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Practice Papers

Class X

Dr. Sachin Gupta
Dr. Bhoomi Gupta
Time: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 50

General Instructions:
1. Please read the instructions carefully.
2. This Question Paper consists of 21 questions in two sections: Section A & Section B.
3. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective type questions.
4. Out of the given (5 + 16 =) 21 questions, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10 =) 15 questions in the allotted
(maximum) time of 2 hours.
5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
(a) This section has 5 questions.
(b) Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
(c) There is no negative marking.
(d) Do as per the instructions given.
(a) This section has 16 questions.
(b) A candidate has to do 10 questions.
(c) Do as per the instructions given.
(d) Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.


1. Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills. (1 x 4 = 4 marks)
(i) Which of the following software acts as an interface between the user and the computer?
(a) Operating System (b) MS Excel
(c) Impress (d) Digital Documentation
(ii) A student has difficulty in expressing themselves in a class discussion due to anxiety. This is an example of
(a) Perception barrier (b) Emotional barrier
(b) Cultural barrier (d) Clarity barrier
(iii) ___________ best characterizes sustainable development.
(a) Ensuring the well-being of future generations
(b) Prioritizing only our own interests
(c) Balancing the well-being of ourselves and future generations
(d) Focusing on the welfare of all
(iv) Geetika has prepared a timetable to achieve her goal. This skill is known as__________.
(a) Self-awareness (b) Responsibility
(c) Adaptability (d) Time management
(v) A customer comes to Naman’s grocery outlet and starts expressing dissatisfaction about an item. Instead of
getting angry, Naman listens to what his customer is saying. He is known for his _________.
(a) Hard-working attitude (b) Confidence level
(c) Patience (d) Willingness to embrace new ideas
(vi) ___________ is a network security device that acts as a barrier between a trusted internal network and
untrusted external networks.

AI–X–Practice Paper–1 1
2. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions. (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
(i) Which of the following is a fully enabled AI machine?
(a) A machine that gets trained first on the training data and then optimizes itself according to its own
(b) A machine that relies on a set of predefined rules
(c) A machine that works smartly without any past data
(d) A machine that has some level of autonomy or adaptivity
(ii) Name the 4Ws of problem canvas under the Problem Scoping stage of the AI Project Cycle. Choose the
correct option:
(a) Who, What, Where, Why
(b) Who, What, Where, When
(c) Who, When, Why, Whom
(d) Who, What, Why, Whose
(iii) What is the main focus of Data Science?
(a) Collecting data from various sources
(b) Analyzing and interpreting the collected data
(c) Developing databases for record maintenance
(d) Only implementing artificial intelligence in data analysis
(iv) Which evaluation metric is suitable for detecting a rare and life-threatening disease in medical diagnosis.
(a) Precision (b) Recall
(c) F1 Score (d) Accuracy
(v) _____________ is a measure of number of pixels that make up the image.
(vi) _____________ allows us to understand the Predicted results.
(a) Overfitting (b) Problem scoping
(c) Confusion Matrix (d) Data Acquisition
3. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions. (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
(i) Which of the following is not an application of NLP?
(a) Voice assistant (b) Siri
(c) Text generation (d) Copying text
(ii) Identify the incorrect statement from the following options:
(a) Data Science is one of the domains of AI.
(b) AI models can be broadly categorized into four domains.
(c) Data Science is used in price comparison websites for comparing prices using machine learning
(d) The information extracted through Data Science can be used to make decisions.

2 AI–X–Practice Paper–1
Questions (iii) and (iv) are Case-study Based
Case: Palak is a computer science student and she implements her learning in daily life. Her younger brother Parth
is studying in Class XII. Palak decided to plot a graph using Python to predict his Class XII marks using machine

(iii) Which Python library has been used to plot the given graph?
(a) matplotlib, pandas (b) numpy, statistics
(c) cv2, pandas (d) NLTK, matplotlib
(iv) In which class did Parth score the highest percentage?
(a) X (b) XI
(c) II (d) I
(v) Irrelevant training data leads to poor performance and unreliable outcomes. (True/False)
(vi) Which NLP model helps in extracting features out of the text that can be helpful in machine learning
(a) Bag of Words
(b) Big Words
(c) Best Words
(d) All of these
4. Answer any 5 out of the 6 given questions. (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
(i) Inayra is talking about various stages of AI project cycle. Regarding a stage, she says that in this we collect
data for the project. Which stage of the AI project cycle is she talking about?
(a) Problem Scoping (b) Data Exploration
(c) Data Acquisition (d) Data Modelling
(ii) In which field does data science enable an advanced level of personalization treatment through research?
(a) Genetics & Genomics (b) Internet Search
(c) Fraud and Risk Detection (d) Airline Route Planning
(iii) Which of the following is not a task of computer vision?
(a) Guest Recognition (b) Airline Route Plan
(c) Attendance System (d) Snapchat Filters
(iv) ___________ can be defined as the measure of balance between precision and recall.
(a) Recall (b) Accuracy
(c) Precision (d) F1 Score
(v) The term used for the whole textual data from all the documents altogether is ___________.
(vi) A model will simply remember the whole training set and will therefore always predict the correct label for
any point in the training set. This is known as ____________.
(a) Overfitting (b) Perfect Fit
(c) Over Remembering (d) Underfitting

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5. Answer any 5 out of the 6 given questions. (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
(i) In computer vision, _________ function is used to display an image in RGB color format.
(a) imshow() (b) display()
(c) print() (d) All of these
(ii) Which of the following functions is used for statistical analysis?
(a) min(), max(), head() (b) min(), max(), avg()
(c) min(), max(), info() (d) mean(), mode(), median()
(iii) ___________ is a term used for any word, number or special character occurring in a sentence.
(iv) ___________ is an NLP technique used to identify and classify named entities in a text.
(v) ___________ is defined as the percentage of true positive cases to all the predicted positive cases.
(vi) Which of the following refers to the ability to perceive the visual world and understand the relationship
between different objects?
(a) Kinesthetic Intelligence (b) Linguistic Intelligence
(c) Spatial Visual Intelligence (d) Mathematical Logical Reasoning


Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills. (2 x 3 = 6 marks)
Answer each question in 20-30 words.
6. Enumerate the different ways available to protect your data from theft and viruses.
7. What is Visual Communication?
8. List four positive effects of entrepreneurship on society.
9. Briefly define the terms:
(a) Refuse (b) Upcycle
10. Differentiate between Eustress and Distress?
Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20-30 words each. (2 x 4 = 8 marks)
11. What is Data Visualization? Name any two Python libraries which are used for visualizing data.
12. In a lively senior citizens’ party, a group of elderly participants engages in a game where they share amusing
anecdotes from their past. To enhance the gaming experience, the organizers implement a technology that
converts the spoken stories into written text in real-time. This technology aims to capture the essence of
their narratives and create a lasting record of the event. Identify the AI techniques employed in this scenario.
13. Why is evaluation important? Explain.
14. Mention any four applications of AI in computer vision.
15. What are the two different approaches for AI modelling? Define them.
16. Write any two main concerns about AI ethics.
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50-80 words each. (4 x 3 = 12 marks)
17. Differentiate between Classification and Regression algorithms with the help of their respective graphs.
18. Are Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL) and Data Science (DS) related to
each other? If yes, how?
19. What is NLTK? Write any three features.
20. Calculate Accuracy, Precision, Recall and F1 Score for the following Confusion Matrix on Heart Attack Risk.
Also suggest which metric would not be a good evaluation parameter here and why?
The Confusion Matrix Reality: 1 Reality: 0
Prediction: 1 50 20
Prediction: 0 10 20

The Confusion Matrix Reality: 1 Reality: 0

Prediction: 1 50 20 70
Prediction: 0 10 20 30
60 40 100
21. What do you mean by AI Project Cycle? What are the stages involved in AI project cycle? Explain briefly.

4 AI–X–Practice Paper–1
Time: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 50

General Instructions:
1. Please read the instructions carefully.
2. This Question Paper consists of 21 questions in two sections: Section A & Section B.
3. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective type questions.
4. Out of the given (5 + 16 =) 21 questions, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10 =) 15 questions in the allotted
(maximum) time of 2 hours.
5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
(a) This section has 5 questions.
(b) Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
(c) There is no negative marking.
(d) Do as per the instructions given.
(a) This section has 16 questions.
(b) A candidate has to do 10 questions.
(c) Do as per the instructions given.
(d) Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.


1. Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills. (1 x 4 = 4 marks)
(i) 4R and 1U stand for
(a) Reduce, Refuse, Reuse, Recycle, Unused (b) Reduce, Refuse, Reuse, Repeat, Upcycle
(c) Reduce, Repeat, Reuse, Recycle, Unused (d) Reduce, Refuse, Reuse, Recycle, Upcycle
(ii) ____________ is the founder of boAt, an electronic product-based company.
(a) Aman Gupta (b) Peyush Bansal
(c) Namita Thapar (d) Vineeta Singh
(iii) A student named Prachi is a district-level gymnast and devotes 4-5 hours in practising. Since her final
examinations are going to start soon, she has started feeling distressed. What would be the most suitable
method of managing stress for Prachi?
(a) Engaging with leisure activities (b) Relaxing and taking 10-12 hours of sleep
(c) Organizing, prioritizing and managing tasks (d) Keep on practising gymnastics
(iv) A friendly gesture in one culture could be offensive in another. (True/False)
(v) ______________ are small data files stored on your computer by the websites you visit.
(a) Firewalls (b) Cookies
(c) Temporary files (d) Files
(vi) A firewall is a network security device or software that acts as a barrier between a trusted internal network
and untrusted external networks. (True/False)
2. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions. (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
(i) Which machine learning technique is used to build the Snakes and Ladders game?
(a) Regression (b) Classification
(c) Clustering (d) Reinforcement Learning

AI–X–Practice Paper–2 1
(ii) Vishwanathan Anand is a great Indian chess grandmaster. What type of intelligence does he possess?
(a) Naturalistic (b) Intrapersonal
(c) Visual-Spatial (d) Logical-Mathematical
(iii) Deep Learning is a subset of
(a) Artificial Intelligence (b) Machine Learning
(b) Computer Vision (d) Natural Language Processing
(iv) Aspect ratio in computer vision refers to proportional relationship between the ____________ and
____________ of an object or image.
(a) Width, Height (b) Width, Pixels
(c) Height, Intensity (d) Length, Breadth
(v) NER stands for
(a) Named Entities Recognition (b) Norms & Entities Recognition
(c) Named Entity Recognition (d) Names & Entities Recognition
(vi) Which of the following technologies has been created using machine learning?
(a) Spam e-mail filtering (b) Recommendation systems
(c) Weather predictions (d) All of these
3. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions. (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
(i) ____________ is the process of dividing an image into different regions based on certain characteristics.
(a) Image Classification (b) Image Localization
(c) Image Segmentation (d) Image detection
(ii) The Sentiment Intensity Analyzer calculates a sentiment score ranging from ____________ to ____________.
(iii) If True Positive (TP)=90, True Negative (TN)=880, False Positive (FP)=20 and False Negative (FN)=10, then
Accuracy will be
(a) 0.97 or 97% (b) 0.98 or 98%
(c) 0.96 or 96% (d) None of these
(iv) AI Bias simply means
(a) Accessibility of AI to all
(b) Unfair predictions due to discrimination in training data
(c) Risk of data security
(d) Increasing risk of cyber attacks
(v) ____________ represents transparency or opacity of each pixel.
(a) Texture (b) Pixel Value
(c) Resolution (d) Alpha Channel
(vi) ____________ words are commonly used words which occur very frequently and do not contribute much in
a text.
4. Answer any 5 out of the 6 given questions. (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
(i) What would be the output if Lemmatization and Stemming technique is applied on the word “explore”?
(a) explore, explor (b) explor, explore
(b) explored, explores (d) None of these
(ii) Underfitting condition occurs when training performance is high and test performance is low. (True/False)
(iii) Which of the following statements is false for script-based chatbots?
(a) It is a pre-programmed chatbot. (b) It uses if-else statements more often.
(c) It uses decision tree like structures. (d) Its example includes generative chatbots.

2 AI–X–Practice Paper–2
(iv) Which evaluation metrics should be used when classes are balanced and both positive and negative instances
are equally important?
(a) Precision (c) Recall
(c) Accuracy (d) F1 Score
(v) ____________ helps to evaluate how well a model works with an independent dataset by partitioning the
available data into multiple smaller parts.
(a) Cross-Validation (b) Deployment
(c) F1 Score (d) Confusion Matrix
(vi) Dimensionality Reduction in machine learning refers to a technique which reduces the number of rows from
data. (True/False)
5. Answer any 5 out of the 6 given questions. (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
CASE: Surbhi and Shreya collected Computer Science Engineering course placement data of the last 5 years to
visualize and find a conclusion.

(i) Surbhi and Shreya are ____________ as they are directly or indirectly impacted by the problem.
(a) Developers (b) Coders
(c) Students (d) Stakeholders
(ii) What is/are the python libraries used to make this graph?
(a) matplotlib, nltk (b) matplotlib, cv2
(b) matplotlib, numpy (d) matplotlib
(iii) In which of the following years was the placement percentage maximum and minimum?
(a) 2022, 2020 (b) 2021, 2020
(c) 2020, 2022 (d) 2020, 2021
(iv) What is the average placement percentage of University A since the last 5 years?
(a) 62% (b) 72%
(c) 65% (d) 60%
(v) What are the other visualization tools which make visualization attractive and easier?
(a) PowerBI (b) Tableau
(c) Datawrapper (d) All of these
(vi) On the basis of the above graph, University ____________ would be the best choice for taking admission.

AI–X–Practice Paper–2 3
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills. (2 x 3 = 6 marks)
Answer each question in 20-30 words.
6. “A computer virus acts like a weapon.” Do you agree? Justify your answer.
7. “Adesh, a tech fresher, doesn’t like any involvement or suggestions in his project and likes to work
independently. During COVID-19, the company culture changed and asked their employees to work from
home. Being a fresher, Adesh started facing technical issues.” What would be your suggestion to Adesh on
working independently?
8. “Symbolically encoded paintings on stones, coins, caves, monuments and other historical events provide
information about the past.” What type of communication was used by our ancestors to convey their
messages to future generations?
9. What do you understand by the terms Green Economy and Green Consumer?
10. What roles and functions does an entrepreneur undertake in the realm of business and innovation?
Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20-30 words each. (2 x 4 = 8 marks)
11. Differentiate between AI and Non-AI technology.
12. What is an RGB image? Why is it called so?
13. Imagine you are working as an intern in a leading e-commerce company, Techno Ltd. You are tasked with
analyzing various types of data for an upcoming marketing campaign. The company collects data from
multiple sources, such as Customer Database, Social Media Mentions, Sales Transaction Records, Inventory
Spreadsheet, Product Images Folder, Employee Attendance Records, Voice Recordings of Customer Service
Calls, Vendor Invoices, Customer Video Testimonials.
Identify and categorize each dataset into structured or unstructured data.
14. Differentiate between supervised machine learning and unsupervised machine learning.
15. What do you understand by the Evaluation and Deployment stage in AI project cycle?
16. What is Tokenization? Count the number of tokens in the following sentence:
If you fail, never give up because FAIL means "First Attempt in Learning.”
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50-80 words each. (4 x 3 = 12 marks)
17. A 52-year-old man named Satya, a partially blind writer, writes short stories and poems in rural newspapers
and magazines. He is dependent on villagers for his work. Suggest some NLP-based techniques so that he
can continue his work independently.
18. What do you understand by the Data Exploration stage in AI project cycle? Briefly explain any 3 methods of
data exploration techniques.
19. Explain 4Ws Canvas in AI project cycle.
20. Consider the following case study:
This study aims to assess the extent of digitalization over the past few years.
Reality: In a grocery shop, on a particular day, a total of 750 people visited and purchased their daily
essentials. Out of these, 600 people paid via online mode and the rest made their payments through cash.
Model Predictions: An AI model predicts that 650 people made UPI/online transactions while the rest paid
Create a Confusion Matrix based on the above situation and calculate F1 Score.
21. “A great leader is recognized for their exceptional skill in making decisions.” Is it correct to say that AI has
exceptional qualities in the decision-making process? How does AI make decisions?

4 AI–X–Practice Paper–2

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