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1) If a random experiment results in N exhaustive mutually exclusive and equally likely outcomes, out of
which m are favorable to the happening of an event. Then the probability of the occurrence of x is given
by which of the following? (3)

a) p(x)=m/N

b) p(x)=N/m

c) p(x)=m*N

d) p(x)=N+m

2) Each of three identical jewellery boxes has two drawers, in each drawer of the first box, there is a
gold watch, in each drawer of the second box, there is a silver watch, in one drawer of the third box,
there is a gold watch, while in the other there is a silver watch. If we select a box at random, open one of
the drawers and find it to contain a silver watch, what is the probability that the other drawer has the
gold watch? (2)

a) 1/3

b) 2/3

c) 1/2

d) 3/5

3) Which of the following represents a set that consists of all possible outcomes of a random
experiment? (2)

a) Sample space

b) Event

c) Probability

d) Sure event
4) Which of the following is/are probability calculation methods? (2)

A. Relative frequency

B. Classical definition

C. Subjective probability

D. Bayes' theorem


a) A and B

b) B and C

c) A,C and D

d) A,B and D

5)The given image represents which of the following graphs? (3)

a)Pie chart

b) Histogram

c) Box Plot

d) Bar graph

1)Which of the following is an interpreter language?(2)





2)What type of chart is given below in the image?(2)

a)Area chart

b)Pie chart

c)Bubble chart

d)Surface chart

Consider the following code: (2)

Import numpy as np





What is the order of output for the given code?

A) 9

B) 4.6

C) 1






4) Which of the following options is the correct order of precedence of operators in Python? (2)

A) Shift

B) Multiplication


D) Unary





5)Which of the following is/are relational operators(s)? (2)

A) ==

B) !=

C) +=

D) >


a) A and B

b) B and C

c) A,B and D

d) A,B and C

6)Which of the keywords is used to check the type of a variable? (2)

a) Float

b) type

c) print

c) int

7)What is the output of the following code?(2)

a) a is equal to b

b) a is not equal to b

c) Compilation error

c) No output
8)You are writing a Python program where you have given two numbers. Which of the following
operators would you use to check whether two numbers are equal or not? (2)

a) Bitwise operator

b) Arithimetic operator

c) Comparison operator

d) Logical operator

9) Below is a code snippet: (2)



What will be the data type in the outpt of the above python code?

a) Undefine

b) Int

c) str

d) string

10) Suppose you have a list of names of students in a class in Python defined as:

stu=["Aman", "Harry "Jatin"]

You want to add an entry "Tarun" to this list .

Which of the following options can you use to accomplish the task? (2)

a) stu.add(‘Tarun’)
b) stu.push(‘Tarun’)
c) stu.join(‘Tarun’)
d) stu.append(‘Tarun’)
12) A Python dictionary is a data structure that stores data in key-value pairs. The keys in a dictionary
must be unique, and the values can be any data type. Dictionaries are mutable, which means they can
be changed after they are created. Which of the following is not a valid dictionary key in Python? (2)

a) A float

b) A boolean

c) A list

d) A tuple

13) Suppose you are writing a Python program and you want to store information about students in a
class. Each student's roll number is the key, and their name is the value. Which of the following data
types is most suitable in this situation? (2)

a) List

b) Dictionary

c) Set


14) Which of the following keywords is used to check the type of a variaable? (1)

a) Float

b) type

c) print

d) int

1) The given image is an example of which of the folling techniques? (2)

a) Machine Learning
b) Traditional programming
c) Cyber security
d) Feature engineering

2) You are working on a facial recognition system that will be used to identify individuals in public
places. Which of the following technologies is most suitable for developing facial recognition

a) Cyber security

b) Machine learning

c)Internet of things

d)Full stack

3) You are preparing a data set for a machine learning model. You have completed data selection and
data preprocessing steps. Which of the following techniques would you use for data transformation? (2)

a) Clearing

b) Selection

c) Scaling

d) Sampling
4) Which of the following options is the correct order of precedence of algorithms in Machine Learning
in terms of time-complexity? (4)


B) Bayes’

C) Triangular

D) Kayes’


a) C->B->D->A
b) A->D->B->C
c) B->D->A->C
d) D->B->A->C

5) Suppose you have some data to be trained for fraud detection in ML (Machine Learning). In what
order would you follow the steps given below for clearing the data? (3)

A) Data splitting

B) Data transformation

C) Data collection


a) C->B->A
b) B->A->C
c) A->C->B
d) C->A->B

6) In machine learning ETL stands for which of the following options? (2)

a) Extract-Transform-Load

b) Extract-Transfer-Load

c) Edit-Transfer-Load

7)Which of the following alternatives is a good technique for optimizing the data before training a
machine learning model? (2)

a) Data Selection

b) Data splitting

c) Data Preprocessing

d) Data Testing

8)Consider the methods given below: (2)

A) Variable deletion

B) Mean or median Imputation

C) Validation


a) A and B
b) B and C
c) Only B
d) Only A

9) Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (A) that provides systems the ability to
automatically leam and improve from experience without being explicity programmed. Machine
learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it to learn for
themselves. Which of the following technologies is used to predict future outcomes based on historical
trends? (2)

a) Blockchain

b)Artificial Intelligence

c)Cyber Security

d)Web development

1) You are working with machine learning algorithms, and you are creating software that can predict
future sales based on past data, Which of the Following techniques would you use to develop stock price
forecast software? (2)

a) Apriori algorithm

b) Association

c) Clustering

d) Regression

2) What are the steps for the decision tree algorithm? (3)

A) Split the data into two groups based on the criterion.

B) Choose a criterion to split the data.

C) Make a prediction for each group.

D) Repeat the steps for each group until the groups are homogeneous.


a) B->A->D->C
b) B->A->C->D
c) C->D->A->B
d) A->B->D->C

3) You are required to develop a spam filter to remove spam email. Which of the following techniques
would you use to develop a spam filter? (3)

a) Decision tree

b) Naïve bayes algorithm

c) Apriori algorithm

d) k-mean cluster
4) The Bayesian probability can be applied to which of the following statements? (3)

A) In the cases, where we have one event

B) In the cases, where we have two events

C) In the cases, where we have three events

D) in the cases, where we have more than three events


a) A and B
b) C and D
c) Only B
d) Only D

5)Match the following technique column with the correct application column (3)

a) 1-D,2-C,3-A,4-B
b) 1-B,2-D,3-A,4-C
c) 1-D,2-C,3-B,4-A
d) 1-C,2-D,3-A,4-B


1) You are developing a model to find the patterns in the data set if the given data set is not labelled,
then which of the following learning techniques would you use to develop a model? (3)

a) Unsupervised learning

b) Supervised learning

c) Reinforcement learning

d) Artificial neural network

2) Suppose you are building an unsupervised machine learning model. In what order will you follow the
given below steps for model training? (2)

A) Data preparation

B) Presenting the model.

C) Quantitative and qualitative evaluations of data


a) C->A->B
b) B->A->C
c) A->C->B
d) C->B->A

3)Which of the following machine learning techniques is shown in the below image? (3)

a) Semi supervised learning

b) Reinforcement learning
c) Supervised learning
d) Unsupervised learning

4) What is the correct order of steps for K-means clustering? (4)

1) Assign each data point to the nearest centroid, creating k new clusters.

2) Select the number of clusters, k

3) Re-calculate the centroid of each cluster.

4) Randomly select k data points to serve as initial centroids.


a) 4->2->3->1
b) 3->1->2->4
c) 2->1->4->3
d) 2->4->1->3

5) Which of the following is required by K-means clustering?(2)

A) Defined distance metric

B) Number of clusters

C) Equal size of each cluster

D) Initial guess as to cluster centroids


a) A and B
b) C and D
c) B, C and D
d) A, B and D

6) You are developing a system for self-driving cars that can automatically adjust their speed and routa
based on traffic conditions, which of the Following machine learning techniques helps to develop a
system for self-driving cars? (2)

a) Artificial neural network

b) Reinforcement learning

c)Support vector machine

d) Naïve Bayes

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