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Dear Mr. & Mrs. John Akpokwaye Imodje,
With joy in our hearts and gratitude to the Almighty, I extend my warmest congratulations to
both of you on your union in holy matrimony. Your commitment to each other is a beautiful
testament to the love and grace of God.
I want to express my sincere appreciation for the care and support you have shown me and our
church family. Your kindness and dedication have been a blessing to us all.
As you embark on this journey together, may the Lord bless your marriage abundantly. May
your love continue to deepen, your bond strengthen, and your hearts be filled with joy and peace.
May you always walk hand in hand, guided by faith, hope, and love.
Remember, as you build your life together, God's grace will be your foundation, His wisdom
your guide, and His love your strength.
Congratulations once again, and may your marriage be a beacon of light and love to all who
know you.
With heartfelt prayers and blessings,
Pst. Gaius U. M. Ogworie
[Church Pastor]

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