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ALUMNO: Diego Alejandro Gonzlez Martnez

NUM CONTROL: 1212100501
Knowledge Engineering
Review Questions - Set 1
Check the most appropriate choice for each question/statement:
1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
1. A knowledge system that discovers knowledge by induction is
(a) an expert system
(b) a neural network system

(c) a genetic algorithm system

(d) a hypermedia system
2. A knowledge system that discovers knowledge through Darwinian evolution
theory is
(a) an expert system
(b) a neural network system
(c) a genetic algorithm system

(d) a hypermedia system

3. A knowledge system that is top-down designed is
(a) an expert system

(b) a neural network system

(c) a genetic algorithm system
(d) a hypermedia system
4. Turing test is a way to
(a) create a chat bot
(b) develop an intelligent machine

(c) measure if a machine has any intelligence

(d) none of the above

2: Overview of Knowledge Acquisition

5. Using general rules to reach a specific conclusion is called
(a) forward chaining
(b) deductive reasoning
(c) backward chaining
(d) inductive reasoning

6. Generating general rules from specific examples is called

(a) forward chaining
(b) deductive reasoning

(c) backward chaining

(d) inductive reasoning
7. A semantic network is a graph showing
(a) circles and lines
(b) objects and relationships

(c) premises and conclusions

(d) slots and values
8. In the ID3 algorithm, the result is definitely certain when entropy is
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) 0.5
(d) a user-specified value

9. Knowledge can be structured using

(a) a semantic network
(b) a decision tree
(c) a decision table
(d) all of the above

10. Entropy is a measure of

(a) uncertainty

(b) membership grade

(c) system success
(d) none of the above

3: Introduction to Expert Systems

11. Expert sytems are
(a) computer software

(b) human experts

(c) decision trees
(d) none of the above
12. The two main components of a typical rule-based expert system are
(a) symbols and tables
(b) data and program code
(c) knowledge base and inference engine

(d) input and output

13. What kind of expert system would help locate problems in a complex
(a) prediction
(b) diagnosis

(c) planning
(d) interpretation
14. Virtually all fields can use expert systems as long as they
(a) have much data to process
(b) have knowledge to apply

(c) use large computers

(d) have enough memory

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