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CLASS X (SESSION 2022-2023)



Stress is an __________ response of the nervous system to any threat, challenge or

(a) Automatic
(b) Deliberate
(c) Delayed
(d) Inherited
Which of the following does not help manage stress?
(a) Setting unrealistic goals
Q2 (b) Doing exercises
(c) Attending yoga sessions
(d) Taking nature walks
Application that provides detailed information about files, folders and drives is called:
(a) Operating System
Q3 (b) Recycle Bin
(c) Disk Cleanup
(d) File Explorer
Which of these does not come under software maintenance?
(a) Protection against viruses
Q4 (b) Removing temporary files
(c) Cleaning of Keyboard
(d) Performing anti-virus scan
Which of the following is not a myth regarding entrepreneurs?
(a) Entrepreneurs are high risk-takers
Q5 (b) Entrepreneurs are born
(c) Entrepreneurs are job hoppers
(d) Entrepreneurs are open-minded and optimistic
Entrepreneurs are only motivated by profit and are not offering any new products or
services. (True/False)
Which of these actions doesn’t require intelligence?
(a) Identifying false news
Q7 (b) Watching TV
(c) Teaching students
(d) Driving Cars
Q8 Which of the following is not an example of AI?
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(a) Smart AC
(b) Self-Driving Car
(c) Alexa
(d) Google Lens
Which of the following technology is predominantly used by Siri?
(a) Image Recognition
Q9 (b) Speech Recognition
(c) Robotics
(d) Neural Stems
Q10 AI is still evolving, and not everyone has access to it. (True/False)
Most of the times, the creators of AI systems cannot explain the process of decision-making,
this problem is known as
(a) Negative Adoptions
(b) AI Accessibility
(c) Data Privacy
(d) Black Box Problem
Which of the following uses Computer Vision domain predominantly?
(a) Email Spam Filter
Q12 (b) Google Photos
(c) Google Translator
(d) Smart Bots
Which of the following technology is an adaption of how human brain works?
(a) Super Networks
Q13 (b) Smart Technology
(c) Neural Networks
(d) Wide Area Networks
Q14 The last stage of an AI project cycle is Deployment. (True/False)
Which of the following is reward based learning?
(a) Supervised Learning
Q15 (b) Unsupervised Learning
(c) Reinforcement Learning
(d) Deep Learning
The following technique lets us understand and analyze data in a better way:
(a) Data Acquisition
Q16 (b) Data Classification
(c) Data Visualization
(d) Data Optimization
The top node or the beginning of the decision tree is called
(a) Interior Node
Q17 (b) Root Node
(c) Leaf Node
(d) Child Node
Which of the following is an example of structured data?
(a) Videos
Q18 (b) Emails
(c) CSV files
(d) Presentations
Which of the following applications does not use NLP?
Q19 (a) Sentiment Analysis
(b) Image Classification
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(c)Text Classification
(d) Automatic text Summarisation
Rachit has made a chatbot. It can answer in predetermined ways only and is not able to
Q20 handle questions that have not been written in the code. What kind of a chatbot has Rachit
__________________ helps in cleaning up the textual data and it comes down to a level
where its complexity reduces considerably.
Which of the following is the result of lemmatization?
(a) Before: Taking After: Tak
Q22 (b) Before: Taking After: Take
(c) Before: Planning After: Plann
(d) Before: Having After: Hav
___________ is a statistical measure that evaluates the importance of a word to a
document in a corpus.
Which of the following is used for finding the frequency of words in some given text
(a) Stemming
(c) Bag of Words
(d) Dictionary
Which of the following is the percentage of correct predictions out of the total observations
(a) Accuracy
(b) Precision
(c) Recall
(d) F1 score
An AI model, tagging spam mails marks an email as spam.
Prediction: SPAM Reality: NOT SPAM
What is this condition called?
Q26 (a) True Positive
(b) True Negative
(c) False Positive
(d) False Negative
Q27 High recall, low precision will give a low F1 Score. (True/False)
Which of the following is the ratio of the total number of correctly classified positive
examples and total number of positive examples?
(a) Accuracy
(b) Precision
(c) Recall
(d) F1 score
Mehek is evaluating her classifier model and recording the outcome of the comparison
Q29 between the prediction and reality. The error matrix that she is working on is called
The ideal condition for a perfect F1 score will be
(a) 50% Precision, 50% Recall
Q30 (b) 30% Precision, 70% Recall
(c) 100% Precision, 100% Recall
(d) 80% Precision, 20% Recall
Q31 ___________ means man-made, which does not occur naturally.
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Q32 The ability to perceive or infer information, and to retain it as knowledge to be applied
towards adaptive behaviours within an environment or context is known as __________.
Q33 ________ refers to language processing skills both in terms of understanding or
implementation in writing or verbally.
Q34 The ability to regulate, measure, and understand numerical symbols, abstraction and logic is
known as ________
a) Linguistic Intelligence
b) Spatial Visual Intelligence
c) Kinaesthetic Intelligence
d) Mathematical Logical Reasoning
Q35 The information extracted through data science can be used to decide about it. True/False
Q36 The basis of decision-making depends upon
a) The available information and experience
b) Prejudices and Suggestions
c) Own beliefs and Knowledge
d) Internet facts
Q37 Which of the following is a valid file extension for Notepad file?
A) .jpg
B) .doc
C) .text (POST) starts
D) . txt
Q38 Which one of the following shortcut keys is used to paste a file?
A) Ctrl + c
B) Ctrl + p
C) Ctrl + v
D) Ctrl + x
Q39 How can an antivirus protect your device?
A) It can protect it from overheating.
B) It can increase its performance.
C) It can prevent data from getting corrupt.
D) It can backup data.
Q40 What should you do to ensure secure online transactions?
A) Lock your computer
B) Give credit card or bank details only on safe websites
C) Use anti-virus
D) Do not use pirated software
Q41 ............ is the top margin of each page.
Q42 What should a strong password consist of?
A) Only letters
B) Numbers and special characters
C) Name of a person
D) Letters, numbers and special characters
Q43 Which of the following functions is not performed using a mouse?
A) Turn on
B) Hover
C) Right-click
D) Drag and Drop
Which of the following component of NLP establish linkage with natural language inputs and
Q44 analyse different aspects of language?
a) NLU
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b) NLG
d) NLC
The full form of NLG is ___________
a) Natural Language Group
Q45 b) Natural Langauge Gap
c) Natural Language Generation
d) Natural Language gaming
Which of the following is not a domain of AI?
a) Data Science
Q46 b) Computer Vision
c) Natural Language Processing
d) Neural Network
Which of the following is an example of data science?
a) Social media websites
b) Price Comparison websites
c) Online Shopping websites
d) Blog web sites

You are getting Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, and youtube recommendations based on which of
the following?
a) Company Rules
b) Government Policy
c) User behaviour
d) None of these
___________ is a subset of Artificial Intelligence which enables machines to improve at tasks
with experience (data).
Q50 All smart devices are considered AI-enabled devices. True/False

Q51 What are stressors. Mention any two factors that can contribute to stress.
Q52 Define Self-regulation. Why is it important?
Shilpa’s computer has suddenly become very slow and non-responsive. She feels that her
Q53 computer has been infected with a virus. Write any two ways Shilpa can follow to protect her
computer from viruses.
Q54 Who is an entrepreneur? Write any two qualities of an entrepreneur.
Q55 What is an operating system?
Q56 The file name and the extension is separated by semi colon. True/False
Q57 What is virus? How can it affects the computer functioning?
Q58 How can you protect your computer system from malware?
Q59 Write a few tips to prevent your system from online thefts.
Q60 What is ‘s’ in https?
Q61 What is Artificial Intelligence? Explain any two applications of AI.
A person’s ability to recognize and create sounds, rhythms, and sound patterns is known as
Musical Intelligence. True/False
Q63 Differentiate between Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
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Q64 List out the different types of Intelligences.
Q65 List out some popular Apps powered by AI and their uses.
Q66 What is Natural Language Processing?
Q67 Explain the three domains of AI with examples.
Q68 Is data which is collected by various applications ethical in nature? Justify your statement.
Q69 What do you understand by AI bias? Discuss in detail with some examples.
Q70 What do you understand by AI, ML & DL? How are they different from each other?
Q71 Should AI replace laborious jobs? Is there an alternative for major unemployment?
As Artificially Intelligent machines become more and more powerful, their ability to accomplish
tedious tasks is becoming better. Hence, it is now that AI machines have started replacing
humans in factories. While people see it in a negative way and say AI has the power to bring
Q72 mass unemployment and one day, machines would enslave humans, on the other hand, other
people say that machines are meant to ease our lives. If machines over take monotonous and
tedious tasks, humans should upgrade their skills to remain their masters always.
What according to you is a better approach towards this ethical concern? Justify your answer.
Q73 Name any two examples of Machine Learning?
Q74 Name any two examples of Natural Language Processing?
Q75 What are the major AI ethical concerns related to AI adoption?
Q76 What do you understand by the fact interpretation?
Q77 What do you understand about the problem of inclusion?
Q78 Is it ethical that children to use technology to help to finish their study-related work?
Q79 Why AI models are biased in one or another way? Explain it.
Should AI not replace laborious jobs? Will the lives of people improve if they keep on being
Q81 “In the coming years, AI-enabled machines will replace all the people who work as
labourers.” Justify this statement.
Q82 AI increased the gap between two classes of people. Which are these two classes of people?
Q83 What are the components of a good AI Policy?
Q84 What is the permission asked by the app before using it?
Q85 Aman has searched on Google for salons, the first few searches he found mostly salons for
female salons. This is based on the assumption that if a person is searching for a salon, in all
probability it would be a female. Do you think this is a bias? If yes, then is it a Negative bias or
a Positive one?
Q86 Majorly, all the virtual assistants have a female voice. It is only now that some companies
have understood this bias and have started giving options for male voices but since the virtual
assistants came into practice, female voices are always preferred for them over any other
voice. What are some reasons for this?
Q87 How does the smartphone get to know about the discussions and thoughts that the mobile
user has?
Q88 Priya and Rani are friends. Rani wants to buy a new purse. They discussed on WhatsApp
about purchasing a new purse online. After discussion, what will happen to Rani’s
phone? Why?
Q89 ________ refers to the basic principles of AI system design that use a good code of conduct
and produce the results.
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Q90 Amazon used a system for recruitment, created a situation in which many eligible females
were left out of the consideration. This is called _________.
a) Misinterpretation of Data
b) Problem of Inclusion
c) Gender Bias
d) Data Privacy
Q91 An AI system must have a right to the data it collects. True/False
Q92 What is Black Box Problem?
Q93 Amazon had been working on a secret AI recruiting tool. The machine-learning specialists
uncovered a big problem: their new recruiting engine did not like women. The system taught
itself that male candidates were preferable. It penalized resumes that included the word
“women”. This led to the failure of the tool. This is an example of
a) Data Privacy
b) AI access
c) AI Bias
d) Data Exploration
Q94 What do you understand by Ethics?
Q95 What are the moral issues related to self-driving cars?
Q96 Why ethical practices should be followed while developing solutions using AI?
Q97 What are the concerns related to the use of AI to control defence equipment?
Q98 What do you understand by data privacy?
Q99 Where do we collect data from?
Q100 “Smartphones are major sources of data nowadays.” Justify this statement

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