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Q1: Choose the right answer (‫)علما ان االجابة الخاطئة تلغي االجابة الصحيحة‬:-

1. Statistics consist of three areas. ( True , False, un known).

2. Probability is used as a basis for inferential statistics. ( True , False, un known).
3. The variable of age is an example of a qualitative variable. ( True , False, un known).
4. The highest level of measurement is the interval level. ( True , False, un known).
5. The boundaries of 25.6 ounce is (25-26). ( True , False, un known).
6. The group of all subjects under a study is called class. ( True , False, un known).
7. The time it takes to drive to work is classify as a discrete variable. ( True , False, un

Q2- For the following data calculate the Mean ,median, Mode and the standard
deviation (7,4,8,4,5,9,8, 3,8,3).

Q3:Choose the correct answer:
1. ----------- is the heart of an expert system.
a) Inference chain
b) Inference engine
c) Knowledge base
d) Explanation processor

2. Knowledge based system can be viewed as --------------.

a) Rule based system
b) Expert system
c) intelligent system
d) all the above

3. Expert system shell is an expert system with no---------.

a) Knowledge base
b) Explanation capability
c) Inference engine
d) None of the above

4. ------------- is the more suitable method to represent expert knowledge.

a) Predicate logic
b) Semantic nets
c) Frames
d) None of the above

5. The selection of control strategy is depend upon-----------.

a) Branching factor of rule application in both directions.
b) Availability of data.
c) Ease of determining potential goal.
d) All the above

6. Inference chain help to ----------------.

a) applies the knowledge to the solution of actual problems
b) explain to the user why the system need a particular data
c) explain to the user how the system reached its conclusion
d) All the above

7. --------- is not a function of an expert system.

a) Interpretation
b) Monitoring
c) Planning
d) None of the above

8. Cannot handle missing information or unexpected data values is one of the

disadvantage found in -----------------.
a) Case based expert system
b) Model based expert system
c) Rule based expert system
d) None of the above

Q4. A) Explain the expert system architecture.
B) Can you say that each knowledge based system is an expert system and why?

Q5) Choose the right choice:

1- Morphology is deals with -------------

a) the structure of words
b) the structure of sentences
c) the meaning of individual words
d) the meaning of sentences

2- Compositional semantics is ---------

a) the meaning of constructions
b) the meaning of words
c) the meaning of morpheme
d) the meaning of lexeme

3- Lexical gap means …………..

a) the dictionary do not contain all words of the language
b) no word or phrase can express the meaning of a word in the other language
c) the dictionary missing some useful phrases
d) none of these

4- Interlingua model of MT is ---------------

a) Uses some kind of syntactic or semantic parsing only
b) Proceed word-by-word
c) Uses intermediate language for unified the translation rules
d) proceed word-by-word with small reordering rules.

5- Speech Synthesis is----------------

a) text-to-speech
b) speech-to-text
c) speech analyzing
d) speech recognition

6- Context Free Grammars are ---------------- for natural languages

a) very good
b) excellent
c) not used
d) limited

7- Stemming of the word means ---------------:

a) elimination of all affixes
b) elimination of clitics
c) elimination of prefixes
d) elimination of suffixes

Q6) List the Basic Steps of Speech Recognition.

Q7) Choose the correct answer:
1- ……………………it mean that the DDBMS with the same DBMS at each site even if the
computers (and/or) the operating system are not the same.

a) heterogeneous DDBMS
b) homogeneous DDBMS
c) Centralized DDBMS
d) decentralized DDBMS

2-……………. It means a given fragment can be represented in storage by many distinct copies or replicas.

a) fragmentation independence.
b) replication independence.
c) mixed fragmentation.
d) location independence.

3- There are two major aspects to transaction management, …………………

a) recovery and concurrency.
b) reliability and Availability.
c) data sharing and distributed control.
d) speed of query processing and incremental growth

4- ………. is a collection of tools that describes how data are represented and accessed.

a) data Abstraction.
b) database Management System.
c) data model
d) hierarchical data base

5- The goal of …………………… is to decompose complex relations in order to produce

smaller,well‐structured relations.

a) ordered Indices.
b) indexing and hashing.
c) database normalization.
d) object based data model.

6- ……………………………..are those that run on a single computer system and do not interact with
other computer systems

a) centralized database systems

b) client – server database systems
c) parallel database systems
d) distributed database systems

7- There are two main measures of performance of a database system,……………………….

a) updating the data in the database and retrieve information from the database.
b) retrieve information from the database and throughput.
c) retrieve information from the database and response time.
d) throughput and response time

8- An entity may not have sufficient attributes to form a primary key. Such an entity is termed
a) weak entity
b) strong entity
c) degree entity
d) dense index

Q8( Define normalization process and Explain the normalization database levels.

Q9) Choose the correct answer :

1) An adaptive network is a network structure whose overall input-output behavior is

determined by a collection of ---------------.
a) Undefined parameters b) modifiable parameters
c) defined parameters d) modified parameters.

2) The -------------------process mean transforms input crisp values into fuzzy values.
a) defuzzification b) composition
c) fuzzification d) decision making

3) --------------- are the kinds of search problems for which genetic algorithms are used.
a) Search for solutions b) Search for paths to goals
c) Search for stored data d) search input data.

4) The variable which takes its value as natural language term is called --------------.
a) expression b) proposition
c) linguistic variable d) text variable

5) Intelligent systems generally have a capacity to acquire and apply knowledge in an

“intelligent ”manner and have the capabilities of ------------------- from incomplete
a) Perception b) reasoning
c) Learning and making inferences (or decisions) d) all above.

6) A ------------------may be organized and developed according to one or a combination of

several architectures.
a) knowledge-based system b) fuzzy system
c) control system d) expert systems

7) ----------------- refer to inexactness in human perception about a situation.

a) Fuzziness b) uncertainty
c) belief d) probability

Q10) Describe the meaning of evolution computation and give three types of evolution

Q11) choose the right answer:
1. ---------- is the process of taking an image with some known, or estimated degradation, and
restoring it to its original appearance.

a) image restoration b) image enhancement c) image classification d) image compression.

2. -------- images are referred to as monochrome.

a) Gray scale b) Binary c) Color d) Multispectral

3. The -------------- operations include: Crop , Zoom, enlarge , shrink, and translate.

a) Image geometry b) Image restoration c) Image exchange d) image enhancement

4. -------- is any undesired information that contaminates an image.

a)Zigzag b) Noise c) Painting d) Edge

5. Image ------------ is the process of reducing the image data by removing some of the detail
information by mapping group of data points to a single point.

a) compression b) quantization c) thresholding d) classification

6. Unsupervised classification is called ------------.

a) training b) clustering c) normally distributed d) merging

7. --------- is one of the binary object features.

a) Mean b) Skew c) Area d) Energy

8. Machine vision techniques have Monadic, Point-by-point Operators, one of them is -----.

a) maximum b) add c) logarithm d) minimum

Q12) Draw the OCR system major stages.

Q13) Choose the right answer
1. A …………………………. pictorially shows how the start symbol of a
grammar derives a string in the language.
a) Parse tree b) Context Free Grammar
c) Sensitive Grammar d) Left Recursion.

2. In a compiler, Linear Analysis is called………………………. Or scanning.

a) Lexical Analysis b) Syntax Analysis
c) Semantic Analysis d) Code optimization.

3. The hierarchical analysis in compiling processes is called parsing

a) Lexical Analysis b) Syntax Analysis
b) Semantic Analysis d) Code optimization.

4. The…………………………. phase checks the source program for semantic

errors and gathers type information for the subsequent code-generation phase.
a) Lexical Analysis b) Syntax Analysis
c) Semantic Analysis d) Code generation.

5. The phase of the compiler that consisting normally of relocatable machine

code or assembly code is the………………….. phase.
a) Syntax Analysis b) Semantic Analysis
c) Code Generation d) Code Optimization.

6. A grammar that can have more than one parse tree generating a given string of
tokens is said to be…………………………
a) Simple b) complex
b) ambiguous d) non deterministic.

7.The…………………… phase attempts to improve the intermediate code, so the

faster-running machine code will result.

a) Lexical Analysis b) Syntax Analysis

c) Semantic Analysis d) Code optimization.

Q14) For the expression given below, draw all the possible parse trees.

a + b – c *d

Q15) Choose the correct answer :
1- The Find-S algorithm is one of the simplest machine learning algorithms tries to find:
(A) Most specific hypothesis
(B) Most general hypothesis
(C) Less specific hypothesis
(D) Less general hypothesis

2- Which Artificial Neural Network model is commonly used unsupervised learning

(A) Perceptron
(B) Back propagation
(C) Self-Organizing Map (SOM)
(D) Adaline

3- A 4-input neuron has weights 1, 2, 3 and 4. The transfer function is linear with the
constant of proportionality being equal to 2. The inputs are 4, 10, 5 and 20 respectively.
The output will be:
(A) 238
(B) 76
(C) 119
(D) 476

4- In ID3 decision tree, the commonly measuring used to define the effectiveness of an
attribute in classifying the training data called:
(A) Conditional probability
(B) Information gain
(C) Discriminability index
(D) Mutual information

5- Which Artificial Neural Network model is designed for clustering binary vectors?

(C) The Hopfield Network
(D) Adaline

6- Which Intelligent system mimics the evolutionary, survival-of-the-fittest process to

generate increasingly better solutions to a problem?
(A) Fuzzy Logic
(B) Neural network
(C) Genetic algorithm
(D) None of the above

7- All of the following are genetic algorithm concepts of evolution, except:

(A) Selection
(B) Crossover
(C) Mutation
(D) Multiplication

8- A perceptron is:
(A) A single layer feed-forward neural network with preprocessing
(B) An autoassociative neural network
(C) A double layer autoassociative neural network
(D) None of the above

Q2) What are the usual sequence events )training steps) using ID3 decision
tree algorithm?


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