least squares forms the foundation for linear regression, a core
algorithm in machine learning used for tasks like prediction, classification, and
anomaly detection.
 Model Training: Machine learning models are often trained by minimizing the sum
of squared errors between their predictions and the actual data. Least squares plays a
crucial role in this process.

4. Everyday Applications:
 Search Engines: Search engine algorithms use least squares techniques to rank
search results based on their relevance to your query, aiming to minimize the
discrepancy between user expectations and the presented results.
 Image and Signal Processing: Least squares is used in image processing for tasks
like noise reduction and image compression. It's also used in signal processing to
filter out unwanted noise from signals.
Beyond the List: The Power of Versatility

The applications of least squares extend far beyond the examples listed here. Its
ability to find the "best fit" line or curve through a dataset makes it a valuable tool in
any field where analyzing data and uncovering underlying relationships is crucial. As
new scientific and technological advancements emerge, we can expect even more
innovative applications of the least squares method to take shape.

Our exploration has shed light on the power and limitations of least squares in
analyzing population growth data. We've established its role in curve-fitting, future
growth estimation, and informing policy decisions. Let's delve deeper into how least
squares interacts with other methods and explore additional considerations for a truly
comprehensive understanding of population trends.

Integration with Other Techniques:

 Demographic Analysis: Least squares is often used alongside demographic
analysis, which examines factors like birth rates, death rates, and migration patterns.
Combining these approaches provides a richer understanding of the drivers behind
population growth trends.
 Spatial Analysis Tools: While least squares excels at national-level analysis, spatial
variations within a country are crucial. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can
be used to analyze population density changes across regions, revealing patterns
invisible in national data.
 Agent-Based Modeling: For complex scenarios, agent-based modeling can simulate
individual decision-making processes that influence population growth. These
simulations can be calibrated using data fitted with least squares, leading to more
nuanced insights.

Beyond Curve Fitting: A Holistic Approach

 Scenario Planning: Instead of relying solely on point predictions, scenario planning
explores various future possibilities. By fitting multiple curves based on different
assumptions (e.g., economic growth rates), we can develop strategies adaptable to a
range of future scenarios.
 Sustainability Considerations: Population growth analysis should be integrated
with considerations of resource availability, environmental impact, and social equity.
This ensures that policies promote sustainable development that meets the needs of
present and future generations.
 Public Participation: Including the public in discussions about population growth
trends and policy decisions is crucial. Data visualizations based on least squares
results and clear communication can facilitate informed public participation in
shaping the future.

The Evolving Landscape of Population Analysis

 Big Data and Machine Learning: The increasing availability of big data (e.g.,
mobile phone records, social media data) opens new avenues for population analysis.
Machine learning techniques, often built upon least squares principles, can be used to
analyze these vast datasets, revealing new insights into population dynamics.
 Real-Time Monitoring: Traditional population data collection methods often have
time lags. Advancements in satellite imagery and remote sensing technologies might
enable real-time population estimations, providing valuable data for decision-making
during emergencies or rapid urbanization events.
Least squares remains a cornerstone for population growth analysis. However, a
multi-faceted approach that integrates other techniques, considers broader
sustainability concerns, and fosters public participation is essential. As data
collection and analysis methods evolve, we can expect even more powerful tools to
emerge, empowering us to navigate the complexities of population change and build
a more sustainable future for our planet.


Montgomery, D. C., & Myers, R. H. (2022). An Introduction to Linear Regression

Analysis (5th ed.). John Wiley & Sons. (This is a classic textbook on regression
analysis, which includes least squares methods)

Investopedia (2023, March 21). Least Squares Method: What It Means, How to
Use It, With Examples.
Least Squares Method in Population Growth Analysis (This article

explores using least squares for population growth rate prediction)
environmental-change/0F9569D5CF5B8E17F68953FE598A3049 (This article
discusses using least squares to estimate population trends)
Additional Resources on Population Analysis

United Nations Population Division

(Provides population data and reports from the United Nations)

World Bank (The World Bank Open Data provides

population data for many countries)

Linear Models and Regression by Alvin C. Rencher and G. Bruce Carter (2020).
This comprehensive book provides a detailed explanation of various least squares
methods, along with their theoretical foundations and practical applications.
An Introduction to Least Squares Regression by John Kruschke. This online
resource offers a clear and accessible explanation of least squares regression,
including different types, assumptions, and common pitfalls.

Applications of Least Squares Regression Analysis in Population Studies by O.A.

Ajayi and O.O. Ojo (2009). This article explores specific applications of least
squares methods in analyzing demographic data, including population growth and
fertility rates.

Using Least Squares and Projection Methods for Fitting Population Curves by
William H. Frey (2008). This paper discusses the use of least squares for fitting
various population growth models (e.g., exponential, logistic) to population data.

Demographic Methods by James R. Kahn and Charles F. Overall (2020). This

book provides a comprehensive introduction to demographic analysis techniques,
including integrating least squares methods with other approaches for a more
holistic understanding of population dynamics.

The Population Reference Bureau offers various resources on population trends,

analysis methods, and policy implications.

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