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When I was in high school, I had an encounter with an old friend, a friend whom I

went to grade school with. As I was on my way home, I saw a familiar face as I looked
more closely and she turned around and saw me we both were surprised and happy at
the same time. We rushed to see each other and started to catch up on all the things
that happened when we were not around.
It started with school stuff and we both learned that we were taking the same
strand, which was HUMSS, but at different schools. We talked about how similar our
subjects are and then we moved on with talking about our childhood friends and how
they are doing and then we both also shared tips on and lectures on the subjects we
take because of how similar they all are, and we continued talking about how fun it was
when we were a child and how growing up make us all become busy and have less time
for fun. I also asked her to show me a picture of our childhood friend which she replied
with “I’d love to” and proceeded to show me the pictures. We both talked for hours and I
realized while we were exchanging stories I still see some habits that we do before
while talking, like when we say something funny we both will laugh at the same time
with our hands on our stomach. I came to the thought than when we were talking, we
needed each other’s stories and thought to complete a scenario or make it whole. We
could go on and on and keep talking and still have hundreds of stories to tell but we
knew that it was getting late, and we needed to head home, so we bid our goodbyes
and promised to catch up next time we saw each other.
I came to a conclusion that we both arrived at a shared realization that we
understand each other and need each other to continue the interaction lead to not only
in literal messages but also a result, which was me asking pictures and her showing it.
We both spoke in trust and reliance with each other.

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