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Title: A New Dawn: United in Support

Dear beloved congregation,

Today, we gather under the banner of unity, love, and support. In the book of Exodus, we find a
powerful story that illuminates the importance of supporting one another, just as Moses was supported
by Aaron and Hur during the battle against the Amalekites.

As your pastor, I stand before you with a humble heart, recognizing the immense importance of your
support in the growth and flourishing of our church family. Just as Moses needed Aaron and Hur, I need
each and every one of you to stand with me, to lift me up in prayer, and to lend a helping hand in the
work of the ministry.

1) Acceptance by the people: Like Moses, I deeply desire to be accepted by you, my dear congregation.
Your acceptance fuels my passion and commitment to serving you faithfully.

2) Divine connection: As we embark on this journey together, let us never forget the divine connection
that binds us. It is through our shared faith and reliance on God's guidance that we find strength and

3) Obedience: As your pastor, I am committed to leading with integrity and obedience to God's word.
But I cannot do it alone. I need your obedience and cooperation as we walk hand in hand, following the
path laid out for us by our Heavenly Father.

4) Divine dependency: Let us anchor ourselves in the unwavering truth that our dependency lies solely
on God. In Him, we find our refuge and strength, our source of provision and sustenance.

Benefits of Being Supportive:

- A thriving and vibrant church community.

- Deepened relationships and bonds of fellowship.

- Spiritual growth and maturity for each member.

- Witnessing God's miraculous works and blessings in our midst.

Dangers of Not Being Supportive:

- Fragmentation and disunity within the church body.

- Stagnation and lack of growth.

- Missed opportunities for ministry and outreach.

- Vulnerability to spiritual attacks and challenges.


As we stand on the brink of a new dawn, let us commit ourselves to a renewed spirit of support and
encouragement. Let us pledge to lift one another up in prayer, to extend a helping hand to those in
need, and to stand united in our mission to spread God's love to the world.

Altar Call:

If you feel called to reaffirm your commitment to supporting the growth and well-being of our church
family, I invite you to come forward and join me in prayer. Let us consecrate ourselves afresh to the
service of our Lord and Savior, knowing that together, we can accomplish great things for His kingdom.

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